
Comments by fetish_dancer (page 11)

  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Indy in August
    aww, thanks. The only 'con' I ever heard of was comicon. The costumes in that were fun :D
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Indy in August
    Nice to see you'll be in Indy, gmd. :) Enjoy yourself!
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    14 years ago
    how do you tip a girl on stage?
    1) That was always my preferred method of tippage. 2) This is good, also. 3) I always hated when guys would 'make it rain.' Never knew why. I just always did. 4) This is also something I disliked. 5) I liked having the tips tossed on the stage. It would give me a reason to swing down around the pole and transition from standing to writhing on stage, lol. 6) I also didn't mind taking them with my breasts, as this seemed to be the method most guys preferred when giving me tips.
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    14 years ago
    Newbie dancer was a pleasant surprise
    Why do you keep bringing this up, Douchester? You must be upset over your mother's "career choice" in regards to the truck stops she frequents.
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    14 years ago
    Newbie dancer was a pleasant surprise
    Oh, look, guys. Douchester stopped slobbering helplessly over dildos long enough to make a weak insult of a post. Put the ball-gag back in, bitch. :P
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    14 years ago
    Newbie dancer was a pleasant surprise
    I would love to dance for you, Iopaw ;) I've rarely ever danced for women. Dougster, give it up, and quit talking about cum. It makes me realize you must want it in your mouth or something, but keep it to yourself. And those who accuse others of homosexuality are latent themselves. :D
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    14 years ago
    Newbie dancer was a pleasant surprise
    Douchester, You're the kind of guy who's stupid enough to get ripped off in a SC on a nightly basis because you believe that all strippers are stupid ;) I guarantee it. Face it. You have tiny-dick syndrome and that is why you follow MisterGuy around like a slavering puppy, and have taken to doing the same to me. Poor self-esteem. But your faux arrogance makes up for it.
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    14 years ago
    Newbie dancer was a pleasant surprise
    lol @ sore-ass Dougster. It's funny when you flail all over the place.
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    14 years ago
    Newbie dancer was a pleasant surprise
    Cute! My husband and I met when I was 18 and he was 40 :)
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    14 years ago
    Smoking, when it comes down to it
    >@Fetish Dancer----your point makes no sense. There is no reason why someone who wants to enjoy a cold beer in a bar should have to be subjected to cigarette smoke. The two activities are not linked. Smoking rates are at 25% or less, while more people than that drink.< Drinking is unhealthy. So is smoking. You're here yelling against smokers, but you haven't said a word about alcohol. Be fair, here. >As for your other idiotic point, when I smoke pot IN PUBLIC I'll agree. But I do it in my own home or in my car in a parking lot. WTF are you talking about?< The smell. How dare you be forced to inhale cigarette smoke, but you're still willing to breathe in pot-laden air from blunts. The comment about the smell was off-topic. You have no argument here. You smoke pot, which goes to your lungs, and then you bitch and moan about cigarette smoke, which also goes to your lungs. And don't tell me pot doesn't affect your lungs, either. Any kind of smoke hurts your body. >The pro-smoking lobby wants to whine about "liberties" and "rights" but when the voters voice THEIR opinions, smoking bans pass overwhelmingly. Then the pro-smokers complaing that they're being oppressed. So, they want to be free to force their behavior on others(and regardless of opinion, some people are forced THROUGH THEIR CIRCUMSTANCES to work in smoke-filled environments), but get upset when voters use the law to empower theirs. Funny, that.> It still stands. It's a fucking bar. People smoke in bars. They're being banned from pretty much everywhere else, so they have bars. You and people like you attempting to encroach on the bar scene and take that away is wrong.
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    14 years ago
    Smoking, when it comes down to it
    pothead: Um, because it's a BAR? A bar where alcohol is served should be a place where you can smoke. There are so many stupid smoking bans that bars are really the only sanctum for a smoker anymore. The way it should be. Did you not read the word "choice?" A non-smoking stripper, like I was, chooses to work in a smoke-filled room. She is not being forced to work there. She is not being forced to even enter the bar. It is her CHOICE. You are not being forced to enter a stripclub. It is your CHOICE. BTW, you have some nerve bitching about this when pot reeks a helluva lot worse than cigarette smoke. I should start screaming about you smoking pot. You want a non-smoking naked girl experience? Rent a hooker and take her back to your sanctimonious, cigarette-free hovel. Christ.
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    14 years ago
    Smoking, when it comes down to it
    I agree. The non-smoker is not suffering a damn thing. He/she chooses to enter a BAR, where smoking should be allowed. I've never smoked a day in my life, but I CHOSE to work in a strip club, and yes, while sometimes the smoke was tough on my lungs, I bore it. Why? Because it was my choice to work in a smoke-laden atmosphere, as it is your choice to enter a bar. You are bitching, in my opinion.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Too good to be true?
    lol, Iopaw <3
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Too good to be true?
    - Douchester I'm so very sorry you can't get MisterGuy to fuck you. I know it must be disheartening to be totally overlooked when you're bending over spreading your asscheeks. BTW, I'm not dancing anymore, but you'll always be an asshole. :) - natasia Feel free to message me if you have any questions :) With the economy the way it is, extras will probably be more expected than usual. - Iopaw I would absolutely love to meet you. :P
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    14 years ago
    Too good to be true?
    Lol, doc.
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    14 years ago
    Too good to be true?
    OMG, great exercise, indeed! I don't know what you do dancewise, but I went crazy on that pole. I always play the hardest metal and just freak-dance. No cookie-cutter stripper moves for me, lol. The stage is the most enjoyable part of the biz. Best of luck to you, Smokey!
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Too good to be true?
    That is a long fucking shift, Smokey! Kudos, haha. Aye, the pole still calls once in a while - I love being on stage - but I don't think I'd enjoy myself half as much dancing if I went back to it ;)
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    14 years ago
    Too good to be true?
    Smokey, The earliest shift I've ever worked is 5p-1a. That's an excellent shift, imho. When I waitressed, it was usually 6p-12a, depending on how rushed we were. I think nights are the best times to work. I actually danced for less than a year, believe it or not :P
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Too good to be true?
    :P <3
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Too good to be true?
    How nice to see you around, Douchester. Still desperately wagging your tiny penis at MisterGuy, I see. He must have reamed you something awful for you to still be crying like a bitch.
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    14 years ago
    Too good to be true?
    Thanks, vince :)
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Too good to be true?
    No prob, smokey! You seem like a sweet girl with smarts, too, and don't ever worry about us getting into a catfight just because we don't agree, lol. How long have you been dancing? :)
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Too good to be true?
    It's all rather bleak, with a few positives tossed in there to keep our spirits up. Unfortunately, those who are financially minded can see where we're headed. ttyl, CTQWERTY. Long day.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Too good to be true?
    Yeah, a testimony from them is like an apology from Tiger woods *rolls eyes* I work as a commercial loans broker. They're not doing super-well, but the luckier ones can pull in a revenue of about 150,000 a year. As far as the home-buyer credit goes, I don't think we'll ever have that again, at least not under this admin.
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    14 years ago
    Too good to be true?
    You can thank Obama for that. I'm looking forward to voting out the incumbents in November; I'm so sick of senators and congressmen/women just sitting on their asses doing absolutely nothing for America. As far as taxation goes, while small businesses are thriving now, they won't be later. I wouldn't be surprised if the FED rate skyrockets an entire point, kicking a lot of small businesses to the curb.