
Dancer Social Media - No Thanks I'll Pass?

Ever met a dancer whose social media was so batshit that you decided to avoid her instead of sampling her world class ass?

Or a dancer whose life was so messed up outside the club that you decided to cut her off before stuff ended up on your plate?


  • Muddy
    3 years ago
    Yes. they’ll give me their Snapchat and it’ll be like one of the only fans subscribe boys! kind of accounts. Nope I’m good.
  • CJKent_band
    3 years ago

    Who hasn’t meet a dancer like that?
  • Member6532
    3 years ago
    The social media I don't get are the "work" accounts strippers get where they only complain and are insulting posts about no one in particular but everyone. This 1 girl every 5 posts is about how she hates men. I get it if it's a personal account but on a stripper account trying to promote her job it seems ironic to complain about how much she hates them.

    Also the stripper accounts that get political and give life tips, this one chick gave laundry advice on her instagram between 2 dancing videos
  • Cashman1234
    3 years ago
    I think dancers who give out their social media information are almost doing me a favor. It’s not that I want to see photos of the girl naked (after I’ve already fucked her) - although I do enjoy them.

    However, if a dancer is a potential OTC girl, that’s where I prefer to do some research. Many dancers don’t separate their social media - so it’s usually all posted in the same uncomfortable account. There are photos of her kids, her baby daddy (or daddies), her car, and lots of photos of her dressed up in the club - and usually some with a stack of cash. If a dancer seems to be bat shit crazy - I will stick with ITC meetings. If her social media is tame - I will be more comfortable with OTC.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 years ago
    Usually, if I connect with a dancer on social media, it's my club-goer profile (on whatever platform) to her work-oriented dancer profile. I have cut off dancers when it became obvious that they had a level of crazy that could spill over into my personal life, but that's usually as a result of in-person interactions and not social media.

    Where this sometimes falls apart is when I see a comment on a dancer profile from one of her co-workers in the club, and that dancer is posting the comment from her personal profile. In these instances, be careful about your level of curiosity, because I clicked through once and discovered that the commenting dancer was a single mom with one parent in assisted living and another parent in a nursing home dementia ward.

    In another thread, I talked a little bit about how much some customers invest in their fantasy ideal of the dancers. Bursting that bubble doesn't take a lot of work, especially in light of social media.

    Also, a lot of dancers should do a better job at locking down their social media.
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    Never been on social media.
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    ^ no what do you call TUSCL anti-social media
  • joewebber
    3 years ago
    some dancers have facebook accounts and seem down to earth with their contributions.

    the dancers' accounts on instagram are very revealing of their mindsets and what they present to the public as what they value.
    some are chock full of photos of pets and kids. others are nothing but them posting every meal they eat, partying at nightclubs, bars, beaches, restaurants, and all in the middle of a pandemic. I've seen some instagram accounts with nothing but shopping sprees, cosmetics and cosmetic procedures, and luxury car purchases.
    it's like all the worst of rap videos in one account.
    rappers tell them what to value, and suddenly the dancers can't get enough of it.

    many have become political in the past few years, and most of the time you can gauge their age by their political leanings.

    what i've noticed most is that once i've see a dancer's mindset and level of intelligence, i'm either more attracted to them because they seem smart, or less attracted because they are dumber than a box rocks in a hammer drawer.
  • gammanu95
    3 years ago
    I don't do OTC, so that was never an issue. Before I quit social media, I would look at a stripper's account if she shared it with me. I would never follow, add friend, or what have you because I do not need my friends and my family to know that this hobby is one of the ways I blow off steam.
  • wallanon
    3 years ago
    "I would never follow, add friend, or what have you because I do not need my friends and my family to know that this hobby is one of the ways I blow off steam."

    What's the difference between the gammanu95 account you have on TUSCL and whatever made up persona you'd have on another platform?
  • gammanu95
    3 years ago
    Facebook, twitter, linkedin are not supposed to be made up. Instagram and tiktok are a little more about faking it, maybe, but the rest were for keeping in touch. I know sociologists say that people fake it, but I never felt the need.
  • gammanu95
    3 years ago
    LoL, grandma did not need to see that I started following Jessica Jaymes in Twitter, or Vixens in Davie on Facebook. It's funny as hell to think about, until you realize just how common it probably is.

    Additionally, I did not want to risk the embarassment of crossing accounts like Anthony Weiner/Carlos Danger did.
  • Tetradon
    3 years ago
    Social media is for people who have nothing to say, to go out and say it. Your life and opinions are much less interesting than you think.

    Facebook, Google, and Amazon's business models are, in the words of Tyler Durden, to make you "buy shit you don't need with money you don't have to impress people you don't like."
  • Studme53
    3 years ago
    I recently checked out a super hot dancer’s Instagram. In addition to really hot pictures in string bikinis and stripper outfits, it had pictures of her with boyfriend and other friends.
    To be honest, it was a buzz kill for me because it showed me this object of my sexual desire was a normal young person. The “civilian” photos were a lot like the pictures my young adult kids post.
    There it is.
  • gammanu95
    3 years ago
    Or when she's superhot, but whose political views are 180 to your own. There is or was a young, female writer for SNL, with huge, perfect, natural tits and a great body. But it was infuriating to read all the political posts in between her hand bras and white t-shirt pics.
  • docsavage
    3 years ago
    On the subject of messed up lives, are dancers more likely to fall into that category than the average girl their age? It seems like many of them do have pretty messed up lives. The worst one I ever ran across smoked cigarettes, was an alcoholic, a heroin addict and ate nothing but junk food. She was beautiful at eighteen but looked like a thirty five year old five years later. She was also dishonest. She wrecked her car while drunk and then told the insurance company someone else stole it and wrecked it. She was the worst, but a number of others seem to have similar problems. Other than having dinner with one of them, I've always been hesitant to become involved in their lives outside the club and that would include looking at their social media or even exchanging text messages with most of them.
  • nicespice
    3 years ago
    I’ve realized Snapchat isn’t my favorite of social media platforms. Mostly when somebody messages asking if you’re at the club...and you don’t remember what club you even met somebody at 😅

    I used to scroll people’s social media profiles out of some curiosity of how people act online vs IRL. Now...it’s either that my people reading skills is better or I just don’t care as much. Not sure which one it is.
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