
Can I Borrow a Dove?

Saturday, April 12, 2008 12:49 AM
That is a text message that I received from a stripper who had previously been to my home. :) It really caught me off guard that she was texting me (her first text to me, btw) because I had told her that I only wanted to see her in the club and it had been a few months since her last visit. The problem was the she wanted to charge for full service even when I just wanted dances (not uncommon). She said it was the time that was important not the sex. She had expected to do full service and thus charge more. Like so many strippers she assumed I wasn't telling the truth when I said I just wanted to buy dances. Nice girl and really beautiful, but out of my league price wise, but worth every dollar and more from what I could see. She is telling me $300 and up and that doesn't surprise at all. If I'd known her longer, then maybe I would have broken my piggy bank. But, it just doesn't make sense for me to spend so much when I'm happy with just dances. Of course, I had zippo idea of what a "dove" was. Fortunately, and unfortunately I had another stripper with me at the time. I asked her what a dove was and she starts laughing saying you don't know what a dove is? And, then she wanted to know why I'm asking. Probably *bad news* for me that she liked and respected the dancer that was asking. And, she wanted to know the whole history and everything. Finally, I learned that a dove is a $20. :) I call the dancer back asking why she needs $20 and she says it is so she can work (a surprisingly common problem for strippers at Angels; they borrow from each other many times to pay the fee). I say NO problem. But, I didn't feel comfortable with having 2 dancers at the same time under those particular circumstances so my plan was just give her a $20 and be done with it. I knew that could cause problems, but I couldn't think of a solution at the time. In record time the dancer is over for her $20. She was shocked to see the other dancer and apologized for interupting. She took the $20 and that was that except now the other dancer had green eyes. Why does she get $20 without working? That's not fair! Etc. My past treatment of her seemed to not exist. She was just focused on the unearned $20 and I knew this was a risk beforehand. :( She didn't forget about that unearned $20 even weeks later. In fact, I gave up and gave her a $20 so she could *hopefully* move on. Instead, I learned, she did what I was fairly certain she would do. She mimicked the other dance with a slight change. She started texting customers asking for a "duve" changing the "o" to "u." I thought it was very interesting that she seemed to put much higher value on the "free"/unearned money than on the earned money. LOL! :) Strip clubbing is fun.


  • wondergrl5
    16 years ago
    You meet some really weird folks man.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    One of the benefits of patronizing strip club dives. :) Also, at the higher end of wealth scale generally comes brains (moral relativism). Actually, even better is the drug houses and no you don't need to use drugs. The obvious downside is law enforcement is a real risk and you better not be afraid of a few weapons. Still some of my happiest times were spent with misfits, social rebels, addicts, sex workers, richey riches, professors, gurus, racists, peace nixs, etc.
  • wondergrl5
    16 years ago
    sounds like a party
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    For some.
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    Got to love the fringe elements of society!
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    It is sort of nice when the stereotype doesn't fit or there is a logical lacuna. It's been months since the original dove girl had texted me; normally I would write a stripper off who I haven't heard from in months. Knowing her ability to generate cash it just seem illogical that she needed $20, especially from me. I didn't know her that well and she was out of my price range and I hadn't seen her for months. So an expensive call girl/stripper keeps a list of too cheap too poor customers to call months later to ask for a dove? :) I just wish her timing was better. She has to text right when I have a stripper at the home? Normally I'm not getting lucky with an OTC especially at home. Yes, I consider even bad OTCs to be lucky. :) It is just nice having a dancer away from her normal environment because it presents another view in many cases. As far as using "genuine" call girls, that doesn't make any sense at all unless you have money to burn and aren't really concerned about attractiveness.
  • Book Guy
    16 years ago
    So, wait ... WHY is a $20 called a "dove"?
  • CarolinaWanderer
    16 years ago
    Mispronunciation of "dub"--A "double dime" --two $10.00 quantities--of illicit drugs (usually crack).
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Excellent question Book Guy and thanks for the answer CarolinaWanderer. :) The crazy girl that answered the question for me was first hoping that I was a dealer (of maryjane) because why else would the other girl be requesting a dove? Once, I assured her that I wasn't a dealer or user (for fear of leo) she then said oh, she must mean a $20. Of course, I've read repeatedly NOT to trust folk etymology. :) Somestimes its a bullseye and other times it will lead down the primrose path. :( Still primrose or not folk etymology is entertaining at very the least. :)
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Excellent question Book Guy and thanks for the answer CarolinaWanderer. :) The crazy girl that answered the question for me was first hoping that I was a dealer (of maryjane) because why else would the other girl be requesting a dove? Once, I assured her that I wasn't a dealer or user (for fear of leo) she then said oh, she must mean a $20. Of course, I've read repeatedly NOT to trust folk etymology. :) Somestimes its a bullseye and other times it will lead down the primrose path. :( Still primrose or not folk etymology is entertaining at very the least. :)
  • dennyspade
    16 years ago
    Of course if you have seen "wanna-be-urbanites" driving around on over-sized chromed rims; you might have gotten the song lyrics to "Rollin' on Dubs..." [view link] There is agreat deal of boastin' about having 22" or 24" rims on their cars. Sometimes the rims and tires hold more that value that the car on which they are set.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    I was thinking another etymology for dove/duve might be related to doubloon. :) "The word doubloon (from Spanish doblón, meaning double), meaning a double-sided token coin, often refers to a seven-gram (0.225 troy ounce) gold coin minted in Spain, Mexico, Peru, or Nueva Granada. The term was first used to describe the golden excelente, either because of its value of two ducats, or because of the double portrait of Ferdinand and Isabella. Later, it referred to a coin worth two escudos (0.1905 troy ounce gold), first minted in 1566, during the reign of Philip II of Spain." [view link] The above example is why folk etymologies are NOT supposed to be trusted. Just cause it sounds good doesn't mean it is the true account. Of course, if dove is also related back to the illegal drug trade, I can envision where drugs are literally seen as a form of gold coin. Hence, doubloons or dubs for short when speaking about packs of drugs. I have believed correctly or incorrectly that a doubloon was a $20 gold coin and it doesn't seem like much of a stretch morphing into a means of describing $20 worth of drugs or a $20 bill.
  • Clubber
    16 years ago
    dennyspade mentioned a song, "Rollin' on Dubs..." in reference to "cars" with 22"-24" rims and times. To me, those people just forgot the "m" in dumb.
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    "Those People"? The racism comes creeping out yet again.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    And, the plot thickins: "Doobie" is a marijuana cigarette. Could "Doobie" be a form of diminutive of "Doubloon"? For example, "Droplet" is the diminutive of "Drop." [view link] A marijuana cigarette is afterall merely a smaller "package" or amount of drugs.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    "Does Race Exist?" [view link] ("There is no such thing as a biological entity that warrants the term 'race.'" Not, nearly as provoking, imo, as the caption.) Anyway, if race doesn't exist, can racism exist? I would think the easy answer is yes, but racism has different meanings to different people. Thinking out loud I wonder if racism is the problem or rather it is a "bright marker" symptom.
  • wondergrl5
    16 years ago
    Does racism exsist? hmmmmmm.... Ill ask the next time someone calls me a derogatory term, follows me in a store, assumes im an unwed mother, and not a US citizen.
  • Clubber
    16 years ago
    parodyman-->, "Those people" is racist??? "Those people" are dumb and dangerous! I mentioned no race as to make it a racist statement. It was YOU that tried to do that. Perhaps you are one of the idiots that "see" racism in the most common everyday language used on this planet!
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Hi wondergirl5, Playing Devil's Adocate: If race doesn't exist, then derogatory terms that sought denigrate a person's race would be mere galimatias. The gentlemnan using such utterances may be suffer from some delusions or trauma or etc. But, surely not racism if race doesn't exist.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Hmmm . . . my post got chopped! :( Founder, the text was appearing and disappearing as I typed. Probably just my machine.
  • wondergrl5
    16 years ago
    Spoken like someone who has felt the full force of hatred directed toward them just due to a physical charastic. (see I didnt say race LOL) Should the human organism be divided into groups based purely on outside asthetics? I dontthink so IMO. But does it happen? YES. Lets not belittle the suffering many have gome through just to argue symantics
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    I can see you know my lifestory. Yes, white skin can be a heavy burden in the wrong environment. Even in a black club where I feel well treated there is the occasional dancer who hates all whites. It doesn't make that much difference to me because she doesn't have any real power over me. Now, power changes the whole ballgame. But, in my eyes racism wouldn't be the problem. The problem would be she has power over me. And, then the question would be why does she have power over me? More likely than not I would bet it has something to do with the vile government. Is she wearing a badge? Does she have special rights under the law? Does her money or race give her an unfair advantage in a corrupt court system? Even without racism people are more than willing to abuse each other under color of law. There was a gentleman The Wall Street Journal was doing a story on and the states supreme court had rule finality was more important than the man's innocence. In the story the claim was made that if the judges had to slam the cell door shut on this innocent man themselves for life that they wouldn't be able to do it. LOL! Some of the judges I've run into are truly scum of the earth and it has nothing to do with racism--HELL, they might even be anti-racists, but they get pleasure out of hurting people. The cattle class is too stupid to do anything other than wave a flag so he is free to continue hurting people because he has the power. I've just been reading a story about a man (black, btw) who is supposedly innocent and his attorneys have known about it for 21 years-supposedly ethical rules kept them silent until now. Well, I'm not an attorney, however, most of these rules are extremely bendable and if they gave a damn about the man, then I believe there were ways to help him. Maybe racism helped keep this man behind bars for 21 years? Could be, but other people get screwed just as bad and race has nothing to with it. If you eliminated racism, then people would start treating each other better???
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    BTW, "semantics" is unfortunately very important. IOWs, the label can be far more important than the content. Affirmative action is a good example. That gets label gets the thumbs up. Racial preference program would probably get the thumbs down. In the abortion debate you have pro-choice versus pro-life. Now, some of these pro-life people are hardly in favor of life at all once the person is born. :) Hey, it is the semantics/label that is important. It IS DIFFICULT TO POST!!!
  • CarolinaWanderer
    16 years ago
    Holy crimoli, Batman. All the girl wanted was an ice cream bar and now the country's race relations are going to pot!! Dove also make a nice chocolate snack, but I don't do chocolate. NC
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    SWEET. :)
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Can I Borrow a $20? Can I Borrow a Twenty? Can I Borrow a Dove? Hmmm . . . a Dove sounds so peaceful. :) Perhaps if I were wavering the metaphorical image of a Dove with it connotations of peace would make me more likely to "lend" her the money. Who knows maybe it worked and I didn't even realize it. :) A better word for "Borrow"? Amazing that I didn't get any more requests for money from her or other contact. But, that is almost as strange hearing from her after so long.
  • wondergrl5
    16 years ago
    WOW!! If you know the answer why ask the question. Just as you play "devils advocate" why cant I pose the other side of the situation. Im sorry you felt slighted a black dancer didnt like you. I guess thats the same feeling we minorites get all the time too. So yes your stripper metaphor makes the debate absolutely equal to the oppression we felt through the years. All Im asking is that we step out of the box of our own slights and offenses an look at it through another persons eyes. And yes symantics is hard to post so is sarcasm. LOL
  • wondergrl5
    16 years ago
    And WHOEVER is sending me those racist emails man up and say it on this site!!!!
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Hi wondergrl5, I know the answer? I can play the other side also. The interesting point, imo, was that there are "experts" who believe race doesn't exist. If that is true, then can racism exist? I think--as I said before--that the easy answer is yes. Minorities all feel the same about racism and discrimination?
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Hi wondergrl5, One technique anti-racists use is role playing. The student gets to experience various forms of discrimination. The goal is probably to teach that discrimination/racism is wrong. Anyway, even if done poorly I think it is a wonderful exercise. You probably won't like my suggestion, but you might want to consider role playing different racists. Imagine as much as possible what they may be feeling and thinking. Live the part--- yada, yada, yada. :) For example, do you remember that disgusting murder in the news a few years back about about a couple of white men who kidnapped and drug a black man to his death behind the back of a pick-up truck? It might be eye opening for you to place yourself in those racist evil-doers shoes. My two-bit opinion is that you probably wouldn't want to put yourself in their shoes and even if you did it would be a half-ass attempt used mainly to vindicate your own superior beliefs. Bottom line, I very much like role playing as a teaching method even if done poorly. :)
  • MisterGuy
    16 years ago
    "It doesn't make that much difference to me because she doesn't have any real power over me." And this is EXACTLY the point...racism, sexism (name yout favorite -ism) involves POWER. Without a power structure in place where one race or sex or whatever has power over another group, I don't think that racism can exist, period. "Special rights"...give me a break... Affirmative action is about redressing past discrimination through active measures to ensure equal opportunity, in education & employment...there's nothing wrong with that IMO. We are a LONG way away from putting race, gender, etc. behind us in this country unfortunately...just look at the race for President so far.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Yes, special rights. :) Redressing past discrimination by discriminating against those with the wrong skin color. Don't get me wrong. I may actually support more affirmative action. It all depends on the game. The government is a game of fraud. Thus, affirmative action may be a wonderful solution. But, it shouldn't stop there. Oh no, got to have programs for the farmers. Gotta have programs for the elderly. Gotta have programs for women. Gotta have programs for the handicapped. Gotta have special privileges for the religious folks. Gotta have special rights for insurers. And, programs and special privileges ain't nearly enough. No the government has to decide what recreational drugs are good and which are bad. The government decides whether you use a seat belt. The government decides what foods are legal---that damn milk better be cooked to government specs. See government knows best because most people are too stupid to think for themselves. And as long as this two-bit government is redressing past discrimination, lol, it is time to redress past mass murder and theft. Everyone, but the true Native Americans need to be forced out at the point of a gun if necessary. Well, I think racism could and would still exist without government laws, but it would be much weaker. And, you missed the main point, which is no surprise. People can be abused for any too bit reason under color of law. The government creates a problem with its idiotic laws. And, what is the solution? More idiotic laws by the government. Just a giant fraud.
  • wondergrl5
    16 years ago
    at the close of this debate whoever sent me those disgusting emails last nite you are a racist chikenshit.
  • MisterGuy
    16 years ago
    Oh, give me a minute while I cry a river for the poor, lonely white man that gets just a tad inconvenienced by a lil affirmative action...boo hoo... No, we don't need to have programs for farmers. What "special privileges" do some religious folks have?? What "special rights" do insurors have?? No one "decides" whether you wear a seatbelt but you. Sure, we've all not worn a seatbelt on occasion, but I don't have a problem with the govt. mandating that people use safety devices that have been proven to save countless lives. If you don't like it, you can take the risk and pay the fine or forfeit your life eventually in a car wreck, which the rest of us will pay for somehow BTW.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Are you done crying yet? :) The Religion scam involves tax breaks and deductions for one. Gee, it would be nice if the government subsidized my beliefs in the same manner. :) Here in Florida many years ago insurors had to truly compete for insurance business for autos. At the time full insurance for my car was under $70. Anyway, there was a huge campaign because allegedly if everyone was forced to purchase insurance then the rates would be lowered. LOL! Yeah right. So the government passed a law supported by huge insurors mandating coverage and of course the first year I attempted to renew the price was $125. I said what about the new law? The agent said you didn't believe that nonsense did you? You are getting a break cause your a good customer with a perfect record! No, but many other people did. If you think car insurance is a wonderful idea, then what about $10,000,000 policy NO FAULT with pain and suffering benefits required for each gun owned? How about a mandatory annual insurance for owners of swimming pools? The government should be the decider of course because it knows best! What a bunch of BS as far as who decides. The government decides for me by financial and physical threats. I've heard that filth before and the example involved rape victims. Surprisingly, it was a liberal lady claiming that a woman volunteers to be raped if given the "choice" between rape and death and she chooses rape. So is that your concept of people deciding? They need to risk financial or physical injury for their decision at the hands of the government or freelance thug? So if the government puts a gun to my head and says that if I vote for anyone but candidate X, I will be penalized $500. Who is really deciding? I say the government. Of course, if you money to throw away then it might actually be a choice for YOU. You don't have a problem. How wonderful. Maybe you have a problem with government banning abortions to save countless lives? The rest of you will pay for me? Wonderful. Just wonderful. More likely doctors and insurance companies will rake in the $$$. Yes, I guess actually you are right--anyone dies it costs everyone in society. Pass a law criminalizing death and collect from the family of the deceased. Unfortunately, I'm still an organ donor. But, next license renewal that will change. :)
  • MisterGuy
    16 years ago
    So, if you kill someone with a gun, who's gonna pay for the damages, you? I don't think so. Same thing if you get into a car wreck...who's going to pay? We already have regulations for owners of swimming pools...do you like the idea of little kids drowning in a pool of water? I guess we'll mark you down as wanting to be killed for some reason if ever faced with the decision as to be killed or raped. :) If you don't think the govt. can and should encourage productive behavior and discourage unproductive behavior, then I don't want to hear what you think of the concept of laws in general...or, worse yet, democracy. Abortion should be legal IMO...a woman's body is her own. I'm an organ donor too. Organ donors saved my uncle's life. What does that have to do with anything though? You appear to like to beat strawmen IMO.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Who payed before the insurance became mandatory? Sometimes it was the owner of the vehicle if he was at fault and had assets. Sometimes it was the two-bit government. Sometimes it was the victim. Now everyone pays, but they pay a hell of a lot more. Wonderful government in action. And, if I'm severly injured because my access to a gun is restricted due to government BS, then who is going to pay? The two-bit government? Another wonderful government deal. Yes, some choice--the type of choice given by government or thugs. No, I think the government not only makes bad choices, but it spreads them more widely and more brutally. Could the government make good choices? Sure, remember separate but equal? The "democracy" at the time thought that was a good choice. How about prohibition? Maybe that is a good choice or a bad choice? The government price controls on fuel? You remember those wonderful gas lines that stretched for blocks. Maybe that is a good choice or a bad choice? OK, the Drug War? I've got a winner for you: Outlawing discrimination by private business and citizens. You got to love that one. Who cares about freedom of association or freedom to contract. I'd rather have more diversity and generally allow people to make their own choices. The fewer laws and fewer prisons generally is for the best, imo. You know sort of like that radical idea that a person got a jury trial of his *peers* and that decision had to be agreed to by all----and, NO the government forcing a decision or trying a case again and again doesn't count. :) What was that about releasing 99 guilty to save 1 innocent? Old fashioned or a fraud. NO, NO, NO!!! The government has to ban all abortions to SAVE COUNTLESS lives. You remember? You want the two-bit government encouraging productive behaviour and discouraging unproductive behaviour. The government knows best belief system. I originally became an organ donor because I felt it was the right thing to do. I won't need my body so why not help out those that do? Well, if it so wonderful why doesn't government just take people's bodies so as to SAVE COUNTLESS lives? You know government knows best. I'm sure you'd be in favor of taking away people's freedom yet again. The reason I decided to NOT be an organ donor is because it is the two-bit government that is creating the organ shortage letting people die and suffer for no good reason. The government created the problem then let the blood thirsty government solve it in any manner it so mandates. I sure as hell wont voluntarily help.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Oh, and if your uncle or any other stranger had to depend on my voluntarily giving up my dead body to save 'em. Then they be dead. Sorry. You want to build a prison state and that is just fine and dandy, but there are positives and negatives that go with that decision. Sort of a package deal. Of course, the solution is to pass more laws and use more force i.e. prisons or executions.
  • MisterGuy
    16 years ago
    Yea, and remember how we fixed "separate but equal" together? Also, remember how the OPEC members (and then some) in the early 1970s agreed to use their leverage over the world price-setting mechanism for oil in order to raise world oil prices...*before* any U.S. "price controls" were put in place? Good luck building a coalition to reinstitute "discrimination by private business and citizens"...lol... In a democracy my friend, we are the govt. BTW. Sounds like you've been permanently soured on govt....that's your problem, not mine. I'm sorry, but these kind of statements: "the two-bit government that is creating the organ shortage letting people die and suffer for no good reason" "you want to build a prison state" are just plain crazy talk IMO.
  • wondergrl5
    16 years ago
    see I know when to bow out LOL
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Yes, OPEC was the catalyst for those government price controls. Usually the government takes away freedoms based on some real or imaginary threat. The price controls do what price controls usually do: create a much bigger mess. Miracle of miracles the government got some brains and the price control legislation was repealed. At the time I heard plenty of doom and gloom about how without government protection businesses were just going to keep raising prices. I was actually surprised the prices didn't rise substantially first and then fall dramatically. Instead the prices just started dropping. The two-bit government isn't creating the organ shortage letting people die and suffer for no good reason? Wow. It is my understanding that there are PLENTY of dead bodies suitable for harvesting organs. Religion the problem? Probably part of it. The big criminal in the game is the force and fraud of law, which keeps families of the deceased from getting any type of compensation. I believe even allowing the free market to work to a small extent would result in a huge supply of organs greatly reducing suffering and deaths. You don't want to build a prison state? As more laws are passed generally more "criminals" are created--it is a business. We are the government? Really, that is a sadly funny.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Hi wondergrl5, Maybe I haven't seen or recognized the right Mexican women, but dang my stereotype even before other "experts" on this site "confirmed" it was that Mexican women are flat assed. That is what I see. I'm not an expert and I haven't seen tons and tons of Mexican women. The ones I've seen were a huge disappointment. Who knows perhaps there are plenty of men who love flat asses. That wouldn't surprise me. From another thread it sounded like you equate a simple observation with racism. That is depressing. I'll make another observation. I've seen lots and lots of black women and I think they've got the best butts by a landslide. Doesn't mean all black women have beautiful butts, but when I see the exremely rare black woman who has a flat ass it is like what the hell happened? The are white women with fine asses, but percentage wise I just think black women run away with the show in that one area. Also, with nice plump lips it is black women running away with the show. As far as GIANTS it is black women running away with the show. Now, all of my observation could be wrong. Perhaps I need glasses. Perhaps black women in other areas have flat asses, thin lips, and are all tiny or at least average size. Anyway, these physical stereotypes can then be used to justify all manner of other stereotypes. As I said before, I think racism is a symptom. In medicine I think there is an old saying like treat the problem or don't confuse the symptom with the problem. Well, it was something like that. :)
  • MisterGuy
    16 years ago
    Well, if *live* women should be able to control their bodies (and determine when or if they get a medical procedure), then why shouldn't dead women be able to control their bodies? The govt. paying for people's dead bodies?? Count me out on that one...I'd rather be worth more alive than dead... We have too many non-violent offenders in prison right now. Privatizing the prison system in some states was a big mistake IMO. Not the flat-assed thing again! The question wasn't just about "Mexican women"...it was a more general question about women of "Latin" heritage. I'll say it again...ever hear of J-Lo?? I agree that the real problem is not necessarily racism...it's fear. A lot of "conservatives" in the country live in waaaay too much fear IMO.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    "The Second Amendment, which the high court is expected in the D.C. case to interpret for the first time since it was ratified in 1791, says, 'A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.' The older Pennsylvania provision declares, 'The right of the citizens to bear arms in defense of themselves and the State shall not be questioned.'" [view link] The first time since it was ratified? That's impressive if true--so much for the supreme law of the land. This is the "We are the government" you were posting about? I hope that I'm wrong, but I think the U.S. Supreme Court is just too sleazy to actually make a decision in this case. I'm thinking of the pledge case where after it went through all the courts the U.S. Supreme Court decided the father didn't have standing where his daughter was concerned. Supposedly only a custodial parent could have standing---I wonder where they learned that or if was just a spur of the moment invention. Maybe they'll pull the same standing sleaze again or maybe just maybe their egos will push them to make a decision. O yes, We the People. LOL! :)
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Does the government need to be the payer? I guess the system is so socialized the answer would be yes in many cases. So it is better to let people suffer and die because the government won't allow any any type of free market in organs? Heck, the government could probably make it a tax credit dealy of immediate relatives and get a surplus or organs.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Heck, the government could probably make it a tax credit dealy for close relatives and get a surplus or organs. Just don't make too good a tax break or people will probably start killing thier close relatives. :)
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    As far as the latin women in general, I didn't follow the conversation too well because the stereotyping seemed a absurd, imo. I see all types of latin women. Once the Mexican women were mentioned then it was like yes the ones I've seen overwhelmingly have flat asses. I can't even remember seeing any local Mexican woman that had nice asses or who knows if I did I'd probably think they were of different origin.
  • MisterGuy
    16 years ago
    The current Second Amendment case is *not* the first case to go the Supreme Court...there was another one in the 1930s, which is the most recent I believe. "I think the U.S. Supreme Court is just too sleazy to actually make a decision in this case"...lol... I agree that the way they "decided" the Pledge of Allegiance case was kind of a legal dodge. A similiar type of issue in the current 2nd case is whether D.C. is a state or not and whether they can therefore pass laws restricting gun ownership in the first place. LOL...would you really want a "free market in organs"? That kind of market with a lack of supply is aching for an increase in the amount of dead bodies...that means your body too BTW.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    There isn't any lack of supply. There is a huge supply. I believe relatively small incentives would make people think about being donors just as people plan to leave money for their loved ones or buy life insurance for them. With a true free market in organs I believe the prices would drop to "relative" pocket change. And, if it is true relatives will kill each other to earn the organ donor money, then I guess life insurance is causing a bunch of murders. It all gets down to supply. I believe the supply far exceeds the demand if there is even a little financial incentive. Think Walmart shopping cards for $50 to $500. :) ***Not the first to go; the first to be interpreted.*** That is of course if they interpret it. The distinction also may not be just in interpreting it, but having an actual holding in the case compared to "mere" dicta. I had a U.S. Supreme Court case I used where in the dicta of the opinion it was written that trial judges have even greater obligations to provide due process than administrative hearing officers. It was a wonderful opinion because the hearing officer has to provide written findings of fact and conclusions of law among a whole list of wonderful requirements to assure that a person received basic due process. Well, the federal judge said the case wasn't binding precedent (I didn't disagree and never claimed in was binding precedent), and that therefore he didn't believe the trial judges had *any* such due process obligations. Yes, good old Mr. Honesty himself that federal judge was. :)
  • MisterGuy
    16 years ago
    Good luck with the selling organs thing too...sheesh... That's why I don't have life insurance. I have no immediate dependants, and I like being worth more alive than dead thanx. There's been plenty of interpretation of the Second Amendment...in both the 19th and 20th centuries. Of course, it's never been interpreted the way the gun lobby wants, but oh well...we'll see how this one turns out...
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