
Comments by LeeH (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Mustard, ketchup, mayo
    This post has been brought to you by the letters "O" and "T". ;-)
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    OT: Poker vs Fantasy Sports
    skibum, you really like to talk in gross over-generalities, don't you? "In a rigged game neither skill nor chance applies" -- true enough. And as soon as every last game is rigged, that will actually be relevant. By your logic, because there are drunk drivers out there, we should all have to forfeit our cars. Regarding your response to my gov't comment, I'm not sure which is more terrifying: the fact that it was overly-obvious that I meant I don't need their protection IN THIS INSTANCE or the fact that you capitalized "government" as though it was something holy. Just go back to licking your congressman's scrotum.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    OT: Poker vs Fantasy Sports
    skibum, none of what you said jives with the "skill vs chance" excuse, though. Not to mention the fact that there are "bad" people in all walks of life -- I'm not 5 -- I don't need my government's protection.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Couple still being ignored
    gmd is being gracious by saying subtlety is not your friend. In a strip club, subtlety will get you as much action as a forehead tattoo that says, "Free STDs Here".
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Are we all rapists?
    A couple vacations on a lake. He likes to fish and so sometimes takes their rented boat out on the lake for some fishing. One day, the wife wakes up early. She doesn't want to disturb her husband, but it's a gorgeous day outside, and so she rows the boat out, taking a book with her to read and just enjoy the morning. After a while, a warden comes by in his boat and demands to see her fishing license. She doesn't have one and explains that she had no intention to fish -- she was just reading. The warden shakes his head, points to her husband's gear in the boat, says "You have all the equipment" and proceeds to write her a ticket. As he's writing, she starts screaming "RAPE!" at the top of her lungs. The warden stops writing and says, "What the hell are you doing? I haven't even touched you." The woman shrugs and says, "You have all the equipment."
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Are we all rapists?
    It's bullshit like this ("all men are potential rapists") that makes the issue of actual rape seem trivial. And so, in reaction, the guys whose minds are just a little fucked-up (and could be fixed with some actual help) get further entrenched in their fucked-up-ness. The people screaming about "rape culture" are making the problem WORSE.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Couple still being ignored
    Nice way of turning the issue around -- supposedly, *I'm* offended, so there's probably something wrong with me.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What about "strippers" that never get up on stage to strip?
    Um, no. Reading comprehension fail. You made a *definitive statement* (in the form of a question) that sc was not entitled to express his opinion in a fucking online forum. I stated that this was tiresome. If I was going to bitch at you, I'd say something about how classifying that as "opinion" is asinine.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    OT: Poker vs Fantasy Sports
    By whom? 100-year-old Baptist ministers who think that even Old Maid cards are the devil's instrument? Fantasy sports: You pick a bunch of guys and then take the *chance* that they won't have an off (or even mediocre) day, after taking the *chance* that they even have opportunity to score you points, after taking the *chance* that the coach plays them a lot, after taking the *chance* that they're not on the DL because they strained an oblique while blowing their nose 15 minutes before the game. Poker (esp Holdem and its relatives): While there is some chance in it, 90%+ is skill. And more like 98%+ for those who are really good (and can win hands with crap cards). I can understand other casino games (e.g. there's no real skill to roulette and little to craps). But not poker.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Inside the bar stages
    Clermont Lounge in Atlanta has this set-up. A couple of possible reasons: * For those tired of the "angels debate", there's another argument over how many Clermonts you could fit on the head of a pin. (If you're too young to get that, bite me.) * The club is older than I am. Local laws/regulations may have been tighter back in the 19[censored] * I'm not 100% sure that it's always had strippers. So the thought may have been: "Hey! You know what people like? Naked chicks. But where are we gonna put them?"
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Inside the bar stages
    shadowcat: "I've never seen it." Dammit - you still haven't been to Clermont Lounge? :)
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Couple still being ignored
    Can we just go ahead and change the title of this thread to "people who are too lazy to walk 2 feet still being ignored"? Doesn't matter if you're a male, female, couple, or orangutan orgy -- throwing money is just rude. The other dancers (for whom you actually get your ass up) aren't going to differentiate. I also find it flabbergasting that you actually expect someone else to know that "A means B, but C means D". Even if we dismiss the notion that most strippers aren't really bright, none of them are psychic. How the hell are they supposed to know what your little code is?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Google Contacts - Look out!
    A bigger "holy shit" -- you actually gave your real number and email address to a stripper?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What about "strippers" that never get up on stage to strip?
    In response to the OP: * For me, stage is an audition for lapdance which is an audition for VIP. * Assuming she's doing extras in VIP, that pretty much annhilates any pretense that the dancer is an "adult entertainer" -- she's just a prostitute. * At every club that I've been at, the DJ has the rotation list, so he'd be the one to grease to get a dancer off it. I've done this (with just an implication of VIP) just to maintain a fave's company. * That said, if a dancer got pulled out of a VIP with me to go to the stage, I'd raise holy hell -- at least until I got my money back (including my cover). * I was already of the opinion that all bouncers are assholes. Your stories just add to that opinion.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What about "strippers" that never get up on stage to strip?
    P.S. I'm also REALLY tired of this shit of bitching at people for having opinions on the fucking internet.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What about "strippers" that never get up on stage to strip?
    Diva1975 to shadowcat: "who are you" You're new around here, aren't you?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    New Atlanta strip club replaces the former Crazy Horse Saloon.
    Even though I agree with and observe all the "tipping" stuff, any club that tells me how to spend my money ain't gonna see a penny of it.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Strip club on your birthday
    Used to do a club crawl of 3-5 clubs every birthday as a present to myself. Only one dancer knows my birthday, though -- the one who has the same as mine (except 22 year later).
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Does TV News treat Strip Clubs Fairly?
    WTF were you doing watching Atlanta TV "news"?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Couple still being ignored
    Clubber is exactly right. How the hell are the dancers supposed to know that when you do X, it means Y?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    TUSCL Members with One Review
    So there is now a "decently thorough review" of a club that you have specifically "been wanting information about". And you're troubled, why? Over-think much?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    OT: Money For Nothing Censorship
    While I agree that one should distinguish between government censorship and corporate censorship, given the fact that the crowd who feels this is necessary at all overlaps heavily with the crowd running the government, the distinction rapidly becomes moot. Here's the thing: You can't offend me by anything you say or do. I can only choose to be offended. And if I do so, then I need to get a life. Or lean into the next pitch. Ordinarily, I'd say that the reason that the song was acceptable 30 years ago, but not today, is because we're turning into a nation of pussies. But I like pussy, so I won't say that.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Thank God Trump is FIRED!!! Lock him up!
    Brain dead management
    Your post title is redundant. And WTF is the club manager doing bothering himself with dancer schedules?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Multiple Girls in VIP
    Toy was never really a fave, per se, but her schedule and mine aligned so much, that it was rare that I went to her club that she wasn't there. And so over time, I really got to enjoy being with her and would seek her out at least to start the evening well. One night was slow, and so she was the only dancer I was really interested in, and there wasn't much reason for her to work the room, either. So we spent a lot of time together. When I suggested VIP, she was (of course) down with that, but asked if she could make a suggestion. I said "sure" and she suggested a 3-way. There was another dancer that she really wanted to "try" but hadn't been able to figure out how to approach. But once in VIP, the ice would already be broken. She sensed a bit of hesitance on my part, and suggested that we go half the usual time, thereby making my expenditure only slightly more for 2 girls than for 1. That sold me and she pointed out the other dancer, which sold me even more. Short version: A good time was had by all. I agree that if it's just 1 girl at a time, that's a waste. But this was a combination of both girls at the same time and some nice girl-on-girl each time we did it (probably 5-6 times over the months). Then both our schedules changed and we totally lost touch. I met Cricket at that club, and she was definitely a fave. Six months later, Toy and Cricket were on the same night. Toy knew that I had "moved on" and was cool with it. But then was elated when I suggested a 3-some (with Cricket, this time) for old-times' sake. This time started out with girl-on-girl and I'm pretty sure that, when she went down on Toy, Cricket's tongue was hitting Toy's tonsils.