
Brain dead management

Thank God Trump is FIRED!!! Lock him up!
Saturday, February 7, 2015 5:21 PM
Last Thursday night, I was witness to the stupidest, most boorish example of an idiot straw boss that I have ever seen. I was reconnecting with a dancer that I hadn't seen before and she realized that the dancer who was due up was doing a lapdance and she went back to see if she would be ready. Since she wasn't, my dancer said that she would trade and went on stage, preventing an empty stage. She finished those dances and we went back. We were about two minutes in and this asshole manager comes in and with a profanity-laced tirade tells my dancer that she's due up on stage IMMEDIATELY and she won't give dances for the rest of the night if she doesn't get up. Clearly, being "right" and "in charge" were more important to her than the truth of the situation or her customer (me). Where do they find these morons and why do they think they will make good decisions as managers? The only thing I can think of is that her boss is an asshole too.


  • grand1511
    9 years ago
    How do you reconnect with a dancer you haven't seen before?
  • ATACdawg
    9 years ago
    Yeah. Just noticed that myself. Should have been "reconnected with a dancer I hadn't seen for a while."
  • lopaw
    9 years ago
    Apparently all one needs to qualify as a stripclub manager is the ability to find their way to work and then back home again. I wouldn't trust most of them to change the toilet paper in the shitter without fucking it up.
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    Sounds familiar
  • ilbbaicnl
    9 years ago
    I don't know. Whenever I hear somebody hating hard on the 1%, I think, you really need to spend ONE shift as a supervisor at a typical fast-food restaurant. Maybe this manager in the past had the flexibility that seems like common sense in this little anecdote. But after several incidents like "oh no, I don't need to dance right now, I covered a stage set for Bulima last Grounds Hog's Day, she should be up there" the manager decided flexibility was not going to fly.
  • ATACdawg
    9 years ago
    Actually I grew up in my father's Dairy Queens from the time I was five years old til I went to college, and my sister has run those stores for the last 33 years. Those stores are now the oldest continuously operated stores in Canada. Rest assured, no employee has ever been treated that way in our stores. What excuse is there for using profanity IN FRONT OF A CUSTOMER? None. What excuse is there for effectively punishing a customer at the same time. None! What excuse is there for punishing a dancer who helped out keeping the stage occupied only two dancers before in full view of the "manager". None whatever. The dancer in question is, in my estimation, exactly the kind of dancer I would want working for me or indeed being a manager - which she is actually going to school for. The fact is, this woman is a vindictive moron without an ounce of good sense. And she has utterly lost the respect of both dancers and this customer.
  • ilbbaicnl
    9 years ago
    Maybe I just had to be there. Dancers will figure it out fast if they can break rules as long it makes a custy happy or they can't be reprimanded as long as they stay in the vicinity of customers. You don't know if that was the first or the tenth time the manager had told her not to change up the stage dance order on her own initiative. It does seem self-defeating when clubs make dancers stop lap dancing to go on stage. Of course, that would mean a stage show more dominated by less attractive dancers. I think that tells you something about what part of a club's income comes from guys who come in and drink and watch the stage show, but largely freeload on the dancers. Fast-food managers in the US have told me that franchise rules RESTRICT giving raises to employees no matter how exceptionally good they are. Hopefully things are different in Canada or with Dairy Queen. I'm guessing your dad doesn't have to bitch at his employees because he knows well enough to treat the good ones like gold, and hang on to them. I work with high-salary people in the IT industry. Many of my co-workers seem to think God created the company to pay them a salary, and provided an orchard of money trees to do it with. My face-palm rate is close to daily. Profanity seems to be the norm in SCs, even the ones who market themselves as upscale.
  • ATACdawg
    9 years ago
    She had only been on shift for a few minutes. She is an utterly clean dancer. She had just checked the posted order to see when she was up. When she realized that there was potential for a problem, she took the initiative to solve it. I have also been a manager of engineers at Westinghouse. The principles of effective management are universal. You treat people with respect. You are there to help solve their work related problems, not add to them.
  • sclvr5005
    9 years ago
    ilbbaicnl- Many(if not most) of us have worked in fast food joints when we were teenagers, so we know all too well how badly businesses can be run, as well as how good they can operate.
  • ilbbaicnl
    9 years ago
    Do you have the photo-shopped baby pictures with the big W on your ass?
  • ATACdawg
    9 years ago
    Nah. When I was a baby, cameras hadn't been invented. Lol
  • LeeH
    9 years ago
    Your post title is redundant. And WTF is the club manager doing bothering himself with dancer schedules?
  • DandyDan
    9 years ago
    I got one question: is this a female manager at a strip club? Not counting the one I know a woman owns, I find that odd in and of itself.
  • ATACdawg
    9 years ago
    Yes, it was a she, the second one I have encountered in my SC career. The other one, at my favorite club, is a real gem and makes an effort to talk to each customer at least a couple of times to make sure they're having a good time. The girls are always happy when she's on. Also, I think she was a dancer herself at some point - she certainly has the face and body for it. The idiot would be just about as hot if she wasn't so bitter and angry all the time. One thing my dad always used to say to all of his employees: "Show initiative! If you are faced with a new situation, make a decision. As long as the customer is satisfied, you're OK even if I would have handled it differently."
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