
How Not to Take A Stripper Shopping OR How to Build a Relationship While Strengthening Your Marriage

As mentioned in a previous review of Kappa this is visit two of a weekend trip we made. We were going to post this as part of our review but decided it might make a better article on how to build a relationship on the cheap with a stripper. The night before we met a young dancer who asked if we wanted to go shopping with her the next day. For a couple, OTC experiences must be pretty rare. We have not read about any of them on this site. We understand some of you will think we got taken and that this is pretty tame. We are ok with that. Each person and certainly each couple has their own boundaries. We are still learning ours. This is the tale of that experience.

As we left the club on Friday evening, we exchanged phone numbers with a particular dancer to meet at the mall the next day and do some shopping. This was our first time arranging anything outside the club so, despite reading on TUSCL, we had no idea really what to expect. Adding to the situation was the inexperience of the dancer we were to meet. Since she has approached us about going shopping we assumed she understood that she was asking for an OTC meeting. However, the more we discussed it the night before, the more convinced we became that she really did not and would probably not even call us. So, we were very surprised when she did call us the next morning and even exactly at the time she said she would. We agreed to meet at the local mall.

On the way to the mall she called again to tell us that she would meet us there but that one of her dancer friends was coming also "because she was so new at this." We were agreeable. After all, we had no expectations at this point and had agreed to just let whatever happens happen. Based on the conversations the night before, Mrs m00tpoint wanted to help the dancer gain some confidence and give her some tips so she could make more money. Mrs m00tpoint has quite a Norma Wallace complex and an exquisite eye for detail and what is sexy clothing-wise. We decided that if nothing else happened it was going to be a rush for her to play "madam" for a few hours and that we would just cultivate the friendship and see where we ended up. We also agreed for the sake of our budget (we always have one) that whatever we spent shopping would come out of our "fun money" for that weekend. Once at the mall we met up with the two strippers. Once the friend saw who we were she excused herself and left us alone.

Into Victoria's Secret we went. Mrs m00tpoint began to discuss with our little ingénue how her inexperience could be a huge draw and set her apart from the older and more experienced strippers in a positive way but that she needed to boost her self-confidence also. Mrs m00tpoint showed her some sample outfits that she had selected when we first arrived that would play up the innocence factor yet still being sexy. They also helped to conceal an area that apparently the stripper had mentioned made her feel self-conscious the night before. Our shopping partner was immediately thrilled. After gathering some sizes the two ladies headed off in the direction of the dressing room. I followed behind like a good third wheel and enjoying every minute of it. When they got close to the dressing room, the young stripper leaned toward my wife and asked, "You are coming in with me, right?" Well, hell, now I wished I was female too but knowing this would really raise the eyebrows of the staff there I just stayed put. In they went.

I honestly don't know how long the two were in there but my imagination had all sorts of things happening in there running through my whole body. And it seemed like they were in there a long time for the 4 or so outfits they had taken in. My wife later told me that she had to pick up the strippers breast and show her how to put them into the pushup bra correctly and that she had basically had to help her get dressed on every outfit. My wife admitted later when we were alone that she was not sure if the dancer expected her to grope her or what but she did not preferring to wait until there was a clear sign of what the dancer expected and what was ok. Mrs m00tpoint also commented that she had never seen a truly modest stripper but that this young woman was definitely that. This compounded her Norma Wallace streak. We purchased two outfits, assorted panties and a set of stockings for our ingénue and off we went.

My wife and I were in agreement that we needed to pin down just what each party expected of the arrangement before we spent any more money. We were now about $150 into the afternoon because my wife, believe it or not, just happened to have a nice discount coupon in her purse for Victoria's Secret. LOL. We decided that we would sit in the food court and get something to drink. The stripper, of course, was hungry so we bought her some sort of potato and sandwich thing. By then the friend was calling to make sure everything was ok. We decided the best approach was to let the two strippers meet so that she could make sure her friend was ok.

So we went to Macys and waited for her friend to arrive. While we waited the stripper began to pressure for some perfume or a shoes to go with her new outfits. My wife was not having any of that and told her that we were not buying anything else until we reached an agreement on what was acceptable compensation. Our stripper agreed. We agreed that she would return with us to our motel and we would "play". The stripper told her friend this at which point the other stripper freaked out and said she should not meet us. Now, we are pretty sure this was planned and having decided we were not going to agree to spend any more money this was their pre-arranged sign so she could escape. We discussed this and decided it did not matter to us if that was what this was as Mrs m00tpoint had enjoyed herself and we knew we would also see her at the club that evening.

We parted company with the understanding we would see each other at the club and talk later as the time was getting late and we wanted to return to the motel for a nap and some couple time. On the way back to our room we tried to figure out if our stripper really understood going in what she was asking for or if we had been played. Honestly, to this day, we still do not believe we were played. We think she was just inexperienced and took a little time to come to terms with what she was comfortable doing.

We received a thank you text before we even got out of the mall parking lot. It was clear she was being coached by her friend. My wife responded that she was looking forward to seeing her wear one of the outfits we purchased and that she hoped they made her feel more confident because that would help her make more money and get some regulars. She ended the texting by saying, "I hope to see you feeling more sexy. Obviously we think you are sexy. _____ (friend's name) thinks you are sexy, right _____(friend's name)" so that the friend would understand we were aware who was calling the shots. That night there were several more texts before we arrived at the club.

You can read about our Sat night at the club shortly. I will be posting that within the next day.

If our goal was an immediate hook-up with extras we failed miserably. However, for us, we had some boundary line issues to discuss and knew we needed to move slowly. It was also important to us that, especially given the inexperience of our dancer that we make sure she understood and was ok with what was expected before proceeding. We feel we have done that. She and my wife still text each other and I think it is only our crazy schedules right now that have caused us not to be able to meet up for an OTC experience. I know if and when it does happen that we have done things the right way and none of us will feel like we rushed or had miscommunication afterward. We feel our time was an investment in getting to know someone with whom we will end up sharing some play. And, even if nothing ever comes of it, it was pretty damn hot seeing my wife dress a stripper. Far hotter than $150 worth of lap dances have ever been!


  • sinclair
    13 years ago
    Interesting read. You were smart for drawing the line in the sand at $150. It sounds like she wanted to get as much free stuff off of you as she could without laying it down. Looking forward to your next installment.
  • HonestT
    13 years ago
    Good luck hooking up that three-way mootp0int! You guys are getting to be super savvy with the clear heels ladies.
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    Good job son ! Its all about living and learning! Bravo !
  • scaed17
    13 years ago
    As sinclair said, interesting read indeed. KK is my regular club and I am eager to hear how the second night went.
  • surgin
    13 years ago
    have been subject of the shopping request to my lady and I had dinner and a bottle booth with a dancer who approached us when we were ordering dinner... they hit it off well and before dinner was done they are talking for a mall trip the next day. Lots of potential after the three of us went private, but the bouncers peeked too often... and budget was that there for a shopping trip that might have had no limits... other readers been asked to take them shopping?
  • surgin
    13 years ago
    forget to mention, that was at Treasures in Vegas 4 or 5 years ago...
  • looneylarry
    13 years ago
    I watched a guy buy many dances for his wife or SO one time. She started out being self-conscious, but the dancer kept going and after about the third song, it was one of the hottest things I had ever seen. And the guy kept buying, so of course we all had to keep watching. Has Mrs. mOOtpoint thought about dancing, too? I mean on the dancer, turning the tables. I wasn't thinking about a four-way, but now that you mention it. . .
  • 3LeggedMan
    13 years ago
    Sinclair +1

    Like scaed17, KK is my regular club. I'll bet he's trying to figure out who that girl is like I am.
  • hardware
    13 years ago
    "I watched a guy buy many dances for his wife or SO one time. She started out being self-conscious, but the dancer kept going and after about the third song, it was one of the hottest things I had ever seen. And the guy kept buying, so of course we all had to keep watching. Has Mrs. mOOtpoint thought about dancing, too? I mean on the dancer, turning the tables. I wasn't thinking about a four-way, but now that you mention it. . . "

    I had a similar experience at a club the the other day - I actually debated tipping the customer as well as the dancer...
  • m00tpoint
    13 years ago
    Nope totally not had. Just wait for parts two and three. Two has been waiting for them to approve it for some time now.
  • m00tpoint
    13 years ago
    And, besides, one only gets *had* if one goes in expecting a specific outcome. We did not. As mentioned in the article, even if nothing more ever came out of it I had a pretty damn hot time seeing my wife dress a stripper. Seeing her in the club in the outfit we bought the next night was hot too. But, guess you will all have to wait on parts two and three for that......

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