
Comments by mitciv (page 6)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Barry the Great pledges tens of MILLIONS of dollars for Muslim nations.
    Carefully inserted in the Obama health care bill he wants rushed through Congress without even being read is a requirement for an "Office of Civil Rights," and "Office of Minority Affairs." These are some of the devil in the details because it sets the stage for rationing health care away from white people and towards blacks. Barack Hussein Obama is decades long devote of Black Liberation Theology, believing that whites have stolen black wealth and privileges that should be returned. It is a mix of economic Marxism and social fascism.
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    15 years ago
    Alleged Fort Hood Shooter Frequented Local Strip Club
    In the wake of Black (and legally blind) New York Governor Paterson's claiming that white people will attempt to destroy the Presidency of Barack Hussein Obama because of race, another voice has joined in the Obama defense. After lauding the wonders of Cuba and its Communist leader, Fidel Castro, California Democrat Congresswoman Diane Watson stated, "The opposition is trying to destroy a President who looks like me."
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Barry the Great pledges tens of MILLIONS of dollars for Muslim nations.
    Soldiers have been murdered, but loss of diversity would be a "GREATER tragedy" So MisterGay agrees with Casey
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Barry the Great pledges tens of MILLIONS of dollars for Muslim nations.
    General Casey: What happened at Fort Hood was a tragedy, but I believe it would be an even greater tragedy if our diversity becomes a casualty here. Can you believe this guy?
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    SC Mileage Increase
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Udate on gridget and TUSCL_Brother.
    My prayers are with Gridget. Pop, nice gamecocks pic
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Coffee drinking
    Both female and male(did you hear that MisterGay) topless wait staff Elvis Thompson of Brunswick, for example, was a line cook at a restaurant before he lost his job. "They couldn't afford me anymore," he said. He said he doesn't mind fielding interesting requests from customers. "An 80-year-old woman told me she wanted to see me in spandex," Thompson said. "I just feel really lucky to have a job. I need the money so I can pay my rent."
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Coffee drinking
    I drink coffee but dont drink anything at strip clubs
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Barry the Great pledges tens of MILLIONS of dollars for Muslim nations.
    How would you like to be a New Jersey police officer and look out your window and see several known criminals, including a man you arrested several weeks ago and another who had just been released from prison for shooting a cop? And then find out that the men were sent into the neighborhood by the Democratic Party for GOTV operations - complete with lists of voters names, addresses and phones numbers! That is what happened Sunday on a quiet street in Morris Township. The officer, who’s name we are with holding, specifically heard the men discussing that he was a police officer and that they now know where he lives. The officer confronted the men and they took off. He contacted the local police who responded and caught up with them and about a dozen other men a few blocks away. According to the police report, the men were known criminals and when asked why they were in the neighborhood they stated they were “campaigning for the Democratic Party.” http://www.michaelsavage.wnd.com/?pageId=57
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Why I'm dissapointed about the RI law change
    "RI has one of the worst economy's in the country" MisterGay, didn't you learn any grammer in elementary school? Oh.....you didn't make it past 4th grade
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Barry the Great pledges tens of MILLIONS of dollars for Muslim nations.
    The race for governor in New Jersey is so close in final polls that it may well end up in a recount -- the 1981 election did and was decided by less than 1,800 votes. If there is a recount, you can bet disputes about absentee ballots will loom large. Moreover, if serious allegations of fraud emerge, you can also expect less-than-vigorous investigation by the Obama Justice Department -- which showed just how seriously it takes such allegations when it walked away from an open-and-shut voter intimidation case against the New Black Panther Party in Philadelphia earlier this year.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Mitciv the Great pledges tens of millions of irrelevant posts for bigoted right
    The race for governor in New Jersey is so close in final polls that it may well end up in a recount -- the 1981 election did and was decided by less than 1,800 votes. If there is a recount, you can bet disputes about absentee ballots will loom large. Moreover, if serious allegations of fraud emerge, you can also expect less-than-vigorous investigation by the Obama Justice Department -- which showed just how seriously it takes such allegations when it walked away from an open-and-shut voter intimidation case against the New Black Panther Party in Philadelphia earlier this year.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Barry the Great pledges tens of MILLIONS of dollars for Muslim nations.
    Obama's White House now an outhouse! Obama names 110 White House visitors: Includes Soros, Gingrich, Sharpton, Malik Shabazz of the Black Panther Party, et al. – All the president's men? From the people's house to outhouse in one election ...
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Fat and Happy Mechanics Prefer Hookers Over Strippers . . .
    I enjoy strippers. Have not partaken in hookers and have no desire to
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Barry the Great pledges tens of MILLIONS of dollars for Muslim nations.
    President Barack Obama said Friday the U.S. will overturn a 22-year-old travel and immigration ban against people with HIV early next year. The order will be finalized on Monday. "If we want to be the global leader in combatting HIV/AIDS, we need to act like it," Obama said.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Barry the Great pledges tens of MILLIONS of dollars for Muslim nations.
    MisterGay, did you make it thru grade school? MORON! MORON! MORON!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Barry the Great pledges tens of MILLIONS of dollars for Muslim nations.
    MisterGay, you are dumb dumb dumb!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Barry the Great pledges tens of MILLIONS of dollars for Muslim nations.
    15 million lap dances for Americans OR $150 million to our competitors and/or enemies I choose the former. Which side are you on Barry Obama?
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Barry the Great pledges tens of MILLIONS of dollars for Muslim nations.
    Mitciv - "$150 million to our competitors and/or enemies" MisterGay - "Who ever said that this money would be ending up in the hands of our 'enemies'??" I said "competitors and/or enemies". MrGay you MORON! MORON! MORON! Nobody(not even MisterGay) knows exactly who will get the money, but at the very least they will be our competitors if not enemies.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Barry the Great pledges tens of MILLIONS of dollars for Muslim nations.
    15 million lap dances for Americans OR $150 million to our competitors and/or enemies Easy choice for me. Which side are you on Barry Obama?
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Mitciv the Great pledges tens of millions of irrelevant posts for bigoted right
    I'm sure the soldiers are thrilled that Barry is spending time golfing while they are getting limbs blown off, paralyzed and dying.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Do you think SCs give you unrealistic expectations?
    lol shadow
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Barry the Great pledges tens of MILLIONS of dollars for Muslim nations.
    It could pay for 15,000,000 LAP DANCES at Shadowcat's club! Dancers sure could use the bucks !!!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Barry the Great pledges tens of MILLIONS of dollars for Muslim nations.
    "LOL...can you say less than a drop in the bucket when compared to the total amount of U.S. spending per year?? My goodness you're stupid mitciv." 150 million dollars could pay the salaries of 3000 teachers here in America!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Mitciv the Great pledges tens of millions of irrelevant posts for bigoted right
    President Barack Obama has only been in office for just over nine months, but he's already hit the links as much as President Bush did in over two years. CBS' Mark Knoller — an unofficial documentarian and statistician of all things White House-related — wrote on his Twitter feed that, "Today - Obama ties Pres. Bush in the number of rounds of golf played in office: 24. Took Bush 2 yrs & 10 months." This news comes on the heels of today's news that Obama played golf with a woman — chief domestic policy adviser Melody Barnes — for the first time since taking office.