Comments by jablake (page 88)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Can I Borrow a Dove?
    Excellent question Book Guy and thanks for the answer CarolinaWanderer. :) The crazy girl that answered the question for me was first hoping that I was a dealer (of maryjane) because why else would the other girl be requesting a dove? Once, I assured her that I wasn't a dealer or user (for fear of leo) she then said oh, she must mean a $20. Of course, I've read repeatedly NOT to trust folk etymology. :) Somestimes its a bullseye and other times it will lead down the primrose path. :( Still primrose or not folk etymology is entertaining at very the least. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Can I Borrow a Dove?
    Excellent question Book Guy and thanks for the answer CarolinaWanderer. :) The crazy girl that answered the question for me was first hoping that I was a dealer (of maryjane) because why else would the other girl be requesting a dove? Once, I assured her that I wasn't a dealer or user (for fear of leo) she then said oh, she must mean a $20. Of course, I've read repeatedly NOT to trust folk etymology. :) Somestimes its a bullseye and other times it will lead down the primrose path. :( Still primrose or not folk etymology is entertaining at very the least. :)
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    17 years ago
    Can I Borrow a Dove?
    It is sort of nice when the stereotype doesn't fit or there is a logical lacuna. It's been months since the original dove girl had texted me; normally I would write a stripper off who I haven't heard from in months. Knowing her ability to generate cash it just seem illogical that she needed $20, especially from me. I didn't know her that well and she was out of my price range and I hadn't seen her for months. So an expensive call girl/stripper keeps a list of too cheap too poor customers to call months later to ask for a dove? :) I just wish her timing was better. She has to text right when I have a stripper at the home? Normally I'm not getting lucky with an OTC especially at home. Yes, I consider even bad OTCs to be lucky. :) It is just nice having a dancer away from her normal environment because it presents another view in many cases. As far as using "genuine" call girls, that doesn't make any sense at all unless you have money to burn and aren't really concerned about attractiveness.
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    17 years ago
    Can I Borrow a Dove?
    For some.
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    17 years ago
    Can I Borrow a Dove?
    One of the benefits of patronizing strip club dives. :) Also, at the higher end of wealth scale generally comes brains (moral relativism). Actually, even better is the drug houses and no you don't need to use drugs. The obvious downside is law enforcement is a real risk and you better not be afraid of a few weapons. Still some of my happiest times were spent with misfits, social rebels, addicts, sex workers, richey riches, professors, gurus, racists, peace nixs, etc.
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    17 years ago
    Why is the website so slow?
    TUSCL is lightening fast for me--most of the time. Other times I figure there is programming problem.
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    17 years ago
    Boring Conversation???
    Hi SuperDude, And, here I thought Detroit was ebony heaven. :( I didn't care for the Russia or Eastern European dancers that I've met at all. The didn't seem nearly as healthy as typical American women. And, accents were grating to me ears. I do prefer the accents over the slurred speech only because it is easier for me to hear the words. I've been brainwashed to believe that for most people great conversation means they get to talk about themselves. Perhaps that is the case. I think more like arbeeguy that possibilities for great conversation are ENDLESS. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Interesting Stripper Conversation and Meeting the Her Generous Fiance/Client
    "Right is right and wrong is wrong." I would think that is a joke, but too many people actually believe that. I hate to admit it, but my first very strong impression after meeting the man was that what she was doing was totally sleazy. What I found sleazy wasn't the agreeing to be his fiance with a date that she refused to set after years. And, of course it wasn't her lack of putting out for him. Sorry fellas, but there is plenty of sex for hire if that is his major interest. It wasn't even her "taking advantage of him." What made me disgusted initially was the lack of time she was giving him. She made him so happy and yet it is a big deal to give him more than 15 minutes? When I confronted her about her behaviour in relation to her Bible reading and professed belief in God, she surprisingly admitted that she thought what she was doing was wrong. But, even IF she didn't need the money she didn't think she could stop----get this, because it would hurt him too much. :) However, the 15 minute part she didn't think was sleazy at all and felt that the less time he spent with her the better and not because she was in a major rush all the time or that he was horrible to be with. So, why give so little? She said because she was afraid he would fall even more in love and supposedly in a strong moment she had tried to cut the relationship off and he started crying. :( After meeting him that is very easy to imagine that he cries easily. He seemed like a very sensitive person. Unfortunately, hot and young is a definite requirement for him. It is a definite requirement for me, also. Her bottom line rationalization was that she needs the money and it was God who provided the solution just as God had also provided the solution to the man's need for young and hot. If God didn't want her to be a stripper, then he would have provided her with a different family and some real opportunities. Her suffering and the man's suffering didn't make much difference in the end because she was convinced they were both going to Heaven. In fact, she believed it was God's plan for *everyone* to ultimately go to Heaven. Just that for some it would take longer than for others. She was very interested in reading the Bible with me. She for some reason thinks it is a great book. I explained that I was exposed to it as child and didn't care for it. That left her with a look of incredulity that was priceless. :) Helpfully she offered that maybe I needed the simple English version because the "original" version was very difficult to understand. :) Oh, apparently God provided the solution to her need for 3 of my books. The "little scammer" for whatever reason really wanted those books and she had whined that I have so many books what would it hurt to just give her 3 books? Of course, she didn't understand at all when I told her I didn't like giving books away and that she should buy her own. So add 3 books taken to her list of exploits.
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    17 years ago
    Interesting Stripper Conversation and Meeting the Her Generous Fiance/Client
    I've told the story about the disgusting biker who said anyone who paid for pussy was a pussy who can't get any otherwise. I asked for a picture of his woman and suddenly he gets all defensive. He says looks aren't everything and she knows who the man is and etc. For this biker apparently any female was good as long as he didn't have to pay. And, perhaps he genuinely didn't care about looks. More than a few women feel looks are unimportant in choosing a man. I'd rather pay $200 for 15 minutes of conversation with a hottie than be intimate at any price or NO price with an ugly woman if those were the only 2 choices. Who is right? For many people the answer is so obvious. They know paying for sex is wrong and unless I'm married to the ugly woman and wanting children that is also wrong. CELIBACY is their motto. Similarly for many people it is obvious the $200 for 15 minutes of conversation is wrong. Well, I know it is definitely wrong for me! :) For $200, I don't necessarily need sex, but I need a lot of contact and conversation and a smoking hot young body! :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Interesting Stripper Conversation and Meeting the Her Generous Fiance/Client
    Hi arbeeguy, If you asked the "sugar daddy" whether his life was better with or without her, then I pretty damn sure he would say without her he didn't have a life. It can be too easy to moralize or know what is in other people's best interest better than they know. The poor druggie: Of course, the judgement is that the druggie is better off without drugs. Any dummy could see or know that! But, is that truly the case? I suffer from severe depression. Even other people who think they feel the same way or have similar symptoms may not truly understand what I'm feeling. If drugs worked for *my* depression, then I'd be downing by the bucket or inject as often as possible more likely than not. The end results may be disasterous; homeless, no family, craving a fix that I can't afford, etc. etc. etc. I'm not sure that would be a bad trade off depending on how much relief I could get before the "wheels fell off." Also, that is a worse case scenario assuming one doesn't believe death is worst case. Anyway, other people would probably think they know better than me what is best for me. Worse, they might claim to know how I feel. My father, an extremely bright man, had this insanity that because he could stop drinking or smoking or whatever that therefore everyone else could kick their addiction. He LOVED cigars. His health convinced him to stop and he did. Someone else might continue smoking even as body parts are being hacked off left and right. I don't know what exactly "sugar daddy" is feeling, but he sure seemed like he was in heaven when he saw his hot fiance. What is a fair price for that? Does it make a difference if he is worth billions or millions? Perhaps he shouldn't be allowed to pay for this little bit of joy?
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    17 years ago
    Interesting Stripper Conversation and Meeting the Her Generous Fiance/Client
    Hi njscfan, By all means *assign responsibility to people*. Just make sure you're properly assigning that responsibility. An obese person walks into Publix or Burger King and of course these businesses should police this individual and refuse his business unless the food he wishing to purchase ain't fattening. To do otherwise could be considered *predatory* or even *criminal*. Government has made big business out of misassigning responsiblity not to mention abusing the English language. :) What are the "sugar daddy's" real options? Be with a women his own age? Have some freaking compassion! $200 for 15 minutes is better than that. :) A strip club? Remember he is very shy and would be afraid to go to a strip club (he really wanted to visit her at Angels, but said the naked ladies would be too much for him). Besides, his god might send him to the ever lasting lake of fire for such sins. He is desperate for affection from a hottie and given his looks, personality, morals, health, etc. more likely than not he is going to have to PAY for that privilege just as other people pay for sex. Besides, he sure was Mr. Happy just seeing her. He even tried to be a "man" emphasizing that she was HIS fiance. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Boring Conversation???
    ONLY 20 minutes talking about toys for her cat??? Damn, I would have felt cheated. :) Actually, I can see that being a very interesting conversation. How many toys does her cat have and what does she look for when buying the toys? Where does she have a particular store or stores that she likes to patronize for cat toys? Does she ever search the internet for cat toys and or educational information on cat toys? Has she thought about making her own cat toys and would she like assistance from a true pro? Would she like a DVD on making toys for kittens and cats? Does she prefer active toys or comfort toys? What toys does her cat love most? Does her cat have old favorites or does the cat constantly search for new and different? What does she think about catnip toys? Yes, a person who can't get excited about cat toys just seems like whoa man how can you not be totally enthralled or are you just a joker? OTOH, dog toys are totally boring. A fake bone or a ball? Waste of time even mentioning dog toys they're so boring. The bitch--no matter how hot--starts that with me and I cut her off at the knees in lightening speed!!! ;)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Boring Conversation???
    Hi arbeeguy, Glad you enjoy my threads. :) Always surprised when I hear positive comments, but they're definitely welcome. I don't mind the needing money for rent or surgery or whatever dancer IF she is being real. Usually, not the case in a stripclub because if the sad story works it spreads like a virus. Also, I enjoy helping in many circumstances if the request isn't too large or suspect. No, I'm not going to pay your rent because that is way outside my budget. I might buy a few dances or drive the dancer home or etc. One warning don't expect her to react positively to help even when her sad story is true: It works BOTH ways, but normally negatively. I've had dancers interpret that as weakness, which means you're to be treated like dirt. I've had other dancers who were so impressed they try to repay the favor many times over. One dancer truly transformed into more of a friend wanting to give me free dances and wanting to play matcher---ONLY with non-strippers because she didn't consider strippers to be good girlfriends.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Budgeting or spend crazy?
    I use to budget, but after having a lot of money stolen from me (not by dancers) my financial discipline isn't there. Also, every once in a blue moon a perfect dancer will appear and I hate to lose that opportunity so I don't usually limit how much I bring to the club. BTW, when I say a lot of money that is very relative. I was talking with a married couple who had to flee their country and the theft of their money was a big deal to them, but they couldn't relate to those not of their financial standing. Therefore, if another married couple told them about having their entire life savings of $1,000 or $10,000 or $100,000 stolen, then the response would be that's peanuts--you didn't suffer anything. :) So normal. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Pool tables in strip clubs...
    It is a lot of fun assuming the club isn't playing loud noise (no, I'm not a good player). That is how I got to know some of the dancers very well without going broke. Sometimes they would want to play for dances and it seemed like a fair exchange. Sometimes even if they couldn't win I'd buy a few dances because I'd gotten worked up watching them play. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Interesting Stripper Conversation and Meeting the Her Generous Fiance/Client
    Hi JayADay, She gets her share of NOs. :) She worked at a black club where it appears the black customers prefer plenty of blubber--think WHALES and harpooning. She is small and slender with a beautiful heart shaped ass that is perfect. I'm not an ass man, but she is fine enough for me to take special note. The story of her $200 per 15 minute customer is sort of interesting. He doesn't go to strip clubs and he is very shy. How did she meet him? Panhandling. :) Yeah, sounds strange but if you know her you know that she forgets to fillup and that she might not have a dime on her (gambling or spending). The story goes she did a little shopping and her car stalls out as she is starting to leave the parking lot. Light bulb goes on and she remembers that she kept forgetting to get gas. Fortunately there is a gas station very close by, but then she remember she didn't even have enough money to pay for everything she was attempting to buy. She doesn't even have a $1. Just a bit of change. What to do? Well, she says stripping takes away your inhibitions if you had any so it was nothing for her to start asking people for money. Most said NO and a few said yes. The last guy to say yes was the $200 per 15 minute man. He could barely talk when she first approached him. He just couldn't believe that she would talk to him. She started to walk away in disgust because she couldn't even get a NO out of him. He starts coughing and she sees he is holding out his wallet. His hands are shaking, but he pulls out his entire bankroll----$3 and hands it to her. :) He apologizes to her and says how beautiful she is. But, he is still having a hard time speaking. She thought it was a disability and only later learned it was because he was in awe of her beauty. She was sort of shocked he ask for her number! And, then he apologized, but explained that he just wanted to be helpful. He looked beaten when she said to him that she would take his number and call him if she needed help. She almost forgot about calling him and wasn't planning to anyway, but she ran out of money and saw the number and remembered his offer of help. Sure enough he was eager to help and she was off and making $$$.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Interesting Stripper Conversation and Meeting the Her Generous Fiance/Client
    Her justifications for being a *hustler* (her word) is that she has a child to support, all men are liars, and she has weaknesses that are also exploited. Yes, she thinks the man is getting screwed but that is just the way society works and besides he doesn't need young and hot. She gave an example of her gambling at the casinos. She will drive by and it takes all her strength just to drive by and if she made a lot of money it is almost impossible not to make the short drive and live it up. One day she had made $2,000 (Yes, at Angels). So she knew that she had to go to the casino, but she was going to be smart about it. She budgeted a $200 loss and figured that will be her cost for a night of fun. She parked as far as possible from the entrance and hid $1,800 in her car. In under 5 minutes the $200 was GONE! Repeat the process a few times and the entire $2,000+ was GONE. And, it wasn't fun. It just hurt real bad. So, she asks me is anyone going to be protecting me from losing $2,000 in less than 2 hours? That good guy has his weaknesses and I have mine. It is just the way things are setup. I do understand and sympathize with what she is saying. I had many thousands of dollars stolen from by a crooked court system and was denied a jury trial--the judge claimed he didn't see where it made a difference. LOL! I told him, I get a jury trial and the odds are overwhelming that I not only win, but collect some hefty damages to boot. He says you're not a lawyer. I say not only did the very high priced lawyer who agreed to handle the case think my position was very strong, but other lawyers gave me the same advice. This was a 1 hour case max, which took years and years and I just don't have ANY rights in this country. He says you have the right to appeal. I said that assumes I have the money to appeal and do you think the appellate judges will do a better job than you? Nothing, but silence. My attorney broke the awkward moment, but I don't recall what he said exactly. Something, about challenging the other side's attorneys' fees. That is a huge scam from what I've seen where the judge just dramatically increases the fees. Lawyers awarding fees to their fellow lawyers. Brilliant. Just Brilliant.
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    17 years ago
    Interesting Stripper Conversation and Meeting the Her Generous Fiance/Client
    Oh, the poor guy supposedly has never been to a strip club and after meeting him it is easy to believe. He knows that she works at Angels----> as a bartender (I think she served a customer a drink once some years back). She thinks he might drop dead if he knew it was more than that. Extremely shy and desperate guy. I felt sorry for him.
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    17 years ago
    Interesting Stripper Conversation and Meeting the Her Generous Fiance/Client
    One thing she said caught me off guard completely. She thought she was being under paid. YIKES!!! :) I told her that I'd be his fiance for that type of cash and NO sexual favors required. He asks me when the marriage date is I can answer that I have migrane and need more money for specialists or that only god knows the date and if I had more money to give to starving children then maybe god would grant a date quicker or etc. She didn't like the idea that I was interested in her man one bit, but then she started laughing and says you too old and don't got the body so knock yourself out. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Be careful in your OTC relationships with strippers.
    Well, I recently cooked for a stripper. She lived with me for a few days recently. Her baby daddy needed to calm down before she settle back in at their crib. I found the conversations to be intellectually stimulating. We talked about how wonderful food tasted on Komodo Kamado (it tiled ceramic smoker and grill), how blood thirsty her baby daddy is and how many years behind bars he has done, the numerous criminal histories of all her male relatives and checking them out online, she doesn't like sex with men unless taking E, she witholds sex from her boyfriend even if it means getting beat, Suduko puzzles, Hanjie puzzles, vocabulary games, her child and trying to be a good parent i.e. education and discipline, her goals for the future, abortion (because raising a child is so difficult without a positive role model), going to church, and the list goes on and on and on. :)
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    17 years ago
    What does your ATF really think of you, Daddy?
    Oops, not finished ranting yet. :) I see age, over 20, as a huge negative if your looking for a "real" relationship unless you knew her before that time. I've seen too many women turned into assholes by slimey men or at least harder. It may take a few years, but just as men learn to be bitter women are even better at it, imo.
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    17 years ago
    What does your ATF really think of you, Daddy?
    Good information, but I don't think the odds are as bad a typical stripclub cynic or even realist would like to believe. I'm definitely nothing special in the looks department or the money department for that matter. Short, fat, and old. :) I don't know if race makes much difference as to whether the dancer is for real; most of the dancers I've gotten to know very well are black. More than one young hottie wanted to help me pay the bills--that is the messed up perspective some of these sweet girls have. They want to support their man and I guess if you believe in equality there isn't anything wrong with that. Have said all that the odds are much more likely you will get a fraud, but that can also be a hell of a lot of fun: 1. Watch your budget. 2. Don't fall into the trap of thinking that doing more will get you more. The reverse is often the case. You may honestly want to help a girl out of a bad situation and that is wonderful, but even if she pretends to appreciate your help it is far more likely that she resents being dependant on you and will see you more as a customer. 3. Don't expect her to be impressed by what impresses you. 4. Don't expect standard logic. OK, end rant and have fun. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Native American Indian Dancers...
    I haven't had to use the ignore button, but seems like a very useful feature that should cut down on flame wars. Thanks founder. :) If anyone has a problem with my posts, then please do feel free to ignore me or use the ignore button or even better do both! :) So far I haven't needed to place anyone on ignore, but who knows perhaps that is short sighted on my part. I learned about another death in "Angels Family." Stanley's brother who appeared to be very young died in his sleep (a blood clot). A couple dancers were in mourning. It reminded that although many people have difficulty dying peaceful deaths that life is still fragile. One moment a person is joking with you and the next you could be dialing 911 to no avail. Stanley was a extremely well liked manager (his main problem stemmed from a personal feud with a man who wasn't the owner of Angels at the time; once the man bought the club Stanley was fired; there is sort of moral here because that man was Stanley's only known enemy) and I feel sad about the grief Stanley is probably feeling. Anyway, the moral is life is short so you might want to try and be HAPPY! As far as my death, I'm mainly just praying for quick and painless. I don't think it would be negative going sooner rather than later, but you never know. For those of you who are interested in a long life, I guess the best I can say is good luck. :)
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    17 years ago
    Ohio Cubs after the No-Touch Law
    LOL! Book Guy. Well as someone else pointed out enforcement is a huge part of the game. Next to enforcement you get interpretation. Is the actual wording of a law what is truly important or is it the meaning a judge gives those words? Hint: The judge wins almost every time. :) Here in South Florida there was a case where officers went to an adult club where people were interested in wife swapping and "public" sex i.e. sex inside the club. Anyway, the judge ruled one officer's testimony couldn't be used because she wasn't offended by anything she saw. The second officer then claimed to be deeply offended by what he saw. Bottom line the people who were brave enough to risk years behind bars got off. I would been like the majority who were arrested and just accepted any reasonable plea deal the government offered. A judge with a different opinion and those people who risked incarceration would be seeing life from behind bars for years most likely.
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    17 years ago
    Ohio Cubs after the No-Touch Law
    Yes, you touched a nerve. :) It is like when this well intentioned consumer activist was informing me of my rights under the law. Sounded very good and the person even had a legal cite. I was all set to hire an attorney and seek compensation from an auto repair shop that had not only destroyed my truck, but much more importantly under the law had sought to charge me over a $1,000 when the verbal estimate was for a few hundred. Anyway, I got a copy of the case from the law library and it sounded too good to be true and I was very upbeat that an attorney should have no problem with my case if I decided to sue. Not only was the consumer rights statute very well written, but the appellate decision was excellent as well. Well, I'm fairly distrustful when it comes to the law so I pulled the actual case file from the trial court. It was an unbelieveable mess. The original complaint was well written and so simple even a simpleton could easily understand it. Even better the consumer who won had a case almost identical to mine, but there was a fly in the ointment. The case had many VOLUMES. I read through all the idiotic garbage, which really had nothing to with anything except generating lawyer fees. The consumer lost and worse had to pay the auto shop something like $16,000 plus just in "reasonable" attorney fees. Fortunately, this consumer had money to burn. He appealed. God knows what the appellate attorney fees were. And, remember this consumer's attorney wasn't working for free. That means the consumer was being screwed for not only the auto shop's attorney fees and costs, but his own as well! If he lost, then the $16,000 plus would look like a small change. And, this consumer from what I could tell is the one who was royally screwed by the auto shop to begin with! The good news is the consumer won at the appellate level. The case didn't show how much the auto shop ended up paying in "reasonable" attorneys' fees, but I'd be surprised if it wasn't substantial especially consider how straight forward the case was and how relatively little money was initially involved. So did I have any real rights under the consumer protection statute? Hell, NO!!! Those reasonable attorneys were a hell of a trap. Despite the appellate court decision it would have been very easy for me to be screwed over royally with years of litigation about absolutely nothing. The courts are a GIANT fraud. So, I never pursued the case because it made a lot more financial sense to lose the money I paid as well as my truck. :( The hoodlum repair shop was free to rip off and destroy other consumers' cars. I even had a police officer volunteer to help. Very nice guy, but he claimed that the consumer services entity I was seeking help from was only authorized to make sure auto shops were fully insured. He was stunned when I showed him the law that spelled out what their real duties were. He had always believed they cared nothing except whether the auto shop carried full insurance. I told the officer that is true, but it isn't what the law mandates. All of their resources go to pushing insurance on auto shops. I even got my commissioner involved. He agreed with me, but said there wasn't anything he could do . . . he was later arrested on some type of corruption charges I believe. So yes you touched a raw nerve. :) I don't care how clear the law is or how simple the case is, to me it is just a giant fraud and that includes the U.S. Constitution. Those vets who mouth off about me owing them anything are sadly mistaken. They fought for the government, which means jack to me. If they were actually fighting for my rights, then I'd definitely see them in a more positive light instead of as dupes or flag wavers. Yes, I'm bitter and have a bad attitude. :(