
How to have the best night out

First, the information below is my experience. It may not work for everyone, but it has never failed me (unless the club is a complete dump).

Lastly, if you want to sit next to the stage and throw away all your money for eye candy this article isn't for you. If you want to get 1 on 1 attention read on.

Obviously strip clubs sell themselves and the woman who work there from the fantasy each individual makes up in their own mind. In my mind, nowhere in the club is that stronger than the main stage. Typically, the best looking, dancing, know how to get your money from being a great tease will be on that stage. Everyone would love to spend more time with those girls but the likelihood of that happening is slim. The sooner you accept that trying to stand out from all of the other Joe's next to the stage throwing money at the girls is impossible, the sooner you will enjoy your nights out.

Let's start off with what YOU can do to help increase your success. Don't look like a schlub. It should be common knowledge to be freshly showered, smelling good but don't coat yourself in axe or some other shitty body spray, and I would go as far as saying don't use cologne. A lot of people are very sensitive to smells, and while you might think you smell amazing, the one girl you hoped to spend time with might not agree.

Next. dress the part and sell yourself without having to show money. If you show up in wrinkled clothes or look disheveled, you will have to show money up front to prove your worth the time. Good luck with that. Personally, this won't be the same for everyone, I wear my business casual attire. I nice pair of slacks and either a button up or polo. Think about it, if you want a girl grinding on you, do you think they want to grind on a pair of rough khaki cargo shorts/pants with a bunch of pockets, buttons and/or zippers? No. I can't count know how many times one of the first comments from girls while out on the floor are about my pants while they rub my leg with their hands. Many times it's about them feeling expensive (of course their trying to feel out how much money I have to blow) but I didn't spend a dollar yet to get them to think that or ask that....

*Pro Tip* Go commando. I have never had a girl make a negative comment, bad look or otherwise once they realized I was commando, if they did notice. It has been the opposite with most spending extra time in that area before from the first LD out on the floor.

You are dressed, you walk in the club and have no idea where to go. Find the bar, get a drink, and have a seat. Like I mentioned in the beginning, you're likely not getting the girl on stage or can't afford her anyway so don't even waste your time there. Use this time at the bar to get a feel for the place and the girls. Make eye contact with girls as they walk around, smile and be polite. Your goal is finding the girl who is looking for someone to spend time with. If they are busy for whatever reason they aren't going to come over. You are using their techniques of selling themselves to your advantage. If they don't need to sell themselves it will cost you more time and money for a lower quality experience. Be patient. In time someone will come over and if she isn't the one for you politely pass. If she is one you want to spend more time with, continue reading.

Now you have someone asking for your attention instead of you trying to get them to notice you. Good job, don't ruin it by being an idiot. Treat her like a girl you are taking out on a first date and don't blab about yourself. She doesn't actually care about you and it tells her you don't actually care about her. Offer her a drink and try and spend a couple minutes just talking a little. I am normally travelling for work and don't have to make that up and so that typically comes up early on as they almost always ask what brings you here (plus this tells them you have money and you won't be around long and want the best time you can have before leaving). If things are going in the right direction, she won't waste time asking if you want a dance and you NEED to get at least one. Don't ask about the price or 21 questions on all the options, just let her give you a dance then and there no questions asked. If you start asking a bunch of questions she will know you are cheap, on a limited budget etc...but by asking nothing she now "thinks" she has got you where she wants.

If you followed my advice on attire (and commando!) this first dance will likely be the one and only on the floor, or one and only you pay for if at all. Typically it starts off with girls whispering in my ears about how good it feels rubbing on my pants, if they haven't already made a comment prior to a dance. Return the favor and compliment her on whatever it is that interests you about her body. Remember, be polite, not crude or offensive. You are trying to prove to her that she has to sell herself to YOU, not the other way around. What she says and her body language will tell you if it is worth continuing. If not, again, politely let her know you are good for now and she will move on. She was likely hoping to anyway. But if she wants to spend time with you somewhere other than out on the floor, you WILL know and the best part is you don't have to ask because SHE is asking.

That first dance is done or almost done and she is asking you about going somewhere more private, great! Now is the time to ask a couple questions. What private options do they have? What does she suggest etc...At this point you still have time to back out if it seems like she is just trying to get money from you. I have had girls at this point clearly wanting a private room so much so that they go verify availability and then come back. Maybe there is also VIP or something above private but your goal is 1 on 1, not Las Vegas movie experience with 3 strippers in your lap. If she wants your money she won't be offering and working to find a lower budget solution for 1 on 1 time, she will be pushing for the most expensive option. This is also when I have many times not "officially" paid for that dance while at the bar. Their focus has become I want to get in to a room with this guy and not I need to get my $20 before I waste more time with him. If you do get a room, make sure you pay and tip her for that dance either on the way or once you get in the room. For one, she deserves it because she is working. But this will also show her you aren't trying to swindle her and she will trust her time with you in the room you choose.

Once you get to the private room all the hard work is done. From this point on, your experience will depend on the girl and club. If you chose a club with looser rules (which you should be researching first) the experience at a minimum shouldn't disappoint. If you are lucky, the world is your oyster while in that room. She will likely start off with another lap dance in there and you should quickly know what is on her mind. Again, going back to my comments on what to wear, and not, she will likely enjoy grinding on you just as much as you do thanks to those choices. Ideally (if it is your goal) she will want to go beyond just grinding. At this point you ride out (pun intended) the rest of your time in the private room following her queues and letting her lead the way. If you play all of your cards right, you should be a very happy man when you leave and you likely spent far less money than the blue balls sitting around the main stage.


  • RiskA
    2 years ago
    You didn’t list the #1 rule for happiness in a nude extras club: “always negotiate the availability and price of extras before you agree to a VIP dance, and pay for the extras only after they are actually provided.” Not following that rule will leave you wishing you had, at least 80% of the time. Yeah it can seem “transactional” and a mood-killer, but c’mon this isn’t a date, it’s paid sexual services. Just be polite & if she doesn’t want to discuss it, say thanks for her time & move on. Refusal to discuss usually means either she doesn’t do it or she will demand max price after your little head is in charge.
    For a non-extras club where you’re mainly looking to have good clean fun with a pretty girl, your approach is more spot on.
  • iknowbetter
    2 years ago
    Very thoughtful and well written article. I generally agree with everything you said- with the possible exception of what RiskA mentioned about agreeing to cost and expectations before going into VIP or any negotiable situation. I’m just glad that I at least at the So Fla clubs I frequent, we never have to work that hard to attract top talent for extras.
  • Pussylicker2
    2 years ago
    I've always said a person should figure out what works for them, and stick to it. You start off by saying this always works for you, unless the club is a complete dump. The primary reason I go to strip clubs is to be orally pleased. Clubs that have the kink of women I like are called dumps by some. As far as the "fantasy" in my mind you mention, my fantasy is to go to the vip with an experienced, talented fellatrist and an adorable hottie to sit on my face. Except my fantasy is my reality.

    Then you say you need to accept that you're not going to latch onto the hottie on stage. If by "working for you" you mean accepting that you're bound to fail, well ok. I actually STOOD IN LINE at the main stage (in my jeans and t-shirt) waiting my turn to give the hottest dancer my dollar. I said something like "you're a popular girl. I know there isn't much of a chance but I'd love to get some vip dances and some extras". Well guess what? After she came down she spoke briefly to a couple of the guys who tipped, (probably said do you want to go to the vip? No? By). Before the next song ended she was at my table, we went to the vip and all was well.

    "Be patient" you say. Wait for one to come over to you. The ones who come over to you are the ones who have to come over to you to make money. The hotties are too busy fending off bold horn dogs like me, and by the time they get to you they're on their way home.

    This is NOT a girl I'm taking out on a date, it's a whore who has already serviced several dicks tonight. The only reason to buy her a drink is because you think getting her drunk will make her more likely to give up her butt. If she asks me what brought me in tonight I say I was feeling horny and was hoping to get some head. I check her response. Some girls don't like asking guys if they want a vip, it exposes them to the possibility of rejection. So I always ask if I want one. Girls like guys who know what they want and aren't afraid to go for it.

    The only reason a guy doesn't ask about the price and services beforehand is because he hasn't been burned enough yet. Keep playing, grasshopper. You'll learn. You're the ONLY person I've ever heard to suggest it's a good idea NOT to discuss the agreement beforehand.

    If she has to "sell herself" to you, she may do just that. Or she may think to herself there are plenty of guys, like PL2, who she doesn't have to sell herself to, and get up and cum to me. As far as backing out, until you hand her the money, you can back out. Once the money is handed over, it's gone. If you pay before you get in the room, she can say "wait here, I need to get something" AND NOT COME BACK. Yes, that happens. Or, the $200 no song count blow job becomes a 2 song handy. Keep paying in advance, and I can promise it will happen to you.

    Once in the room you say "she will likely.. ". Once I'm in the room my dancer will likely do what I tell her to do. I usually pull my dick out as soon as I'm in the room, (or at the bar before goung to the room). I don’t "follow her queues", I tell her in no uncertain terms what to do. Women like confident men who know what they want and who aren't afraid to take it.

    What works for one guy might not work for someone. I approved your article, even though I disagree with most of it. It's your opinion and it was easy to read. I hope you don't take any offense at what I said, it's just my opinion.
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Seriously, how many strip clubs have you gone to? How often do you score in them? I'm sure you think you have it figured out, but your article is full of bad advice. You don't get the hottest girl who has guys waiting in line, well I do, and I always wear a t-shirt. You should read my first article for some pointers. But, your article is well written and you make good use of paragraphs, which is too rare around here.
Well written. You might want to qualify this as a strategy for night shift and/or more upscale clubs. Going to a well-known extras club on day shift takes a different strategy.

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