
Comments by jerikson40 (page 39)

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    10 years ago
    New York
    Laura Michell Prestin
    Dude, you're raining on my parade. You're just being negative. But yeah, I understand. Honestly I'm not really a blondes guy AT ALL, but some of the hottest women for me just happen to be blonde. Go figure. And boy do I love them toned, fake, fitness chicks. Maybe I'm weird that way.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Strippers vs Escorts
    First of all, is that a foto of some guy's dick in your whatever it's called? Dude, that really is gay. Now to your question: "Why is it some guys will pay several hundred dollars for maybe 15 minutes with a stripper to get a hj or a bj" If they pay that much, it's a shame. Maybe they just don't know better. In clubs I go to you can get at least a HJ during a 3-song, $10 per song set. Plus tip. And a BJ for maybe $80 or so total. Also, for me, I basically never hire an escort. I prefer the excitement in a club of multiple hot ladies around, some dancing, some giving laps. If one isn't working out, you just drop her and grab another. The best of both worlds, IMO, is the strip club/brothel combination, like in Tijuana or Rio or Germany or SE Asia or many other locations around the world. And in those places you're still out of there for $100 or less.
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    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
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    Oh yeah, and of course Mikey sez: "Why do you sound like a red ass with a popsicle stick stuck up your butt?" and Jester sez: "But seriously, what was your intention? I'll venture it was to be a dick." and Mikey sez: "Jerickson does not give advice. His head blows up when other people enjoys things he doesn't." I always find it interesting how I'm fair game for getting scolded about negativity and "if you don't have something nice to say", whereas all this other shit goes on and nobody says anything. Hence my belief that the majority of people here really do act like fucking hypocritical 6 year olds.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
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    Pole_Doc suggests: "Mom's aged old advice, "If you don't have anything good to say, it is perhaps best to say nothing at all. "" Mikey sez: "What do you do for fun, write scathing reviews of restaurants on the internet?" SailMD sez: "Jerk off son. You need to read more, think more, and post less." JohnSmith69 sez: "Good suggestions, except for JerkOffSon's comments, as usual." Douqster sez: "homo" And on and on.... Or maybe Mom's advice only applies when you're addressing people you like huh?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Hey lopaw
    "Personally, I think a femme who wants a butch ain't really gay, especially if she gets off by penetration! She's kidding herself to think otherwise." And my rationale to explain that is that the "gayness" is in most part a learned behavior and attitude, based on bad experiences with the opposite sex. It seems that, deep down, most women really want men, and most men really want women. And the only reason people change in that regard is the result of bad experiences with the opposite sex that causes people to "decide" to be gay. Now I know this is very contrary to what the gay community wants people to believe, and I'm sure that there is a portion of the gay population that, for whatever reason, really does prefer the same sex to whatever degree. But I see so much evidence that so many gay people still prefer some/many/most aspects of the opposite sex. I just don't know any way to make sense of that other than that many/most gay people "decide" to become gay. I'm sure I wrong though.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
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    San Jose Guy sez: "She is going out with you and having sex with you because she likes you. She is taking your money because you are offering it to her." Probably true. I'm sure you could not even pay her and she'd still go on the date AND have sex with you.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
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    "I do not assume ignorance. I see all as my equal, until proven otherwise." Wow, Pole_Doc, thanks for the reasoned response. I totally agree. The only area I'd have a small issue is the part about "I see all as my equal, until proven otherwise". I always try to do the same, but as far as TUSCL is concerned, for me, that point came long ago. Between you and me, yeah, I hate to say it, but the vast majority of guys on this board really act like fucking morons. Just sort thru all the ridiculous alias posts of mindless drug-induced nonsense, and the incessant "you're a faggot" insanity, and it becomes clear that this is fucking 3rd grade. But yes there are a few notable exceptions. And for them, the reasonable response you made certainly applies. For the others, who gives a shit? :) Thanks.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    I came up with two great inventions.....
    "Richard Gere knows a gerbil that's up for the job." Is that really true? Does he really do that shit with the gerbils up his ass?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
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    "But seriously, what was your intention? To rain on his parade? Convince him that he's a loser for wanting to have a pleasant evening with a stripper? It certainly wasn't to answer his question. I'll venture it was to be a dick." Be honest. You don't give a fuck what my intention was, do you? All you want is to find some way to prove your theory that I'm a dick. You don't want a rational discussion, you just want to prove I'm a dick. Maybe I criticized you long ago, or said something you disagree with, or whatever your reason. And there is NOTHING I can say to convince you otherwise. Believe what you want, since you will anyway.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Hey lopaw
    In any case, my conclusion on that issue, however wrong it may be, is that perhaps there is a significant portion of the lesbian population that is of the mind "I really do like men if they weren't such assholes". And as a result maybe they decide that women in general have the more gentle internal disposition that the women like, but those women are still sexually attracted to the male look and attitude. Maybe they've been fucked over and/or abused by men for so long they just say fuck it, women are so much sweeter and loving, etc. But they still get turned on by the macho thing. Same with gay men. Maybe a portion of the gay male population, for whatever reason, were fucked over by women for so long that they said, fuck it I want a man...as long as he still looks and acts like a woman. Hell, who knows. It just seems interesting to me. Anyway, thanks.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Hey lopaw
    Okay, thanks Lopaw.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Hey lopaw
    It's not about "looks and styles". It's much more than that. It's about people acting like they are a different gender. As a straight male, could you ever be attracted to a man who looked and acted and dressed as a woman? Or a woman who looked and acted and dressed as a man? Probably not. That's what we're talking about. Why do gays go to such extremes to change their behavior and look and clothes so that they appear to be another gender? If you're attracted to other women, why would you want those women to be like a man?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Hey lopaw
    Speaking of Ms. Lopaw.. I have a question. It may sound like a stupid question, and I suppose it is, but it's something that has always had me scratching my head about lesbians. And gay males too, I suppose... I realize lesbians are attracted to other females. So why so so many lesbians dress up and/or act like males? I mean, the standard picture most of us have of a lesbian is a woman with short hair (like a male), who dresses like a male, and perhaps even acts like a male. Why would that attract another lesbian who, presumably, is not attracted to males but rather to other females? And that's one thing I have trouble understanding about someone like you who goes to strip clubs featuring beautiful women. Aren't you attracted to women who dress and act like males? The same goes for gay males. For many of us, our standard picture of a gay male is someone acting very much like a female. I realize that's not always the case, but it seems kinda strange. Are there, like degrees of gayness, where for those who aren't fully gay they're still attracted to the opposite sex so other gays try to meet that need. And then for those who are fully gay you don't have to change genders to attract them. Like you going to a strip club. Wouldn't some lesbians rather go to a "butch" club where the women are dressing and acting like men? See my point? It just seems confusing to me.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    rock hard body gets me cheaper sex
    So how does this work? Some fucking drug addicted douchebag wakes from another heroin induced coma and starts posting irrational shit here under like six different aliases? Is that what you guys really like about this forum? Your fellow morons?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Date ideas
    "Jerikson also doles out expert medical advice. He never went to medical school and has no experience but he has read a LOT of WebMD articles over and over." You're missing the point. People here don't actually disagree with me, they just don't like that I'm negative and rain on their parades. Or, god forbid, disagree with them. Ask any experienced strip club customer or dancer if what I say is true, and I guarantee the vast majority will agree. I even posted a letter from a real dancer whose comments echo most strippers' thoughts. Nobody will actually argue that with facts, they just call me "jer off son" because they have nothing intelligent to say, so they sling mud. Kinda like you do all the time jester...
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
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    "Good suggestions, except for JerkOffSon's comments, as usual." Okay, well then fuck you. Go ahead, feed her shrimp in the park. Don't forget to bring a dozen roses too. Chicks love that. I'd also suggest hiring a violin player to play love songs while you eat. And then hand her tickets for the two of you on an all expenses paid trip to the Bahamas...and arrange for a limo to suddenly pull up and take you both to the airport. Make sure limo is filled with roses and "I Love You" banners. Have fun. Let us know how she screws you.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Date ideas
    Pole_Doc, FWIW, I have never ever paid a stripper or hooker or whatever you want to call them for their time outside a club. And inside a club 90% of my experiences have been limited to VHM lap dances, and only very rarely FS. But never, ever, anything outside a club. So my negativity is totally unrelated to, as you seem to believe, bad experiences with OTC activities with strippers. My negativity is based on reading over and over about guys who have this strange view that for some reason these girls really like them, and show absolutely no self respect, and waste all kinds of money chasing this dream that can never happen. Ask anyone who knows anything about stripper psychology and they will tell you that a real relationship between strippers and customers is EXTREMELY rare. Now it's wonderful if you are one of the rare guys, and it seems you've got a fucking HAWWTTTT black girl. For that I'm jealous of you. However, to assume that anyone else has or will have had your luck is going against all the odds. Yes, each situation is different, but in general, the honest objective customers and strippers here and elsewhere will echo what I'm saying. What upsets me is seeing guys fawning over these women, feeding them shrimp and wine in the park, losing all self respect, when it is highly likely she is there just for the money and maybe the food. If the guy is having fun, and doesn't mind spending money like that, then fine. But for you to assume it's a real, wonderful relationship, or possibly can be in the future, is just as misguided as my assumption she's only there for the money. And the odds seem to support my position far more than yours. Sorry to rain on his parade, but I think it's better going into a situation knowing what you're really facing, and what the real situation is so you can make better decisions. But if all you guys want is "AWESOME, GO FOR IT", then when the guy gets crushed and used you might wish you'd rained on his parade a little more... Or not...
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Date ideas
    Words of wisdom from a real life stripper. Keep this in mind when planning your "date": "Dear regular who thinks they are my man, You need to see this relationship for what it really is. Sure, I act sweet, interested, and like I actually like you. I don't. I hate the way you are so grabby with me every chance you get. I hate the way you try to grab my face in an attempt to mouth kiss me. I hate the way you act like you are giving me a massage and try and reach down and touch my pussy. And I despise the way you think everything and all human relationships in life revolve around sex. They dont. It grosses me out how your hands shake all excitedly when you try to touch me. Ugh. But the worst thing is when you act like you own me. After our time is up and I am paid, I move on to the next customer. I don't need you "investigating" who else I dance for and do VIPs with. You don't need to compare yourself physically or professionally against ANY other guy. There's one reason I deal with ANY of you. Because you pay me. You aren't my boyfriend or my husband. You have NO say in ANY of my relationships. In or outside of the club. You are guaranteed money to me, and that is all."
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Date ideas
    "Jerk off son. You need to read more, think more, and post less." Lemme guess....Mr. SailMD has one or more "ATF's" who he's paying to act like his girlfriend, and he really thinks they are his girlfriends, and he gets really offended when someone suggests they're only there for the money. Which they are. That about right?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
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    "Unless, you know the two of them personally, by name, and you're equally familiar with the idiosyncratic intricacies of their friendship, you're not qualified to have an opinion worthy of merit, Sir!" Absolutely true. And neither are you, or anyone here. Including the OP, apparently. I'm merely going by the fairly reasonable belief that the likelihood of a real relationship between a strip club customer and stripper (who is being paid for her time and her sex) is something less than 0.001%. Maybe one in a million. Therefore, treating a business relationship like this as a real dating relationship seems, well, misguided. But I will gladly be proven wrong. Hopefully he'll update us next year and let us know how things worked out. :)
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    I came up with two great inventions.....
    Oooopppsss...sorry Mikey... Did that dampen your spirits?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Date ideas
    "You don't know enough about his relationship with this girl to draw the conclusions you have." If he doesn't even know what she would enjoy, there is no relationship.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    I came up with two great inventions.....
    "Battery powered microwaves...perfect for camping" I think a typical microwave uses like 1kw when it's on. So let's say you'll use it for 15 minutes total. That's 250 watt hours. A battery that stores that amount of power costs about $300. You can get some solar panels to go with it that will charge the battery in 7 hours. Total cost for panels is another $350. Then add the other stuff you'd need to connect the microwave to the battery, etc. So you're looking at something like $900 when all is said and done. Hell, if you're camping just go get some firewood and cook it that way.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Follies - Atlanta
    Pole_Doc, thank you for that info. Good stuff. I prefer high mileage black clubs, but I've got a VERY limited selection here in the LA area. I need to get my ass on a plane to Atlanta. Last time I was there many years ago it was low/no mileage from all the info I was able to obtain, so I basically skipped the clubs.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Date ideas
    "Or if you really really like her; take her to Vegas – you should get the puss for free if you do that." Dude, a trip to Vegas is some pretty expensive "free" puss... :) It's like the guys who travel half way around the world, spending thousands of $$ on plane tickets and hotels, just to get some of that cheap pussy overseas...