
OT : Open carry question

Breathe, breathe in the air
Guys, I have seen a lot of clips like the one below. Not being a U.S. citizen I can't form an opinion either way whether these guys are standing up for their rights or just wasting time for the Police officers concerned and generally being awkward, attention seeking assholes.

What do you guys think? Do you have open carry where you live?



  • jerikson40
    10 years ago
    The problem with many people who are so concerned with seeking their rights is that they forget the other side of the equation. Respect. Nobody discusses respect when they talk so fervently about their rights. Yes, this fucking douchebag has the right to carry in his state. But that's not the whole story. He also needs to show respect for others. Because that's how adults in a civilized society are supposed to act. It makes life better all around. Respect.

    This complete moron showed no respect whatsoever to the police. He was only being a completely selfish twit and parading his rights around. Unfortunately, IMO, many people who are so fervently concerned about protecting their rights show absolutely no concern or respect for other people and their rights and needs.

    I have the right in the US to do a lot of things. But I choose not to do some of those things because it might make someone else's life miserable.

    Regarding open carry, apparently the law in NM is that it's legal. Personally, I think that's fine if the residents of NM feel that way, but in my view, especially in the US, something like that is not needed. This isn't the fucking wild west where you have to worry about renegade Indians attacking you with a machete. So personally I think the entire issue is due to a group of people with nothing better to do and a fucking chip on their shoulder and a few loose screws who want to make an issue of it. The rest of us go on with our lives and are not so fucking afraid of everything that we have to carry sidearms wherever we go.
  • georgmicrodong
    10 years ago
    Since I'm one of them there right wing gun nuts, I'll weigh in.

    This particular guy is an idiot. He walked up on a cop during a traffic stop with a gun at his belt. He provoked the incident with a deliberate attempt at confrontation.

    It's one thing to be open carrying, and minding one's business (even to the point of recording when something happens), it's another thing entirely to provoke a confrontation.

    I carry concealed. I presume every cop in the county who actually sees me walking around while carrying knows it, since I don't make any attempt at stealth, just coverage, but I'm not hiding it from them, and none of them have ever called me on it.

    Of course, Kentucky is kind of special when it comes to carrying weapons. My permit isn't limited to guns, I can carry batons, knives, brass knuckles, etc. The state attorney General (a democrat) even weighed in a few years ago employers couldn't restrict their employees from storing weapons in their cars, even if those cars were parked on company property during working hours.
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    Even if the police don't have a legal right, I see nothing wrong for them to ask for ID when one is being a dick.
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    I can pretty much echo gmd. I, too, can carry anything (legal items). As for the guy in the video, Idiot, BIG IDIOT. Those are the kind that make it tough on those of us that carry without confrontation.

    I have been pulled over twice by officers. When they ask for my drivers license, I hand it to them with my carry permit. Lets then know upfront. The lady asked if I had a gun on me, and I told her it was in the glove box. She just said leave it. The other asked and I told him I had it on me. He asked where and he then asked if I would step out of the car. I did and he asked if he could remove the gun. He ran the gun and gave it back unloaded. I had no problems with him or her. And bottom line, no tickets or warnings.

    I know many officers and all are decent and have to protect themselves, ESPECIALLY these days!

    PS - The male officer, after we talked a bit, turned out he knew a friend of mine well and we had actually worked together on a radio project some years before. Small world at times. :)
  • crazyjoe
    10 years ago
    I also agree with gmd and Clubber.

    It may be legal to open carry in a lot of areas, but if you are acting in such a way as to make people nervous you could be arrested for menacing. Even if open cary is illegal like in the City of Denver you can still concealed with a permit. Must be out of sight.

    Every state has different laws
  • jackslash
    10 years ago
    I live in a suburb of Detroit, Michigan. Michigan is an open carry state, meaning that there is no law against carrying a firearm openly. But to carry a concealed pistol you need a concealed pistol permit. I have a permit, and I carry a pistol most days--usually a Glock but sometimes a Walther PPK or a S&W 357 magnum.

    Although it is legal to carry a gun openly, I would never do it for the following reasons:

    1. Most citizens and most police do not know that it is legal to carry openly
    2. If someone sees you walking around with a gun, they will call 911 and the police will respond with their guns drawn
    3. You will then be confronted with several cars full of armed police. They will order you to the ground, cuff you and give you a bad time. They may take you to jail. They may, fearing for their own lives, shoot you and kill you
    4. If a criminal sees you openly carrying a pistol, the criminal will shoot you in the back of the head and take your money and your gun. It's much better to keep your gun concealed.
    5. Even if nothing bad happens to you, carrying a gun openly will scare and upset a lot of people. Don't be a dick.

  • mjx01
    10 years ago
    Rights come with RESPONSIBILITIES, and well, frankly, America seems to struggle with being responsible. Not living within our means (housing, federal and state debt), blatant lies passing as free speech (thank you SCOTUS), a lazy at best gun culture, elected officials who actually represent the people who voted for them not the doners who bought the election for them. etc etc.

  • Dolfan
    10 years ago
    This guy is being an asshole and is a fucking idiot. He clearly provoked the officer. Even without the gun, IMO, the officer had every right to detain him. I'd go so far as to say he should have been cited or arrested.

    Where I live, in Florida, open carry is prohibited and concealed carry requires a permit. I have a carry permit and I carry periodically. I used to carry constantly, when I spent more time in situations that called for it. Nowadays that's not the case, so I often don't. My interactions with law enforcement have mostly been similar to clubbers. For the most part they've been supportive of reasonable gun ownership.
  • MixedNuts
    10 years ago
    In Arizona you can carry open or concealed. I have from time to time over past 30 years. I don't make it a habit but do so every so often.

    Guys like this are idiots, and one of the things he misses is that most of the rank and file police officers are proponents of gun freedom and many are involved with recreational shooting. If you want to meet an off duty cop just go to a shooting range or gun store.

    I've never drawn gun while carrying and will do everything to keep from having to, it stays well concealed and safe. Too dangerous, too much legal risk. But if it comes down to my life and there's other solution I would.
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    I thought the law at least where I live was to show Id if asked by the police. not sure.

    Approaching a traffic stop might be considered provocative. I think the police have a right to arrest you too and charge you with a crime but what crime that would be in this video is a good question.
  • georgmicrodong
    10 years ago
    @sharkhunter: In most places, you don't have to show ID unless you're doing something that requires you to carry ID, like driving or carrying a gun. Any other time, you are required to accurately identify yourself to the officer, but aren't required to show any actual ID.
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    just wasting time for the Police officers concerned and generally being awkward, attention seeking assholes!
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