Comments by jablake (page 113)

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    17 years ago
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    Hi shadowcat, No, I was writing about sharing my faves with you. :) Very quickly I can see them getting spoiled money wise.
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    17 years ago
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    HELL NO to Shadowcat! I can just see those girls demanding more $$$ from me after spending time with him. ;) My main concern would be that friend or TUSCL member not be such a jerk that the dancer would rather not know him. This one jerk I did introduce to well known dancers was positive because he spent so much money. These fellow oldsters from Key West wanted to be introduced to some young black women and I didn't feel comfortable at all because it was a thru a friend who was a little crazy. I told the friend let 'em try on their own it shouldn't be too difficult and money shouldn't be a problem for them. That was that--no trouble. :)
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    17 years ago
    How Many of You think strip clubbing is an Addiction?
    I like looking at other cultures. To be a man in this one tribe the boy faced hardship. Nothing special there. What was interesting is his female relatives and friends would go through far worse hardship without all the rewards to encourage the boy to endure the hardship and be a "man." As I'm watching their game unfold I'm thinking if enduring hardship equals being a "man," then these female relatives and friends must be "men." To most outsiders the whole thing usually appears stupid and pointless. Well, you want some sex with those hotties of the tribe you better be prepare to play their game no matter how stupid or barbaric. Let's say there was away around the idiocy? Give the girl a bunch of banannas, for example. She will give you sex, but have no respect for you. Which would you choose? The barbaric ritual with lots of blood rewarded with genuine affection and sex or just give the girl some banannas and have her pretend? I CHOOSE THE LATTER EVERYTIME! That doesn't make it the correct choice. It is just my preference and there is nothing wrong, imo, with choosing the other option. It is just a game. Enjoy, if possible.
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    17 years ago
    How Many of You think strip clubbing is an Addiction?
    Mrs. L, a hottie, gave me a good shock. She said she wouldn't mind having the old man's child especially if the child was a male. She said she was very attracted to aggressive males. And, she didn't want any doubts about who was wearing the pants in the family. Her daughter was to die for hot. She was also very focused on tough guys. The daughter became a street walker and was with some blood thirsty pimp. It was funny her family considered me not violent enough for their daughter (his stepdaughter) and at the same time too violent. And, my lack of wealth was a HUGE negative. She listened to her family, which may have been the right decision.
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    17 years ago
    How Many of You think strip clubbing is an Addiction?
    It isn't so much about making women afraid. A regular unappealing creep can do that. It is making the tough guy at the bar think twice before he crosses you. Not delaying in using force where it is called for. The main trick besides not taking a good beating, which normally isn't too bad anyway, is avoiding arrest. Well, actually that helps with women--but, I think it leads to all types of other problems. As a youngster there was this wacked out old man with a couple of underage girls under his arms. I pointed him out to a buddy saying that is the way to be a senior citizen!!! My buddy says that is Mr. L's Dad. I say blank you. You looking to lose a few teeth? He says I'm serious. You know Mr. L is real bad news. We were both close to Mr. L only because he was the stepfather of friends, but you should never trust him or get too close or turn your back on him. Violence against Mr. L? Not a problem regardless of what some idiotic judge might think. The man was dangerous and if this wacked senior citizen was his Dad, I understood why. Turns out that, that was his Dad. Anyway, I learned the whole life history that his Dad had spent the vast majority of his life behind bars. And, that every day he was free he was breaking one law or another. He said his Dad was absolutely fearless and extremely proud. Wasn't afraid of dying, wasn't afraid of being beaten, wasn't afraid of being disfigured or crippled. And, furthermore that he was an excellent person to avoid. He said you boys know that I'm not afraid of very much. Dad, even at his age is a person to be feared. A good family reunion lasts 5 minutes or less with any luck. Heck, best if Dad don't come so things stay peaceful. Getting away from the point of the story, the wacked out extremely dangerous old man didn't have any problem getting girls or women. HOT ONES. He paid a price that most people would probably not be willing to pay. BTW, he wasn't good looking and he was just normal size. He did have some real muscle from what I could see . . .
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    17 years ago
    How Many of You think strip clubbing is an Addiction?
    Hi Bookguy, My 2 cents is you could always become a guy to be feared--you can be a runt that isn't a problem at all. It definitely works wonders. Also, dancer or not the women that I know young or old are looking for a very dominant man. (Perhaps I just know unusual women? :) Even the few normal women that I know tell me that is what they're looking for in addition to the guy having a good job!) Finally, I would also advise it is better to just be yourself even that isn't attracting women, and pay if necessary. I would much rather pay than have a "free" lover---much cheaper emotionally and financially. I don't think the strip clubbing is necessarily an addiction. It is the paid relationships that are addicting. Different hot women at the club really isn't what I'm looking for--yes, it is very nice but as I've posted before I like to see the same hot women again and again.
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    17 years ago
    Oh, no! Not my wife!
    The bi-sexual part for the wife seem like it sure be part of the standard marriage contract along with the love and obey. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Which Dancer is More Valuable?
    Wow. You would have ignored her? All the good memories wouldn't come surging back? I especially like to see old players come back to field of battle. Just wish they didn't age. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Oh, no! Not my wife!
    If she was a dancer who just takes her clothes off, then I wouldn't even raise an eyebrow. A dancer giving or receiving pretty much any contact would probably be a real problem. Is she dancing because I don't have enough money to provide for her? That would definitely be too much to take. She just has an extremely high sex drive? That would make it easier. I guess it is a case by case, but it looks more negative than positive by a landslide.
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    17 years ago
    "Customer rights" followup
    whghlost, Imagine you're a harding working owner of a tiny shop. You work your butt off for 12 hours a day. You love America because it gives you this opportunity and you dream of a better future. Your tiny shop is located in a very poor area because you were damn lucky to even be able to scrap up enough money for that investment. But, you're happy because you see your hard work paying off slowly and you just need to save and work hard. You believe in the law and dislike criminals because you think there is NO excuse for breaking the law. They should just work hard and save like you. On day you hire a man who says he needs work desperately. You can see that he needs help so you give him some part time work until he can find permanent employment. It is a wonderful feeling helping someone who wants to help themselves. ***Unfortunately, you should have done a background check. The man was not only a crook, but extremely violent. Forget about giving him second chances. Your help can only extend so far. It makes NO difference even if he was 100% sincere about wanting to turn his life around. Let him live in the streets and eat out of garbage dumpsters, afterall he choose his fate.*** Fast forward the employee you hired, the one you should have done the background check on, turns violent against you like he has done so many times in his past. You're forced to kill him in self-defense. This will be your first real experience with American justice and you will spend the rest of your life behind bars. You will learn that daily rape isn't considered a big deal in America's prisons. It is part of the procedure to break you down. So the law you believed in fucked you in the ass. Welcome to the club, if that makes you feel any better. You know that Constitution you thought was the greatest? It is a pile of shit. No jury of your peers for you or you be a free man now working 12 hours a day at your tiny shop. It's you own fault anyway. If you had more money to hire an attorney a top notch attorney, then the game changes and you would have had a much better chance. You didn't know that because you believed the law protects people like yourself. You know better know better now. Still love America? The point is you really got off lucky. It is hard, but walk away. It doesn't matter if you were totally blameless or not. At this point just be grateful it didn't get a lot worse. You could have been arrested. Whether you broke any laws doesn't make a bit of difference and the actually wording of the laws makes no difference. Different attorneys may assure that you have a solid case. They may be great guys, but don't believe them! The system is a total fraud. The best advice I ever received from a cop, or attorneys for that matter, is to forget about right or wrong or what the law says. WALK AWAY! Yeah, I don't you'll listen or understand, but I needed to get it off my chest. Also, I keep thinking fondly of that cop so many years ago that gave me that excellent advice.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Your Nipples - - - - Not the dancer's nipples
    It is nice.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    "Customer rights" followup
    Hi whghlost, You'd probably lose this case almost every time. Also it may not seem fair in the least, but you need to remember there are some dangerous people out there. You do anything that resembles that even by accident and they will start imagining the worst and act accordingly. Everything you did afterward only made it worse. IMO, because you're a male your emotional suffering rates a ZERO. Be a man, which in essence means bend over.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancer seeking professional help form you
    Well, I fixed a dancer's car in the parking lot once. Sort of funny because she and her friend didn't like me at all and yet she had no problem asking for my help. Not even sure if I got a thank you out of her. Then the dancers in the club complained I'm a mess. They were very surprised that I helped the girls out and just couldn't understand why I would do that. The mentality was if they don't like you, then why help them out?! The above isn't nearly as bad as it might sound. The girl had problems with people taking extreme advantage of her e.g. mechanics so she had a kill or be killed mentality. It didn't bother me too much. Let's put it this way. If she was a little prettier (she wasn't bad), then I wouldn't have had any problem getting a dance or two from her.
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    17 years ago
    Running into ATF OTC unintentionally
    Bones sounded like he has a slice of heaven in Tenn that he was talking about unloading. The way he described it sounded like paradise. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Which Dancer is More Valuable?
    ONLY!!! Wash your mouth out!!! :) Those are my good buddies that provide almost all my erotic fun. IOWs, I really like those dancers especially the ones that can make it seem super real. And, despite strippers everywhere that type stripper takes work to find!!! Worse, as I get older they're even harder to find----you don't think many of them would care about my looks and age, do you? Heck, I've been told that I'm too old and out of shape. But, heck that just has to SS so they can make more money. ;)
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    17 years ago
    Running into ATF OTC unintentionally
    I should have written not too often when compared to all the years that have passed.
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    17 years ago
    Running into ATF OTC unintentionally
    I've run into strippers before when I was just out shopping, but no ATFs. A couple of the dancers drive by my house on their way to work, but they aren't ATFs either. Ran into a stripper who came to my home accidently, but I'd rather not get into the details. She was definitely ATF material, but she worked less than a week and I got the pleasure of her company once at Tootsie's when it was more a dive, and things moved on. There was excitement nearby involving a stripper, but again I'd rather not get into the details. Ran into a lot of strippers when paying my respects to "white boy" (a strip club bouncer) at a funeral home. Lots of tears, that was the extent of the drama. They had absolutely no interest in working that night for whatever that's worth. Ran into another stripper from out of state at the house via her less than worthless boyfriend. Ran into crack head prostitute former stripper at work. Recently ran into 2 super hot escorts / strippers at my buddy's place of work. A stripper used to work for me and I would meet her buddies from time to time--don't recall and fun with her buddies. That was a wacky girl who I temporarily saved from lowlifes. I don't know when you're talking so many years yeah it happens, but not too often. :(
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Which Dancer is More Valuable?
    Hi FONDL, This statement: "If I had a long relationship with A I'd never get to meet a B." now looks more like hybole, which is what I thought it was. Anyway, I understood and appreciated your answer.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Which Dancer is More Valuable?
    "I KNOW my choice should be, and is with my ATF. But a nagging voice is saying 'what if you are being played and you could be missing out on something else?'" Yes, it sounded like spite to me. Doesn't mean it was, but you're unhappy she wasn't calling and if she doesn't then you'll mail a letter. She calls so now everything changes, but it shouldn't have, imo. It is sort of like you see her making cow eyes at some guy so your response is to play the field. Spite or no it seems like fighting fire with fire i.e. tit for tat.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Which Dancer is More Valuable?
    "Dancer B. Lust fades. New meat beats old meat." Your statement above, imo, sure seems to indicate a commodity view of dancers.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Which Dancer is More Valuable?
    Well, answer B indicates more of commodity view, imo. You aren't placing a high premium on your past relationship. As soon as a new high quality dancer arrives you are ready to move on. Sort of like getting a new car every year or so. Now, I would consider art or music to be commodities. It isn't that a commodity isn't valuable or rare. Just like a super hot dancer could be consider a commodity even if the client is willing to pay big for her time. Her looks may be rare. Or perhaps she has exceptional physical skill. The key difference is valuing the past relationship that you may have been established with dancer A over a period of time. I don't believe you can have a relationship with a commodity. Those that view dancers as commodities may place a high value on them, but it has nothing to do with shared experiences or meeting mutual needs. The high value could be on looks alone. Or, the high value may be due to pleasing movements. Either way, imo, that is a commodity view of the dancer.
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    17 years ago
    Which Dancer is More Valuable?
    Hi DougS, Oy Vey. I hope I'm saying that right. :) I guess I'm not much of using fire to fight fire in a relationship. If the first dancer was as important as you stated in your earlier posts, then I wouldn't fool around with a letter to the new hottie.
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    17 years ago
    Which Dancer is More Valuable?
    Hi chandler, Good comparison. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Which Dancer is More Valuable?
    Hi FONDL, Well, A left the business. You found B. Then A came back. Anyway, thank you for your answer. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Falling in love with a dancer
    Hello DougS, It seemed like from your prior posts that you were worried. You asked how can a person be sure? And, placed a lot of emphasis on being hurt if it turned out she was just being a manipulator. I said that could be true of any woman and that it sure as hell isn't limited to strippers. Getting burned is part of the process. Some people cut out the fun stuff in reaction and others shrug, feel the hurt, and move on to the next opportunity. People just cope and react in different ways. Let's say you were right about this woman. Would you still be a PL or would you be perceptive and daring and successful? When I think of a PL, I'm thinking of a strip club customer who just takes as true an ordinary stripper performance. He was no ability to see just basic warning signs or obvious weaknesses in her act. He has some delusion that feeling her up for a half hour somehow turns them into bosom buddies because his NEEDS are being met. The greatest PLs by far, imo, are those guys who want a dancer but are so afraid of getting burnt or being the dummy that they sit on their butt. If she is that wonderful, then make the play and see how the game plays out. Normally, I just don't consider the above scenario reasonable even a little bit, unless the guy grew up around working women.