
Classic case of futility of Pink site

The Pink site helps people get the dancer point of view, and is also an excellent idea generator for this site, but should a male poster actually say anything controversial - the dancers will usually take it personal, and certain males will sometimes join in on the attack - including some of well known pussy-lappers

This is actually under the blue portion (STRIP CLUB JUNKIE, shop talk) under the title "No more S.C's for me" Note the poster uses the word "majority" not the word ALL

ORIGINAL POST on Oct 3, 2007

I have seen the light. I've been going to South and Central America for work going on about 6 months now and have been getting involved in the adult entertainment down there for the last 2 months. I am now completely jaded to the US strip-clubs.

Between the outrageous prices being charged for entry, drinks, dances, C.R. etc. and the rudeness ,sense of entitlement and lack of appreciation that I experience from a majority of the U.S. strippers, I've decided to completely cut my self off and spend my time and my money at these foriegn locals. I get so much more at a fraction of the price and the girls genuinely appreciate it and treat me great. It's harder to get there than the local S.C. but even with airfare and hotel figured in for me it's a no brainer. If anyone would like more info. please feel free to pm me.



  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    ... sense of entitlement ...

    This just pervades all aspects of the male-female interaction in North America. I think for me this boils down all the issues into a single manageable one expression.
  • AbbieNormal
    17 years ago
    You say "pussy-lapper" as if that were a bad thing.
  • David9999
    17 years ago
    Agree, replace "dancer ass-kissers" with "pussy-lappers"
  • David9999
    17 years ago
    Qouting one of the dancers on the attack

    "poverty doesn't make a lady more genuine. plenty of south american women come work in america because they loathe the fact that guys come to their countries for 'cheaper' sexually based services. so they come to america and collect american-sized pay instead, often from guys just like you who think foreign=more 'honest', 'nice', and 'genuine'.

    also, it's prejudiced because it means you buy into some goofy ass notion that foreign women 'like it' more or 'wanna do it anyway' and therefore deserve smaller sums anyhow. i.e., that they deserve cheaper pay because they (to you) loooove entertaining you and would practically do it for free!

    bleh. bleh. ptui."

    (end quote)

    american chicks just love spreading that hate
  • Ironcat
    17 years ago
    It is true that many in the current generation of 20 somethings have this sense of entitlement (I see it every day where I work). They feel like all they have to do is "show up" and expect to get paid big bucks regardless of work performance. It is no different in the strip clubs. This is why I try to find dancers who don't have this attitude, and am very selective about who I get dances from. I have made the mistake of just accepting an invitation for a dance without talking to a dancer to get a sense of their attitude and usually that turns out to be a less than satisfying experience.
  • jablake
    17 years ago

    It has been a long time since I visited the Pink site and my main objection was just the mods. Whether it be on the blue portion of the site or elsewhere. It is difficult for me to understand dancers being so wimpy given their job.

    Of course, even there I met women who I thought would provide excellent value assuming I could afford them. OTOH, could be even the nasty ones can do a good job. Some dancers have very different personalities outside the club--some better some worse, but definitely different.

    With any luck ($$$ and health), finally got the old passport, I will visit Haiti and see if the women are worth the travel. Given a choice between European (from the east) women and American, I would choose American hands down.

  • David9999
    17 years ago
    What a suprise, THIS response the chief dancer-ass kisser of all. Oh right, the latest edict: if a blue site poster is being attacked by 12 different posters he has to still pretend pink site quotes don't exist and are irrelevant and such quotes have "no business being transplanted." Sure to produce more fawning admiration from the ladies.

    Quote as follows:

    "Dude, at the risk of repeating myself, Just don't go!
    You pretty much ignored my point about the REAL difference between American clubs and South American clubs but I'm assuming that you are not denying my comparison.
    I hope you enjoy yourself down there but be sure and come back here and post the first time you get ripped-off by one of your girls.
    And PLEASE, don't start lifting quotes from the pink side to post here in order to support your argument. The SW is locker room talk for the ladies and really has no business being transplanted.
  • David9999
    17 years ago
    reading the entire thread and its obvious this is the saddest collection of wimps ever assembled
  • David9999
    17 years ago
    Time for the chief ass-kisser on the pink/blue site to hang it up.

    ORIGINAL POSTER on Oct 3rd

    "Between the outrageous prices being charged for entry, drinks, dances, C.R. etc. and the rudeness ,sense of entitlement and lack of appreciation that I experience from a majority of the U.S. strippers, I've decided to completely cut my self off and spend my time and my money at these foriegn locals."


    "Well, OK, but that's not anywhere near the way you started this thread. So if by "let's try this again" you mean let's not condemn every stripper north of Mexico City as a cold hearted money grubbing bitch then I guess I can agree with your above statement....but that's not what you said 61 posts ago."

    Mirriam-Webster's definition of the word MAJORITY

    "a number or percentage equaling more than half of a total"

    Mirriam-Webster's definition of the word EVERY

    "being each individual or part of a group without exception"

    17 years ago
    I think this is all an indication of two things that we all encounter on a regular basis: lack of intelligence and lack of a decent education. Let's face it, the average intelligence of a stripper isn't very high, in fact we've all marvelled about the really bright girl we met in a club because it's so unusual. Combine that with the fact that our educational system teaches entitlement and doesn't teach people how to think independently, and there you have it. People are taught what views to parrot but not the underlying logic (because it's usually flawed), so when challenged they have no choice but to mount a personal attack; they have no argument to back up their claims. That's what talk shows are all about.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    Yeah, the prime examples they're working on the basis of, are Jerry Springer and Phil Donahue. Jerry if they're pissed off, Phil if they need a hug.
  • David9999
    17 years ago
    The original poster actually did an amazing job defending himself, and refuted nearly every legitimate argument or absurd insult thrown at him -in did so in a very classy way
  • Yoda
    17 years ago
    I think you are obsessed with SW/SCJ for some reason I can't possibly fathom. Clearly you and others here at TUSCL have no interest in two-way dialog between dancers and customers or you would be over there contributing instead of over here talking about what goes on over there.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    Yoda flames in again. "Don't talk about what I don't want you to talk about. THIS IS MY INTERNET!!" Nice try, but I'm ignoring ... click.

    David, did you mean the OP did a good job of self-defense over there at SW? I found that it was utterly pointless to try to do so. They ignored what you said, no matter how accurate or intelligent. Just blithely skated right over it ... zoom. (Kind of like I'm going to do with Yoda from now on out.)
  • jablake
    17 years ago

    Talk or discuss at Pink site? Moderators allow that? LOL! Times do change, but that would be a big change. Many of those dancers are so sensitive it is difficult to imagine them being able to service any male no matter how pussy whipped he is.

    17 years ago
    As Yoda well knows, I was very interested in having 2-way dialog with dancers on SW. But the only interest some of them had was hearing from customers who agreed with them, otherwise you were subjected to personal attacks from them and their supposedly-male ass-kissing friends. That's not 2-way dialog where I come from.
  • jablake
    17 years ago
    For whatever it's worth I think the nasty ones are actually the minority although it definitely doesn't seem like it. It is that principle where a bunch of liberals gather together or conservatives gather together the views of the group become more extreme than that of the individual members. I don't recall why that supposedly is the case, but it was interesting.
    There are a couple dancers on the Pink site that I would most likely go completely crazy over based on the way they looked first and foremost, and the way they communicated and their belief system, secondly.
    Anyway, heaven forbid talking about the strippers or their web site on a site about strip clubs and the strip club culture. I mean if a little lady or ladies gets upset the world has to come to a blanking end until she gives the ok signal.

  • AbbieNormal
    17 years ago
    I've never posted to the pink site. I never saw the point. Many there may be interested in dialog or other views, but there are enough who will flame anyone who voices a dissenting opinion, and as BG points out are absolutely oblivious to actual argument (in the sense of here is what I am saying and here is how I back it up) that it quickly becomes an exercise in re-explaining that you did not in fact post anything like what your critics are accusing you of, you made a reasoned argument that people are free to agree or disagree with, and after all the original poster asked for opinions, which is all you were offering, but that doesn't matter. I could have some sympathy for the claim that the pink site is about locker room talk, except for two things, they solicit opinions, and IT'S A FREAKING OPEN INTERNET CHAT BOARD! If you want it private, make it private.
    17 years ago
    AN, I've had some very enjoyable off-line discussions with girls who responded to something I posted on the Pink Site. Many of the more moderate ones are afraid to post on the site itself because of it's dominance by a handfull of liberal extremists. Which is why I stopped reading it a long time ago.

    Jablake makes a very valid point about the group often becoming more extreme than the individuals who comprise it. I think it's the difference between the abstract generality and the common specific exception. For example, they talk endlessly about it's all about the money, that strippers never actually like their customers. And yet I remember a thread several years ago where a stripper was saddened by the death of an old regular and lots of other girls chimed in about how much they really liked some old guy and how upset they'd be if he died. Had nothing to do with money. Yet no one noted this obvious contradiction.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    "liberal extremists"? I found nearly everyone there EXTREMELY conservative ... against contact; against sexuality; against variety of religion; against blacks, jews, "niggers 'n' spics,"; for white-bread mainstream right-to-life and all that other stuff that is traditionally America's right wing.

    Oh, I'll concede, that's technically not a fair representation of what should be either "left" or "right" in politics, but it IS what the parties tend to represent now'days. The women there like telling other people what to do in those other people's bedrooms, and what skin color those other people ought to have. That's about as Republican as it gets.

  • David9999
    17 years ago
    "Did you mean the OP did a good job of self-defense over there at SW?"

    An independent reviewer reading the transcript would have to conclude the original poster responded in detail to nearly every point brought up by the opposing side.

    The OP also failed to go personal despite being called (among other things) a "cheap whoremonger"
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