Comments by jablake (page 58)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    why strippers can be bad at business.
    NO arbeeguy, That is very important if you think about for only a moment. Continually, I hear complaints about strippers. They don't understand business, all they care about is money, blah, blah, blah. Well, I've got news for the complainers. Even "sharp" business people in "legit" businesses do things that don't make any sense business wise or at least at first glance it doesn't make any sense. MY PROBLEM with the neighbor speaks volumes to this issue. Here he starts a fight when first meeting me. Some would say that is just good business to extort some cash if I fall for his BS. After making an enemy he then proceeds to make "improvements" to the property without the permits? Without the licensed contractors? I don't know where you live, but where I live you are opening yourself up to a world of financial hurt playing that game. The fines can be mind blowing and who knows the work may all have to be undone and then redone. Let me get just a tad deeper into this so your eyes might open just a little. A woman owns a popular restaurant nearby and it was always busy and she was just a sharp good business lady. And, she reaped the rewards, which was wonderful. Suddenly the business is closed. :( I'm thinking divorce or death or illness or lawsuit or etc. A little over 3 years go by and I see stop and go "improvements." I think oh, a new owner. I hope the food is half as good as the former owner and I'm EAGER to try it out. Finally, it appears to open!!! :) I'm in there like a shot!!! Who is it? The old business lady and she remember me!!! :) I couldn't believe she had a brain that could remember me, just one of hundreds and hundreds of customers, but hey she is a sharp lady. Of course, you know why it took her a little over 3 years to reopen? You know. :) The stinking government. She told me she never would have tried to improve the restaurant if she knew the corruption was so rampant. I asked why in the hell didn't you just make the payoffs as you are supposed to? She starts whimpering that she was afraid. Gee, you're supposed to be afraid its the government! Then she says she would have liked to see me make the pay offs. :) I told her that I do and obeying the filth of law has nothing to do with needing to payoff or not payoff. It is required. It doesn't always work, but it is always required i.e. 99.99999% on a big or medium project and even sometimes on itty itty itty bitty ones! You're probably not following along, which is fine. The point is the nasty neighbor investor could easily be put through the same living hell as the nice restaurant lady. A complaining neighbor? Gets even better as far as the government going after the violator. If I complained, then there is NO telling how many years the "smart" businessman will be playing with the government. He rolled the dice and won. But that gamble, imo, makes stripper business decisions look brilliant. Not only that the government over here loves to remind people it can go back "countless" years for a past violation. Is that true? I think it can do whatever the hell it so pleases. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    What did you do when she took matters into her own hands?
    Depending on the dancer, I've definitely gently pulled her hand away. I truly don't need some over 300 pounder massaging by tiny package----And YES, compared to her meat hook it is an itty bitty nothing of a package. Now, give me one of the small dancers and it resembles an oversized baseball bat. ;) Also, one dancer was trying to force me to let her do regular dances and she just didn't have the look so it was always NO!!! So she starts giving me hand jobs in the main area. Fine. And, she got depressed when I still said NO!!! But, then brightened up when I paid for the nice handjob. This went on for awhile and then she starts complaining that she doesn't just want to do handjobs. Worse, she started cutting the hand jobs short as leverage to force at least a single dance. I held my ground and then started pushing her hand away if she wanted to do a hand job because I knew she'd cut it short with yappings she wants a dance. :(
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Game Over . . .
    Well, I can afford if she sells at the prices she has always charged me. I can afford the $5 dances, but the government has created numerous problems by shutting down the little clubs along W. Dixie along with not allowing new clubs to open and threatening existing ones to extort payoffs. "Free" is a sucker's game; especially with her. Just because I like her and have known her since she was a teenager (18) and have spent hundreds of hours talking with her and have watched her grow into a young lady (actually a young gangsta) doesn't mean I've closed my eyes. :) She is an expert when it comes to conning men---and I don't even think they need to be customers. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    why strippers can be bad at business.
    "Bad Business" or stupid business doesn't just extend to strippers. A real estate investor, a real slick sharpie purchased my neighbor's home. I'd never met the man. On his very first meeting with me he "laid down the law." First, he claimed that I owed him damages because I was using his property. Second, he told me he was going to reclaim his property by moving the fence. He was sooooo generous that he offered me a payment plan---piece of crooked shit. I told him, Yes, he needs to be paying *me* damages because his fence is on *my* property and he is using *my* property. And, we need to move the fence back so his stinking property is much smaller than it was to begin with! Sack o shit starts yapping there is a survey. :) I say yes bright eyes there are in fact 2 surveys---and your stinking fence is on *my* property. He says expect a lawsuit or pay now! I laugh and say please sue. I have absolutely no faith in the stinking filthy court system, but please do sue. He says you haven't heard the last of me. I say expect years of litigation and expect your attorney fees to be thru the roof! I see the asshole a few months later and ask him when he plans on moving his stinking fence and paying me my damages. He says he needs to look at the surveys and talk with his attorney. I say will it help speed things along if I sue you? He says there is no reason to be talking about suing and he was just joking with me. Yeah, right piece of shit. I say you know in this corrupt court system you could very well win. Why don't we play the stupid game you were so eager to play? He says look it was just a bad joke. He says he didn't realize how I had such harsh feelings about the court system. You don't owe me any damages and you're not on my property. Whatever, dirt bag. :( The dirt bag further had the nerve to lie to me about the "improvements" he was going to make to the property. I asked him about that and he says he doesn't have to tell me anything. I say bright eyes you failed to get any permits for all the shit you are doing. Suddenly the asshole gets all silent, till a bright idea pops in his pea brain. He starts whimpering that he is having money trouble and he was in a terrible divorce and. I cut him short and say look save the lies, I don't plan on turning you in but keep up your nastiness and we will be spending years in court. He says that isn't necessary and we can just stay out of each other hairs. I say I don't trust you a bit, but I hope you serious about just keeping a lid on the situation . . . does threatening your neighbors usually work? I say don't answer that let just agree to stay away from each other, deal? He says deal.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    why strippers can be bad at business.
    Sounds like she is bad at business. Of course, I always remember the famous Nazi chef of New York. Meaning: 1. There are niches that don't see apparent. 2. Sometimes the best business strategy although counter-intuitive is one that lets you be you! Anyway, I like to give a couple of pieces of unsolicited advice: A. As you told me about my dancer buddy, she's not worth it. B. Try not to let your distaste for this pest/primma donna make you a lesser person e.g. less fun loving, less helping, less concerned, etc. Do I take my own advice? LOL! :) Experience is imo a cruel teacher that teachers cruel lessons some of which are almost impossible delearn. :( For example, I helped a young pregnant dancer just a little and she seemed to appreciate the help and concern. What if instead she was just a fraud and threw it into my face? In the future, unwittingly or wittingly I might be less helpful. As far as society as a whole, my learned attitude is about as negative as can be. When the children next door were seeking a donation for their public school, my reaction was disgust and anger. The kids were shocked because I'm fairly generous with them, so why not be generous with their public school? The answer is reinforced negative experience. Help stop crime? LOL! :) I'd be afraid to even help in an Amber alert. There was a local case where a father "kidnapped" his daughter to save her from real abuse at the hands of a violent and deranged mom. Thanks to people who didn't know the facts--just trying to do right by alerting authorities to a missing child--he got years in prison. Those who believe in the courts need it shoved up their ass. I could see a so called missing child and sorry, but I have to practically be guaranteed it was a "real" abduction. Even then it is probably better to let God worry about it down the line.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Game Over . . .
    Hi DickJohnson, It is a big loss---well, it would have been a big loss if she had been willing to keep selling. These relationships have to be kept commercial---at least for my needs they have to be kept commercial. The worst thing besides losing a long term business relationship is that under the current environment and based on my unusual needs the reality is there will not be a replacement. Thinking that there would be is just fooling myself. Now one miracle that would change that bleak assessment is if suddenly the government decided that stripclubs in a certain locale nearby are fine and dandy. Little clubs sprouting up means diversity. Diversity means that I could find a cheap quiet club to relax in and have plenty of time to chat with different dancers. The conversation, imo, would be the key to replacing Gambling dancer. When I first met her around 7 years ago we could talk for hours and hours during off peak hours. The club was quiet and had comfortable couches. THANK YOU for the thumbs up. :) It is appreciated.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Identification . . .
    The specialness in a sea of beauty can also be at first sight as well as developing over time and or experience. I was at the RolLexx some time ago. The quality of cuties was very impressive i.e. the small in shape young women that I'm just crazy about. YIKES!!! :) Among all this beauty one young dancer managed to really stand out. I quickly approached her, which is relatively unusual for me: I prefer the dancer come at her leisure. Shot down by price. :( The beauty said she didn't want to dance for me because she knew that I only wanted $5 dances and she wanted $10 per dance. She definitely was worth $10 a dance. Unfortunately, that was just out of my budget so I told her, she was definitely a steal at $10, but it was out of my league. That was a hot hot hot dancer. I could see getting addicted to her real quick. The thing is the other dancers were also hot hot hot---somehow surrounded by all this beauty she stood out. The other hotties (with one other exception; a dancer I know) were eager to do high contact $5 dances. The other exception was also special and she was from Angels originally. Some days she'd accept the $5 per dance and other times she wouldn't saying that she was worth $10. I always agreed she was worth even more than $10, but I just have a wimpy financial condition. She is one of the few dancers that I don't look forward to seeing because she is so ON and OFF. One time I wasn't paying her any mind and she gets upset that I wasn't paying attention to her----I say well the last few times you were very aggressive about making it clear that I was too cheap and or poor and you didn't want anything to do with me. :( Then she wants to dance for the $5 per song. After I pay her (she did an excellent job, btw) she states that in the future she will only dance for the $10 and just wanted to let me know up front. She had given me that depressing message in the past, which is why I just didn't look forward to seeing her despite her beauty and skill. :(
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    South Carolina
    New term for thong
    "My #1 favorite dancer does not even take her top off on stage." I *should* know better, but that scares the hell out of me! :) "You cannot generalize about these things." An argument *for* generalization is that you're playing the odds. I would think that there is some significant correlation between modesty and mileage. Or, maybe not. :) More than that, ime, the problem with a dancer that doesn't take her top off is because she sags----she has something to hide. Now, I've had very pleasant surprises the other way; few and far between. :( Still some of those pleasant surprises were like hitting a rich vein of gold. :) And, I'd think what a demented and criminal act to hide these babies . . . Once, I did hit the gold at that point tops are very nice. No reason to make the dancer so popular you have to fight to get dances. ;)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    So Sure . . .
    The yahoo was not a person to mess with assuming he was a real undercover officer AND assuming he wasn't just acting a nefarious role as part of his official duties. Regardless of the veracity of his many stories or authority, it is doubtful I would have taken any socially "responsible" action(s). I just didn't feel any obligation whatsoever to the society; hear and see NOTHING that could remotely cause me any problems major or minor where the victims are merely imaginable. Yep, a bad attitude. IOWs, as long as I'm ok everone else can go to hell especially if I ain't seeing real harm first hand.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Stripper Sticks Her Finger in Her Ass. Seductive? Yes, No, Maybe . . .
    "What's your thoughts on the stripper sticking her finger up your ass to massage the prostate?" It is supposed to feel good, but I don't care for it. With her nails----dang, sounds horrible.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Strippers do NOT get aroused by fondling their boobs?
    "That is a FACT that has nothing to do with feminism or government coverups." It is an OPINION and a stupid opinion at that. A female relative was raped. She repeatedly said NO. The man decided to ignore her and proceed. She was confused as to whether to contact the police because she ENJOYED the rape. How did I get involved in this? The man was upset that she basically told him to drop dead as to future dating. On his behalf I inquired as to what the problem was because he believed that she liked him. The whole sordid story was explained by her to me. He confirmed what she said, but claimed that she couldn't have been raped because she was responsive. She was raped. She did enjoy the sexual stimulation. That was the end of their "relationship." Bottom line, I don't tolerate BS like every woman who is raped doesn't enjoy it. Women have a whole range of feelings on all manner subjects. Sorry, but that is the FACT. Not some idiotic government propaganda or some idiotic feminist propaganda. You could be RAPED tonight by some disgusting male and love every moment of it----I doubt that would be the case. In fact, I'd assume you'd feel the exact opposite. Heck, I could be RAPED and love every minute of it----I doubt that would be the case. Rape is an act of sex---government BS and feminist BS don't impress even a little bit. It may be an act of sexual violence. Please note the word *may*. Government and feminists often can't comprehend that word.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is the affection real or stripper shit?
    I also believe that if a man can get a woman to play the GFE role especially over a long period of time that "flame out" is normal or at least not uncommon. It doesn't mean the customer is special or a stud or any conclusion giving the man a bit of credit. "Flame out" means the woman wants to eliminate the pay for play aspect and convert the relationship to FREE. IMO, I don't think this is good for the woman or the customer. I have NO IDEA how to solve this issue. My success at fixing it is a total ZERO!!! :( Gambling dancer gave this BS that I had violated the role play by heaven forbid actually caring about her (as if other customers don't care about her). I didn't violate anything. She is the one that is supposed to be acting---that is her JOB! That a customer may develop feelings shouldn't, imo, equal game over or game FREE. It just means that the customer is confused or in a trance or he may see the reality, but appreciates the value of the service greatly or of her or etc. She made a big deal out of "but, you're not acting." Yes and no. Having real feelings doesn't mean that everything I do is 100% as it might appear to her. The real feelings could be just admiration for her skill level or kindness or beauty or professionalism or etc. She doesn't for a moment need to reciprocate those feelings, imo.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is the affection real or stripper shit?
    I saw this old man, beat up worse than me, and this young woman providing what imo was a powerful example of a GFE. It looked real. Doesn't mean it was real. But, her performance was impressive assumming she was faking, which that would be the normal conclusion. The young woman was too HOT and old man too BEAT UP. It seemed impossible that she could have feelings for him other than WALLET WALLET WALLET!!! :) He appeared to be supremely happy and I think that she could do a video expressing her total disgust and his "trance" would NOT be broken. There is just NO incentive for him to see reality (assuming she is just acting) because he is getting very powerful positive stimulus. And, it is a hell of a lot different than a fuck and suck. A fuck and suck: I don't think there is any shortage of women willing to provide that service. I could easily see a line forming. GFE service? I don't think there would be too many takers. Gambling dancer would definitely try and get to the front of that short line, but she, imo, is very unusual. I may even be wrong about the scarcity of GFE. This is just what I see and experience. Other services, such as FS - BJ, those look to be plentiful and the price isn't too bad. The big thing is, there doesn't seem to be a shortage if that is what you need even if you're ugly and old. One provider is being a pest---there are a 100+ eager beavers in line. Just pick one. No biggie. GFE? That seems a lot different and perhaps in a different country it is just no big deal. That is difficult to say because many men are just thrilled with suck and fuck----to them that is a big deal. GFE? It may have zero value to them.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is the affection real or stripper shit?
    There's a retired dancer from The Trap who lives just down the street from me. She must be out of the business for at least 15 years. That ex-dancer loves to talk. And, one of the things she loved to talk about were some of her wonderful customers at The Trap. This is a dancer who was a hottie and yet she still fondly remembered nice old men over a decade later. She is just a very good person who likes to make people happy. Perhaps she likes males a little more than is socially acceptable. It wasn't like she wanted to say NO to sexual advances. Another lady, a prostitute in very bad shape, loved to talk about the successful men she met in the business and how she hoped some would become regulars because they treated her special. She was probably an exception to the rule. I asked her about her bad condition as she said that she enjoyed life way too much. She didn't understand hookers who didn't enjoy their work. She considered her work to be a never ending party and she didn't eat right or sleep right and drank too much and just didn't think about the future. The past however was worth remembering over and over again. She had wanted to marry, but she was afraid that she needed a lot more than one man and that was one regret that she had; missing out on a family.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is the affection real or stripper shit?
    Hi shadowcat, I didn't intend for my comments to be bad in the least. I just see ime that generally an older man would like to think that the strippers care about him. I don't see anything wrong about that . . . it is just that too often it is wishful thinking. That doesn't mean that is your situation at all. I also believe that it is possible that your strippers care about you, just don't be shocked how dead cold some of these strippers can be at times. And the coldness may have nothing to do with you in any real sense. There was an old man at Angels that everyone seemed to LOVE. Yes, he spent $$$, but after he left the dancers were still smiling and commenting on how sweet he was etc. He was an exceptional person from what I could see: Great sense of humor, fun to be around, generous, etc. The dancers definitely liked him. It was fantastic to see how he could brighten people's days. I remember after he was gone one of the dancers saying that is one sweet customer and some other dancers were chiming in saying they wish there were more happy customers like him. Then she started relating some of the old man's jokes and those dancers were having a blast. He is an exceptional person. By contrast, I'd be seen as dead cold and in real need of cheering up. :) If that exceptional customer told me the dancers cared about him, then I would definitely agree based on what I was seeing especially after he was gone and they were doing girl talk.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Whale of a Dancer Gets My Phone Number :( . . .
    Hi SuperDude, Yes, that would definitely sting BAD, imo, and I'd like to think I can handle verbal abuse for the most part. What would make that so bad for *me* is that I'm sure the dancer or woman wouldn't be trying to make me feel bad. And, boy to *me* that would be like a dagger right in the old heart. :( It is like when I started yelping in pain when a HUGE dancer sat on me. I sure as hell wasn't trying to be mean to her and I definitely didn't want to hurt her in any way, shape, or form. But, she had hurt feelings until she realized that my bones can't handle much stress. It truly wasn't her fault. A normal healthy man should have been able to handle all her weight without suffering pain. Now, lifting her . . . that is a different story. I think the man would have to have some real muscle to move her easily or at all.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is the affection real or stripper shit?
    "I am either the biggest PL on this board or am really liked by my favorite dancers." My guess without knowing shadowcat or the dancers is that he is guilty of wishful thinking. I could be 100% wrong. The difficulty is that a good stripper will make her customer feel good about himself. I think that is great and others will probably disagree because it is dishonest or whatever. Let's say the dancers are just madly in LOVE with shadowcat. That is more possible, imo, than some of you might be willing to admit. If 300 pound plus women are being drooled over as sex objects, then anything is possible. I would NOT believe there is any demand for HUGE women, but I see it again and again. It isn't a fluke. These women are in demand as unbelieveable as that may seem. And, I see super HOT dancers with low life loser boyfriends. Doesn't seem reasonable or logical at first glance, but again and again these hotties choose "garbage pail" boyfriends. So why wouldn't these same dancers like and choose "garbage pail" customers? Seems as logical as choosing a loser boyfriend or choosing a 300 pounder as a sex object. :) *************************************************************** To be very clear: I'm NOT saying shadowcat is a "garbage pail" customer. I'm saying a dancer who chooses a "garbage pail" boyfriend may just as easily fall for "garbage pail" customers. *************************************************************** So my point is that even if shadowcat was LOVED by dancer after dancer what would that prove? Should he get a medal of honor??? The dancers may even LOVE shadowcat and they might be 100% correct in their judgment. :) Some dancers have been extremely sweet and generous to me. That does NOT mean necessarily that they LOVE me or that they want my $$$ or even that they LIKE me. It may mean simply that they are very nice people or that they like to "help" the pathetic i.e. ME! :) I'm old, poor, weak, unattractive, angry, etc. and yet some dancers are super sweet to me. I think that may say much more about the dancer than it says about me. I sure as hell don't think I deserve medals or applause because some strippers have been extraordinary in making me feel appreciated or liked or wanted or etc. And, I don't think strippers are just a bunch of money grubbing clones because if that were the case, then I'd get pretty much zero service. I just don't have the financial power of *real* customers at this stage in my life.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    She Took My Last $5 . . . and Left me With $0
    I gave a young dancer a *very small amount* of money because she said she was pregnant and I wanted to help her out. I don't think that makes me Mr. Wonderful or Mr. Fool. Gambling dancer hears about it and she gets all angry saying that the bitch is lying to make money off you. I said that I believed she was pregnant and is it wrong to help a young pregnant woman? That just made Gambling dancer more angry saying that I was a fool to believe such a weak story and that I should know better than to believe any hoes, etc. This, imo, made absolutely NO SENSE AT ALL for Gambling dancer to be upset that I gave away a *very small amount* of money. If I spend money on other dancers for services, then she doesn't get red with anger. So we had a fight about whether the hoe was pregnant or not. If the hoe was pregnant, then giving a little financial support was good. According to Gambling dancer, this is an old fraud and I got took. :( Well guess who was right? ME! ME! ME! LOL! :) That hoe definitely was pregnant. Gambling dancer's response? There was "No, I'm sorry. Or, that was good you helped her a little." She just change the subject to well you got lucky. I didn't get lucky. If she was a fraud, then I got took. I'd feel much worse not helping when there were a *few* extra dollars to spare. That young woman really seemed to appreciate the *little* bit of financial help that I gave her. Truly, I was unconcerned about being wrong and getting taken. It's happened before and it will happen again: that does NOT mean I will just blanketly stop helping when I can just because of a few rotten apples or a few fraudsters.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    She Took My Last $5 . . . and Left me With $0
    Hi parodyman, Yes, it could be seen that way. Another way of seeing it is that I've spent years with her and at my request she played a phoney role of being my girlfriend (which was a menu item for her). She played the role very well and she is the type of person who could easily be "ice cold" no matter what our relationship. She is a pro and the fact can't be ignored. Also, she was willing to play girlfriend, to the best of my knowledge, to anyone who had the $$$. She, imo, is very rare in that regard. The sex workers that I know, and maybe I know the wrong ones, aren't willing to truly role play the GFE. Also, she is doing work that most other attractive young pros have flatly refused to do for me. Maybe they don't like me. Maybe they don't like pretending to be a girlfriend. Maybe there isn't enough money. Bottom line, I've found it very difficult to find hot young women willing to play this game. Peers talk about buying sex or extras. Gee, even the dancers who don't like me are generally willing to at least sell sex or extras. In this area sex or extras seem fairly normal. One of my main points is that Gambling dancer *knows* that it is *always* all about the $$$ for *all* prostitutes/strippers. According to her there are NO exceptions and I'm a fool if I think there are. :) Basically, she is claiming all sex workers are clones in that regard. Please remember she is an unusual person. I just don't see how she can waste hours and hours with me when the money isn't there. She thinks I'm going to be leaving her $$$ in my will??? She is planning on robbery? If she says it is all about the money *for her*, then I'd like to accept that at face value. But, it just doesn't add up. She can make money. Her problem is gambling it all away. Time spent with me should be a total negative for her. She has *real* customers. She has a *real* boyfriend. I love a good con even when I'm the victim. :) She is a damn good con artist, imo. She has wasted a lot time if it is all about the money and so far I just don't see the payoff. Yes, she could go to New Jersey. She had done it before. Probably she just needs a nice rest. She works hard. Going to New Jersey probably has nothing to do with me---she just needs to get away for awhile, perhaps. Who knows maybe she just gets a kick out of seeing me all upset when she wont sell. :) I truly don't think she needs to waste her time like that, however. When she says to me with a straight face that she will sell, then I'd like her to keep her word. She wont. I don't know the reason and probably will never know. For a sex worker who proudly claims to be all about the money, well, it is infuriating!!! All about the money? OK, what is this BS about FREE? I've never asked for FREE from her or even hinted at it. She has given "freebies," but that seemed like and I believe it was just good business---it wasn't free in any true sense. This latest FREE nonsense doesn't *seem* to be good business. And, she has tried the same sh*t in the past. It may seem like shadowcat, but I don't see where the value is in spending time with a weak old man who just is very low budget and worse my money spent on her as of late is totaling ZERO. :( At some point the con artist needs to make the real play. I *should* have absolutely NO value to her: OLD, POOR, UNATTRACTIVE, WEAK, ANGRY, ETC. However, and this is the rub. :) ***People have different needs and desires. One person's trash maybe another person's treasure---I see that in stripclubs all the time.***
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Married Latina Afternoon Fun . . . SS?
    Hello uscue13, The way he sees it this is a woman who should have men beating down her door. According to him, she had it all. The looks, the skill, the brains, the personality, etc. etc. etc. He basically cancelled a whole day because she was such excellent company. Believe me, he isn't a man who will put pleasure ahead of work, work, work. He is a workaholic. And, he is responsible. She made a hell of an impression on him. :) I couldn't believe he would just let the day go to enjoy the company of some sex worker; especially just on the spur of the moment. Difficult to think of a woman like that being lonely, but then maybe she has a really bad side. He says when asked she complained that her husband didn't want to enjoy sex with her and had no time to spend with her and that all he cared about was making money. She thought they had more money than could be needed. (Of course, he is thinking if money isn't a problem or desire why the hell are you charging me $250!!! :) Yet, he wouldn't want it for FREE. :) ) Well, even the rich beautiful people have their problems. <sigh>
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Married Latina Afternoon Fun . . . SS?
    Excellent point, parodyman. It just didn't seem to him like a real term or a believeable term because she is a professional. As long as he pays and is clean and is nice, she should in theory want to work less for the same amount of money. Her statements about liking him and she wants him to stay were in his mind just part of her performance. He loved the act, but for goodness sakes it had to be just part of her routine. What sex worker DEMANDS that her client spend more time??? He is an experienced customer and he'd never run into that before---where the worker actually refused further business. He had always been 100% convinced that the $$$ was basically the whole ball of wax for a sex worker assuming you're clean and polite. The sex worker tells him that his tool is fabulous and she can't get enough of it, etc. He wouldn't for a moment believe she was doing anything, but making him feel better about himself. He is just an ordinary guy and he has good qualities, but being a super lover or having a fabulous tool just well aren't what his good qualities are. I don't think he questions her right in the least. It just makes NO sense at all in his opinion and he likes logic. She seemed very intelligent and educated and her job is to make him feel good. She was excellent according to him and it seemed completely real. Since her job is to make him feel good and he needs quickies, well just do an excellent job and earn repeat business.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is the affection real or stripper shit?
    Looking back at the one stripper that was so much better than any other: It was sort of textbook in "achieving" FREE: She delivers GFE and the skill or whatever the hell she did was mindblowing. I've experienced NOTHING like it. I go to buy more. NOT FOR SALE. No dances, no nothing. If I wanted just ordinary sex or acted like a normal customer, then she says it is nothing. Pay the money and she'll perform. Most customers in her opinion are just easy because they don't want anything of value. BJ? Whatever. Sex. Whatever. I didn't even know her that long. She is demanding FREE. Please understand: I didn't do anything---She did everything. I'm not attractive or rich or whatever. I don't understand what exactly happened with her. I just wanted to buy more. She says something like that isn't for sale. I think if we made a video it would have been boring to watch----I can't say because it was so different and she was running the show. She is a hooker(stripper)---that is her job and suddenly everything WEIRD, but in a beautiful way. If I was with her again, then maybe the same experience wouldn't occur. She just flamed out on me almost immediately. :( When I saw her at different club months later her main emotion toward me was hate and contempt. :( (Yes, she sold me dances and then coldly said NOTHING had changed and please don't come back.) I don't see why accepting money from me was such a deal breaker for her. Just consider it a thank you.
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is the affection real or stripper shit?
    Hi Book Guy, I don't think a different club is the answer. The numbers just don't work from what I can see. Currently, the RolLexx has a high number of "reject" dancers during the late day shift. Their "rejected" because they don't have the blubber and are too short. For my tastes these girls are Heaven sent. :) It isn't even a question of cheap club v. expensive club. This club currently has girls with the look that I finding stunning. :) Sounds good? Most of these girls even those with the best attitudes just aren't willing to provide GFE. Sex? No problem. That just isn't an issue. It has little value. After spending the $$$ you finally locate the rare dancer who does GFE. Sounds good? Well, even among those tiny number of dancers who provide GFE the consistency is a real problem. Felicity is a perfect example. She sent me to another level. Go back and she is NO, I can't do that until I'm fighting with my boyfriend. Money isn't even the issue. She still did excellent dances, but it wasn't another level. It was merely top quality. Finally, I get the other level from her and she took a financial beating (lost money via club fees :(. . . ) and then POOF she is gone. Royalty. What a goofball and fun. :) She had the rare skill and look and GFE meant no biggie to her (a young Gambling dancer in that respect). She then got addicted to the wrong drugs and died almost before my eyes. :( Gambling dancer. She is very unusual in that GFE to her generally meant nothing. Just part of the ordinary menu. Again and again she delivered top quality service with extreme skill. Even with this extremely unusual dancer the GFE flow isn't steady. She just recently went on strike to do FREE GFE. That isn't a good deal---trust me. I don't know that seems obvious, but too many customers want FREE it seems. So to summarize: The number of dancers who really turn me on is very low regardless of price or club and in fact I normally have more luck at the cheap clubs. Out of that tiny number with the right look even fewer are willing to do GFE. Sex/extras seem plentiful---big whoop de doo. Next, the GFE providers just are NOT steady suppliers for one reason or another. A HOT woman provides GFE, then yes I'm willing to suffer some blubber blobs or mutts if that is what she likes.
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    16 years ago
    Whale of a Dancer Gets My Phone Number :( . . .
    "Well, men are desperate for sex, generally; and if the only women available are blubbery, then, it's highly likely, at some level even blubbery women will be considered desirable for certain activities." I consider myself to be DESPERATE for GFE, but when I see a bevy of blubbery women that are 3 times my size (by volume at least), I lose interest in women fast. :( NO amount of deperation turns these WHALES into potential sex objects or sex anythings. NO amount of personality or intelligence makes them more sexually desirable. Normally, my first thought is tents, heavy duty tents, would look good on these WHALES. Just cover 'em head to toe. My wrinkled old hand is sexier than these women. :( On the positive side, if I needed to abstain these women would make any period of abstinence is EASY. I can go to Angels in desperate heat and if there are enough WHALES and NO HOTTIES, then bingo: bed rest looks like exciting recreation. :(
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    16 years ago
    Whale of a Dancer Gets My Phone Number :( . . .
    Extermination of that 2% seems like it would be a true benefit to mankind that would end up saving lives and drastically improving the quality of life. Heck, it would even reduce global warming. :) In my area, it seems like the blubber lovers out number the regular men. And, there isn't a shortage of blubber butts---Burger King has 'em, Walmart, Winn-Dixie, CVS, there isn't a shortage! These blubber lovers should have more blubber than they can handle. But, NO. For some reason the demand somehow outpaces the endless supply. It is bizzare. :( Meanwhile, regular guys have to search every nook and cranny to see if a hottie is hiding. Even when the hotties are in the stripclub they're often in hiding mode. Probably afraid the WHALES will mistake 'em for an edible snack.