Larryfisherman is actually talking to a girl: help needed

avatar for larryfisherman
So I've been trying to stay out of the strip clubs and to focus on the civilians. I met a nice girl in the gym a few weeks ago, we've been staying in contact.

Finally last week we went out for the first time. Dinner, bar, club. We were just feeling each other out. Just trying to know each other a little better. I didn't get the pussy that night though.

Now I've been flirting with her through text/sexting a little bit. I'm basically telling her what I'm going to do to her in a playful way. She tells me in a playful way that I talk a big game but she's not sure if I can back it up (should I have tried to seal the deal right then?). I continue to flirt. I then ask her if she currently has anyone hitting her spots (What I was meaning if she is seeing anyone at the moment). She texts back (I'm not sure if she's joking at the moment) basically saying the hitting the spots line was pretty lame. I guess she didn't know what I really meant was if she was seeing anyone right now.

I fear I might have blown my chance. How do I proceed? Also to eventually seal this deal, do you think I'd have take her out again for drinks or whatever and then try to get her home afterwards? Or is it just telling her I want to fuck her right now and going over to her house and doing it? (I don't think women are that easy?)

I've only had one girlfriend ever, and that was a long term relationship 10+ years. In the past year and a half I've just been doing the strip clubs, so my experience with civilian girls is not where it needs to be right now.



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avatar for ATACdawg
8 years ago
Seriously, you're looking for advice for finding civvie love on this site? Lol!

No one will ever understand the female psyche, including those of us who have been married for 30+ years. You're just going to have to roll the dice.
avatar for Bemushroomed
8 years ago
I'm not a Casanova by any means but the opening was when she said you talked a big game. A challenge like that should answered with the same level of challenge. Something like, "Try me" or "only one way to find out" would have fit nicely there. Leave it to her to step back from it without being rude, but let her know you put your foot in the door.

She's right about the lame line. It comes across as insecure and passive-aggressive but it's good that she told you it was lame. It means she realises that you're out of your depth and she doesn't mind.

The next step is just to not miss the next opportunity to escalate things. Take the mistake in stride, you're on the right track.
avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
I agree with ATAC: advice on one particular girl is likely to be useless. Just be yourself. Dancers are much easier. As long as they think they'll give you money, you almost can't say or do anything wrong.
avatar for beekers
8 years ago
Offer an apology for your poor choice of words. If she's worth having, she'll forgive you.
avatar for Bj99
8 years ago
You say, "ha, ha! Yeah that was lame of me ( crazy face emoji), but really, are you seeing anyone?"
avatar for Bj99
8 years ago
Nothing wrong w saying something lame, and then laughing at yourself. That should clarify the miscommunication, or give her a chance to ask what you meant.
avatar for JimGassagain
8 years ago
Dude, if she was ever into you to begin with she never would have called you "lame" and held her ground on that one little statement.

If that snapshot is what she hangs her hat on, you wouldn't want to be with her anyway cause she will try to find fault in no matter what any human being does. Good women accept flaws in themeselves and others and move on. Chalk it up as learning this about her early on and saving time, unless all you wanted was to fuck her, then she probably figured that out and is mind fucking you back.
avatar for larryfisherman
8 years ago
So say me and her clarify the miscommunication, how I do proceed next? Basically how do I seal this deal? It feels like I'm knocking on the door, but I haven't entered in yet.
avatar for Bj99
8 years ago
Oh, I agree to just be your charming self lol. I have no problem helping someone clear something up, or relate better, but being manipulative really is lame, and usually backfires. :P
avatar for flagooner
8 years ago
This is too funny. Fishsticks is asking the TUSCL discussion board to act as his personal Cyrano de Bergerac.
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
It's not a big deal if she called something you said lame. It could even be a good sign. Like how you would have to have certain level of friendship with someone before you felt it was safe to call something they said "lame".

Actually, it's not a big deal, unless you dwell on it. I would just forget it even happen, and proceed with business as normal: push aggressively toward your goal. As long as she is still talking with you, and joking, you are still in the game. You'll know when you are out.
avatar for flagooner
8 years ago
I hope fishsticks is going after a school teacher, seems like that is the best chance a 15 year old has nowadays. If that doesn't work, maybe he could try a priest.
avatar for skibum609
8 years ago
Imo you already blew it, because she opened the door for you to say lets get together on ___________ and I will bring my A game. Instead you slammed the door and sent her a lame text. A secure man walks through the door not caring if she is seeing other people because he knows that no one can compete. The less secure man asks about other people and not in straightforward way.
avatar for JohnSmith69
8 years ago
I agree with ski bum. Women want a man who is confident and secure without being arrogant, rude, or creepy. Instead, you've acted timid, unsure, and hesitant. Live and learn. Do better with the next one.
avatar for ATACdawg
8 years ago
@rockstar: Where can I find one of those strippers who'll give me money instead of taking it? ;-)
avatar for Bj99
8 years ago
Skibum dropped the mic on this one.
avatar for Kenjamin
8 years ago
Why the hell are you going out for dinner on a first date anyway? First dates are supposed to be about getting drinks and talking her into sex. Why are you asking her about other guys? It's none of your goddamn business, focus on getting the bang son!
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
"I'm basically telling her what I'm going to do to her in a playful way."

You are doing this with her, when you had her with you for an entire evening? Even for civvies you are way too slow moving. If girls are turning cold on you, this is why. They will see you as lacking in a critical area.

Good Luck,
avatar for larryfisherman
8 years ago
Yeah I might have blown it, we'll see what happens.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
You are going way too slow for these girls!

avatar for larryfisherman
8 years ago
I agree SJG
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Used to be you had to spend non-sexual time with them first.

Now, you have to save that until later. Start with sex right off. Girls expect this or they will look down on a guy. And all the more so if they have any connection to strip clubs.

Non-sexual time can come, but only after you are 'invovled' with her.

Best is just to start with sex, and then go to long times in bed, multiple rounds, food, bathing. Included in that is lots of time to talk to her.

The baseball games and fishing trips are for after you are highly involved with her, and only for girls who like stuff like that.

avatar for flagooner
8 years ago

Larry, what are you looking for?

Do you want a girl with whom you can build a committed relationship?
A no strings attached sex partner?
Arm candy so guys will look at you with jealousy?
Do you even know what you want?

It doesn't matter, he has me on ignore.
avatar for ime
8 years ago
Lloyd and Larry two guys who can't get pussy when the girls are giving it away. Well at least Larry maybe. Lloyd had to use chloroform and sleepy time rape, because any girl within 50 yards of him is creeped out.
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
@flagooner I'm disappointed in you he tossed a fastball straight down the middle and you whiffed.
avatar for flagooner
8 years ago
Sorry to let you down 25. I had my fun earlier in the thread. Hopefully it was just a momentary lapse and I'm not getting infected with Fishstickitis (a chronic inability to close and consistently misrepresent oself).
avatar for shailynn
8 years ago
Don't worry 25, I'm next up to bat!!!!

Fishstix Fishstix... first off you're taking advice from SJG, so there's just one thing I could bust your balls about for a week alone.

But really, you can't even get laid by a STRIPPER who you are trying to pay for sex, what makes you think a normal girl is going to fuck you for free?

You have ZERO game, it's time to bat for the other team and turn queer. After all a 32 year old virgin that has the mentality of a 13 year old is not cool.

Keep me on ignore pussy and keep fabricating club reviews!!!
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
Attaboy Shailynn take that fat fastball downtown, ; )
avatar for sharkhunter
8 years ago
If you know nothing about dating civvies, try playing this virtual app for Apple devices, it may run on other devices. It costs a dollar. You can even add the face of your favorite girl on the app girl. I was bored one day and read something about it. I thought everything in it was kind of boring but it relates to real life dating. I thought it was too simple with not enough realistic hot girls. I selected a hot easy girl, probably close to many strippers. I believe a female was involved in the app development. I think most guys here would be bored with it and the fact the girls are cartoonish, more so. I did some searching and apple restricts sex apps in their App Store so there are not any photo realistic apps with sexy girls for Apple devices. I thought this was a major oversight with millions of Apple products and a major market opportunity except that Apple controls their App Store so anyone wanting something different would have to make their device vulnerable by jail breaking it and downloading a third party app that probably doesn't exist at the moment. I could probably become a millionaire if I thought of a way to have people trust an app outside the Apple App Store and then add games with photo realistic sexy girls for Apple devices. I'm really surprised Apple managed to shut out this whole market or no one created a market yet. I could think of all kinds of games. One would be a realistic dating game with real looking girls. Guys would probably pay an extra dollar to add hot realistic girls instead of cartoon girls. Add some extra options for 18 and over and you could get more money. That is just one app. Maybe I should be in a tech consulting business. Problem is Apple is blocking anything remotely sexual. If they allow sports illustrated, even this existing virtual app could get more money by adding eel looking bikini girls. Here is the name.


It's in the App Store but the girls are basically cartoons. They claim it's the number one rated dating app or something like that. Android devices may be less restricted. If you know anything about dating and what the opposite sex likes, it will seem a bit lame. I guess I am thinking about the business aspect of the app. I don't know anything about programming apps. I once thought about learning how to develop and program games many years ago but others started to create good ones for computers at the time. Computer games sucked when I first learned dos and Windows. Hasbro was good with their bug fixes for one version of axis and allies that I sent them. I sent them a list of common annoying bugs and they developed a patch addressing those issues. I knew of a few minor ones as well. I once played their first online game a lot. So much so that I thought about writing code to develop my own fixed version of their game. I never got around to studying all the code.

avatar for sharkhunter
8 years ago
I read jailbreaking devices opens your device to downloading malware or viruses. If someone doesn't develop something within a few years and I become a multi millionaire via other means, I might think about developing some software companies to become a mega multi millionaire since no one thought of a way around the Apple restrictions. I know how to get around it all. I think. I picture things I believe possibly like Steve jobs might have pictured things. I imagine different ways of doing things. I get frustrated that no one has developed the tech or products yet. I don't understand all the details. Someone might figure this out now that I'm making the idea public but I left out a piece of information to make it work. Ahh what the heck. You need a third party app download site like an Apple Store but also have a company verify apps are safe for download without viruses or malware. I'm not sure why Apple doesn't want to make several hundred million more but I guess either they may fight this via lawsuits or plant viruses on such sites to stop it. Not sure. Using computer devices for nothing sexual, that is like opposite to the way personal computers and the Internet started up. I suspect Steve Jobs was getting product ideas from the ether in his dreams even if he didn't know it.
avatar for sharkhunter
8 years ago
In one alternate reality parallel Earth, I bet Apple devices have sex games or dating games with real looking hot girls.

Then Larry could figure out how to date civvies without getting bored by the cartoon girls in bikinis.
avatar for sharkhunter
8 years ago
I'm still waiting for the plastic unfolding or tablets you can scroll out in front of you or even holographic displays. Now if they get solid looking 3D holograms for tv's and mobile devices, that will be nice. As far as looking at realistic looking hot girls.

Just imagine ordering a stripper party and you see hot strippers in your living room with a stripper pole and you don't need to wear 3D glasses. With advanced tech, some of the images for the strippers could be from real strippers like you see web cam girls now except these girls would project as a solid looking 3D hologram into your living room. Now we're talking money making opportunity. I'm rambling on. Going off topic again.
avatar for ButterMan
8 years ago
Honestly I have no idea man..LOL I always found women to be difficilt and very confusing. Not to mention they always have so many more options then us guys. Thats a big reason I turned to the SC. I probably would do too well talking to a civie these days.
avatar for JimGassagain
8 years ago
Shark hunter with epic posts!
avatar for sharkhunter
8 years ago
Ok one more idea if you have 3D tech. Broadcast live stripper shows on pay per view live or recorded into people's home 3D displays into their living room. If all you ant to do is watch, then you see it all. I'm thinking solid looking holograms in your living room from any strip club you want that has the tech set up. Of course we don't have this tech yet, that I know of. I know of one guy that said he figured out how to do it but one problem. The lasers would have to be so powerful that they could slice your head off. This same guy seemed extremely gifted but a bit weird. He told me someone in a flying saucer was hovering over his location at one time. He claimed he read my entire thermodynamics book in a day or two and saw some mistakes in it. I didn't know aliens looked human and were big time practical jokers but if they were, he fit the bill. He claimed he coinvented the first VR visor. Weird guy. Ok I will stop rambling.
avatar for GoVikings
8 years ago
what butterman said
avatar for larryfisherman
8 years ago
you're right about me ime, but please don't put me and SJG in the same sentence

Sharkhunter LMFAO, classic sharkhunter!

I texted her telling her what I really meant, she hasn't texted back, it's looking like a lost cause.
avatar for JamesSD
8 years ago
Minimally by date 2 you need a good make out session

Asking about any other dudes was a chump move. You shouldn't care, you've got other chicks and your sex is so good she will drop them (think it, don't say it).
avatar for larryfisherman
8 years ago
Update: I spoke too soon. She just texted me back saying she's not seeing anyone. I'm still in the game! I get the feeling I'm on my last lifeline. My TUSCL family, HOW DO I SEAL THE DEAL NOW?!
avatar for Bj99
8 years ago
First, reread skibum's advice. Then, pretend you didn't ask that lame question. Just start back in what you were talking ab or ask ab her day or something.
avatar for ButterMan
8 years ago
Actually if I were still dating civie's I probably would use skibums advice too! Let us know what happens larry.
avatar for flagooner
8 years ago
The best way to impress her is to give her sneak peek into the real you. Honesty is always best.

Let her know what turns you on, like making it rain $30K on a dancer and watching the reactions of the guys in the club.…

Tell her the size of your dick scares off other girls and doubt that she is up for the challenge…

Finally you need to confide in her, for her own safety, and let her know that you had an STD scare from fucking strippers bareback in Detroit. Not to do so would be a truly douche move…

Oh wait, all of those stories were BS just like this one and every other story you write.
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
There you go @flagooner that's the guy who makes us laugh, I knew you had at least one more home run left in those tired old arms. )
avatar for RandomMember
8 years ago
Larryfisherman Is Actually A Girl: Help Needed

avatar for 4got2wipe
8 years ago
"Tell her the size of your dick scares off other girls and doubt that she is up for the challenge"


But if you want to date her you should put a large cucumber or oversized dildo in your pants so she sees the bulge.
avatar for sharkhunter
8 years ago
No no, you must send her a dick pic. I saw a YouTube video and the girl said she really liked those. Haha

Just kidding.
Maybe 1% of females likes them. The straight female brain is wired different than the straight male brain. Lesbian and bi female brains are actually more like the straight male brain except they are in different bodies than a straight male. A gay male probably has a female like brain. If too much of the wrong hormone is released before birth for whatever reason, the brain wiring gets messed up. Just an FYI.
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