New York Strip clubs

avatar for BuckMcNutter
why do they SUCK ? I'm living on Long Island for the summer, taking a break from the Florida Heat. God I miss my South FL strip clubs. Nude, great laps, lots of touching and sucking.
Why can't the NY politicians get it ? It brings in more Tax revenue and feeds the economy. And Fl is in the bible belt !!


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avatar for ThisOldManPlayed1
18 years ago
mets1986 - I know exactly how you feel. The same goes for the GREAT... no wait.... LATE state of Ohio, beginning September 4th! Majority of the 137 clubs in Ohio really suck bad! Columbus clubs especially. A few club exceptions, Fox's Den & Gigi's in Cleveland, and Bugsy's Speakeasy in Elyria.

Unfortunately these "Citizens for Decensy" groups could care less about the state income from strip clubs. It's the state politicians getting pressure from their constituants.
Bible belt? FL? Not this discussion again ...
1952, although Truman was assumed to be running until he dropped out. Before that, 1920.
Bible belt ... Truman ... I'm not getting it ... :)
Hmm, I swear I posted a "sorry, wrong thread" follow up". Damn uou, posting gremlins!
avatar for shamllionaire
18 years ago
Wow,was'nt it florida that put that ASSHOLE in the white house because they could'nt count??? Then the second time ohio fixin it for Asshole, Huh like I just lost 250.000 votes,that was cool,huh hhh.Just so you know mets alot of girls come here after working in I can't count Florida! why??? clubs are wwwwwwwwwwwway better...
I have no idea what Shamillionaire is talking about ...
i guess the NY clubs are better for the dancers. But not for the customer.

The girls make more $$ in NY without having to turn tricks.
That's no fun for us !
avatar for shamllionaire
18 years ago
mets almost any club you can find someone to give you something but you have to pay,if you want fs or something close you might want to look up and escort.Its alot cheaper.But with the right attitude you'll go far in any club.
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