
Comments by fetish_dancer (page 10)

  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Interesting Dancer Names?
    @m00tpoint: I love couples! Patty's is a good couples' venue; so is Venus. I don't know much about the Silk, but I know that a lot of girls have caught onto the fact that sometimes couples get neglected in clubs, and the waitress is always VERY attentive to everybody. :) Clean: stay away from Club Zeus and Lenny's. @ThatOtherGuy: ahaha, that's a great one!
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    13 years ago
    Interesting Dancer Names?
    @m00tpoint: I love couples! Patty's is a good couples' venue; so is Venus. I don't know much about the Silk, but I know that a lot of girls have caught onto the fact that sometimes couples get neglected in clubs, and the waitress is always VERY attentive to everybody. :) Clean: stay away from Club Zeus and Lenny's. @ThatOtherGuy: ahaha, that's a great one!
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    13 years ago
    Beauty or the Beast?
    Just wondering: what's the accepted rating system? How do you decide if a girl is a 4 or a 9?
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    13 years ago
    Interesting Dancer Names?
    @the samurai: WOW. Now that's a name! @m00tpoint: Neither :D I have to say, I don't dance at any super high-end clubs, so I couldn't tell you much about, say Brad's or Rio's. Patty's Showclub on West Washington is a good place for laid-back girls and a nice wait staff, and it's not *as* smoky as other clubs. Club Venus and Silk and Lace are both quite a bit nicer, but I haven't been in either of those since the remodel. It seems, the larger the club, the less concentration of smoke. I've danced at both Venus and Silk, and I liked them both -- they've both been upgraded recently, so try those. Silk and Lace is on Madison Ave and Club Venus is on W. 16th St., up near the racetrack. And Chasity is awful.
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    13 years ago
    Harassment over OTC/ITC?
    @rell: I've heard of that happening, too. Maybe she just had to think about it, lol.
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    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Next generation stripper?
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    13 years ago
    Mike, I don't think being careful makes a man a "sissy douche-bag." As a dancer, I can vouch for my own cleanliness, but can you really blame a dude who doesn't want to put his face into a crotch that x amount of guys may have had? Eating pussy is one thing; eating stripper pussy is another. It's not Alaska; others have been in that wilderness before.
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    13 years ago
    Harassment over OTC/ITC?
    @RickDugan: I see! TUSCL has its own lingo; I've just never come across that one yet :D @looneylarry: Yes, it's a great compliment. I met a TUSCLer once, actually. We sat together for a while he regaled me with really interesting stories of the clubs, worldwide, he'd been to. Lulz at the 'feisty' comment; I get feisty here because I can't get feisty with the customers, though some nights it would be the height of pleasure to stiletto a few of them in the balls. Anyway, moving on: private region for me means the kitty and the exit! I don't like them touched, even through underwear, or toyed with, and I certainly don't like fingers slipped beneath my thong. I'll push your hand away. Gotta keep something off limits, imo. Inner thigh, upper outer thigh, fine. The "fetish" thing, I must confess, has tapered off a bit, though I prefer black/latex clothing and metal accessories. Now that I've found some good places to purchase -- dancerwear is ridiculously expensive -- I'd like to get back into it. BDSM sub is the image I like to portray, and most guys are intrigued by it because they figure that with my chain and my stage name, *I'd* be the top, but I just demur and say what I'd prefer, and they have to ponder that for a moment. @LeeH: OIC. My bad! Thanks for clarifying. And yes, if I ever got to the point where I was needing money enough to consider extras, I'd quit, hands down, and find something else to do. It seems the dancers you're describing already have a great degree of trust and familiarity with the customer they decide to have sex with, which is good -- quite a bit safer than the girl who meets up with a perfect stranger -- but I'd personally not prefer to mix my outside life with my job. And it is a job, no matter how pleasurable it is to be on stage! I keep a degree of separation between the two. awww, you're sweet. :D
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    13 years ago
    Music and Race and A Long Time No See!
    @rh48hr: *flattered* @3LeggedMan: That song is very beautiful. I've never danced to it, but I'm sure I will eventually. I *do*, however, dance to War Pigs quite a bit. Never danced to or heard (in a club) She's a Beauty. Great suggestions :D
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    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    My Baby's daddy
    I HATE that term. It's so fucking ignorant. Does it somehow take more time to say "my child's father" or "the father of my child(ren)?" And you don't have to be married to the guy to use this retarded phrase; I know dancers who are married and still use this term. And I'm with Rod; through Title X, women can get any type of free BC, so there's really no reason that you should get pregnant if you don't want to be.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Harassment over OTC/ITC?
    @LeeH: The legit customer isn't required to know which camp I fall into. I expect to be asked for any kind of extra at least eight times a night from different patrons. The legit customer, however, needs to know when to take no for an answer, not ask "why?" or try to enter monetary negotiations with me, i.e. "I'll give you X for Y" after I've already said no. It's just basic human decency, which there is little of in clubs. Think about it this way. There's a fugly stripper on stage -- think of the ugliest one you've ever seen -- and she takes a liking to you, continuing to ask for tips and drinks and VIP dances though you might have made it clear, either through word or gestures, that you're just not the least bit interested. @sharkhunter: It seems like the majority of customers enter a club expecting something extra, at least where I work. It ranges from anywhere between a very bold "I want to fuck you/can I get some pussy?" when I've only asked for a tip after my stage set to "what can we do in the VIP?" It doesn't offend me, I just say no and move on if that's all they want. The reason I don't play games when it comes to extras is because number one, it's an asshole thing to do; the guy tipping well and buying dances is the one putting money in the dancer's bank account, and two, I don't want to be in a situation where I've promised something and don't deliver. I've seen guys come roaring out of the VIP area just angry as hell for one reason or another, and I have to imagine it's because some girl promised an extra and fucked him over on it. @Dudester: I like you and like reading what you have to say. I've worked with assholes in every job I've had; it's just a little different when you're topless and working with assholes. Anyway, the repeated asking is exasperating, but it's not gonna drive me away from my job. I was just wondering if any of you could shed some light on why a patron would want to hear "no" repeatedly, lol. Hi, Rlionheart. Good post, great quotes. Grin and bear it, eh? :) @looneylarry: Yes, I figured as much. You guys have perfected what seems like an artform; the average customer is like a drunken thirteen year old boy with the mental capacity of a two year old. As far as extras, I think it's up to the dancer what they may or may not consider an extra. For me, I tell the VIP customers they can touch anywhere except for the private region. I really don't like having my nipples messed with, but if you're not biting (true story) or yanking on them (also true story) I'll tolerate it. @RickDugan: Appreciate your honesty. I think over 2/3rds of dancers are single moms anyway, or have a deadbeat BF. And what's ROI? /dippus
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Harassment over OTC/ITC?
    @jackslash: Asking is fine. Most of the guys who ask are very polite about it. I had one guy demand that I allow him to put his fingers in my pussy, but that's a very rare thing. Usually what'll happen is either he will ask for a VIP or I'll offer one after I've been sitting with him about 15-20 minutes. The conversation is usually "What can we do in there/what will you do for me?" and me responding "I'll give you a great dance, but just a dance" or something along those lines. I have to admit, I used to be offended when guys asked, but now I laugh at myself, and just say no politely when asked. @LeeH: 1. There are a few of those guys who do attend the club regularly and spend money on me. However, as they come in nearly every night and we've already had a discrete convo about it, they know not to press the issue. As far as a financial crisis, if I was ever desperate for money, I wouldn't strip, simply because I don't want to be in a situation where I would even have to consider that. No offense. I'm not desperate or hard-up for money, so saying no (always gently and politely) is very easy for me to do. 2. If they're not his type, I'm not sure what to do? I mean, it's flattering to know I might be his only type, but there's not much I could do in that situation D: 3. I can see how that would work, heh. 4. Again, see #2. 5. After a month of seeing regulars, they know what the limits are. 6. While I've given up judgment, I haven't changed what I'm willing to do. :D If a dancer puts out, it's no longer a hot moral issue for me. I'm just not going to do it. Thanks for your post :)
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Harassment over OTC/ITC?
    You and I run on the same page, GMD, lol. Asking over a few visits is fine, but 10 times in a row on the same night is not (true story). While customers have the luxury of telling me to get lost if I don't put out, as a dancer, I don't have the same privilege of telling a pushy guy to go fuck himself with a cactus, unless I immediately wanted to be named the club's biggest bitch.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Harassment over OTC/ITC?
    Thank you, Rod. Nope, no harm whatsoever in asking. :)
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    13 years ago
    Music and Race and A Long Time No See!
    That's where I got it from. *cough*
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    13 years ago
    Music and Race and A Long Time No See!
    Sweet Dreams, Manson style, is my favorite song to slow-dance too. That or Andrea Boccelli's Con Te Partiro, which, yes, I have played in the club before.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Music and Race and A Long Time No See!
    @mikeya02: I LOVE Led Zepplin and especially Marilyn Manson, though I'm not 100% familiar with either of those songs you mentioned. I'll play them sometimes, though. @rh48hr: If you are gentle with the touching and don't try to pull my boobs off -- some guys DO seem to think they come off -- you're my kinda custie :D @dennyspade: Hey, DS. Love The Doors and NIN. Jim Morrison just has a sexy voice and NIN has intense thrashing music. My favorite comment when I get down from stage to a song like March of the Pigs or Mr. Self-Destruct is "do you fuck like you dance?"
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Dancer talk.
    I don't talk much in the VIP. I think talking is weird back there; I mean carrying on a full convo. I don't blabber during sex, so why would I blabber during stimulated sex? I make a lot of eye contact and smile quietly, but I don't initiate talking unless the customer does.
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    13 years ago
    Dancer talk.
    I think jackslash's comment was the funniest thing I've read on here in a long time. I appreciate the political innuendo, xD.
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    13 years ago
    Music and Race and A Long Time No See!
    Thank you for the music, Doc! And hello, lopaw! I played Green Day's Wake Me Up When September Ends tonight :D @rh48hr: Very good analysis. I love dancing so I work hard up there, but it's 2/3rds for my pleasure. I like customers to leave the tip row happy, however.
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    13 years ago
    Music and Race and A Long Time No See!
    @Rlionheart: I'll check those out right now; thanks :D @SD: That's a pretty awesome story. I appreciate your input. Race isn't a humongous factor for me like it used to be, but I can't help but make observations, you know? @rell: I read your thread and I have to say, I really respect a lot of what you have to say. My club checks everybody, and the black guys get as much love as anyone else, but I have danced at clubs where they were either ignored or seemed to be turned away. While I am biased toward thug-lifers, it's wrong to drive away business on basis of race. @runrdude: Lynyrd Skynyrd? I play them a lot. It's not too country, though sometimes I will play Hank Williams Jr. if the mood strikes, haha. @Dudester: How foolish! The crowd they should have gone after was both your style and also the newly emerging House music, which at that time was pretty big and was considered a "black" thing. It was hot back then; they could have catered to all customers doing that. I could never dance at an all-black club. Even the darker dancers I work with say they couldn't, because they don't want to dance around "ghetto" people. I get that. Glad your gal learned :) @Sinclair: I've noticed that, too, but if you look at the fashion industry, there are some truly beautiful African models. Dark as jet and gorgeous. Maybe the music and acting fields need to take a hint from the modeling agencies.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Music and Race and A Long Time No See!
    Good quote, SD. I feel like I do a much better job with LDs and stage dancing if I play what I want to hear. Playing to the crowd is necessary sometimes, but usually I just play whatever strikes me as good.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Music and Race and A Long Time No See!
    hey, GMD! and no, doc, I prefer this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8tyehOb5dE Rock is the hottest thing to dance to, imo. There's so many facets to it. With rap, you just bounce your ass, which I can't do very well. Stereotype fail.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Sorry I asked
    I've worked with a few pregnant girls, SuperDude. I don't know how they do it, either. The exact day I found out I was pregnant I quit dancing and later took up broker work, online writing, and waitressing. I didn't care enough about the club scene to put my unborn child in that kind of danger -- it was a hobby, not a career choice.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Ever feel bad for a dancer?
    Aye, CTQWERTY, it's happened to me. Last Samhain, during my set on stage, I wore a nun's wimple and white gloves, for the sacrilegious element. When I descended the stage and made my way to the bar to check up on a customer who had been eyeing me during my dance, an older gentleman strode toward me angrily and proceeded to give me a five minute lecture on how my attire was "evil" and "blasphemous." He ended by trying to save me -- I laughed and said a 'real Christian wouldn't be in a strip club, you hypocrite.' He left. I have NO tolerance for preachy fundamentalists -- I'll respect your religion if you stay out of my face about it.