Comments by jablake (page 115)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    BLACK GOLD on Biscayne Blvd. goes Heterosexual Again . . .
    Sounds like there might be a slim chance for a ladyboy. :) The few American "ladyboys" that I've seen just look like men or unattractive females. Nothing that screamed WOW what a beautiful woman. I think most interesting would be the post op ladyboys. I just can't see that it would be nearly as nice as the real thing . . . better to just leave it on especially if it was tiny.
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    17 years ago
    Ever wonder sometimes, how you became a friend of a dancer instead of a customer
    COMMUNICATION is the key. I think even total jerks at talking have a better chance (assuming your looking for that) than the guy who thinks that the dancers primary need is being felt up or receiving cash. And, yes there are exceptions . . .
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Sex with Robots
    There IS a shortage of people with brains and beauty and personality and availability. And, even if one of those people plop into your lap their needs may be very different than your own. Just think you meet Ms. Perfect but her need is to have children. No problem? Congratulations, you may have won the lottery. Now, let's hope she doesn't get run over by a car.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Sex with Robots
    A robot that I can't distinguish from a real woman would be very appealing. So we have a room full of women at the strip club where 50% are robots and 50% are live human beings and it is impossible to what is human and what is machine. Take the machine and work on the program, if need be. No guilt about making a mistake or threat of disease or concern for her well being or threat of her acting like a nut case due to whatever. The robot wins hands down!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    BLACK GOLD on Biscayne Blvd. goes Heterosexual Again . . .
    Hi lopaw, It may be too personal so feel free to ignore. I have a feeling you would be interested in the ladyboy strippers in Thailand----the ones who are very feminine and who actually consider themselves to be women and just need an operation to be complete. Just a thought if you have the resources--it is supposed to a very fun place if you are into erotic pleasure. A few of those ladyboys that I've seen over the internet definitely could pass as women. And, a guy I met years ago was bragging that he was fooled . . . didn't bother him at all because the "man" seemed and looked like a young women.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How to date a stripper...
    BE A GOOD CUSTOMER FIRST. Well, I wouldn't be too generous (or a cheapskate unless she knows you're pretty much broke). And, bother her when she's slow and the club isn't hopping. Dancers have cut me off as a customer because they happen to like me over a period of TIME. Another dancer told me that as long as I spent money on her, then I didn't stand a chance of having something more.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    No. 1 Complaint About Dancers Other Than Stealing . . .
    An experienced dancer, at a low end club, need have only a few nuts fall totally in love with her to understand the wisdom of safety before profit. An inexperienced dancer may be very afraid of a customer falling in love when she's not on the market or she just doesn't care for him. Profit just isn't the end all be all. If it was, then I'd be spending more money and having more fun. Of course, I'm too selective and if the dancer that I happen to like is in high demand--that happened at The Trap---then the dancer can do whatever and still have customers waiting in line.
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    17 years ago
    Stage tipping, you like to see her tits, she wants to show her ass
    Hello casualguy, Yep, that seems normal. And, at my favorite clubs the ass rules. Supposedly, in some cultures titties aren't even seen as sexual.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Who are you going to vote for?
    . BTW, I don't necessarily believe the teachings of the governments' schools, but weren't these malcontents free to practice a variety of wacked out religions? In essence religion wasn't the issue for the malcontents. They just didn't like paying taxes for valuable government services such as the military. Well, when people don't pay taxes more likely than not there will be some blood spilled and people will be killed. Now, usually the blood is almost exclusively of those who refuse to obey the law and decide to live a life of crime. Whoa, in come the French, always causing problems whether it be french fries or french toast and they give money and assistance to these malcontent anti-tax terrorist cowards. I'll have freedom fries and freedom toast thank you very much!!! :) .
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Who are you going to vote for?
    . . . love it or leave it option . . .
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Who are you going to vote for?
    A bunch of malcontents who unfortunately didn't care for the love it leave option. Al Qaida is a joke. American farmers have killed far more than Al Qaida could ever dream of. Betcha didn't think I was aware of that, did ya? Well yeah most of the victims are insects but according to some religious people all life is valuable. Anyway, the solution to Al Qaida is simple. Bring the Jews over here, those that wouldn't mind coming, and of course compensate them generously. New homes, cars, boats, cash, food stamps, hoes, strippers, whatever it takes to make them feel this is their home sweet home (besides it might be a little cheaper than pumping billions into Israel). Then immediately abandon all military, economic, political, whatever ties to Israel. If Israel can survive wonderful. If not, then it shouldn't be considered much of a loss----I mean the world did survive without Israel for hundreds of years and more likely than not Israel has no future if you're thinking long term.
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    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Who are you going to vote for?
    Well, actually blowing up those relgious folks overseas or over here (e.g. Waco) is the third priority or was that the fourth priority? It puzzles me that blowing up people wasn't a survey question nor was highway safety nor the American farmer. What a joke.
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    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Who are you going to vote for?
    It's interesting to read what other strip clubbers think politically especially when there is seeming cognizant dissonance. Nobody will care to seriously challenge them on a strip club website? That is one hell of a generalization. Sort of like strippers only care about the money. They're all just little cookie cutter clones who march in lock step for their one true god the almighty U.S. dollar. Anyway, if President Bush was allowed or did serve another term that would be fine imo. And, President Clinton has a nice ring to it. President Obama sounds nice also. Out of the candidates who is going to give us more cleavage? That's an excellent way to choose the leader of the free world. Hey, don't be thinking Mrs. Clinton got the job just cause she's got a pair! Wives and daughters and mistresses of dear leader should count greatly in determing who is going to provide more cleavage. After cleavage, I think highway safety is the next priority followed by blowing up those religious folks overseas. Oh yeah. How could I forgot the American farmer? After, cleavage then the next priority is making sure each and every American farmer get a huge government check. I mean if we don't pay the farmers to grow food we might starve and that just doesn't sound like something I'd be interested in doing. I believe in super size it when it comes to tasty American treats and foreign treats too. I'm equal opportunity when it comes to tasty treats of the food variety. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Who are you going to vote for?
    Hi AbbieNormal, You said far better than I could have.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Lady Friend Insists A Woman's
    Hi Dain, Yes, that sounds normal. Especially if she knows how to use her hands. For whatever reason I'm not setup like that. The looks rule. And, attractive just doesn't cut it. I see plenty of attractive normal size of even big women and it is odd that they will do anything for me. Yes, there are exceptions--very few and far between and usually I will recognize them almost immediately.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Novelty, risk, or waste of time?
    I only see thumbs up, unless you some specific reason to see thumbs down. The Eastern Europeans (yes, small sample) so far have just not interested me.
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    17 years ago
    Tallahassee Clubs
    Gee, it sounds like I just needed a cab driver to get to heaven. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Getting Taken with Dance Overcount
    Hi casualguy, I actually appreciate the wanna dance girls. Different culture. Different prices. Different rules. I feel guilty taking a dancer's time when I know immediately that even if she is attractive, sweet, high mileage, etc. that she lacks my key i.e. a certain look that is more important than all the other stuff. So I end up giving mercy dances. No fun.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Classic case of futility of Pink site
    . For whatever it's worth I think the nasty ones are actually the minority although it definitely doesn't seem like it. It is that principle where a bunch of liberals gather together or conservatives gather together the views of the group become more extreme than that of the individual members. I don't recall why that supposedly is the case, but it was interesting. . There are a couple dancers on the Pink site that I would most likely go completely crazy over based on the way they looked first and foremost, and the way they communicated and their belief system, secondly. . Anyway, heaven forbid talking about the strippers or their web site on a site about strip clubs and the strip club culture. I mean if a little lady or ladies gets upset the world has to come to a blanking end until she gives the ok signal.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Classic case of futility of Pink site
    Talk or discuss at Pink site? Moderators allow that? LOL! Times do change, but that would be a big change. Many of those dancers are so sensitive it is difficult to imagine them being able to service any male no matter how pussy whipped he is.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancer Desperation
    BTW, DougS, Few people can do it "correctly," but you might try and put yourself in her shoes. By, "correctly" I mean most people believe that if they like something then of course the other person feels the same way. For example, if Tom thinks winning millions of dollars in the lottery or being given millions is wonderful, then of course Sue or Mary or whoever MUST feel the same way. It would never occur to Tom because of culture or religion or whatever the other people may feel the exact opposite e.g. money is the root of all evil. Or, as some people would say, I believe wrongly, lack of money is the root of all evil. Stealing is wrong? Oh really? In what universe are you living? Yep, there are people whose value system doesn't seem to compute unless somehow you can really try and put yourself in their shoes. It may still not compute, but you may gain a much greater appreciation of where they're coming from. To tell you the truth although there is a imo a huge difference between stripping and traditional street walking or escorting there isn't that much difference imo between stripping with high contact and stripping where FS or BJs are offered to select known clients. Again, that is just imo. You may see a great moral divide. I see mainly a health divide.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Getting Taken with Dance Overcount
    Hi Crosscut, Yes, I had one dancer really push it. And, it was all a test to see if I was a man or not in her mind. She was very impressed that I was willing to stand up to her bouncer buddy. He was saying it is only $5. I told him, that considering the number of dances I had bought from her she should be thrilled to give me a discount of only $5. He continued to press and I said fine, I will pay and just hang out at some of the other $5 clubs for a while. With that my dancer tells her buddy to forget about it since it is only $5 and she thinks she might have made a mistake. She definitely had no problem dancing for me in the future and her dances were even better. I really dislike that type of confrontation, but I really liked the dancer and wanted to "pass" the test. I passed with flying colors. :) Presented with the same situation now, no matter how much I liked the dancer, I probably decide to "fail" the test. An old girlfriend trained me for this nonsense in that her idea of a relationship was one stupid test after another to see how much of a man I was. For example, one small test involved this ugly doodad that she claimed to love and wanted me to pay for and also to admire as well! NO WAY SAM!!! I told her it looked like garbage at any price. She says but, I really love it doesn't that mean anything? I said YES, it means if we ever share living space I'm in charge of decorating. Your taste is worse than horrible. Amazing how such a hot woman can have NO taste at all. Dang, I feel like buying that garbage just so I can put it in its proper place--THE GARBAGE!!! Months later she laughed about it and said she wanted to know how far I would go to please her. She claimed most guys would be eager to bend over because she was way above average in the looks department. I can understand that and might have fallen into the same trap. After all what is a few bucks spent on an ugly doodad to make a super hot woman happy and so what if I needed to bend the truth . . . the premium pussy is worth your integrity, right???
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancer Desperation
    Vicious circle of thought are normal; at least for me. I think it was CNN that reported 40% or 60% or some other large number of women would spread their legs for $10,000. Assuming that is true, then I would think it would mainly be those women who because of poor financial health saw $10,000 as a lot of money. Years ago a lady friend with a fairly decent income spread her legs for a wealthy old man for $20,000. In a way I contributed because I explained to her reasons why he might reasonably view her as so much more valuable than a high class escort. And, $20,000 to the old man was pretty much pennies considering his wealth. The lady friend thought it just dumb of him because you stick it in for a few minutes and that is worth $20,000? Or, even if she pleasured him for the whole night is that worth $20,000? She felt he was buying nothing. She did intend to do an excellent job and give him as much of a GFE as possible if that is what he was looking for. In fact, it was exactly what he wanted. End result 2 happy campers. Anyway, how many men would do the nasty for $5,000? 90%? Yes, there is a double standard and imo there should be.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancer Desperation
    Correction: Chaste.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancer Desperation
    Hi DougS, A few quick thoughts. There is such a thing as situational morality. Would you feel bad about ripping off a crook that preys on hardworking people especially if you desperately need money to provide for your family. What about where a hoodlum steals your money and the police just take it as a big joke because they too busy doing important work like drug busts and sex stings. Would you mind stealing your money back from the hoodlum plus extra to compensate you for all the hoodlum has put you through? As far as sexually chastise dancers are you going to have less interest in her if you know she'll spread her legs to avoid extreme financial hardship? If so, then I suggest you start moving along. BTW, a hooker who thinks nothing of spreading her legs for every Tom, Dick, and Harry, may be throughly disgusted by the idea of kissing her customer. She might rather endure severe financial pain than go that low. BTW, it doesn't surprise even a little that a normally good dancer might be very aggressive with someone she felt was a true scum bag. Actually, I'm very surprised dancers are as nice and honest as they are. "How in the hell can we ever know -FOR SURE- where we stand with these girls." That seems true of any person. You don't know -FOR SURE-. Remember the BTK (Bind Torture and Kill) vermin who was with the church and upstanding member of the community blah, blah, blah?