Mitciv the Great pledges tens of millions of irrelevant posts for bigoted right

avatar for Slothrop
Mitciv the bigot has pledged to post tens of millions of irrelevant posts reflecting his ugly, bigoted views on Muslims and blacks. Mitciv indicates that none of these posts have anything to do with strip clubs, strippers or anything related. Thus far, the sad little mixed-up bigot has had nothing to offer as to why a good little Christian boy like him would be caught on non-family values website like this one.


last comment
avatar for CarolinaWanderer
15 years ago
Oh, him. I put him on ignore after 2 posts. He is gone from my world.
avatar for Dudester
15 years ago
Slothrop-you ignorant slut !! If we conducted our foreign policy like you conduct your bed policy, hopping from bed to bed with any stripper who falls for that old double benjamin trick, just where would we be? In line at the free clinic, under an alias, hoping our SO's won't find out that we're badly in need of a pennicillin shot. For shame !! Mitciv is merely trying to save us the shame of the pennicillin shot !! Oh the humanity !!
avatar for mitciv
15 years ago
President Barack Obama has only been in office for just over nine months, but he's already hit the links as much as President Bush did in over two years.

CBS' Mark Knoller — an unofficial documentarian and statistician of all things White House-related — wrote on his Twitter feed that, "Today - Obama ties Pres. Bush in the number of rounds of golf played in office: 24.

Took Bush 2 yrs & 10 months."

This news comes on the heels of today's news that Obama played golf with a woman — chief domestic policy adviser Melody Barnes — for the first time since taking office.
Man up & write a strip club review wing-nut or STFU...
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
"President Barack Obama has only been in office for just over nine months, but he's already hit the links as much as President Bush did in over two years. "

Yeah that is because Obama is is nearly 20 years younger than W.
avatar for mitciv
15 years ago
I'm sure the soldiers are thrilled that Barry is spending time golfing while they are getting limbs blown off, paralyzed and dying.

"I'm sure the soldiers are thrilled that Barry is spending time golfing while they are getting limbs blown off, paralyzed and dying."

Please, this reminds me of the nonsense around GWB "quitting" golf during his Presidency "for the troops". What the troops really want is for their sacrifices to NOT be in they were in Iraq.
avatar for Clubber
15 years ago
Idiot abounds!
avatar for BaddJack
15 years ago
mitciv is on my ignore list,too. just like greenvegas, notgreenvegas, reallyreallyIswearIamnotgreenvegas, pleaselistentomegreenvegas. Mrs. GreenVegas, however, is my new ATF.
avatar for mitciv
15 years ago
The race for governor in New Jersey is so close in final polls that it may well end up in a recount -- the 1981 election did and was decided by less than 1,800 votes. If there is a recount, you can bet disputes about absentee ballots will loom large. Moreover, if serious allegations of fraud emerge, you can also expect less-than-vigorous investigation by the Obama Justice Department -- which showed just how seriously it takes such allegations when it walked away from an open-and-shut voter intimidation case against the New Black Panther Party in Philadelphia earlier this year.
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
And yet more worthless hot air from mitciv...give it up man...
avatar for Clubber
15 years ago

Excellent post!
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