
Comments by jerikson40 (page 40)

  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Date ideas
    "You don't know what a fun date is" How the fuck do you know if I know what a fun date is? And why does it matter to you? The point is the OP should decide what's fun to HIM and do that. He's asking a fucking question, not telling us shit about what he or she thinks is fun, and asking us to magically figure that out and come up with ideas that will work?? I can give a list a mile long, but none may apply to him. So the best he can do right now is decide for himself, not worry about some chick he's paying.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Date ideas
    "Jerikson, you can't understand having fun on a date?" Did you read what I wrote Mikey? Did you not understand it? My point is if HE is paying HER, why should he care what they do that SHE will enjoy? If HE is PAYING, and she'll never be anything more than a business arrangement, why doesn't he choose something that HE will enjoy? If that's miniature golf, and he doesn't mind paying some hot stripper to accompany while he play miniature golf, the fine I suppose. But assuming he's not an idiot, I'm suggesting he thinks of cool fun stuff HE would enjoy.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    I came up with two great inventions.....
    Bill Blazejowski: "What if you mix...mayonnaise right in the can with the tunafish? Hold it! Hold it! Wait a minute! Chuck! Take live tuna fish...and feed them mayonnaise. Oh this is good. [speaks into tape recorder] Call StarKist."
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Date ideas
    Since she is a stripper, and you're paying for dinner and sex, and you and her will never be more than a business arrangement (if you're smart), then here's an idea: do whatever the fuck you want to do. And if you're trying to impress her, why bother? It's not a real date. She's not a real girl. She doesn't really like you. Sorry for being negative again, but geez, you guys who act like these girls are "dating" you cuz they like you or something. Get real. Personally, what I'd do is have her dress up in some ultra sexy outfit and take her out and fuck her in public somewhere...maybe a parking garage or something.... And she'd probably feel more comfortable and natural doing something like that. Miniature golf? Does she even know what that is? :)
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Sci fi themed strip club?
    By the way, Erin Gray in Buck Rogers? SCHWINNGGG !!!!! I used to watch that show just to see her. Damn she was gorgeous.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Sci fi themed strip club?
    "For the record, I'd give Fisher a solid 7 in her Princess Leia role." Wow, I couldn't disagree more. Sorry, dude. She came across to me as a terrible actress, with a constant sour, deadpan expression, no interesting character whatsoever, and she looked so freakin' uncomfortable in the scenes where she's wearing that revealing outfit. I just consider her VERY average looking, and I could never understand how she got cast for that part. She must have known someone. The list of interesting, beautiful women who could have done so much better in that role is, to me, a mile long. Hell, just look thru some of the old fotos of her in that role. Geez, cold and uninteresting.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Sci fi themed strip club?
    My only point was that, to me at least, and I'm sure to many others, sci-fi isn't normally something I associate with sexy. Which is what most of us want in a strip club. Sexy. So if I were to design the theme for a strip club, I'd choose something that is easier to make sexy. I'm not trying to be negative, I just have a particular opinion, that I think is fairly reasonable. The stuff associated with just about every sci-fi movie you've ever seen are things like weird characters from an other planet, cool weapons, spaceships, and stuff like that. Is it sexy? Well, I suppose a hot chick in a hot outfit can make anything sexy, but I'd prefer a theme around the girls themselves. For example, my themes would be stuff like having a schoolgirl day, where the girls dress in the hottest schoolgirl outfits. Chosen by me, of course...and of course the girls would act the part, etc. You could go nuts with shit like that...nurses, secretaries, glamour girls who dress up in incredibly sexy gowns.... Or maybe a sluts day, where chicks try to be as slutty as possible :) I also like the themes in clubs like Mitchell Bros O'Farrell in San Francisco. They've got a porn movie theater where you get lap dances while watching porn, and a bunch of different cool ideas. The place is way too overpriced, but it's got some great ideas. Anyway, personally I get kind of tired of the same old strip clubs...chicks in standard bikinis wandering around and dancing on stage to the same old music. I'd love to have something different....outfits, themes, etc.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Sci fi themed strip club?
    And what is it about some people that they can't handle anything that's not happy and fun and whimsical? Geez, you guys curl up in a fetal position and rock back and forth whenever someone disagrees or says something negative. Did you have childhoods with zero happiness, and it has made you so sensitive to negativity that you can't handle it? You can't handle a rational, reasonable discussion where someone might have an opposing view? Really?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Sci fi themed strip club?
    "...who said anything about having chicks dance to Also Sprach Zarathustra?" Ummm..it was, like, a joke....
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    A Walk on the Quick Sand
    "Sorry my man, what you said doesn't resonate with me. But I do like the narrative." I just love this forum. Most people can't even form an intelligent thought to respond to a well presented argument, but they feel free to dismiss stuff they don't even understand. It's like some guy writing a 800 page physics textbook, and some moron reads it and when he's done he says "Nah..."
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Your club extras.
    "Extras, by definition, are that which is "extra"." Hold on...let me write that down. Damn, I never thought of that. Geez... Considering you'll never get two people to agree on what it actually means, I think it's a ridiculous term for strip club customers to use. If you want to talk about something call it what it is. Don't be like a woman and try to make it sound nice..
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Strippers by Delivery
    "They're called 'escorts', who do outcalls. They always cost more than an OTC dancer of equal hotness. I see nothing new here." No, it is not. Some are, but the high end ones like this one are very likely not. Which isn't to say some girls don't fuck for money on the side. But there are MANY legitimate bachelor party stripper services out there, and they are anything but high mileage escorts.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    ;)Florida-hooking up with Ms. EveHartley, since 2010!
    How prevalent is strippers fucking the mangers?
    Oh, and as far as the male employees (managers, DJ's, bouncers, etc.) bragging "yeah I fucked about 10 of these chicks".... Yeah, right...
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    ;)Florida-hooking up with Ms. EveHartley, since 2010!
    How prevalent is strippers fucking the mangers?
    This is one of those things that you'll probably never know the real answer to...strippers are, by definition untrustworthy, and you're never sure if they're trying to get fellow workers in trouble, or brag so a customer will like them, etc. So I have no clue. I've always suspected it happens. I can't count the number of times I've seen a stripper go into the manager's office and close the door. But who the fuck knows what's going on? As far as the big chain, high end corporate clubs, I highly doubt much of that goes on, solely because corporations are EXTREMELY touchy about illegal activities like that. Guaranteed you'll get your ass fired if you risk the company getting in legal trouble by fucking an employee. Very bad news. Maybe the small, private owner clubs might be less forgiving or aware of activities like that. But if they're smart they'll also be very strict about stuff like that. Personally, my guess is it's pretty rare, and dancers use rumors like that to manipulate whoever they want to manipulate. Because they're women. And they're strippers. That's what they do.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Giving Greek
    Never tried it, but I assume the only PHYSICAL benefit of using the poop chute is the associated tightness. Yeah, I can understand that. And I'm sure for some guys there's an erotic, "fuck that bitch in the ass" type of control or subservience that gets some guys going. As far as the tightness, hell a well done hand job has not only tightness but a lot of control. I dunno...I suppose if the "fuck that bitch up the ass" is the reason for greek, then not much I can say. Having a chick gag on my dick and squirting a big load on her face is, IMO, undeniably sexy. So who am I to judge? But dude, it's the poop chute !!!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    A Walk on the Quick Sand
    Wow, joker !!! You're the man !!! Insightful, rational.... Even if you copied it I'm impressed !!! Thanks.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    Lesbian Customers
    Lopaw sez: "Your assumptions about lesbians aren't even close." I'm sure you're right that straight males have no clue what lesbians feel or want. Nobody would argue that. Well, some here might, but that doesn't mean much... On the other hand, I think we're all agreed, including you Lopaw, that you are quite different than the vast majority of lesbians in that you enjoy strip clubs while the vast majority of lesbians don't. You said so yourself, and the combined experiences of the members here supports the idea that lesbians are generally not interested in going to strip clubs. So perhaps you, being so very different in that regard, are also not attuned to the average lesbian either? I'm just asking...
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Your club extras.
    It's like going to a good restaurant that you like, and they serve you a really good appetizer, like some great onion rings you really enjoy. So for some strange reason you label that as a "zerbit". Then you get a great ice cream dessert that knocks your socks off. You decide that's another "zerbit". Oh, and the steak was pretty awesome too. Add another "zerbit" to your list. So you see a buddy the next day, and tell him, "dude, you should go to this restaurant, it has a lot of zerbits". He'll look at you and assume you're fucked in the head. Just tell him what was so great about it....onion rings, steak, and great dessert.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Your club extras.
    WHAT THE FUCK IS AN EXTRA?? AND WHY DO WE EVEN NEED THE TERM ??? I DON'T GET IT... "if a dancer does X, then it's an extra". What the fuck does that even mean??? Is it something you pay "extra" for?? Is it something "most dancers don't do, but some nasty girls do, so it's an "extra""? Is it like a strip club offering a free lunch buffet? Something you don't usually expect, so if you get it it's an "extra"? "I consider that an extra" BASED ON WHAT??? WHAT THE FUCK DOES IT MEAN??? And what's the point of labelling things as "extras"?? Is it somehow important that we have a list of what are "extras"??
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    A Walk on the Quick Sand
    One thing I really haven't figured out yet, because it seems so freaking irrational and insane, is why so many hot strippers are so attracted to unemployed drug addicts/musicians/losers with no ambition and who won't support them or take care of their children. I kind of understand how women like badboys, but this just seems so ridiculous....especially since women in general are so concerned about finding a man who can support them. It is so beyond my comprehension. Maybe Lopaw will chime in since she might have the womens' perspective.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    A Walk on the Quick Sand
    "Well Jack, I'd say "don't get emotionally involved" but I think that ship has sailed." Freakin' hilarious. I laughed out loud at that one...
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    A Walk on the Quick Sand
    Oh, and by the way, I'm sure I don't have to tell you this, but... You know why she loves you, right? Baby daddy.....heroin addict....won't help with expenses...jackslash, gives her money and all she needs to do is spread her legs.... Now THAT is love !!!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    A Walk on the Quick Sand
    ".....her baby girl has blonde hair and blue eyes. Someday she'll be a heartbreaker. Hopefully she won't be a stripper." Ummm....yeah....well.... A kid whose father is an uneducated heroin addict without any ambition or prospects, who she'll probably never even meet, and her Mom is a stripper (aka, lying, cheating whore) who fucks strangers to repay debts.....I'm sure she'll be fine.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    A Walk on the Quick Sand
    "She now has 2 children by 2 different men. But the men are really the same--uneducated drug-abusers without any ambition or prospects.. Men who don't provide any child support. Christie told me that her little girl's baby daddy could not help with the expenses because he spent all his money on heroin." Wow. Didn't see that one coming.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Your club extras.
    "Some girls will let me DATY." Two things I can imagine paying a dancer for: DATY and fingering her. Why? With a real girl, DATY is generally to please her, not me. I don't necessarily dislike it, but if it's on my dime then I'm gonna do stuff that's directed at pleasing me. Same with fingering. Yeah, a wet pussy feels good, but it's much better with my dick inside rather than my finger. And assuming that the vast majority of women are NOT going to get off while having sex with a customer in a strip club, I just don't see the point.