Identification . . .

I don't know the name of the film, but it involved an American woman attempting to build a pineapple empire. Her elderly father basically had gone downhill very quickly and she felt obligated to see his remaining days were as comfortable and happy as possible.

There are an abundance of HOT young asian girls eager to service him. To the uncaring or easily pleased they seem interchangeable.

One young girl is harder/colder/different than the others. She provides the old man with something the other HOTTIES can't or won't provide. As soon as she has hooked the old man she is demanding a HUGE pay raise which given the extreme wealth of the American family is still peanuts.

This is where the American daughter needs to make a decision. Pay more or get a replacement which are like leaves on a tree. The actress portraying the American daughter does a good job of NOT portraying her feelings, but rather is contemplating something which maybe an aside. Happier days? The morality of paying for young flesh for her elderly father? The girl's potential to be upwardly mobile?

The old asian servant is contemptous and says one flower girl is as good as another. Indeed on the hotness scale these young cuties appear interchangeable. How dare this girl demand so much money when there are so many eager girls available? Teach her a lesson and send her away for good! Elderly father be happy with any hot young flower girl!

Broken from her reminiscences and consideration, the daughter says NO pay the girl what she wants. The maid is contemptuous of caving to the girl, but obeys after repeating one flower girl as good as another. :(

The daughter clearly understands that at least for her father these girls aren't interchangeable. While that shouldn't be such a remarkeable observation, it seems like the people I know are very quick to think or believe that one hot dancer is as good as the next: Moreso when so many are eager to provide hardcore action as if this is the end all be all. :(

I just very much identified with the elderly father and appreciated the empathy of the daughter. And, the old servant? Representative of the uncaring or easily satisfied-----the majority, ime.


  • jablake
    16 years ago

    The specialness in a sea of beauty can also be at first sight as well as developing over time and or experience.

    I was at the RolLexx some time ago. The quality of cuties was very impressive i.e. the small in shape young women that I'm just crazy about. YIKES!!! :) Among all this beauty one young dancer managed to really stand out. I quickly approached her, which is relatively unusual for me: I prefer the dancer come at her leisure.

    Shot down by price. :( The beauty said she didn't want to dance for me because she knew that I only wanted $5 dances and she wanted $10 per dance. She definitely was worth $10 a dance. Unfortunately, that was just out of my budget so I told her, she was definitely a steal at $10, but it was out of my league. That was a hot hot hot dancer. I could see getting addicted to her real quick. The thing is the other dancers were also hot hot hot---somehow surrounded by all this beauty she stood out. The other hotties (with one other exception; a dancer I know) were eager to do high contact $5 dances.

    The other exception was also special and she was from Angels originally. Some days she'd accept the $5 per dance and other times she wouldn't saying that she was worth $10. I always agreed she was worth even more than $10, but I just have a wimpy financial condition. She is one of the few dancers that I don't look forward to seeing because she is so ON and OFF. One time I wasn't paying her any mind and she gets upset that I wasn't paying attention to her----I say well the last few times you were very aggressive about making it clear that I was too cheap and or poor and you didn't want anything to do with me. :( Then she wants to dance for the $5 per song. After I pay her (she did an excellent job, btw) she states that in the future she will only dance for the $10 and just wanted to let me know up front. She had given me that depressing message in the past, which is why I just didn't look forward to seeing her despite her beauty and skill. :(

  • Book Guy
    16 years ago
    I heard a wise man say, once, that infatuation with a dancer lasts only as long as her perfume stays in your clothes. Don't waft that outfit about, and certain don't wash your own dirty laundry, and you can probably maintain that infatuation for weeks and months. But get out there in the world, hike around, see some sights, have another beauty's perfume get into your nostrils? The first one fades quickly from thought ...
  • jablake
    16 years ago

    Well, I had a long-long-long-term girlfriend. And, of course the relationship had to end because of her yapping about a government licensed marriage, inter alia. As a compromised I offered a church marriage. She says but, you don't believe in God. I say I believe even less in the Government and besides you believe in God. She laughs and says what makes you think I believe in any such foolishness? I say, well you were pushing me to go to church and you go religiously every Sunday. She laughs again and says that she believes in social structure and the dumb dumbs need religion.

    Anyway, back to the point: Out of the thousands of women that I've had the good fortune of tasting NO woman came close to having that strong sugar taste she possessed in superabundance. She was physically addicting.

    For over seven years I felt the sting of losing her. :( Anyway, I think most people fit perfectly in the wise man's saying. I happen to loathe it.

    A zillion years ago there was a fried chicken place here in Miami that *owned* me. I couldn't get enough of their chicken. Praise the lord it was dirt cheap and every mouthful was savory Heaven. :) Many days that'd be my only meal and I was a very-very-very-happy camper---seemed like a cure for depression. Day after day after day, I could happily eat the exact same meal. Kentucky Fried Chicken? In desperation, I'll eat it from time to time; it ain't too good. Chicken Unlimited? Take it or leave. Church's? Leave it. Bojangle's? Yuck. Popeye's? Yuck. I've tried fried chicken everywhere that I've been. Homemade fried chicken---just pure desperation driving to get decent fried chicken and fries. It is like a fruitless search where I'm being punished with poor quality fried chicken again and again and again. The government is of course is to blame for the loss of my blissful fried chicken diet. :( The main restaurant was located across the street from a local public school. The government engaged in a "holy war" against this restaurant and put 'em plumb outta business. :(

    Some day before dying, I dream of tasting that succulent fried chicken and those perfection fries----never gonna happen. :(

  • jablake
    16 years ago

    BTW, the closest that I got to Fried heaven after my chicken restaurant was closed was this clown who knew the perfect way of frying fish. You think the clown would share his secret?

    HELL NO!!! Garbage clown was just happy people loved his fried fish. So, once in a blue moon I'd get the taste of Fried heaven fish. Mouth-watering. Clown doesn't like to be eating fried food except on special occasions. Too bad he was a real tough hombre.

    Clown willing to do a little fried chicken? Nope, he doesn't like chicken. Couldn't even bribe him with his favorite beer. :(

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