Comments by surgin

  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    ;)Florida-hooking up with Ms. EveHartley, since 2010!
    Time for a new ATF?
    I live/work two hours from SC. It variable when I can make it.. My current ATF is because she has special skills.. She is not the prettiest, or built the best, but she is attentive and adaptive.... Now she texts me when she wants me to make extra effort to get there for her shift... And when I am there she wants to spend all her time with me.. If it's busy I lay low or head out for a bit... I know if I sit at the tip rail and tip at least a couple of bills for each song of every set that no one else will approach me... and those that do get turned down... Oh.. and the ones that are prettier and better built get better tips... unless their effort is really lame... In summary... for all the ladies.. whether they are ATF or not.. it is all about $$$$ and why should they not have more than one fav PL.... I have chosen them because there is a connection for multiple factors.. esp that she will give me special attention even if I am a FUO PL... for me to expect to be the center of attention at times they can maximize their income would make me even more of a douche..... in this business neither of us should have to apologize....
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Gallstones ?
    gallstones don't go up into the liver and then descend out with the urine, They either live quietly in GB, or the block the GB causing pain and sometimes infection (esp diabetics) or they pass down a bit and block all the bile out of the liver.. causing jaundice.. and possibly cirrhosis.. or they go further and block the pancreas.. Severe pancreatitis, tho not common can be a horrible way to die.. after GB removal, most get back to full diet, some have issues.. but moderation goes a long way everywhere but in strip clubs...
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Giving Greek
    agree with clubber... it is mainstream in porn.. Personally I think it was a concerted effort to make GAY sex acceptable to us... I am still all for lesbian lick-a-thon.. but anal entry can cause serious damage to sphincters.. and toys can injure the colon itself.. that leaks to leakage.. fissures... and colostomy's.. ok if you want to get 'a little on the side' and I agree with jerkison.. a skilled hand job with give you the tightness needed to hit the roof on release... and as for 100 lb spinners.. do any of them not have a tight pussy anyway??
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Sugar Daddy?
    Docs, esp surgeons are oft poor businessmen, and show poor judgement when attention is lavished upon us, thinking it is for our wit or looks, and not for our wallets...let me emphasis the term poor judgement...
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    So,.......What Happened To Tuscl?
    having not looked here in a couple of months, did not like the look on internet explorer 8 and so closed it and opened up on firefox.. and looks good.. and I have a flip phone and won't go smart phone til I reach the end of my ATT contract....
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Best blow job ever!
    this is tuscl.. how about some details about the BJ?? Deep throat, swallow, facial?? other than that.. you are the MAN!!!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Seattle, Washington
    Dancers who are Students at a Four-year College
    Seems like so many of the dancers up in the northwoods are hairdressers or were cosmotolody students..or dental assts... a few nurses.. def not 4 year degree students...
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Best Vegas Club for Couples?
    ...brought my mistress to treasures.. had been there before for the buffet.. this night we went for dinner.. a lady joined us... ladies talked.. I looked for other talent.. then back for VIP with bottle service .. and to back room.. the action between the two of them was hot.. but bouncer kept popping in for contact interuptess.. but was a bit has a threesome going... time was up.. and cash needed preservation... mistress has been pulled on stage at several other clubs in WI... if you had a milf wife here you might get a more public show if you could get her to the rail... I love when guys like you bring in wives and we get a show... I toss more money of stage for that then any other on stage show.. the dancers should not care... they get the $$$$... I always try to palm a $20 to any lady that gets up and uncovered... to encourage them the next time.. very very arousing ... do have your lady wear outfit that allows relative ease of access... tight jeans might be too much bother........ good luck with more comments.. I need very little to get me back to vegas again...
  • article comment
    10 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Latest additions to my Personal Perv Wear collection
    the zipper, Velcro dilemma has been pondered.. If you wear baggie dress pants you can pull it off to side a bit.. but you can't go beltless.. you can certainly buckle the belt over a loop or two.. a good number of performers like to blow thru the material when they are working your manhood.. and more than one has complained it is harder to blow thru dress slacks than jeans..
  • article comment
    13 years ago
    How Not to Take A Stripper Shopping OR How to Build a Relationship While Strengthening Your Marriage
    forget to mention, that was at Treasures in Vegas 4 or 5 years ago...
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    13 years ago
    How Not to Take A Stripper Shopping OR How to Build a Relationship While Strengthening Your Marriage
    have been subject of the shopping request to my lady and I had dinner and a bottle booth with a dancer who approached us when we were ordering dinner... they hit it off well and before dinner was done they are talking for a mall trip the next day. Lots of potential after the three of us went private, but the bouncers peeked too often... and budget was that there for a shopping trip that might have had no limits... other readers been asked to take them shopping?
  • article comment
    13 years ago
    A Strip Club Primer For Women
    Mrs mootpoint... love your attitude... and love women customers at SC... Thank you for dressing to accentuate... and yes.. I have offered to buy LD for ladies even if they are with their hubbie.. IF they seem to be enjoying themselves... I also take every and any chance I can when 'passing them on way to bathroom' to slip a $5 or $10 in their cleavage or hand .... smile.. thank them for being one of the 'nicest' in the house.. not looking for anything but to compliment them for their attitude... and perhaps encourage return visits!!! .. and again.. if missus and myself make our way from WI to Chi-town will get updates on the safe places to go!!
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    13 years ago
    Strip Club Tips for Couples
    hi moot point.. appreciate the offer... thanks.. and will await your next article...
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    13 years ago
    Strip Club Tips for Couples
    ps.. I do go to clubs with 'the boyz' and even solo.. but like to consider them 'scouting missions' for couple times later...
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    13 years ago
    Strip Club Tips for Couples
    mootpoint accept my apologies for getting off topic a bit.... just your mention of your wife getting pulled up on stage brought back memories of the same happening to my lady... something not discussed ahead of time.... but very arousing for her and me... we normally watch the dancers from tables away from tip rail..... but enjoy when the dancers approach us later for conversation and well deserved tips... like you there seems to be reluctance for dancers to offer a private dance to her or I or both of us, even when asked for... maybe it is the voyeur (sp) in me and the exhibitionist in her that seems to be best enjoyed by her participating.. and me watching.. in open room or back in private... and I would again advise men to be careful... your lady may say it is ok for you be be aroused by a dancer on one knee and your lady on another.. but mootpoint's plan would seem to be the best.. discuss it.. then discuss it again... agreement will lead to better experience and better sex afterwards.. thanks mootpoint (and wife)..
  • article comment
    13 years ago
    Strip Club Tips for Couples
    mootpoint... and wife.. you did not mention taking your wife to the tip rail, getting attention at rail... or getting exposed at rail.. or getting pulled up on stage... you did mention it in your review of that NO club... when the wife becomes part of the 'show'.. had you discussed that ahead of time?? or did that just happen.. did that happen at any of your IL club visits?? Our strip club couple experience has run the gamut... and alcohol has always greased the skids. most clubs the gal gets alot more hands on at the rail... but strippers seem to reluctanct at times.. when I see a woman pulled up I bring alot of dollars into play.. all $$$ that go to the dancer... when my woman gets pulled up.. I prefer to stand back.. hoping other guys will 'reward' the dancer as well for girl on my gal... Finally... when I am dateless at club I will approach the 'amateur' very discretely and pass a good size bill and compliment her as the better performing than any of the pro's.. hoping it will encourage more action later on stage... but careful not to piss off any b/f's.... PS.... guys.. assume your lady will get really pissed watching you get private attention in back room... so make sure she has oked that before you try it....