
Lap Dance Club 'Employed Girl, 15'

Tuesday, February 3, 2004 5:26 AM
print close Mon 2 Feb 2004 6:52pm (UK) Lap Dance Club 'Employed Girl, 15' By Owen Fairclough, PA News Lap dancing chain Spearmint Rhino was tonight investigating claims that a 15-year-old girl got a job at one of its clubs. The firm launched the probe after the teenager, now 16, allegedly found work at the Spearmint Rhino Extreme in Birmingham. Employees are supposed to be 18 or over and produce identification to prove their age. The teenager, who no longer works at the venue, was said to have worked three nights a week, earning £300 a shift, after she was expelled from school. A spokesman for the club said he was unable to comment on the case, but the firm’s solicitor, Mark Spragg, told the Birmingham Evening Mail: “This is something that they take very seriously and a full investigation is being launched. “Previously, it had always been a requirement that a dancer produce photo ID.” Latest News: [view link]


  • phonehome
    20 years ago
    Yoda I would agree that yes the 14 year old girls do dress sexier and try to look more adult these days but it isn't just clothes and attitude there is a little bady there too. We all have our own experiences. I graduated HS in 79, I didn't go to the biggest school in the world but when the girls were 14-15 they still looked like girls they didn't start changing into anyhting that would be confused with a woman until 17 or 18 a few maybe 10% at 16, but even one year 15 to 16 or 16 to 17 was enough to make a world of difference. So I know we are only talking about a difference of 2 or 3 years or a 25 span but it is enough to make the difference between the likelyhood of fake ID'd 15 year old passing for 18 - 20 being greater today than it was 20 years ago. Back then it was possible but very rare, today maybe it is not likely but also not out of the rare either.
  • Yoda
    20 years ago
    I don't think women develop any quicker now than they did 10 or 20 years ago. What HAS changed is the way they dress, the way they act and pressure from their pier group to act like an adult at a much younger age. Low rider jeans, low cut "belly" shirts, thongs, see through tops and high heels are all well stocked in the young womens sections of every department store. After the girls get home from shopping they turn on MTV and watch a collection of video psuedo-sluts strut around trying to sell their latest CD by lipsinking the banal sex-driven lyrics while surrounded by male dancers pawing at them as they squeel with delight. Girls are learning at far too young of an age that sex sells.
  • phonehome
    20 years ago
    Ironic but I was actually thinking about Tracy Lords in realtion to this, but I didn't know how many people would remember her because it's been well over 10 years since she did finnally turn 18. I don't remember the exact quote but Ron Jeremy said she fucked and "felt" just like any "fullgrown" woman he had ever experienced. I don't think too many guys will dipute the fact that girls develop quicker these days than they did 20 years ago, just go to a mall on a weekend in the summer some time if you are in doubt LOL. Maybe you could say that Tacy Lords was a one in a million fluke back then, but now I'm not even sure you could call it out of the ordinary.
  • TopGunGlen
    20 years ago
    If the minor has a "legit" ID, that fools the employers, then you can't really blame the employers, to my mind. Of course, if the adults know the girl is a minor, then they deserve what they get. Remember the furor over Tracy Lords several years ago? She had a fake ID, and was "adult" in every sense, fooling the pros. Just because they are underage does not mean they can't fool and take advantage of adults...leading to major problems for the adults.
  • SuperDude
    20 years ago
    She's still a child and does not belong in a strip club in any capacity.
  • phonehome
    20 years ago
    I will agree with that, if you will agree that these days there are more than a few 14 year olds who have a body that can pass for 18-20 IE 5' - 5'2" C-D cupps give her a fake ID and the Illussion is complete. If she smokes, drinks and maybe does a few "other things" that 18-20 year olds do, I think most guys would be fooled.
  • phonehome
    20 years ago
    I'm sure there are more than a few 15 year olds working in strip clubs in the US as well. A "womans" body and a fake ID is all that it takes. Fake ID's are easy enough to get. Compared to 20 years ago girls develop a lot earlier therse days. For every 18 year old that's like 5'1" and has C or D cups there is probably a 14 or 15 year old who is the same. As a customer or maybe even a club owner I am sure you wouldn't be able to tell the differnce.
    20 years ago
    We're the only country in the world that treats people in their late teens as children. I think it's a major source of problems in our society because it alienates many young people.
  • niceass
    20 years ago
    They start them early in England.
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