
Alleged Fort Hood Shooter Frequented Local Strip Club

Monday, November 9, 2009 1:02 PM
Army psychiatrist Major Nidal Hasan is suspected of a deadly rampage at the Fort Hood base in Texas. KILLEEN, Texas — The Army psychiatrist authorities say killed 13 people and wounded 29 others at the Fort Hood Army Base Thursday was a recent and frequent customer at a local strip club, employees of the club told [view link] exclusively. Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan came into the Starz strip club not far from the base at least three times in the past month, the club's general manager, Matthew Jones, told [view link]. Army investigators building their case against Hasan plan to interview Jones soon. "The last time he was here, I remember checking his military ID at the door, and he paid his $15 cover and stayed for six or seven hours," Jones, 37, said. Hasan's presence at the club paints a starkly different portrait of the alleged killer from that offered by his imam and family members, who have described him as a devout Muslim, and one who had difficulty finding a wife who would wear a head scarf and would pray five times a day. Starz is a strip club located just down the road from the main gate entrance to the Fort Hood Base. It does not serve alcohol, but customers bring their own beer and liquor and buy ice buckets and mixers at the club. Hasan sat at a table in the back corner of the club, to the left of the stage on which strippers dance around a pole, employees said. Jennifer Jenner, who works at Starz using the stage name Paige, said Hasan bought a lap dance from her two nights in a row. She said he paid $50 for a dance lasting three songs in one of the club's private rooms on Oct. 29 and Oct. 30. "I remembered his face because it was the first lap dance I [gave] to a customer while working here," she said. "When I saw his face [Friday] on TV, I jumped out of bed, I knew it was him." Jenner, 31, said Hasan was dressed casually both nights he came to the club - in jeans and a T-shirt the first night and then wearing a baseball cap the next. She recalled that he arrived at about 6:30 p.m. and stayed until 2 a.m. She said he brought in a six pack of light beer, took only a few sips from one can and gave the rest to the strippers. "He preferred the blondes," said Jenner, whose hair was dyed blond at the time. "He said he was a medic and that he was being deployed soon, but mostly he wanted to ask us questions." "He asked us why we were working at the strip club, if we liked the lifestyle, if we had any kids," she said. "It was right before Halloween so he asked what our kids were dressing up as. He just wanted to know a lot about us." Jenner said she asked Hasan why he liked coming to Starz instead of another of the roughly half a dozen other clubs nearby, all about an 8-minute drive from the Army base. "I like it here because no one I work with is here," she said Hasan replied. Starz is smaller than most of the other clubs, has only about 10 dancers and caters to a louder crowd. Jenner said Army medics generally don't hang out at the club. "He wasnt too loud like some of our other customers, or sleazy. He didn't try to take any of us home and he was respectful," she said. "I think he mostly came here to kill some time and just relax. He stood out here because he was much more reserved than our other customers. "I just can't believe that he's the one who killed all those people. You know, he tipped every girl as she came off the stage after her dance. He was a really good tipper."


  • sasquatch
    15 years ago
    Uh Oh... Next time there is a murder, I will be a prime suspect because I fit the new killer profile of being a really good tipper...
  • how
    15 years ago
    Are those quotes parody? Or did she actually say she couldn't believe he is a killer just because he "was a really good tipper"??!? Hasan is an islamofascist, same as the other terrorists we're at war against. Satan himself could be "a really good tipper"; what does that have to do with anything?
  • Drippy
    15 years ago
    Can't see the connection between going to a SC, being a good tipper and murdering the soldiers. From the article, it seems he was a typical SC customer, more or less.
  • slickpeter
    15 years ago
    But he was a muslim -----against the Koran he even sipped some beer
  • Dudester
    15 years ago
    slickpeter said:"But he was a muslim -----against the Koran he even sipped some beer" The 9/11 hijackers all went to a strip club the night before they committed their heinous acts. Among the things they were fighting for was the right to turn the clock back a thousand years so that they could put women in burkas. Clearly, these losers can't hack it with western women. Hassan was clearly intimidated by the women at the club-asking them questions. Quote from story "Hasan's presence at the club paints a starkly different portrait of the alleged killer from that offered by his imam and family members, who have described him as a devout Muslim, and one who had difficulty finding a wife who would wear a head scarf and would pray five times a day." Like I said, a loser. As a shrink, he made good money. Had he used his money wisely, he could've obtained a mail order bride. His thinking process seems more like a stunted 12 year old than an adult cargiver.
  • jablake
    15 years ago
    I'd take the stripclubbing with a grain of salt just as would any information from the propagandists. Last I'd read the first claim of stripclubbing was proven bogus-----you know cameras everywhere and in theory a person can't be in 2 places at once. If the stripclubbing was true, then wow, very impressive.
  • how
    15 years ago
    Pretty sure the murders were as "against" the "religion of peace" as was the mongering... At least, that's what the PC crowd continues to say we must believe about islamists.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    dudester, this was a very interesting post to read. Thank you Here in Columbus, OH the dancers are not allowed to drink at BYOB clubs but I guess in TX it is a bit different if he was giving out beers to strippers.
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    So where are the "What does this have to do with strip clubs?" posters? And to think, a double standard on TUSCL, just like the ostrich media! What a surprise!
  • how
    15 years ago
    Why do so many people take care to note that this islamofascist Hasan is the "alleged" shooter? He is 100% certainly the terrorist who committed this act. And it is a terrorist attack. Our president had better man up and deal with the reality of that.
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    Like most ALL muslims, he will not admit nor condemn what other muslims do in their "religion of peace".
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    how, it is only a technicality because he has not yet been charged with anything.
  • jablake
    15 years ago
    "Why do so many people take care to note that this islamofascist Hasan is the 'alleged' shooter?" Those in the media might be concerned about a defamation lawsuit. Remember the hero who saved people from a terrorist attack and then then he came under attack due, imo, to government incompetence and a less than critical media? Here is the link: [view link] You'd probably be shocked at the false information that makes it to the front page and that is even when the reporter knows it is false---he needs a good story and the truth isn't sexy enough. Anyway, it might save a lot of lives if the media used terms like alleged more often even when the facts seem indisputable. For example, the media could better have served the public by reporting about the ALLEGED weapons of mass destruction. I saw one of the government frauds claiming that he never asserted he had positive proof of weapons of mass destruction----he was caught on tape making that very assertion. Now perhaps the tapes are all doctored fakes or more likely he knows endless fraud pays handsomely. :(
  • how
    15 years ago
    jablake, you mentioned "alleged WMD." Even if we had known those weapons were gone, we'd still almost certainly have gone into Iraq as the central battleground in the GWoT. Too many reasons, the weapons were just the easiest to explain, and had been used as rationale by the prior administration. OIF was going to be part of the GWoT, once it became clear what the overall strategy would be.
  • jablake
    15 years ago
    Hi how, I believe we do know that there weren't WMD based on what French intelligence was stating. Essentially, Iraqi was the most spied upon nation in the world and the French spies were coming up with zilch and the Americans kept lying and the lies were so stupid as to be extremely insulting and the Russians shared the thought it was just a war for Israel and an oil grab----the truly stupid lies being the only recourse available to the U.S. Colin Powell was an embarrassment before the UN where he blithered on and on without any facts-----as was bluntly explained to him, lying to the American people is child's play, however, please show some respect before the UN.
  • how
    15 years ago
    jablake, your worldview is perverse, even evil.
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    The french???? What more need be said!
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    I hope articles like this do not reach the mainstream media...it could lead to unfair stereotypes of strip club customers.
  • how
    15 years ago
    Don't worry samsung1. The "mainstream media" are pretending like this was not a terror attack, probably because they are protecting our president, who wants to pretend the same thing. So, Hasan is being made into the "victim" here. Stress, being picked on, whatever nonsense...
  • MisterGuy
    15 years ago
    "Like most ALL muslims, he will not admit nor condemn what other muslims do in their 'religion of peace'." Are you talking about Obama you moron?? News Flash: He's NOT a Muslim! --------------------------------------------- "Even if we had known those weapons were gone" ...which we did, since the information (that Iraq had NO WMDs) was readily available to anyone that was interested in it. "we'd still almost certainly have gone into Iraq as the central battleground in the GWoT." Even though Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 or Al-Qaeda?? I doubt it, but keep trying to re-write history anyways...
  • Book Guy
    15 years ago
    Interesting, though, that the rampager spent his last few nights living it up. Same as the 9/11 hijackers, once they've decided to go on a suicidal killing spree, then they make sure their last few hours on earth are filled with as much pussy as possible.
  • jablake
    15 years ago
    "News Flash: He's NOT a Muslim!" Sure. And, next you'll be yapping that he was a natural born citizen. Are you French?
  • Dougster
    15 years ago
    I don't whether or not MisterGay is French, but he certainly is a faggot!
  • mitciv
    15 years ago
    In the wake of Black (and legally blind) New York Governor Paterson's claiming that white people will attempt to destroy the Presidency of Barack Hussein Obama because of race, another voice has joined in the Obama defense. After lauding the wonders of Cuba and its Communist leader, Fidel Castro, California Democrat Congresswoman Diane Watson stated, "The opposition is trying to destroy a President who looks like me."
  • jablake
    15 years ago
    "In the wake of Black (and legally blind) New York Governor Paterson's claiming that white people will attempt to destroy the Presidency of Barack Hussein Obama because of race, another voice has joined in the Obama defense." Clubber adroitly pointed out a Newsweek article with substantial evidence that white babies are born racist so yes makes perfect sense you got a bunch of whiteys out to do evil especially given the history of the U.S. Thanks to President Obama, I don't have to be quite as ashamed to admit that I'm a natural born American. Heck, First Lady Obama finally felt some pride-----yes, with President Obama running the show I can see where she is coming from. Anyone puts me down for being an American and I just say well President Obama is doing wonders just keeping the country from total collapse and he is winner of a prestigious peace prize. He is total He-man and intellectual to boot! I love to see his portrait on our dollars and coins-----it should prop up their ever falling worth real quick. Gold might even sink to $100 an ounce or less given the expected extreme demand for President Obama money. President Bush was so eager to see a falling dollar to help exports----heck just put his portrait on the money and dollar dumping should be the next greatest sport.
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    YAWN! And I can't believe I agree with jablake!
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    Of course that was with his, "Sure. And, next you'll be yapping that he was a natural born citizen. Are you French?", statement. Not the one directly above.
  • jablake
    15 years ago
    The unthinkable occurred to me: President Obama may be French! Yes, here is the link: [view link] . I think the Constitution poo poos a French man being a U.S. President. Probably a jealousy issue considering there'd be no U.S. if France hadn't saved the bacon of the cowardly rabble again and again. Should the world hate the French for this ignoble deed perpetrated hundreds of years ago? Damn straight! Also, the French lose all credibility trying to reason with American leaders whether it be about fine cuisine or terror or women or etc. . . . that is totally President Bush dumb. OK, Freedom Fries or French Fries? I still remember the embarrassment of a server who asked baked potato or freedom fries? I give him the look and he starts yelping that he is French and not to blame him. I say just because that makes you light years better than a typical American don't mean your shit don't stink!!! Give me some freaking French fries you poor excuse for a Frenchman . . . he started to protest, but he saw my eyes turn red. Frenchy knows it is better to turn and run. :) The world needs more Frenchies, iows, lovers not killers.
  • how
    15 years ago
    Whatever Obama is, he is our president. Sadly, however, he hates America and has vowed to "fundamentally change" it. As in, destroy the foundation and remake it into a socialist state. Defend America. Remove the leftists from congress, so that the destruction of America will be thwarted.
  • jablake
    15 years ago
    Hi how, It is amazing the good one man can do. I never could comprehend patriotism or flag waving until President Obama. It feels FANTASTIC!!! :) Don't love America? Back to Europe if they're dumb enough to take you or better yet the middle of the Atlantic! LOL! If you are correct that President Obama "hates America," then perhaps America isn't such a bowl of cherries. If fact if it is hatred or even mere disgust that President Obama feels towards America, then perhaps America is more akin to a stinking pile of shit? You know I get to meet people from other countries all the time and their opinions about America range from America being a rogue terrorist state to America the beautiful. When I'd hear positive commentary from visitors it was like are you are on drugs or are your eyes firmly sewed shut? Anyway to those who were flag wavers pre-President Obama, now you've got a real reason to be waving that flag. With lots of hard work America can become a marxist state like Castro's Cuba. Hail to President Obama and his family! :)
  • jablake
    15 years ago
    BTW, it is the leftists who are saving America! Also, I consider myself to be rightwing, but on average rightwingers are such ignorant simpletons that the only hope for even a little freedom in America are the leftists who see the abomidable lows America has sunk to. More government? Sure, more government in the form of housing, education, health care (including abortion funding), gun control, etc. and with lots of luck zero government for the fraudulent war on terror---global or otherwise. Yes, I guess sending boatloads of cash to the Taliban might be ok for those who insist on throwing away government money----it is prolly a wise stratgem even if mildly distasteful.
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    I think I said it before in another topic. jablake is just putting us on. That, or he is easily the most ignorant or stupid person I have ever dealt with. I hope it is the former, since I would not wish to share this country with the latter.
  • txtittyfan
    15 years ago
    The issue shouldn't be more or less government, it should be quality government.
  • jablake
    15 years ago
    Yes, quality. Endless war as propounded by psuedo-convervatives or investing in the American people as articulated by liberals. Gee, that marxism is looking better and better. :) BTW, it seems like one person's quality government is another person's police state.
  • jablake
    15 years ago
    As an iron clad rule I considered former President Bush to be as dull as dull could be. However, if true, he showed a remarkable perspicaciousness when commenting that the U.S. Constition was just a goddamn piece of paper. If true, damn, my sincere respect to former President Bush for not only speaking the truth, but demonstrating a keen intellect at least as far as the U.S. Constitution is concerned. Of course, the media can't be trusted so this might just be a canard.
  • Book Guy
    15 years ago
    1. Obama: born in USA. Obvious. Duh. Idiots who think otherwise haven't done the research. 2. Obama: not Muslim. Obvious. Duh. Idiots who think otherwise haven't done the research. 3. Obama: has his share of faults, including religious (that idiot race-baiter who used to be his preacher in Chicago, for instance) and policy (take-over without over-sight, for instance). But his citizenship and which religion he worships are just ... not ... them.
  • MisterGuy
    15 years ago
    "The unthinkable occurred to me: President Obama may be French!" OMG...heaven forbid that he might be related to people from a country that was instrumental in us winning our own Revolution! Perish the though! ---------------------- "he hates America and has vowed to 'fundamentally change' it. As in, destroy the foundation and remake it into a socialist state." Wrong again wing-nut...
  • mitciv
    15 years ago
    MisterGay is in love with himself
  • mitciv
    15 years ago
    Doctors who crossed paths with Hasan in medical programs paint a picture of a subpar student who wore his religious views on his sleeve. Several doctors who knew Hasan spoke to CNN, but only on the condition of anonymity because of the ongoing investigation. Hasan "was clearly espousing Islamist ideology" during his time as a medical student at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences in Bethesda, Maryland, one of his former classmates said. After the shooting, Hasan's family revealed little about him, saying in media interviews that Hasan was a "good American" and a lifelong Muslim who complained that he was harassed in the Army because of his religion. His former classmates describe a much more militant man. His presentations for school were often laced with extremist Muslim views, one source said. "Is your allegiance to Sharia [Islamic] law or the United States?" students once challenged Hasan, the source said. "Sharia law," the source says Hasan responded. The incident was corroborated by another doctor who was present. The source also recalled an instance in which Hasan was asked if the U.S. Constitution was a brilliant document, to which Hasan replied, "No, not particularly." The former classmate told CNN that he voiced concerns about Hasan to supervisors at the school. A second former medical school colleague of Hasan said that several people raised concerns about Hasan's overall competence. Even though Hasan earned his medical degree and residency, some of his fellow students believed that he "didn't have the intellect" to be in the program and was not academically rigorous in his coursework. Hasan "was not fit to be in the military, let alone in the mental health profession," this classmate told CNN. "No one in class would ever have referred a patient to him, or trusted him with anything." The first classmate echoed this sentiment. Hasan was "coddled, accommodated and pushed through that masters of public health despite substandard performance," the classmate said. He was "put in the fellowship program because they didn't know what to do with him." The second classmate said he witnessed at least two of Hasan's PowerPoint discussions that included what he described as extremist views. In these presentations, which were supposed to be about health, the source said that Hasan justified suicide bombings and spoke about the persecution of Muslims in the Middle East, in the United States and in the U.S. military. Some in the crowd rolled their eyes or muttered under their breath, he said, and others were clearly uncomfortable.
  • jablake
    15 years ago
    "1. Obama: born in USA. Obvious. Duh. Idiots who think otherwise haven't done the research." Actually, this is one of those cases where superior intelligence can be handicap. :) President Obama may have been born in the USA or the nut jobs may be 100% on the money. You'd have to not only research the issue, but you have to sift thru all the idocy that is propounded with it. There may be a damn good reason why the soon to be President fought tooth and nail in the courts to keep the issue from being decided on the merits----sure it could just be his legal training or a simple fuck you to nasty Republicans or even better a strategy to waste the resources of the enemy and keep him distracted. As I said this is an issue where superior intelligence can be a true handicap. It is very tempting to read the ravings of some of these imbeciles and dismiss 'em at out of hand. :) President Obama born in the USA? Not so sure about that. :) President Obama a fantastic President? Oh yeah, baby.
  • jablake
    15 years ago
    "OMG...heaven forbid that he might be related to people from a country that was instrumental in us winning our own Revolution! Perish the though!" It is disgusting to think about, I will grant you that. However, I still LOVE President Obama!!! :) (Besides, the French may have just be choosing the lesser of 2 evils at the time; the British Empire or a bunch of rag tag band of craven blood thirsty terrorists.)
  • how
    15 years ago
    If you want socialism, you may leave America and go to a socialist country. But if you try to destroy America and implement socialism here, know that we who love this country will defend it against you.
  • jablake
    15 years ago
    Hello how, You need to be on a government plantation in the blazing sun along with other any and all traitors. Don't worry thanks to President Obama, you'll receive medical care so that God willing you can work your butt off to repay your debts to society. Socialism is already a part of America, but we need 100% socialism. No more exploitation by private concerns and no more wealth inequality. All jobs will be with the government if one wishes to work and wealth equality along with combating traitorous terrorists will be the new government's priorities.
  • jablake
    15 years ago
    "will defend it" The only think you'll be defending is your backside if you choose to try and refuse one of the benefits of government plantation life. No, your life will be one of repaying your debts to society and accountability for your violations of law. Please don't think for a moment that just because your actions might be currently legal that ex post facto laws will not hold you 100% accountable!!! :) Yes future worker, repaying your debts to society and accountability and a good government education is what you can look forward to under what will be the greatest country ever!!! :)
  • jablake
    15 years ago
    "Of the few Muslims I polled who said that Obama is not Muslim, even they conceded that he had ties to Islam. These realists said that, although not an avowed and practicing Muslim, Obama's exposure to Islam at a young age (both through his father and his stint in Indonesia) has given him a Muslim sensibility. In my book, that makes you a Muslim--maybe not a card-carrying one, but part of the flock for sure. One realist Muslim ventured that Obama worships at a Unitarian Church because it represents the middle ground between Christianity and Islam, incorporating the religious beliefs of the two faiths Obama feels connected to. Unitarianism could be Obama's way of still being a Muslim. (And let's not forget that the church Obama worshiped at for so many years had a minister who reminds most Muslims of their own raving, excitable ministers. Even if Obama really is Christian, he picked the most Muslim-esque minister out of the bunch to guide him.)" [view link] I don't claim to know President Obama's religious beliefs. He wants to claim to be a Christian that is fine. Is he really a Muslim? Could be! You know the old saying lawyers are liars. :) In all seriousness it be swell if he was a card carrying Muslim. As PCers would say Islam is a religion of peace and President Obama is a peace prize winner. God willing America will be a marxist state that can transform the world into one giant family of where wealth inequality is viewed almost as repugnant as slavery.
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