Playhouse Lounge
1205 US Route 130 N
Burlington, NJ 08016
Why do most of the reviews start with a couple paragraphs describing all aspects and functions of the club? Is there some type of benefit in doing this? I typically just write a review about what happened when I was there.
But if your reviews are getting accepted without it, then I see no reason to change.
2. It shows that you put some sort of effort into your review and aren't looking to get free VIP with the most minimal effort possible.
3. This is a strip club review website, not a dancer review website. I reject reviews that don't talk about the club at all. I'm not here to read about the other dancers, I want to know if a club seems like a safe environment to work at or not. By all means, discuss what the women look like and also be respectful about it, but don't forget to include details about the club as well.
You have one review, yet you judge who gets something approved or not? Odd system here.
If you are a dancer, you probably have a lot of insite we could use. Maybe you could share some of what you know, and post a few reviews?
We follow orders, son. We follow orders or people die. It’s that simple. Are we clear?
I had a review which had a lot of details, pricing, fees, safety, night time vs day time charges, but all in tiny sentences, as it was pointless to pad those numbers with words. That was rejected and I felt it was frivolous to fix the review. - Apart from these ramblings. Where can I locate the guidelines @motorhead ?
"Earn 4 weeks of free VIP time for each review you have approved and published. Your review will be read by other community members for approval, so please read our review guidelines."
If you curser over the words "read our review guidelines" on the Add a Review page, then click, it will take you to the guidelines. But there's no indication -- neither bolding nor a visible hyperlink -- that would give you any clue that that's where you can find them.
IMHO, the fact that the guidelines are hidden like this is the greatest source of problems in the submission of poor reviews, especially for newbies. It's great that there are guidelines, but for fuck's sake, why not make them easier to find?
The guidelines talk a lot about using paragraphs, which is important. However, I think the single most important thing that *isn't* said in the guidelines that *should* be is that reviewers need to *put a line of spacing between every paragraph.* So many reviews are down-voted because they're nearly impossible to read. Spacing would greatly help to solve that problem.
founder, are you listening?
Some customers like to see *some* level of detail about the club itself, and some reviewers like to include it. Others don't.
Whichever way you lean, the club description can be accomplished in 2 to 3 sentences. It's not a heavy lift. And when it comes to the lapdance areas and VIPs, it's actually relevant.
No one has ever required architectural schematics and a topographical map of the surrounding area. This is just a reoccurring tantrum on the part of a few here.
If your reviews run low on club details but are being accepted and posted anyway, then you probably don't need to change anything. It's fine.
So it's not that important but it is helpful if its your first time and don't want it to seem like it is, dont forget stippers are whores and have all their brain cells in their ass cheeks which they shake away daily, so if they can tell ur new they usually try to take advantage of that.
Stripper brain says if the guy is new here he is probably a newbie, in reality you may be a seasoned vet but first time at this particular club and know more about it than them cuz u read 50 reviews. So always helpful to know but its not so important it will dictate whether you show up
Finally the more comfortable you are at the club the more comfortable you can make the whores and the better job they can do at getting all that sticky vanilla out
On this fine labor day who else is about to go shoot their vanilla in one of these dumb whore's mouths?
In other words, you're a piece of shit who has zero respect for women. That was includes your mother, too. Gotcha. No wonder you go to strip clubs and pay women for attention and services. 🤭😂
Also, I don't *have* to review shit. I can vet reviews just as much as other VIP members with my dancer membership. Don't like it? Cuddle up with your fellow trash friends here and cry about it.