
Comments by joewebber (page 5)

  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Dayshift didn't quite hit the highs of Follies
    although weed SHOULD be legal, it still isn't in GA. All of us TUSCL members should help preserve the few strip clubs we have left and not place them in jeopardy by smoking in plain sight. if the club were to be raided, they would cite the club for drugs.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Which Club Is This?
    that's Sparky, originally from Tattletale. moved to Follies, then Platinum. even before Covid, he was adamant about people washing their hands.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Strippers in street clothes
    the girls wear baggy clothes and flats because they don't want to attract attention to themselves outside of work.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    I miss Follies
    seems like she quoted him 300, and then went down to 200 cuz he wasn't going for it.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Good for Thursday
    the dances are always $10. if a dancer wants to pretend it's $20 at the booth, that's her prerogative. you can always send her away. they are $10 everywhere in the club except in VIP/
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    PL Here...Got a number from a dancer but now what
    texts from a lot of dancers these days are: 1) mass texts asking you to come in. they will usually be: hi babe! i'm working tonight. come see me! 2) mass texts asking for money: Hi babe! i know this is awkward, but could you do me a favor? 3) personal text: Hi (your name). what are you doing tonight? the mass texts do an amazing job of roping in custies that don't even give the pet name the dancer texts to them a second thought. once they reply to the dancer, she knows she might have you on the line for her needs. and for God's sake, if a dancer ever asks for a "loan", you should know that you will never see the money or 'services' back in repayment. despite her good intentions and even appearance of responsibility, whatever money you give her should be written off as a gift. most dancers are horrible with finances and have bad credit, hence the need for quick money at a moment's notice. don't be surprised if one of these girls needs help a) moving to a new place b) getting out of an abusive relationship (most are horrible judges of character as well) c) needing a rent payment d) needing a car payment.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Bottle service.
    having worked at least one decade in the club business, i have never had an interest in paying 800 percent markup on a bottle of liquor so that I can sit at at table near the stage/dance floor. i value what hearing i have left, and sitting 'where the action is' is not appealing. as others have stated, i'm not interested in looking like a whale, especially when most of the girls that gather round are looking to score an easy multi-girl VIP and take advantage of free drinks. very much like 'making it rain', bottle service is meant to impress people in the club that I don't care about. it's conspicuous consumption of the highest order. bottle service will not get you the prettiest girls either. you'll end up with the most cut-throat hustlers in the club. i've been sitting with a dancer in the past, and heard her utter the phrase "could you buy my friend a drink too", and then pretty soon it starts to look like a mini feeding frenzy when the friend of the friend comes over wanting free drinks as well. suffice it to say that it's never a good idea to come across as a whale.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Ayudame Papi. :)
    there's an app on your smart phone called google translate that could probably be of some use.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Dancers ignoring customers
    many more of the girls that decide to be dancers in today's climate try to avoid making money. they do more dumb things than the previous generations. they treat their work like a gas tank. if they have a really good night and make over $1000, they will sick out of work until that money runs out. feeling like a victim is more popular now than earning money in the club. just understand that even if they're sitting with a whale, sometimes they'll only earn $400 for 6 hours of their time.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    North Carolina
    As much fun as you want if you bring plenty of cash
    the room is $100 for a half hour. $50 for 15 minutes is available during the day only. could you describe and name said ROB dancer for us please? fake boobs? tats? color hair? etc.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Decent first experience, may be back but not soon
    and Will42, you were allowed to say no to Eve's $20 dances if you wanted to. TT table dances are $10
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    The more they stay the same
    day shift (which is when you were there) is definitely hit or miss. the dances are still $10. some of the girls will ask for $20, but you can always decline. one of the reasons the girls are so regular-centric during the day would be that since the club is not overflowing with hundreds of day-shift customers, the dancers need to find regulars to keep them earning money. if the day shift picks up with more customers, you will probably see more girls available for dances.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Oasis busted again for alcohol.
    Oh ...and one more thing...The sad by-product of a good economy is that when city governments are flush with cash, they like to attack the 'sin' businesses to demonstrate to their constituents how hard they are working to 'fight crime'. when the economy is in the tank, it's amazing how quickly those city officials kiss up to the strip clubs, etc, just to get some revenue flowing into their coffers. bunch of effing hypocrites.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Oasis busted again for alcohol.
    “Since coming within the city limits of Doraville eight years ago, Oasis Goodtime Emporium has been in violation of city laws on every occasion that our officers have visited the establishment,” very much like the Pink Pony, the city CHOSE to include the strip club in their city limits. for PP, it was Brookhaven. for Oasis, it was Doraville. it was the same homophobic self-righteous a-hole from Tennessee, Scott Bergholdt that authored the ordinance in both places. the cities WANT THE MONEY, they WANT THE BUSINESS, it's just some self-righteous extremists that get involved in city politics that become zealots on a quest to close any form of adult entertainment. Brookhaven even included PP as a source of revenue in their original city proposal. Doraville wants Oasis closed now because that property across the street is being developed for big business.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Tattletale can be the new follies its just going got be one for two if you have to budget.
    Harlow is "lucy" from follies.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    i was allowed to go downstairs and check it out. it's a very bright room with a stage and seating with plenty of mirrors and flat screen TVs. not worth $50 for the former follies crowd
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Clubs that charge to make change.
    if it's later in the shift, the dancers will gladly be able to change out their ones for bigger bills.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Dancer Social Media - No Thanks I'll Pass?
    some dancers have facebook accounts and seem down to earth with their contributions. the dancers' accounts on instagram are very revealing of their mindsets and what they present to the public as what they value. some are chock full of photos of pets and kids. others are nothing but them posting every meal they eat, partying at nightclubs, bars, beaches, restaurants, and all in the middle of a pandemic. I've seen some instagram accounts with nothing but shopping sprees, cosmetics and cosmetic procedures, and luxury car purchases. it's like all the worst of rap videos in one account. rappers tell them what to value, and suddenly the dancers can't get enough of it. many have become political in the past few years, and most of the time you can gauge their age by their political leanings. what i've noticed most is that once i've see a dancer's mindset and level of intelligence, i'm either more attracted to them because they seem smart, or less attracted because they are dumber than a box rocks in a hammer drawer.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    I sued The Cheetah In Atlanta, GA. What will happen next?
    Imcall1140, all the lawyers, and most of the TUSCL members have told you that suing the Cheetah was a bad idea. the main reason the lawyers didn't take this case is that there are no monetary damages that they could claim and take 1/3 of in contingency. it's not a winnable case. you have more than adequately shown us by your original post that you are not emotionally mature enough to understand why The Cheetah doesn't want you in THEIR business. you've stated: you want to FORCE people to listen to you. you want to FORCE people to trust you and forgive you. you want to FORCE a private business to allow you back in where you (admitted here) SCARED and INTIMIDATED the girls and customers. why would anyone let you back in somewhere that you scared the girls working there? it doesn't matter how many apologies you give, and how many lawsuits you file, you cannot FORCE anyone to forgive you, like you, go to VIP with you, etc. please find a therapist to talk to. you need to learn visual and verbal cues, and you need to learn to understand that you are a full grown adult man that can unintentionally be scary and intimidating to other people. just because you want something doesn't mean you'll always get it. sometimes your first impression is the only time you'll ever be able to convey your personality. these people at the cheetah don't hate you. they have no ill feelings to you. they are trying to be protective of their 'family'. when you yelled at the girl, you broke the rules. when you lied and tried to sneak back in, you broke the rules and betrayed their trust. it's just better now that you find a therapist to talk to before you decide to try and go to a strip club again.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    I sued The Cheetah In Atlanta, GA. What will happen next?
    IMcall they probably emailed you the answer. they have your previous police file. they have your arrest record. you spent time in jail. how many times do you need to go to jail for trespassing or worse before you realize you're never getting back inside the Cheetah?
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    I sued The Cheetah In Atlanta, GA. What will happen next?
    OMG! it's all true. he's not trolling us. the lawsuit is online. he actually went into the cheetah with a fake burn victim mask on in 2015 with fake ID and car tag. he was arrested and put in jail. in his lawsuit, he left the amount of damages at $0.00. the Cheetah's Answer to his lawsuit is worth the $4.00 to read.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    I sued The Cheetah In Atlanta, GA. What will happen next?
    they will hand your lawsuit to their attorney, who will file a motion to dismiss as frivolous lawsuit, and the cheetah will ask for attorney's fees from you for filing it. that's what will happen.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    I sued The Cheetah In Atlanta, GA. What will happen next?
    as i asked originally, what are your monetary damages from the cheetah? they are a private business that can ban anyone they choose, especially if you're a troublemaker. you clearly don't understand verbal and visual cues. from my original response: sounds like you didn't learn your lesson. " I have a huge issue with them ignoring my apologies and ignoring my promises that if they could allow me back in their club that I won't cause them any more trouble. And I have huge issue with their decision to ban me to be forever like as if they think that I haven't learned my lesson from the mistake that I made." seems like you want to force them to listen to your apology. force them into letting you in the club. sad news for you. the strip club business is a lot more strict than regular nightclubs. your actions have labeled you as a troublemaker, and they need to protect themselves (especially the girls) from people like you. what monetary 'damages' will you be filing in your lawsuit? if i came to your place of work, hung around and made people feel uncomfortable (your words), wouldn't your boss be within his rights to ask me to leave? if you go near their property, they will have you arrested for trespassing, and you'll spend the night in jail.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    On the prowl in Tucson and Phoenix
    Ghosting - WTF???
    from rl27: "My texts are fairly simple. "Hi, going to be in this weekend?" And I usually get an answer back in 30 minutes. In most cases I don't even have to even ask, I often get texts like the following, during the week. "Hey, baby, you coming in this weekend?" or "Letting you know, I am not going to be working this weekend." Then when she's working. "Hey, baby. It's boring here. Are you coming in?" "I miss you." "I am horny, lets have some fun." And intermixed during both times stuff like. "I have a new outfit I would like to show you." "I learned a new dance move." -------------------------------------------------------------------------- all of these can be sent mass text and often are. if the text doesn't read "hi PL-NAME", when are you coming in?, assume it's a mass text she's sending to find out who will respond.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    Frat Party? WTF?
    the same bus stopped at Tattletale first at noon where there was only one dancer there at the time.