Comments by jablake (page 89)

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    17 years ago
    Ohio Cubs after the No-Touch Law
    Getting a little bit more off topic, I'm thinking about the Second Amendment. I've long considered the U.S. Constitution to be a joke with little value. It makes little difference to me whether there is a right to be armed with a gun or not. I don't even give a crap if individuals have or don't have a right to defend themselves. That is the point I'm at. But, looking at the Second Amendment I find it very interesting the U.S. Supreme Court actually was willing to hear a case based on the Second Amendment. According to papers I've been reading the last Second Amendment case heard before the court was some 70 years ago. I guess Americans don't care much about the Second Amendment. :) See the way I interpret the U.S. Supreme Court's refusal to hear Second Amendment cases is just proof in the pudding that the Constitution is a joke that means whatever some judge wishes at any given moment. You have a right to bear arms? I don't know and it isn't a question of how clear the law is written. It is the judges that make the law and even that is a fraud. Like one of my attorneys said to me upon retiring, you really expect the courts to follow even their own precedence? :) No, I didn't. I was hoping for a written ruling with findings of fact and conclusions of law. Couldn't even get that. :) The supposed freedoms people think they have are sort of like the Second Amendment. Maybe a judge will rule in your favor today or maybe not. Even when the U.S. Supreme Court makes a clear decision getting the lower courts to comply is sort of laughable. :) Just recently the (within the last 2 years) the U.S. Supreme made a big show about reversing 20 so cases from a rebellious federal appeals court. Big freaking deal. The federal appeals court hasn't slowed even a tad would be my educated and experienced guess.
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    17 years ago
    Ohio Cubs after the No-Touch Law
    I don't need to move to Canada where "you can actually be prosecuted merely for what you *say*." I live in the supposed land of the free and home of the brave. You know how wonderful this government is about obeying its own laws don't you??? So instead of the government persecuting me for what I say I could expect a phony drug charge or bank robbery charge or there are so many laws from which to create a crime. Wonderful. Just wonderful. Hate crimes and hate speech get cozy enough to not make a dimes worth of difference, imo. Sort of like the difference between serving 500 years in prison compared to serving 550 years in prison. A judge or lawyer might see a meaningful difference, but the average joe should see right thru the bs. A buddy who is a pro-America nut job and I hate to say it, but highly intelligent got hit hard with drug charges (no, this isn't the pro-America nut job who loves Angels and is all depressed strippers don't tuly love him). In addition to being a pro-America nut job, he is also an anti-drug nut job. :) So for years he yapped about how wonderful America is because he was able beat the phony (his word) drug charges (the loveable government additionally tried to steal all his property). Didn't impress me even a tad that he escaped the government thugs. If he was truly innocent as he claimed (I've always known him to be anti-drug and pro-America for whatever that's worth), then he went through a living hell all because he has a huge mouth. I pretty much keep a low profile, but hopefully dear readers will just consider me a nut and ignore whatever I have to say. :) I say if you think there is freedom of speech in America (besides flag waving) then you are either uninformed or you have a very different concept of freedom of speech than I do. :) You probably also believe you have a right to a jury trial. My high priced attorneys spouted the same nonsense. The law was clear-- the problem is expecting the government judges to obey the law. So clear as day the law claimed I had all these rights and the high priced attorneys were very confident the judge would obey the law. Yeah, right. The whole shabang is a giant fraud. I don't know how you would feel if you were wrongly screwed by the government . . . you might may make excuses. Such as it was just a few crooked judge. Or, you might see the rights are very soft and pliable giving you pretty much no protection. Or, you might end up an activist and make a difference.
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    17 years ago
    Ohio Cubs after the No-Touch Law
    Surprise, surprise. Just reading the morning news and an example of "indirect" federal government restriction of speech pops up. You know the old saw about the "golden rule"? He who has the gold makes the rules. :) In modern times, it is he who prints the funny money and the funny laws. Web site restores ‘abortion’ as search term Johns Hopkins site had restricted its use after inquires by USAID BTW, although I think abortion is generally murder, it is a killing I'd rather see the government ignore. I guess that means I'm pro-choice. :(
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    17 years ago
    Ohio Cubs after the No-Touch Law
    No, it is "cleverly" called "hate crime laws" here in the land of the "free" and the "brave." Is it a distinction worth a dime? Well, it a allows for every greater selectivity of enforcement and also gives a patina to those who would like to believe freedom of speech is still the law of the land. For example, The Wall Street Journal did an article on the federal government suing residents who were petitioning against government public housing. The government's lawsuit sought huge money damages. How dare these residents circulate a petition against public housing. That's discrimination! Not allowed in "free" America. Here in Floria a real estate salesperson damn well better watch his words or he will face penalties in the land of the "free." These government speech laws are old news. More recent according to The Wall Street Journal is the use of SLAP lawsuits by corporations to silence people. Oh yeah, the government's wonderful courts will protect you. :) I was at a hearing where the attorneys weren't just seeking the reasonable $400 per hour in attorneys' fees, but double that -- $800 per hour. The judge asked the expert witness--a fellow lawyer--why isn't the standard $400 good enough? The lawyer err expert witness says because only these lawyers's advanced skill brought victiory. Judge says sounds good to me, $800 per hour it is. And, the billable hours? They just make up any number. It is a giant open fraud. :) Yep, it isn't Canada. A lot more real freedom up there. :) Actually, I know very little about Canada and perhaps it is just as crooked and dishonest as the government here in the land of "free" and home of the "brave."
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    17 years ago
    Ohio Cubs after the No-Touch Law
    That is an interesting question as to whether Bible Thumpers win. The same hand that feeds them tax incentives also limits and may even dictate their speech. A preacher is too vocal in condemning homosexuals may at some point be subject to hate speech laws, and regardless if he values the dollar he better damn well stay away from "political" speech or his relgious order may lose their government bennies. In a State that allows gay marriage would a mere preacher be permitted to refuse the request of a gay couple to marry them? Sort of like is the Boy Scouts permitted to say NO to homosexuals or even teach that it is wrong? In a very real sense the Bible Thumpers are winning a battle, but may lose the war. Remember the State is in the supposed business of legislating morals then those religious folks better be praying their morals are in harmony with that of the government--not that I think that generally they have any real solid beliefs that can't be bought with a tax break here or a grant there. Or, more likely NO bribery is needed and the religious folks will pretty much believe do whatever they're told by authority. Looking at the religious values in other cultures I think it can be seen that most people want to obey. Obey the government or their religious order. They want and need to be told what to do and what to think. It really doesn't make too much difference to the followers what the authority, religious or government, dictates, imo. In that sense the Bible Thumpers like the Flag Wavers, generally can't lose. :)
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    17 years ago
    She moved...
    Could it be a joke? LOL. :) But, she was a day late. Well, could be stripper time. I love these strippers that say 5 minutes, just 5 minutes, and show up 5 hours later. Of course, hot non-strippers do the same. Oh, another PM from the American heartland. She thinks men that shit on young girls should be sent to prison! Sorry, but with that typical prison state mentality of a true American she's got to be the real McCoy. I think I'll suggest that failure or refusal to wear Depends for men over 60 be a misdemeanor for those with previously spotless records, and a third degree felony for those with prior arrests or traffic tickets. The government can do a Madison Avenue educational campaign informing old men of their duty to don Depends. :)
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    17 years ago
    She moved...
    Received a PM from an allegedly 19 year old blonde haired blue eyed callipygous dancer with all natural full sized American udders (she later explained she's a farm girl from the heartland and "udders" is what polite company calls 'em and callipygous is Greek for the other half). She claims that she'd rather be shot at in Iraq than shit on by customers. Furthermore, she's decided to join her brave God loving husband who volunteered 5 years ago to liberate the Iraqi people, secure America, and collect a paycheck. Moreover all the freedoms I enjoy are due to men and women like her husband who are willing to not let the "terrorists" win. If it takes a 100 years, then her and her husband will be killing Iraqis for 100 years or longer; God permitting. Furthermore, due to her valuable experience as a stripper she will be able to extract information from "terrorists" (threaten 'em with breastboarding, more than one way to suffocate an Iraqi to death) as well as provide much needed entertainment to U.S. troops. Surprisingly she favors shutting down South Carolina strip clubs. Her reasoning is that she doesn't want any more young girls to get shit on. Furthermore, shutting down strip clubs will reduce violent crime (slapping & shitting on young girls) and provide more reason for people to volunteer to fight in Iraq (less entertainment here and more in Iraq). Lastly, she encoraged me to cut coupons for the troops and write my congresspersons for higher taxes on everyone (freedom ain't free). She is embarassed to admit she's a registered Democrat, but it ain't a big deal cause she always votes Republican unless the Democrat is also for killing Iraqis.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    She moved...
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    17 years ago
    She moved...
    The King aka shadowcat ain't all bad. He believes in supporting the troops by hiring their wives and girlfriends as sex workers. A lesser man would deny them financially meaningful employment or treat them to charity when they're perfectly capable of wiggling their butts or laying on they're backs or using their mouths they way the King intended. As far as the Viagra, I'd also give him kudos for that. Drugs despite all the government propaganda can serve as well as destroy. His incontinence . . . well he pays well in that he buys a lot of dances and besides getting shit on by him is probably better than getting shot at in Iraq. I don't particularly care for the flag waving or racist or homophobic rants, but if it floats his boat. :) BTW, I missed or it wasn't important to me any of his posts that were allegedly racist. Was it his use of descriptor bubble butt? That is high praise, imo, and normally it is black women that are blessed with the bubble butts.
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    17 years ago
    She moved...
    Hi arbeeguy, If I was on his ignore list, then that would be a different story. And, you don't need to be an idiot to make idiotic comments. I consider my friend to be highly intelligent, but he could definitely make some mindblowingly dumb comments about women and stripclubs. For example, he was upset that the dancers at Angels didn't really love him despite how freely he spent money on them. Somehow he has the idea that if he spends enough money that should buy love. I've seen other intelligent men spend, spend, spend thinking that the woman will fall in love----probably because they keep hearing it is all about the money, which is only partially true at best. A customer should believe that almost all the time the stripper just wants his money, but at the same time that bit of wisdom isn't a whole truth. Even with strippers who claim to be 100% about the money they can get off track . . . doesn't mean they love you or even like you, but the money isn't No. 1. Anyway, I digress somewhat. :) Shadowcat doesn't need to mention me at all. For the most part I've avoided commenting his posts. That mindset of been there done that just really rubs me the wrong way. And, this getting all bent out shape because the government may destroy his favorite club is sort of antagonizing because that is or has become a basic function of government. The wonderful freedom to dictate to your neighbors through your democratically elected government. The government should steal his properties and money after his lawyers have assured him he is in the right both legally and morally. At that point after he has really been severly financially injured by his corrupt government I want to hear all the flag waving nonsense and how those government soldiers are fighting for our freedoms.
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    17 years ago
    She moved...
    "As long as you have the cash, they'll be happy to have you as a customer." I've had the bad kismet that the dancers supposedly want to stop accepting cash or gifts from me so as to allegedly have a real relationship. Whatever their rationale, they refuse to continue accepting my money and the relationship ends. I feel hurt and frustrated, but I insist any friendship have financial support as part of the bargain. The money is my protection against feeling much more than I already do.
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    17 years ago
    She moved...
    If I'm on your ignore list shadowcat, then it is because you don't like to think. You make an idiotic statement such as the reason a man spends money on a fat dancer is because he can't afford better. Now, I actually use to feel the same way--when I was very young. Why spend money on a fat dancer unless it is because you can't afford higher quality. Well to my surprise even when hot dancers were available at the same price some customers only had interest in the fatties. IOWs, men have different tastes in what is attractive. Some men are attracted to fat dancers. For whatever reasons you reject that possibility. Probably because it would require you to do that which you are loathe to do: think. Similarly, you have been mouthing off about the government potentially threatening your favorite club. The government is the greatest as long as they are screwing other people, but if there is some chance it might interfere with your fun, then it is time to get all upset. Reminds of the very nice customers at the old Trap. They couldn't comprehend that it was just a matter of time before they would be affected by all the governments' BS. As far as me being on your ignore list: that would work. :)
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    17 years ago
    She moved...
    Hi jimhalsted, Could definitely be anger. It is like when a buddy told me he knew that there could never be any hot dancers at Angels based upon his experience (a single visit) and the fact that the dances were inexpensive. Anyway, I wanted to stop in and see if any of my hot friends were working and he throws a hissey fit. He goes into the club with a super piss poor attitude, but surprise surprise the hot dancers (my buddies) are working and he just has a fantastic time spending money like it was water. For whatever reasons when he went back he kept getting lucking and kept spending money. So this guy is very bright on many subjects, but he has this idiocy about "you get what you pay for" (Angels is a huge exception to that perfect rule according to him) and another idiocy is that if he experiences something then by god that is the way things are for all time for everyone. The old one size fits all mentality that brings out the anger in me. "Been there. Done that. Move on." is a proud refusal to think, imo, and it goes perfectly with the stereotyping mentality. Yes, stereotypes can have some validity but it soon devolves into a form of idiocy in that the stereotype has to be true. Normally, a better product has a higher price ergo "you get what you pay for." Well, sometimes the cheaper priced product is better--too many people can't comprehend that simple reality.
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    17 years ago
    She moved...
    I was talking with a stripper over the phone and she wanted to "borrow" only $20 and I told her *NO* because she hadn't repaid her other debts to me---either with service or cash. A young man from the "hood" says to me essentially how stupid could you be lending her money?! I reply that I didn't expect to be paid back when I "loaned" the original emergency funds----not even paid back in the form of sexual favors. My EXPERIENCE indicated that the odds of any form of repayment were extremely low. Having said that every once in a blue moon a stripper will repay borrowed money and even thank me for helping her out of a really bad situation. That is rare, but it feels very good to help someone out especially when it is appreciated and they even manage to repay what was borrowed. Almost as nice (but rare) is when the stripper will offer sexual favors or dances in lieu of cash payment. If someone asked my advice concerning lending strippers money, then I could respond with the idiocy of "Been there. Done that. Just move on."
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    17 years ago
    She moved...
    And, the experience can interpreted in an idiotic manner. For example, Shadowcat had a bad experience with a stripper and he was moaning and groaning that he has "learned" not to care about strippers. It is sort of like the person who dislikes Asians because they had a negative experience with one or two or even ten Asians. The "Been there, done that" mentality is a twisted sort of "experience" because it so fking STUPID if applied blindly. A person could ask my advice concerning peanuts. And, I could reply "Been there. Don't that. Just move on." Yes, good old fashioned experience talking--or is actually stupidity talking? Yes, I may be allergic to peanuts and therefore I should lay down some blanket advice about peanuts?
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    17 years ago
    She moved...
    "Been there. Done that." is fairly simple-minded. People and situation may follow patterns, but there is variation. Having said that the best advice is probably just to move on especially if she is ditzy. And, my reasoning isn't based on stripper prejudice or even people prejudice. If she is ditzy, then do you really want to get caught up in her less than intelligent ups and downs? Unless there was some type of super love connection on your part or you have very finicky tastes, it just doesn't seem like there is much upside given the effort involved. Whenever I see the "Been there. Done that." mentality at work, I think what a stereotyped mental construct that person probably inhabits.
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    17 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Real or Fake?
    They look fake to me. And, even if you told me they were real I'd say they're fakes. At least they're attractive looking fakes.
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    17 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Visited The Trap last night and it was depression city for me. I didn't think it was possible for it to go down further from my last visit, but it sure as hell did. Normally I prefer black clubs, but this one just seems lame. The dancers easily outnumbered the customers and no one was buying dances. The music was some loud something. The best thing about the club is remembering the old days with the super hot dancers and the very down to earth wealthy old men. With a free market, I think that club could be reborn even better than it was in its glorious past. One of the dancers gave me a mental jolt when she referred to the club as a white club. I looked at her like she was a Martian, so she says you're here. I say hell I go to Take One! She says you go to Take One??? I tell her damn straight and she says that's fucked up. RolLexx is also a NO GO for me in her opinion. Surprisingly, Coco's with its shootings is ok. Angels got the thumbs up. :) Unfortunately, the owner of Angels is working hard to take the club down as it was getting too popular which means too many prying eyes. The owner is one sharp man. Supposedly he has 19 children from one woman and many many more from other women. He loves children and pussy. :) More surprising still he loves the small girls proving he's got brains and taste.
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    17 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    i didn't notice it was becoming increasingly explicit, but then I probably wouldn't have noticed anyway----probably the worst was some nonsense about a poster being afraid to let out a fart for fear of ejecting excrement on the dancer----my thought was if he was serious get some damn diapers
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    17 years ago
    the boob show
    itty bitty titties are wonderful and large titties are nice too sag = bad fake = worse it's criminal to see a beautiful woman deformed like that whatever, there are all types of tastes in a strip club i don't understand it but pinguid type dancers as well as those with rolls of fat are super popular with some customers one customer described it as being in the womb as the dancer engulfed him in a mass of flesh another customer loved the grease because it made the dancer slippery and her fat meant there was more of her to grab ----- give him a pinguid dancer ever time ----- barbies are for fakes and the ignorant in his opinion a little more understandable is the long legs preference ---- does nothing for me i love blue eyes, but unfortnately very few black women have natural blue eyes and the color contacts just aren't appealing to me i hate the makeup, but apparently most men are in love with the painted face whatever
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    17 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Hi david120, I check in from time to time, but I've been grieving the loss of Royalty (drugs destroyed her :( ). And, I've lost a lot of interest in the strip club scene because the types of clubs that I like are slowly, but surely being eliminated by the government.
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    17 years ago
    Nice guys finish last - even in strip clubs
    Oh, my bad. The hypnosis was for him. It can really help some people lose weight or overcome shyness or etc. He just sounds like maybe he was a little nervous at the wrong time.
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    17 years ago
    To Mind My Own Business or Not . . .
    Hi clubber, Every once in a while I do. :)
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    17 years ago
    The Fat Girls Looked Good :)
    My female relative who landed the six figure job at Ford right after graduation WAS a blubber butt. Her boyfriend, now husband, was one of those looks are irrelevant people. The funny thing is once she fell in love with him, she is the one who suddenly thought looks were important at least for her. He was and is unattractive and without employment or any prospects. Anyway, now she looks like a hottie. :) I didn't think it was possible and it wasn't anything he was looking for. I think he just wanted security--emotional and financial-- and she fit the bill. From everything I've heard they are very happy and it is all too good to be true. I would have bet anything she would always be FAT and I was wrong. Rags to riches can come true so perhaps FAT to FIT can also come true. It sure isn't something that I'd bank on . . . I wouldn't even look at a non-hottie.
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    17 years ago
    Nice guys finish last - even in strip clubs
    Hi Book Guy, Probably a stupid suggestion, but have you thought of hypnosis? It can work for some people.