What about "strippers" that never get up on stage to strip?

avatar for shadowcat
At many club that I have been to the strippers can opt to not go on stage by paying the house a higher tip out. They don't want to go on stage because there is no real money in it compared to giving dances or doing VIPs and they are making enough money that they don't feel the need to advertise their wares.

But should they be given a pass. That means less dancers in the stage rotation and it means that not all of the customers get a shot at seeing her without clothes. I have had guys PM for dancer names and if I think they deserve it, I'll give them some. But some of them never get up on stage so the guy cannot listen out for the DJ to announce dancer names. I guess the customers could ask a waitress or bouncer but at busy clubs they may not know that dancer or may not know if she is there.

With less dancers in the rotation, I have seen times at clubs when there are no dancers on stage. This should not be allowed to happen and I have had bouncers interrupt my conversation with a stripper to tell her to get her ass up on stage even though it is not her turn. That pisses me off.

At some clubs the girls are taken off the rotation when they do a VIP but at some other clubs the customer has to grease the bouncer to insure she doesn't get called to the stage. I have also been in semi private couch rooms getting numerous dances and the mileage has been getting better with each dance and then she has to stop right when things are about to burst to go on stage or get fined. They should get a pass if they are taking care of a customer.

So my opinion is that all dancers should be in the stage rotation but should get passes if they are in the back rooms with customers.


last comment
avatar for minnow
10 years ago
At many clubs, dancers are given a pass on stage rotation if they're doing a VIP, or even sometimes a basic level dance with a customer. Most times, I get to see every dancer on stage, even those who skipped 1 rotation. In my "regular" clubs, I'm aware of 1 or 2 clubs where apparently it was so. I don't stick my nose into internal club politics, but over the years I noticed that 2 30 something dancers at one club were never seen on stage. One was slightly overweight (but had nice large natural breasts, personally had many good VIP sessions with her.) , the other was more than a little overweight, but also had large breasts. The later also had "seniority"- she had 15 years at club before being put out to pasture (or else finally getting the picture that she was past her prime.) At another club with an informal rotation, I'm guessing an attractive brunette is a management favorite as I've seen her spending a lot of time talking to management, or just sitting with certain customers. The very few times I've seen her on stage, her performance is lame. I'll see if I can find anything on the pink site about dancers skipping stage rotation.
avatar for shailynn
10 years ago
I have never heard of greasing the bouncer to not get called on stage during a VIP session. I have heard of tipping the DJ though. I believe you! Just new to me...

I think the there are a lot of factors for why girls stay off stage.

1. Egos, I have heard in the last some girls think they are "too good" to have to go on stage. These girls are usually the (or perceive themselves as) "elite" dancers in the club.

2. Low tip out. Some girls know they can pay the extra tip out because to them it's still low and they can make it up in lappers.

... I know of one stripper who would pay the additional tip out at one club because dancing on a large stage with multiple girls was a waste of her time because guys didn't tip well at that club... the stage location was poorly planned for tipping and 8 girls on multiple stages at the same time meant she was getting little attention. Across town at a smaller club, she loved being on stage because they had only 2 stages as well as only 2 girls on at a time. she would get lots of attention as well as tips.
avatar for just_the_nuts
10 years ago
I agree with minnow and also what about the dancers that pay a higher house fee that allows them to work from 1am to 4am ? I know a lot of big fish in small pound strippers that due just this because once they come in they monopolize all the money so they get lazy and workless. I try to avoid giving these up tight bitches my money
avatar for warhawks
10 years ago

I used to pay my ATF's stage skip fees just so she could spend more time with me in the club.

So the dancers might be having a customer pay for them to not get on stage.
The bars in my area don't really care. They are getting the stage skip fees.
But I can see how the other dancers wouldn't like it, as it means they have to go on stage more often.
avatar for JamesSD
10 years ago
I've chatted with one girl who never dances on stage because her back won't allow it.

I imagine the stage rotation is a very different beast at 5 girl clubs vs 100 girl clubs.
avatar for Subraman
10 years ago
At the clubs I frequent most, because management is not completely retarded, the girl is taken out of rotation during a VIP. After all, it's in the club's interest to encourage VIPs, just dumb to do otherwise.

I have bought a shot for the DJ -- not the bouncer -- and subsequently had him offer to take my dancer out of the rotation for one round. Good for him, good for me.
avatar for bvino
10 years ago
I make my selection from the girls who are on stage and will not go V.I.P. unless I have seen the goods already. Pennywise pound foolish if you ask me. I will tip a girl $10.00 to go away but I will spend $200.00 to go in the back.
avatar for londonguy
10 years ago
I agree with you in principle SC, however if she's not employed by the club I suppose a girl is free to do as she pleases. No club should ever take a girl away from VIP to go on stage. Every time I go to your clubs I never seem to see the girls on stage that I really want to see naked before a LD and to see how good they move.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
I hardly ever interact w/ club staff or that much w/ the dancers other than when getting dances from them – so I usually don’t have a good insight into the club’s functioning.

The few times I’ve noticed certain dancers not going on stage has normally being older dancers – that I’ve noticed.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
I always thought that dancers that skipped stage was mostly out of being self-conscious and having to be up there for everyone to look at them – not necessarily b/c it was not a money maker.
avatar for Clackport
10 years ago
I'm one of those guys that love the stageshows, but I agree that if a stripper is giving a dance, she shouldn't be interrupted to go on stage.
avatar for londonguy
10 years ago
I'd be pissed off if a girl was giving me a LD and she broke off to go on stage, happened once.

So when this happens you're just supposed to accept it and pay up, even if you are less than a minute into the dance?
avatar for Diva1975
10 years ago
Dancers are contractors shadowcat, so if a worker has an agreement with management not to take the stage, who are you to argue?
avatar for shadowcat
10 years ago
Diva - If dancers are contractors why are there cases going on all over the country proclaiming that they are employees? And the dancers are winning all of these suits.

If what you claim were to be true then the fault lies with management for agreeing to such an arrangements.
avatar for DandyDan
10 years ago
I've never been in a club where the dancers could skip being on stage. At 2 of my regular clubs, doing VIP can get them out of it, although at the one club, doing a regular dance does not. At my other regular club, they have a coin system where they can buy their way out of it. The one way they can earn coins is to work a full shift Sunday through Thursday.
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
While dancers may be able legally in many circumstances to choose not to dance on stage, is a very shortsighted and foolish tactic. Most girls that I have found that are like this think that they are so hot that they don't need to demean themselves by being on stage. They are wrong no matter how they look.

I routinely wait to see a girl onstage before I decide whether to pay for dances with her. If a dancer asks to play and I am interested but I haven't seen her on stage, I almost always suggest that she let me see her on stage first. Stage dance not shows me what her body looks like, but it often gives an idea of how sensual and permissive she is. The odds of me spending any serious money on a dancer who I haven't seen onstage first are probably about one and 100. It might happen but it's rare.

I sometimes have lap dances interrupted for girls to go onstage, which as shadowcat says is stupid. Why would they interrupt the girl who is making a bunch of money to have her go onstage to make less money? Develop a flexible system that only calls the girls onstage who weren't busy earning money at that moment. I have never seen a club that would interrupt a VIP to call a girl onstage, but that is just idiotic for management to do such a thing. Trying to extort extra money from a customer to get the girl not to leave the VIP would likely be a way to guarantee that I don't patronize that club again.
avatar for Corvus
10 years ago
I made a visit to a club in a town I rarely visit based on multiple reviews here on TUSCL. Walked in, found a seat and was planning on watching the stage show to find the girl I was looking for.

Within literally just a few minutes an extra hot blonde approaches and settles her fine ass in my lap. Low and behold it ends up being the girl I was hoping to find. While talking to get to know each other she mentioned she was off stage duty due to a knee injury.

We had a great run in VIP and never had to worry about her being called onto the stage. I got the feeling she rarely ever took a spin around the pole on stage at that point in her dancing career. She was over 40 and as hot as any dancer I've ever seen. Well put together with great experience and know how. Great dances, some of the best I've ever had.

So while I enjoy watching the girls twirl around the pole on stage, it is not a requirement for me. What bothers me more are the dancers that do go on stage and do not strip. Take your clothes off dammit. I want to see your titties.
avatar for mjx01
10 years ago
So... my first inclination is to say that not going on stage is stupid. A dancer's stage show is an advertisement for themselves. Advertising helps sell products. Plus, clubs that allow this charge a higher tip to to skip going on stage.

On the other hand.... if she's just hanging around for one of her whales to arrive, maybe she doesn't need to go on stage because she she fells her regular business is enough.
avatar for eyeamlong
10 years ago
The first dancers on stage at Follies, this past Saturday,, Dance three time, within two hours,,, I'm sitting on the couch and seen her make two trips, to small ViP room... I believe her advertising paid off....

To answer your question, I think its a written or verbal contract with management ,,, when dancing on stage..
avatar for VeryBigDawg
10 years ago
1. Some girls pay the fine to not go on stage, as they are making so much money. To me, this is BS, they should ALL have to go on stage.
2. Many go on stage to ADVERTISE, so they can get lappers and VIPs.
3. If the girl is doing lappers or VIP, the DJ should move her down the rotation.
4. Follies is strange SC, as guys don't tip much on stage, so girls love to skip it there.
5. Speaking of Follies, there used to be lovely small blonde that had fear of heights. The small height of the stage terrified her. So she would not dance on the stage. I thought it was BS, but one day when I walked in grabbed her and lifted her up as I was hugging her. She went super nova on me, and remembered her fear. So put her down and calmed her down. Alas all was forgiven as I got extra lappers from her that day.
avatar for lopaw
10 years ago
If she's ok at the possibility that she might lose some business due to lack of stage advertising, then I'm cool with it too.The last thing I wanna see is a pissy dancer forced to go onstage and giving a lousy stage show because she hates being up there and can't hide her displeasure. If dancers are given an "out" by the club in exchange for a higher tip out, so be it.
avatar for alldaylong
10 years ago
I don't care if she gets onstage as long as she's not hiding. Stage show and ld can be completely different and I don't mind taking a test run.
avatar for alldaylong
10 years ago
I used to think stage was important thinking id tip and they'd come and find me but recently its so much easier to pull from the floor
avatar for whodey
10 years ago
I have only had one club ever interrupt a vip by making the girl get on stage. I thought it was a huge mistake on the clubs behalf. On the bright side, after her stage show we returned to the vip and the time was reset as if the first go 'round never happened.
I ended up getting more than 10 minutes before the show and a full 30 minutes after the show all for the price of a regular 30 minute session.
avatar for Diva1975
10 years ago
The lawsuits are occurring and the women are winning them because they were deemed independent contractors yet treated like employees without receiving employee benefits. Not brilliant on the part of the strip club owners.
avatar for LeeH
10 years ago
Diva1975 to shadowcat: "who are you"

You're new around here, aren't you?
avatar for LeeH
10 years ago
P.S. I'm also REALLY tired of this shit of bitching at people for having opinions on the fucking internet.
avatar for LeeH
10 years ago
In response to the OP:

* For me, stage is an audition for lapdance which is an audition for VIP.
* Assuming she's doing extras in VIP, that pretty much annhilates any pretense that the dancer is an "adult entertainer" -- she's just a prostitute.
* At every club that I've been at, the DJ has the rotation list, so he'd be the one to grease to get a dancer off it. I've done this (with just an implication of VIP) just to maintain a fave's company.
* That said, if a dancer got pulled out of a VIP with me to go to the stage, I'd raise holy hell -- at least until I got my money back (including my cover).
* I was already of the opinion that all bouncers are assholes. Your stories just add to that opinion.
avatar for Diva1975
10 years ago
Didn't you just bitch at me for having an opinion lee?
avatar for LeeH
10 years ago
Um, no. Reading comprehension fail.

You made a *definitive statement* (in the form of a question) that sc was not entitled to express his opinion in a fucking online forum. I stated that this was tiresome.

If I was going to bitch at you, I'd say something about how classifying that as "opinion" is asinine.
avatar for Dolfan
10 years ago
At some of my local clubs, there's a few girls who don't go on stage ever. I'm not sure the exact arrangement, but I'm on board with the folks who postulated that its due to their looks. Quite simply, the girls in question are fat/ugly. In the spirit of continued speculation, I think the majority of the time its the club's decision to have them not dance. That doesn't mean they don't pay the higher fee's, but I think the deal is something like "we know you've been here for years, but we don't want you on stage anymore. You can tip an extra $50 and work the floor if you want"

Personally, I don't mind it girls not going on stage. Like I said, in my experience those girls aren't anything I want to see anyway. As far as pulling other girls out of lap dances/rooms - I'm 100% on board with that being stupid. I find it annoying when I'm getting dances and the girl is called on stage. But, I partially blame the girl for that. The smarter girls know where they are in the rotation or take a minute to go ask the DJ so they don't wind up in that situation. The girl should know the policy & work with it, even if that means telling me we should wait till after her stage set to start.
avatar for johnsmojo
10 years ago
There's only a couple of clubs in my area that have a stage show. Oh, how I miss seeing a hot stripper working a pole. If I am getting a ld or a vip and a dancer gets called on stage, and she goes, I'm done with the dancer and the club. Seems to me that they are scamming to get more money out of me at that point.
avatar for chandler
10 years ago
Anymore, I don't need to see a stripper on stage in order to tell if I might want a dance from her. I care more about this at a club that's newer to me, where stage tipping might be my only chance to get a stripper's attention. At some clubs I've visited, all the hotter girls seemed to be out of the rotation, and the only ones I'd see go on stage were the fuglies.

At my regular club, it's not unusual for a girl to skip a stage set just because she doesn't feel like it at the time. She'll be in the rotation, but when the DJ calls her to the stage, she'll just not respond. She's not doing a VIP or even a table dance, just hanging out, but as long as the other girl he calls does go up, it's apparently not a problem. Maybe it's the weed that makes everybody so laid back.
avatar for DandyDan
10 years ago
@dolfan, that's why I try to get them the moment they leave the stage. At one of my regular clubs, they seem to understand that, but not so at the other one. Then again, the fact they have fewer dancers there could have something to do with it. It's one reason they should do 3 song stage sets there, but they more or less did away with them.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
I like the stage but it’s not a huge deal to me – most of the time I tend to scout the floor more than I do the stage.

And in some clubs I may rarely notice the stage – this is usually in clubs with lots of dancers on the floor like @ Follies.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
10 years ago
Diva is ultimately right, in the end, it's between the manager and the dancer. But the manager is obviously going to care what the custies think.

I think dancers who don't go on stage miss out on a chance to "advertise". But, most clubs have a rule that a dancer has to walk a way from a custy getting multiple back-to-back by-the-song lappers if it's her turn to go on stage (obviously bad for her). Also, there are some dancers who dislike being the center of attention of the whole club like that.
avatar for Subraman
10 years ago
Like Papi, I like the stage, and sometimes catching her on stage is the only way to get her attention if she's busy, but overall, pretty much don't care if they go on stage or not. I may notice her on stage, but ultimately the decision as to whether I'm going to take her to the VIP is 100% based on her interaction with me at the table. Do I enjoy talking with her, is her hustle nice and slow and relaxed, does she seem fun, is she giving me a semi, will she do shots with me? Almost always, the answer to every one of those questions has to be "YES!", and then, it's off to the VIP.
avatar for Cheo_D
10 years ago
I, too, enjoy the stage; however there are different situations with clubs, in some of the larger clubs the dancer has to rotate through more than one stage/room before she's free to roam the floor. I do agree that if the dancer is off to any sort of off-floor room she should be skipped in the stage call until she's done.
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