Comments by jablake (page 76)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Biggest Disappointment?
    She was desperate for contact and affection and getting hot. Normally, that would be an A+, however, some type of disease had attacked her breasts because they felt horrible. Like scar tissue. This made me look real hard and I could see scars, pock marks, and some fresh sores with pus. Except for that she was perfect.
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Sin Tax.
    Often it seems like there isn't any real choice, but the lesser of 2 evils. And, once in office they pretty much do whatever regardless of what they claimed to have stood for when seeking election.
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Sin Tax.
    Doesn't seem like a big deal in scheme of things. It isn't like it is creating a whole new class of "criminals" for the government to declare War on. Just another small parcel of government slop.
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    16 years ago
    DATY in the VIP
    "Under a microscope, HSV- 1 and 2 are virtually identical, sharing approximately 50% of their DNA. Both types infect the body's mucosal surfaces, usually the mouth or genitals, and then establish latency in the nervous system. For both types, at least two-thirds of infected people have no symptoms, or symptoms too mild to notice. However, both types can recur and spread even when no symptoms are present. The primary difference between the two viral types is in where they typically establish latency in the body- their 'site of preference.' HSV-1 usually establishes latency in the trigeminal ganglion, a collection of nerve cells near the ear. From there, it tends to recur on the lower lip or face. HSV-2 usually sets up residence in the sacral ganglion at the base of the spine. From there, it recurs in the genital area. Even this difference is not absolute either type can reside in either or both parts of the body and infect oral and/or genital areas. Unfortunately, many people aren't aware of this, which contributes both to the spread of type 1 and to the misperception that the two types are fundamentally different. 'People don't understand that you can have type 1 genitally or orally, that the two types are essentially the same virus,' says Marshall Clover, manager of the National Herpes Hotline. One type is associated with stigma, the other is "just a cold sore"- our society has a euphemism for it so we don't even have to acknowledge that it's herpes.' The common myth is that HSV-1 causes a mild infection that is occasionally bothersome, but never dangerous. The reality? HSV-1 is usually mild, especially when it infects the lips, face, or genitals. However, in some cases type 1 can recur spontaneously in the eye, causing ocular herpes, a potentially serious infection which can lead to blindness. In very rare cases HSV- 1 can spread spontaneously to the brain, causing herpes encephalitis, a dangerous infection that can lead to death. HSV-1 is also the usual cause of herpes whitlow, an infection on the finger, and 'wrestler's herpes,' (herpes gladiatorum) a herpes infection on the chest or face. . . . By comparison, HSV-2 is widely believed to be a painful, dangerous infection that affects only people with very active sex lives. The reality? Some 22% of adult Americans from all backgrounds, income levels, and ethnic groups have HSV-2. Like HSV-1, type 2 is usually mild-so mild that two- thirds of infected people don't even know they have it. Type 2 rarely causes complications or spreads to other parts of the body. It is the most common cause of neonatal herpes, a rare but dangerous infection in newborns; however, type 1 causes up to one-third of neonatal infections. The two types do behave somewhat differently depending on whether they are residing in their site of preference-the mouth and face for HSV-1, and the genital area for HSV-2. But both types are quite common, and under most circumstances neither is a major health threat. That's one reason medical professionals tend to dismiss HSV -2 despite the emotional trauma a diagnosis can cause for a patient." The foregoing sounds reassuring, but some people probably do suffer severly from either form of herpes.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Do tongue rings imply girls are into oral sex?
    Hi clubber, Although I agree with your point, it seems to me at least that it is more complicated than that. What did we learn from Prohibition? I detest the governments' Drug Wars, however, despite all the costs and loss of freedoms it could be reasonably argued that that the governments' Drug Wars are a huge success in saving lives and further that people are just too stupid to decide such issues for themselves. OTOH, I think we did learn price controls of gasoline are more than a little brain dead, but who knows perhaps government will decide to bring back the gas lines.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Are strip clubs safe from terrorists?
    For those who enjoy "conspiracies" here is another: " In 2002 Captain Ward Boston, JAGC, U.S. Navy, ended his own silence on the work of the court of inquiry, saying its findings were intended to cover up what was a deliberate attack by Israel on a ship it knew to be American. He has prepared and signed an affidavit (pdf) in which he claimed that Admiral Kidd had told him that the government ordered Kidd to falsely report that the attack was a mistake, and that he and Kidd both believed the attack was deliberate. He wrote, in part: ' The evidence was clear. Both Admiral Kidd and I believed with certainty that this attack, which killed 34 American sailors and injured 172 others, was a deliberate effort to sink an American ship and murder its entire crew. Each evening, after hearing testimony all day, we often spoke our private thoughts concerning what we had seen and heard. I recall Admiral Kidd repeatedly referring to the Israeli forces responsible for the attack as "murderous bastards." It was our shared belief, based on the documentary evidence and testimony we received first hand, that the Israeli attack was planned and deliberate, and could not possibly have been an accident. ' Still, there is no record of Kidd ever publicly expressing such opinions.[17]" ---- ----
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Are strip clubs safe from terrorists?
    Hi clubber, That is half the fun. :) "Teaching at Harvard in 2004, I decided to focus my next-to-last class on the Kennedy assassination. . . . My guest speaker was David Fetzer, a University of Minnesota Duluth professor and former Marine who's an expert on the ballistics evidence that shows it had to be more than just Oswald shooting." ID at 56. Anyway, there are two extremes: those who believe all conspiracies and those who deny all conspiracies.
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Are strip clubs safe from terrorists?
    At the time, of 911, the response time had bothered me. Before 911, I remembered a story in The Herald where a plane's transponder stopped functioning and a fighter jet was there fairly quickly. "I want to believe that bin laden and al-Qaeda were responsible for the 9/11 attacks, but now I have doubts. If they were responsible, I am beginning to think it was not without some knowledge of those impending attacks on our side. There are historical precedents for this occurring. Some evidence exists that FDR and Churchill were privy to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, but needed a catalyst to bring America into World War Two. In recent years, we've learned two startling and very alarming things from declassified information. In 1962, Operations Northwoods was a plan drawn up by the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The idea was to stage terror attacks----including the use of hijacked airplanes----and, if necessary, kill American citizens and then blame it on Castro's Cuba to justify our invading the island. Then there was the famous Gulf of Tonkin incident in 1964." "Don't Start the Revolution Without Me!," by Jesse Ventura, p. 213. I had thought Ventura was just a fake tough guy wrestler and the former Govenor of Minnesota, but he was also a Navy SEAL so maybe he isn't all acting. I found his book interesting, but perhaps if I didn't have such bitter tastes in my mouth it would have rung hollow. I would think in this country the stip clubs are very safe because there are so many other targets, which would seem more inviting.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    ALL Strippers Tatted . . . New Technology Changes Game maybe . . .
    I had read that big trend was real tattoos stenciled from artwork over the internet. In effect people are opting for copies instead of originals. For those who like colorful and extreme tattoos: ---- ---- These tattoos remind me of the dancer at the RolLexx who had such bright artwork compared to all the other dancers.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    ALL Strippers Tatted . . . New Technology Changes Game maybe . . .
    For law enforcement concerns including your health we have henna tattoos, it is a natural temporary tattoo: (Very pregnant belly with octopus henna tattoo.) The problem with the henna tattoo, *I had thought*, is the paste doesn't allow for a beautiful tattoo:
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    no longer customer, beyond
    Well, you say he has benefitted you greatly. Sounds fantastic if you're willing to take that as face value and in that case you're a winner even if he was just playing you. Small changes can lead to big differences. What I mean is it doesn't seem like you spend that much time with him ("amazing sex about every two weeks") and maybe more time together would kill or strengthen the relationship. Also, it sounds like communication on your part is poor, but perhaps he likes that---knowingly or unknowingly. I can't say whether he is "just talk," but I will say too often people fall into the trap of stereotyping. For example, most guys are liars quickly mutates into all guys are liars. Too often strippers will judge me on stereotypes and it is a pain in the ass. For example, if I say I just would like some dances, then that is what I mean even if all the other guys meant full service. (I wanted to see a dancer OTC because the club was too loud and she just knew for a fact that I was really talking about full service: wrong!)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    ALL Strippers Tatted . . . New Technology Changes Game maybe . . .
    Sometimes the art is impressive and sometimes it is the message, but if the girl is hot then to my eyes it only detracts. I was thinking photochromatic (already available for temporary tattoos) inks would be next generation. To my surprise there are actually ultraviolet tattoo inks, which for a dancer might increase the sales numbers as a novelty or as an ice breaker. To see, wiimo, a interesting UV tat here's the link:
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Are strip clubs safe from terrorists?
    "In the Pink Pony strip club in Daytona Beach, Florida the night before the 9/11 attacks, three men make anti-American sentiments and talk of impending bloodshed. One says, “Wait ‘til tomorrow. America is going to see bloodshed.” These are not any of the hijackers, since they had all left Florida by this time, but it is suspected these men knew the hijackers." ---- ----
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Why so down on the dancers?
    These "rules of conduct" introduce conformity. That can be a strong positive and is a foundation of culture. The dancers at Angels overwhelmingly wanted a culture where prude type dancers weren't tolerated. The dancers felt that prudes created a hostile environment for those customers looking forward to total slut puppies. That, being around total slut puppies, is what the club is about; currently. Because of external pressure that distorts and limits the number of nearby small clubs those customers and dancers who prefer a more laid back club where a dancer is free to be a prude are pretty much shit out of luck. The dancers at Angels will point out the society already has too many prudes and the last thing the club needs is prude dancers! They have an excellent point; the problem is the lack of freedom to open nearby competing clubs, which I think could successfully cater to a different customer base. I'm interested in laid back and quiet . . . Also, I would prefer a lot less conformity typically and more of a wild west atmosphere where dancers generally set their own morals and the infamous buyer beware prevails. NO, I don't like ROBs, however, one customer's ROB is another customer's cherished GFE. For example, many TUSLers thought it was a ROB to charge $500 per hour just for conversation. Well, the customer paying may feel it is the best $500 per hour he has ever spent and book appointment after appointment.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Why so down on the dancers?
    Thinking about the "stigma" of a sex worker, I have 2 main concerns. First, the work may not be a truly voluntary choice. Second, physical harm e.g. disease. Other than that I consider sex work in a very positive light (yes, even for family members). Those somewhat rare, ime, dancers who enjoy giving pleasure to other people is just very uplifting: Especially in a society that seems to thrive on punishments and prisons. Confelicity is too rare a trait from what I've seen. A sex worker who enjoys giving pleasure or receiving pleasure in his or her work should, imo, be celebrated. Sex can give pleasure. Drugs can give pleasure. Technology (e.g. autos) can give pleasure. Just because these pleasures can also end in death and destruction doesn't they should be devalued or demonized. Roughly 45,000 people are killed annually in automobile accidents in the U.S. Is truly too high a price to pay for this modern pleasure? Alcohol related deaths may be around 100,000 annually in the U.S. Is this also too high a price to pay for this traditional pleasure? Stripclub deaths are around 11 annually (mostly at Angels and Coco's). ;) OK, ban autos and alcohol and keep stripclubs.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Why so down on the dancers?
    Hi rikk, At least for me the answer is NO. I don't consider stripclubs subversive in the least.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Why so down on the dancers?
    There are also addiction, costs, and shame angles. Some guys have fallen in love/addiction with a dancer who doesn't feel anything remotely reciprocal. Or, they've seen sweet guys get sucked dry by a cold ruthless blood sucking dancer. The sweet guy may be addicted almost as if he was hooked on drugs. The dancer is the "dealer" responsible for his suffering. So, hey for those who believe in the governments' drug wars it is a natural extension. If a dealer is the scum of the earth, then surely the same hatred can be projected against a dancer who uses the drug of love to injure and pillage. Some guys maybe upset when they think about how much money they've spent. I've heard over and over that I could have done this or that or whatever with $$$ "wasted" on dancers. Well, the dancers pretty much win out easily over any other form of fun. Gambling? Not too interested. Drugs? Not too interested. Fancy car? Not too interested. Stocks and bonds (yes, that is a form of fun)? If I any rights (I don't), then yes investments would be nice. Fancy clothes or art? Not too interested. Education? Yes, I'd like to learn more . . . however, I'm sort of past that stage in life and have difficulty with basic memory. Food? I'm too fat already! Dancers are heaven sent especially in a quiet club where you can work at getting GFEs from a beautiful young woman. (No real interest in escorts because they're much more expensive and looks are all important to me. Pictures can be extremely deceptive both increasing or decreasing a person's attractiveness.) A lot of guys that I've spoken with are totally shamed that they have to pay for it. It should be free goes their chant. They don't seem to understand when I say if you want free, then find some woman around your own age who may be not so attractive. Of course, the response is that they want young and attractive. Well, that can be free, but it does take more work generally and especially a more accepting mind. And, I hear the rationale that if the man is having a good time then of course the woman is having a good time so why is she getting paid on top of that??? Just Brilliant! Normally, the young hottie doesn't have as strong a sex drive as the customer and it isn't her priority in the least. Yes, there are exceptions . . .
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Cell phone phenomenon
    The neighbor kids say it is very common. The girls like to be ogled and show off especially if it is indirect and nothing further is demanded or requested of them.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Compliments? Do you feel good giving them and or receiving them or are they just
    Oops. I don't care for the "you have [a big] one" because it sounds so phony and coarse.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Compliments? Do you feel good giving them and or receiving them or are they just
    I don't care for the you one because it just sounds so phony and coarse.
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Compliments? Do you feel good giving them and or receiving them or are they just
    I thought the big dick compliment was standard.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Why so down on the dancers?
    Well in some circles the dancers haven't been good, if the dancer raised false hopes. And, yes it can be a pain if the dancer says she will do the out of the ordinary X, Y, and Z, but doesn't . . . I'm usually surprised when they deliver. :) Dancer says she is going to be over in 5 minutes and ends up at my home 5 hours or more later. Was I upset? No, because I wasn't expecting much from her. She didn't seem responsible and that, to me, was part of her charm. Dancer says she wants to treat me to lunch and doesn't deliver. Not a big deal because I thought she was just doing a sales job. OTOH, I've been very pleasantly surprised. Dancer does a hell of a lot more than I expected and I just can't properly compensate her financially. Yes, she wasn't demanding $$$ but, still I felt obligated. Someone treats you more than right and you want to show real substantial appreciation, imo. Gambling dancer wastes time with me and I feel the need to remind her that her time is valuable and my budget is only X. In her opinion, the amount I spent wasn't much more than zero for her needs and it would be better to forget about charging at all. What a mess, imo, it would be to get "free" from her. But, from her point of view I can easily see where it is already gratis in her mind. I can't compete financially with her "real" customers. OTOH, friends and neighbors are certain she is taking advantage of me. She is a pro and they can see that and there is in their opinion no such thing as a good pro. I think she is a very nice pro, in general, and that she hasn't made nearly enough money from me. If I get a sudden windfall, then I would definitely be sharing some wealth with her. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    When Law Enforcement Isn't Funny
    Well, I checked it out on and here is the link:
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Why so down on the dancers?
    "(and I enjoy being the recipient of a good, well executed hustle)." Hi quimby, I couldn't have said it better! :) It is a real treat to meet a super pro and she doesn't have to even like me to do a wonderful job. The fact she wants $$$ isn't a problem because well I went shopping for a service and don't want or expect it for free. With a good provider I want to pay more than my budget will allow. I don't find being cheap to be fun, but my budget is relatively small so often a dancer isn't paid nearly enough, imo. When I do get some extra money in, I do try and spread what little good fortune there is. I didn't appreciate people low balling me if it just because they're cheap, but if they have a tight budget that is a different story. One customer might need help at starvation wages that don't even cover costs, but another customer might say here is an extra $$$ for a job well done. Hopefully, those that don't mind and can afford spending a little more will do so---I definitely appreciated it even to this day! And, I liked helping those who couldn't pay too much. I've done work gratis and felt positive about it and I've done work dirt cheap and felt good about it. The best feeling, however, is when someone who can afford to pay recognizes your good work and helps you with bonus cash. That is very considerate. :) I think there are strippers who feel the same way about charging less to some customers who are lower income, but who appreciate the dancer's work. It isn't all about the money, imo.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Why so down on the dancers?
    I don't find too many women willing to sell what I consider to be GFEs. A large part of the problem, imo, is that too many customers get "fooled" and then blame the dancer. In this business I would hope the "fooled" customer would stop and think that other customers want this extreme fantasy. I don't need a suck and fuck by a highly skilled sex worker who is just going through the motions: some guys may want that, but I find it boring. I go looking for magic and if the woman is skilled enough to convince me that she is in love or some other fun fantasy then EXCELLENT!!! She is a champion in my book. :) As far as prices: Really it should generally be whatever the market will bear, imo. A man wants to pay $1,000 per hour for conversation where some young hottie or old ugly is telling him, she loves him that doesn't, imo, seem like a bad deal for either of them assuming he isn't of diminished mental capacity.