Comments by jablake (page 59)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is the affection real or stripper shit?
    Actually, yes. :( The reason for the frowny face was that because the $5 dance wasn't for my benefit. It was the benefit of the girl doing the dance. She was a sweet dog who needed some self confidence. Hers was ZERO and she had NO self-esteem. My favorite was trying to cajole me into buying a dance from the poor girl. I just made it painfully pelucid that NO MONEY was coming out of my wallet to buy that ugly mutt a dance. Smart ass sees a loop-hole. :) She hands me a $5 and says that I promised!? Yes, I promised NO money was coming out of my wallet. That was the whole shabang. I surely never said I'd get a dance if it was free or paid for by someone else. Then she says have a heart with big dark sad eyes. Oh, damn. Beat down, I did my best to give the poor woman some confidence and suggestions and a pep talk. The favorite was happy and the mutt was happy. It worked out fine as it turned out. Another time I got something like half a $5 dollar dance. My dancer was a lesbian or bisexual and she wanted a dance from a BIG woman. But, the BIG woman wouldn't give other women dances. The scam was for me to call the BIG woman over and tell her I wanted a 2 girl dance. She was happy. My dancer was happy. I didn't enjoy the blubber even though I did like to see my dancer attack the other one grabbing her every which way. Why only half a dance? I don't know----money was tight. My favorite had some smart ass reason. I did get to watch a 2 girl show, but the BIG woman was disgusting. I couldn't believe how my dancer was drooling over her. The BIG woman just had NO interest in the hottie at all.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    She Took My Last $5 . . . and Left me With $0
    It is more than a little incredible. Gambling dancer tells me NO prostitute will refuse my $$$. I'd been telling her a story about a stripper/prostitute that I knew who did precisely that. And, she doesn't believe. Fine. I ask her: Are you a prostitute? She says YES. Wonderful. OK, how about you taking my $$$ and getting your ass to work! She comes up some lying BS excuse and does it with a straight face. Incredible. And, she wants to keep believing NO prostitute will refuse my cash. What the HELL!? She is a real pro, but I wish she'd stop messing around and get back to work. :( Anyway, I'm thinking that she will be heading back to New Jersey.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    She Took My Last $5 . . . and Left me With $0
    Sometimes I don't see the perfect woman for long stretches. I dream of past fun. Time passes and I think of how rare a dancer like Felicity is or even Gambling dancer or Royalty. And, then all of sudden superstars are available. If I knew they'd be available next week, then yes I'd budget. The problem is almost always the superstars vanish FAST. Gambling dancer is *sort of* an exception. I've known her some 7 years. But, she is a ROYAL pain in the ass!!! She isn't going to sell me GFE and will only provide it FREE. If I wanted that type nonsense then I'd be searching for a real girlfriend. And, NO the situation with Gambling dancer has arisen in the past so it isn't like I had 7 good years before she turned into a true bitch! The stalemate was broken one time when she went to New Jersey for around a year. This latest stalemate will take some type of cooling off period---she's yapping about going back to New Jersey----GO!!!!!! Good Riddance. I hate when dancers start giving orders. :( Bottom line due to supply problems my strength to budget is zero. One time with Baby Doll she arrived after I hadn't seen her in over a year. She was thrilled to see me with plenty of hugs and kisses. I showed her my empty wallet and she says don't worry about it, I'll be working this club for at least a few months and then gave me her schedule. I race home at full speed run to get CASH and then drive back to the club at full speed. Couldn't have taken even 45 minutes. She was already fired. :( (The reason? Might have been one of the managers recognized that she wasn't white----hard to say because there were conflicting stories. The club was trying to get white. But, she could for many whites easily pass for white.) I never saw her again. :( I'd known her for years and years.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is the affection real or stripper shit?
    LOL! Of course, you understand that no one will believe you. :) <just teasing> OTOH, I can see some readers snarling venomously: A stripper give real affection?! Yeah, and I's Mother Teresa and Mrs. Clinton wrapped in one!!! Strippers only care about $$$s any school boy or girl knows that.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is the affection real or stripper shit?
    On the positive side well done fake affection is very nice. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is the affection real or stripper shit?
    Oops. :( So NO real affection. :(
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is the affection real or stripper shit?
    Gee, you have more faith in TUSCLers than I imagined. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is the affection real or stripper shit?
    IMHO, you're being a little overdramatic. :) Surely, TUSCLers aren't 100% anti-stripper. Or, maybe they are . . . impossible. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is the affection real or stripper shit?
    Well your tits are probably a more interesting err . . . OK, back to topic: Do you ever give real affection to older male customers? Remember fake affection doesn't count nor does affection to young hot males or females of any type! ;)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Ethnic groups as dancers
    Generally, I've been extremely pleased by the way I've been treated by black dancers. I thought they treated all customers like that. Sorry, to hear that isn't the case. :( And, yes especially years ago there was a huge line to be crossed. Even now there is a line, but it is different kind of line. It just seems like a very different culture.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Whale of a Dancer Gets My Phone Number :( . . .
    Hi SuperDude, I agree with you. What visually excites me just hasn't changed much at all. When I see hot there aren't any doubts. I'm in heat. I saw the barber's girlfriend and she was absolutely breath taking. However, as difficult as it may be to believe there are men that want big women. I wouldn't believe it except I've seen it first hand. Women who I find repulsive to look at are other men's dream women. I do generally prefer the personalities of these big women, but there isn't a bit of desire. I'd rather have NO sex! Also, for me there is a very real performance issue even when I was young. A woman could be acceptable to sleep with or even attractive. The problem was that super attractive increased my strength/ability off the chart. I like that feeling of being sexual competent. And, the hot babe makes it so easy. With a plain attractive woman it can feel good, but it just isn't heaven and I have doubts and it could even turn into work. :( One hot babe and suddenly I'm a new man. I may not be a stud puppy, but I'm sure as hell not afraid or embarrassed. LOOKS to me are all important. A woman can be the greatest in every possible way and even be attractive, but it just isn't enough. The SUPER HOT is necessary for my sexual satisfaction. And, yes I've been with skilled attractive women----for me the LOOKS still rule. It would be much nicer is I had a *real* choice in the matter; I don't. I react to HOT.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Ethnic groups as dancers
    "White girls. Lower STD risk, plus they are less friendly than other "races", so if you are in the mood to fuck a bitch..." When I was young I strongly preferred the real death cold white girls. That is what I understood as normal; that normal wasn't even for most whites, btw, I later learned. The blacks were so friendly and peaceful it was like they'd come from a different planet. Even the supposedly "violent" blacks seemed way too peaceful and friendly. It didn't seem right or normal that any real people could be so warm or even fake being warm like that. IMO, it seemed like they needed to ratchet up the violence to just basic acceptable levels for a functioning society. I didn't know if just basic fear of police/whites was the problem or if it was a genetic problem or etc. Thumbs down to world peace---disgusting, imo. (That doesn't mean a blood bath is ideal, btw. :) It means there is such a thing as too much conformity and obedience.)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Who Fucks Better: Strippers or Escorts?
    I was with one stripper/prostitute who was so superior that I didn't think I was going to live and this is some years back. Just head and shoulders above the rest. :) And, it started out that she didn't even want to do her job. It went from this is going to be one depressing hour to hours of bliss. :) It was strange and fantastic. I can't believe all the skill and knowledge she packed into that small body. And, I don't understand all the attitude to start especially when she was such an exceptional talent. YES, she was one of those stripper/prostitutes who then refused to sell her services to me, but wanted to do the FREE sh*t. That is what *can* happen when you try and get true GFE. I didn't even know her that long and it was KABOOM with everything emotionally moving lightening fast. I love S L O W. She just redefined that into endless and I wasn't doing any work at all. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Whale of a Dancer Gets My Phone Number :( . . .
    Oh, I don't know how in the world she managed it . . . she LIED BIG TIME about her age. There is fudging and then there is just throwing out the truth completely. I asked her how that happened and she says I told you white people are insane! :) Yes, well the doctor is a little dense or sympathetic to believe that age. It isn't that she looks old, but that just isn't near her true age. In fact, she looks very young for her age.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Whale of a Dancer Gets My Phone Number :( . . .
    An older black lady friend had me read this 4 page medical report. She was focused on a single word in that mass of garbage: OBESE. She says to me that she knows white people are insane, but seriously do *I* think that she is OBESE? (She considers herself petite, btw. :) ) The sad/funny thing is that she is just a normal sized woman, imo. The doctor and her both were living in different fantasy worlds. I told her the truth that she was normal sized, but could lose some weight. She says but, she is already small. :) Yes, many men especially at Angels would consider her tiny. I point to an attractive young girl as a model of proper weight. She is shaking her head and says that girl is NOT even and adult! She says I'm a woman, not a child! White people are truly insane, but I'm going to lose 5 pounds. I say make it 10 and she gives me this look like I've just lost it completely. :) She says you want to see bones? I don't know about this OBESE business, but my lady friend wasn't OBESE at all and I'm very biased in favor of S L I M ! ! ! :) Funny/sad how out of all the garbage in the medical report she focuses in on that one word.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is the affection real or stripper shit?
    I didn't realize she recanted about the size of her tits. It sounded like they were WHALES. :) Also, I thought at that time she stopped posting for something like 22 hours. It was difficult to believe she was a seasoned sex worker because the sex workers in my area get abused big time and yet they seem oblivious to the trash for the most part. But, then other areas may be a lot different: thinking of the pink site it is like many seem never to have met a man or insult before.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Strippers do NOT get aroused by fondling their boobs?
    "Any other rape is an act of violence, not sex, and is not going to be enjoyable." Oh gee, I'm so glad you've taken up residence in every rape victims brain. Or, more likely you are a victim of the "one size fits all mentality." Rape victims need to know that it is ok if they enjoyed the rape---that, that doesn't make them sluts or dirty. Feminists and government who champion the "one size fits all mentality" need to be slapped down repeatedly. :)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Strippers do NOT get aroused by fondling their boobs?
    BTW, if a woman is raped and admits that she enjoyed the rape, then does that somehow mean she can't seek punishment of the rapist? I'm not talking legally. Just curious as to different opinions. The man and the victim agree that she repeatedly said NO. Man admits that he ignored her because he believed that she liked him and wanted sex. Woman wants justice because although she enjoyed the sex immensely, she felt violated and disrespected and thought the man needs to learn that NO means NO when she says it! So, jurors are sitting around debating? or perhaps it is like hey, this is an easy case: the man admits it and he should get 20 years to life in a government prison.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    How i know I have spent too much time at the SC
    Walmart? HOME OF HUGE HEIFERS . . . that is where Angels gets its stock. I hope you haven't been converted to a blubber butt buyer . . .
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Ethnic groups as dancers
    Generally, it seems like black women----personality and butt. The only area where white women, imo, have a huge advantage is in the eye contact. Also, white breasts, imo, are generally better *quality*. The black dancers in general will not do eye contact and at the black clubs it seems like the ass is the main focus anyway.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Whale of a Dancer Gets My Phone Number :( . . .
    Normally, I don't think about penis size (performance, yes). If a woman is too big, then the solution isn't for me to get bigger. The solution is find a smaller woman. :) Anyway with these WHALES the customers must be sesquipedalian below the belt, iows, "ginormous." I mean it is a very unpleasant thought, imo, but unless the man is HUGELY endowed it seems like regular intercourse would be impossible. I don't know; never been with a blubber butt or WHALE. Perhaps the regular standard issue, 1/2 a foot, will get the job done---don't see how with all the rolls of fat . . .
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Whale of a Dancer Gets My Phone Number :( . . .
    Hi casualguy, It seems like a HUGE percentage of guys in this area get turned on by tons of blubber and at the stripclub they're all black. I mean I just haven't seen a white customer turned on by this blubber. I'm sure whites that love blubber must exist. I just haven't seen them in the stripclub. If they show up, God forbid, then these massive blubber butts will rule unchallenged. With just a little freedom this wouldn't be a problem. Just open a nearby club with a rule carved in GRANITE and STEEL that this is blubber butt free zone. All the hotties can hang out in this relaxed healthy environment. I'd put Sky from the old Trap in charge because he had zero tolerance for blubber. Customers whimpering that they need blubber can be redirected to the blubber butt zone with a personal escort if necessary so they don't get lost. Gambling dancer can EAT, btw. I don't know why she doesn't put on blubber. Even if she put on blubber I'm not sure if black customers in general would be attracted; it would help, but I don't know if rolls of fat would be enough to make her money with the black customers. I will always remember this adorable hottie at Angels that I encouraged to go to The Trap when the white money was still there. At Angels she was basically ignored except for more aggressive white customers (she was a little shy). At The Trap she was charging 5 X TIMES as much as she was at Angels and she had customers waiting in line. Yes, she was that adorable and that special. Even better The Trap's cost to work at that moment in time was much lower---it was practically nothing while Angels was expensive. Gee, where did this adorable hot black dancer prefer to work? Of course, Angels . . . she said she'd rather make a lot less and be with her buddies; besides she found the whites at The Trap to be stressful. No surprises there in the least.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is the affection real or stripper shit?
    Hi shadowcat, You were nasty to wondergrl5, imo. You claimed her titties couldn't be as advertised for her frame and basically said she was fraud. The memory lights coming on?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Whale of a Dancer Gets My Phone Number :( . . .
    Also, Angels sometimes has a huge problem with the government. It is the last surviving club on W. Dixie. Bending over for the government and licking its balls is an excellent strategy as well as handing over CASH under the table. In the last battle, the owner blocked off the parking in front of the club. On the side of the club, he cut off parking payments to the little restaurant. Little restaurant retailates, which was wanted. The club had to be slowed to a crawl because there was too much money =s pressure----BIG TIME. The tip out fees reached the stratosphere. I even heard as high as $160 to work one short shift. The fees to get into the club went thru the roof for a short time. Anything from $20 to $30 or more. I gave up at $15. The owner doesn't have much choice if he wants to stay in business. When the heat cools then customers and dancers can be welcomed back. The owner also got into a confrontation with the landlord! What a mess. :( If there was freedom, then you could open a competing club right in the same shopping center and print $$$$$$$$$---I spoke with the landlord and she was willing to rent long term dirt cheap and I mean dirt cheap. Good luck, trying to get a little freedom. The government's idea of freedom is that Angels hasn't been shut down, yet. It goes in cycles. When the government forgets about Angels the place is standing room only because there is too much demand. Government pressure equals measures *by the owner* designed to slow the club to a crawl so the government pressure goes away.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Whale of a Dancer Gets My Phone Number :( . . .
    Hi clubber, Actually, sometimes it is almost all HOT dancers. Gambling dancer told me it mainly depends on the manager in charge and who is throwing money around. One customer was spending thousands on each visit and they built him, his own VIP suites which were lavish (he needed WHALES). Those are gone now and I think the customer is behind bars or on the run---people talk and it depends on whose talking and what versions you hear. Supposedly, Gambling dancer has the absolute right to dance NOW whenever she pleases after visiting the owner's home. She claims to have had the red carpet rolled out and that is easy to believe. Some managers didn't like her because mainly she appeals to whites or at least that is her version; again easy to believe. There was a refined old white man some time back who was loaded with cash and the club definitely cater to his likes, which happened to be what I like. :) Absolute HEAVEN. I tried to nab one of his special hotties and the manager is shaking his head NO!!! :) Anyway, the big shot showed shortly (within minutes) and he was in LOVE. Heck, I was in LOVE. These dancers are drop dead stunning; especially when the club was working his style of dancer. OK. Then you have these black customers (mainly 99%, latin 1%) and the more blubber they see the more money they spend. And, some of these black customers have financial power. It ain't like the old days where whitey was the source of the real money. Basically money talks and unfortunately there is a demand for these WHALES. Worse, some white customers incorrectly believe that there are NO hotties. I posted about my buddy who went off the deep end saying he wasn't going to Angels again because of the disgusting WHALES on his first visit. His subsequent visits were HOTTIES and HOTTIES and HOTTIES and he was filling the club with cash and he couldn't believe the club could change almost immediately from WHALES to HOTTIES and it has been doing that for awhile. Anyway, he got all depressed because the HOTTIES only like him for his $$$. Uh duh!!! He never even attempted to talk with the hotties---just wanted to treat 'em like meat and that is easier, much easier, work for them.