Discrimination against non-black dancers?

avatar for ilbbaicnl
Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
A latina dancer recently told me she had tried to audition at a club that seems to only have black dancers. She said they straight up told her that she was "too light". I had always thought non-black dancers avoided certain clubs because they didn't feel safe, or felt the money wasn't the best at those clubs. It's seems pretty clear that clubs that target the higher-income white collar PL demographic generally tightly limit the number of black dancers. So I could see it that black dancers might have a "stay out of my lane" tude towards non-black dancers at clubs with predominantly black dancers. But I'd never considered that club management might only want to hire black dancers.


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avatar for dha
a year ago
Common dude. Really. Why do you think there are white, black, and mixed clubs? That's the way it is no matter what society says it should be, or how wecshould treat each other, or how much they condemn racism.
avatar for motorhead
a year ago
I always found it odd that in Detroit / Lansing / Kalamazoo a majority of the white dancers have black baby daddies but avoid black customers
avatar for booty_lover92
a year ago
A lot of the black girls at black clubs get jealous because a lighter or non-black girl working will most likely get more attention and money. Causing competition for them.
avatar for georgmicrodong
a year ago
@motorhead, I've noticed similar here. I've heard a couple of different explanations. Either they're not on good terms with their baby daddy (or daddies) and avoid other AA men because they can't distinguish their own bad choices from the population at large, or they *are* on good terms with the BD and the BD doesn't want them to meet the competition.
avatar for Jdo11
a year ago
If everything else is the same then dark skin loses to light skin almost universally (with the exception of fetishes).
Strippers are hustlers by trade and jaded their nature. It makes sense then that AA strippers are so defensive on their home ground.
avatar for Mate27
a year ago
Lover of big butts would make an excellent left wing journalist constantly shining his thoughts on all things dealing f with race and ethnicity. Peace and beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
avatar for docsavage
a year ago
I had a strip club manager tell me one time hiring black dancers was something she was cautious about. It wasn't so much that they were a problem but that, after being hired, all of their friends would start coming into the club and they would end up causing problems.

I've had black strippers tell me they think the top Indianapolis club, Brad's Brass Flamingo, has a racial quota. I had a pretty and friendly little black girl regular named Alize who never seemed to be able to get on there. I don't think the owners are closet racists. It's just a business decision and it is one that works since they have kept their customer base while other clubs which hired large numbers of black dancers have gone into a decline. Most club owners think mostly in terms of profits. Maximizing profits here in Indianapolis seems to mean having a mix of racial groups and body types.
avatar for dirtyburt
a year ago
Management needs to be able to stand up to the”Goons” that don’t spend $$$$ which in turn forces out the PL’s which supported the Club, by spending $$$$.
Management also needs to “Keep the Drugs Out”…….that the Goons bring in…..
avatar for Estafador
a year ago
its ok to not hire blackies, but all hell breaks loose when you don't hire a light skinned to white woman. Then there's a problem.
avatar for Estafador
a year ago
what I don't get is, if many of these clubs don't hire black woman because they think it's bad for business (it's racist even if you claim it's for business purposes only) why bother letting black patrons in at all? Why not go the extra mile and assume a guy with a flashy chain ain't got no money and bar him from entry? And since strip clubs are technically legal, why don't these black women who always find it frustrating to be barred employment based on their skin color file a suit or something if it's that bad?
avatar for ilbbaicnl
a year ago
Of course, why discuss an actual new topic, when we can have yet another "strip clubbing as a klansman" thread.
avatar for mark94
a year ago
If you run an entertainment business, you need to hire ees based on customer demand. Some clubs hire just one profile of dancer and target interested customers. Seven up. Black. Latina. Coed. Curvy.

Others hire a wide spectrum, including BBWs, to have something for everyone.

In most big cities, there is something for every dancer and customer. It’s all about market demand.
avatar for Dolfan
a year ago
I've never put too much thought into it, but it certainly makes sense that a club owner that primarily has black girls wouldn't hire a white or latina girl. I usually see one or two non-black girls in even the really black clubs down here, not trying to sound or be racist but those girls usually do have characteristics aside from skin tone that make them fit in with the rest of the dancers though.

I'm all for equality and shit, but when it comes to things like strip clubs where appearance is a significant component of qualifications, I feel like a club owner ought to be within their rights to hire/not hire based on appearance, of which skin tone is certainly a component. I know clubs that won't hire big titty bitches and clubs that won't hire the itty bitty titty committee. I don't see that as discrimination. I see a hiring manager hiring based on physical traits that are directly related to their ability to perform the job.

IMO, if they don't hire someone to do accounting based on their race/creed/orientation/breast size/etc, that's racial discrimination. If they don't hire someone to strip based on their physical appearance, that's not. The line gets blurrier where physical appearance is part of the job description but not the primary one, but it feels pretty clear cut for strippers.

It's also not age discrimination when they refuse to hire 81 year olds. Sure, some dudes might like that kinda shit but the reality is they don't fit the hiring mangers idea of sexually appealing and are thus unfit for the the role of stripper. If someone opened up a fetish club where old bitches was their thing, it wouldn't be discrimination to not hire 22 yr olds for that job either.
avatar for NJBalla
a year ago
this is a troll topic simple as that. Maybe the dancer was "too light" as in her body resembled a surfboard. A white woman with the body of kim kardashian will make the manager a lot of money and the manager will probably be more focused on trying to sleep with her as well
avatar for PAWG_Patrol
a year ago
"I'd never considered that club management might only want to hire black dancers"

You've never been to a club that has all black dancers? They're pretty commonplace.

"why bother letting black patrons in at all?"

Ever seen a club that says "no du rags, no athletic wear, no sagging pants, no sideways caps, etc."? This is an unsubtle way clubs filter out black and working class patrons.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
a year ago
Yeah, reading is fundamental, as I said, I thought only black dancers chose to dance at those clubs.
avatar for tstarky10
a year ago
Okay but what club has only black dancers ? I need to seize that opportunity.
avatar for mark94
a year ago
I’m trying to find a club that discriminates against ugly dancers.
avatar for shadowcat
a year ago
@tsarky10 - just come to Atlanta. There are about 20 of them.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
a year ago
Strokers in Atlanta, Jimmy's south of Chicago are a couple I've been to.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
a year ago
Onyx in Charlotte, NC has mostly black dancers. It's a dolla throw club, but lots of dollars, the dancers use pillow cases instead of purses.
avatar for WiseToo
a year ago
Cry me a river - clubs have to discriminate to maintain the ambiance customer's expect at that club. It's like restaurants. Asian "all you can eat" buffets have only Asian employees who speak little to no English working there. I've never seen an Italian restaurant run by AAs with AA employees. Why? It's all about ambiance and customer dining expectations.
avatar for mark94
a year ago
Years ago, I went to the top rated French restaurant in Toronto. I heard the employees speaking Spanish in the kitchen.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
a year ago
I guess Herman Cain's going to get arrested for being black and illegally owning Godfather's Pizza.

I can only laugh a hurricane at the whole concept of strip club "ambiance". They are almost always sad, seedy places. But a good dancer can put you in a bubble of good ambiance is these shitty places. One of the reasons I appreciate them.

So the good-knows-when-that-mystery-meat-was-cooked food at an all-you-can eat "Chinese" buffet is an example of fine dining ambiance. TUSCL discussions in a nutshell.
avatar for deboinair
a year ago
Pretty much all strip clubs discriminate. Especially against black dancers. To combat that, a lot of black clubs only hire black dancers.
avatar for deboinair
a year ago
@motorhead. Didn't stop the white dancers coming up to me in Landing Strip and Henry when I visited Michigan. It must be a reverse vibe or something. I'm not attracted white girls, but they always come up to me.
avatar for skibum609
a year ago
It kills me to say this, but the best pizza in my area is made by a Brazilian guy. Just a great pie.
avatar for Mate27
a year ago
^^ SkiDumb just admitted his favorite hair pie is from a Brazilian guy! I knew he’s full on homo. First Cumming in 2 bits mouth and now admitting to Brazilian guys for hair pie. Super young dude lover SkiDumb strIke’s again!
avatar for VanessaM
a year ago
I went to a Korean bbq place Tuesday, absolutely nobody was slightly Korean . My waiter was black. He cooked our food too 😂

In nyc there are plenty Mexican spots served by Asians.
And pizza spots ran by Mexicans
avatar for rickmacrodong
8 months ago
I have seen black clubs, and have seen mixed clubs, but have never seen a white only club. Are those in the middle of nowhere? I assume its related to how its seen as acceptable for some minorities to be racist but not for whites to be.
I havent seen asian only clubs either, but have heard theres asian only massage parlors.
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