Sugar Daddy?

Former hand surgeon spent 60K a month on strippers' company
Former hand surgeon Michael Brown appeared in court in November regarding a civil dispute with his fourth wife. ( Andrew Richardson / Houston Chronicle )
The interpersonal relationships of former Houston hand surgeon Michael Brown, a saga with many twists and turns, has yielded another revelation, according to the Houston Press.
The paper is reporting that Brown dated a high-dollar stripper named Ashley Brouillette for much of last year.
Brouillette, better known as Stacy Shey, strips at clubs around the country, and, until recently, starred on an eponymous site where subscribers could watch her pleasure herself.
Brouillette told us she dated Brown from December 2010 to August 2011, and met him through a fellow dancer at Treasures. She says the good doctor paid her a $15,000 monthly stipend in exchange for not stripping during their time together, also forking out $25,000 for some cosmetic dentistry. She says Brown never went to Treasures himself, but instead dispatched a faithful man-servant to procure talent. (Brouillette says Brown took care of three other strippers in the same fashion at the same time, thus paying $60,000 a month for female company).
Brown was reportedly never abusive to Brouillette and told her he loved her, Houston Press said.
Until the relationship ended suddenly in August, the stripper said Brown treated her to stays at fancy hotels and trips out of town, according to Houston Press.
last commentHope he was at least gettin' some tail for that price.
Docs, esp surgeons are oft poor businessmen, and show poor judgement when attention is lavished upon us, thinking it is for our wit or looks, and not for our wallets...let me emphasis the term poor judgement...
The fact that Dr Brown is married aside, I think he might have gotten better company for less money with a little personal research. (Instead of using said man-servant to procure talent) Poor judgement...On many issues here.
4th wife? $60k a month on strippers?
And thought I was the ultimate PL
" P.S- He probably got NO pussy"
Perhaps not...
Is a bit interesting that the Doctor PAID a lot of money to Ms Brouillette to keep her from potentially renting her pussy while receiving her "companionship" $$$$$.
@Alucard: Interesting, but I can understand something like that. I wouldn't do it, but I can understand it. From his standpoint, he doesn't want her potentially fooling around, or doesn't want her unavailable at any time. From her standpoint, if he doesn't want her to work, he'd better pony up enough to make it worthwhile. A completely understandable arrangement.
"Until the relationship ended suddenly in August"
Who ended it?
Did he run out of money?
I gotta admit, though, if you're getting what you want, it's pretty much worth it. I spent at least 5 grand on my CF/ATF last year, and as long as things work out, expect to do much the same this year. I don't regret a penny of it. I'm getting what I want. :)
if you notice the last sentence, "until the relationship ended" you see that he probably moved on and she got mad. He probably doens't have a pre-nup and the stripper and future ex-wife are going to take a lot of his money. hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
GMD - but $5k a year is way more understandable than $60k/mo.
At $60k you might as well just skip the strip club and just buy out the most expensive hooker listed on Eros Guide. She'll probably live with you for that sort of money.
I think Charlie Sheen even spends less on his girls, though I may be mistaken.
Maybe he was trying to get rid of his money so his soon-to-be ex-wife couldn't get her hands on it.
Stacy Shey Dancing on a Boat in Miami:
Hip Hugger math: $10 a song per lapper. 4 minute songs so = 15 songs per hour, or 15*$10 = $150 per hour * 12 hours open a day = $1,800 per day, club open 6 days a week = $10,800 per week * 4 weeks a month = $43,800 a month!!! That saves $16,200 versus what the doctor was shelling out and cover 12 hours of lappers a day.
I noticed that he was on his 4th wife. The surgery business must be good.
For some reason, HJ keeps popping into my head. :)
I guess everything depends on your perspective. The money he spent is probably a drop in the bucket to him. Meanwhile he spent more per month than some people make in a couple of years.
Oh... eponymous... a new word to me!
I found the eponymous site. The girl is not worth the $60k. I would not even buy a single lapper from her. We old pathetic oilmen have much higher standards for our $60k foolishnesses.
When you're spending $60,000 for "companionship" of that sort, you DAMNED well better be getting 13+ in all categories & aspects of the situation. At least from my perspective, that is.
For Dr Brown his "Entertainment" expenses may well be TINY or MICROSCOPIC compared to his overall income...OF Course minus the Ex-Wife expenses. LMFAO
"Oh... eponymous... a new word to me!"
Me too! Read TUSCL - increase your vocabulary
Stacy looks something like my ATF, but my ATF is better looking. And I don't spend $15,000 a month on her (but I'm sure she would like me to).
Had to look her up. Sorry I did. I can't believe someone with "doctor" cash can't do a whole lot better.
"Had to look her up. Sorry I did. I can't believe someone with "doctor" cash can't do a whole lot better"
I did too Clubber. Not remotely my type - Blonde with small tits! LOL Yes for the money the Doctor was giving out, he should have found the PERFECT 13!!! I guess that is what you get when you let someone else pick your companionship. He is a man exercising BAD judgement.
I guess this just really points out how different we men see through our eyes. In defense of the doc, I also know when the little brain controls the eyes, judgement can really take a backseat.
"I also know when the little brain controls the eyes, judgement can really take a backseat"
Oh YES...Truer words have never been uttered Clubber! As I well KNOW! LMFAO
She must have been his type. ;)
I thing some of you guys have your standards too high. I would hit that.
Way different then the pictures I saw, but it made me not look further. In any case, with "doc" cash, he should do better then either. These are what I saw: