Never got to go, I had my chance (I was in Atlanta in 2020 and said, eh maybe next time, nope) but now that there is a couple years in being gone just wanted know your guys thoughts?
When was the golden age of Follies?
How does Vivid compare?
Where did a lot of those girls go?
Would you say it was the best strip club of all time?
I personally hate club that are packed to the gills but it would've been cool check it out at least once. $150 all in sure is something.
You know, it wasn't packed to the gills when I arrived, maybe mid-late afternoon. Even though it got very busy later, I never had problems finding a place to sit. I only went once and I don't have the answer to any of your questions, but the Costa Rican babe I met was unforgettable.
A couple years ago, was on my tech line job with someone in Atlanta and casually mentioned Follies was closed. They knew of it but said they'd never been. Happened again on another call but this time the responce was more positive.
Hey Muddy, Ya didn’t miss much IMO. I was at Follies at least 6 -8 times before it supposedly went to shit and I can say that I “Struck Out Every Time “ that I went there …….. lol I just couldn’t get a rhythm going in the place. Way too noisy and to me seemed very chaotic. It just never panned out. Basically after about an hour in the joint, I said “Fuck It"………..I will save my money for the Flight Club.. I guess I never saw anything better than what the Flight Club had to offer, with a lot less chaos. Later Dirty Burt
+ it was too small for the crowds and # of dancers
+ it was too damn smokey
+ drug selling and consumption in the open (dancers rolling up blunts at your table etc)
+ staff kicking custies out of tables to sell them to other custies (club was too small for that not to mention I assume staff was pocketing all that cash and thus their strong motivation for this practice)
+ it was a midtier-club at best; closer to dive than upscale - thus talent IMO was mostly 6s and 7s (IMO not atypical for heavy-extras dive-ish clubs)
+ parking was problematic - one had to give their keys up to staff since it was the only way cars could be squeezed in
+ not many private rooms for such a heavy-extras club - just 2 individual rooms with a weak-curtain for a door that anyone could open when u were in there and often did - a 3rd "VIP room" was a communal couch-room so one couldn't be shy (although a bit b/f the shutdown the communal VIP room was remodeled into separate individual private rooms which was a good upgrade)
Yes Smokey , yes small , yes managers kicked us off tables if we didn’t buy the table. Still hands down the best in US for my mongering filthy little fingers. Yeah fucking at your high top happened often. Blunts rolled next to you. Day shift was epic. RIP Follies. Most ladies went to vivid but it’s too bright in there to get naughty.
Having said what I said in my previous post; Follies was the best bang-for-the-buck (figuratively and litteraly) of any of the 120+ clubs I've hit in my SCing-career - and it just had an anything goes non-pretentious vibe that made it a fun visit (almost like a damn sex resort LOL) - no one in there (staff; custies; dancers) pretended it was anything else other than what it was - none of that shit of dancers pretending to be offended when u asked for a particular service etc.
It may not have been perfect but IMO it was one of a kind - not to mention great dancer variety for all tastes in large-part given the high # of dancers (everything from spinners to thicc to natural to enhanced from Latinas to ebonies to (at least early-on) whitegirls) - mileage was guaranteed (exceedingly rare to get an air-dance or low touch dance).
In essence - large # of girls pretty-much 7-days-a-week Monday thru Sunday day ir night (it was a freaking T&A Emporium) - as high a mileage as anywhere - and great if not rock-bottom-prices.
I'd say Follies perhaps was not a good-fit for those who mainly like, and mostly stick to, more-calm upscale clubs.
The crowds could def be a negative particularly at peak times (late week either late-afternoon or nighttime) - but it was still doable and in Follies' unique way the hoards of people in some ways added to the vibe kinda like a Mardi Gras party - and the large # of proactive-dancers willing-and-able to get down made one forget about the crowds and also not make it feel like a sausage-fest.
And with time, one learned to hit the less crazy shifts and still have a good time.
I only became aware of Follies via TUSCL and mainly thanks to TUSCLer shadowcat regularly posting on the Discussion Board about his home-club Follies which he visited weekly - I sometimes wonder how many of us, especially out-of-town, TUSCLers, perhaps would have never gotten introduced to Follies if it wasn't for the G.O.A.T. @shadowcat getting the ball rolling
Yes Papi. I was not a shill for the club but over my 20+ years on TUSCL I have met more than 80 TUSCL members. 75% of them at Follies. I am still in close contact with a dozen of them.
All the bad things that have been reported are true. The 2 old white owners were not aware of a lot of things that went on there. The 2 day shift managers and bouncers ran the club and kept a lot of it from the owners.
I'd say it peaked around 2010. After that the down hill slide resulted from getting too popular. A bad element started to creep in and a lot of better looking dancers didn't like being fingered for $10 and left.
I haven't been to every club in the world but for my money, Follies was the best value that I have found.
Where did the dancers go? Pretty much scattered. I think a lot quit the business and moved on. Only a handful made the move to Vivide.
2 of the Follies managers convinced the owner of Vivide, a black night club, to let them start up "Follies Day Shift" with the permission of the former Follies owners. It is a lot bigger than than the old Follies and the building is in disrepair but things have been picking up and the owner has started to make some physical improvements. Unfortunately the money is still in the night time black nightclub with strippers and the physical layout is not about to change.
It ain't Follies but for my money it is the best in Atlanta for what I like.
I went to Follies once on my way through Atlanta. It was not an epic visit and given that I was driving another 260 miles that day - the second hand smoke was not an added benefit. The Follies price structure was fantastic, there were hot dancer tied to their regulars on my visit, and the available to me talent was just okay. I persevered and have no issue with the costs of that visit.
I was only able to visit Follie's a had full of times before Covid hit. Value for your money - best I have seen. Service guarantee exceeded an AMP. I did not like the required valet. Made it hard to leave work and go there as I always carried my laptop. Never was an issue, but always was a worry. The smoke didn't bother me as much as the guys dealing in the corner. Only once of the times I went did I think it would be a wash-out. But with a little patience the right girl showed up to save the day.
I was a little surprised they stayed open after the City they were in incorporated and the club went into City property vs. Dekalb County. Dekalb lost a law suit to the club and settled with a deal that had a sunset date of 2021 or 2022, I believe. The City was determined to shut them down from their first day of incorporation. With all that went on in the club, it was pretty amazing the city couldn't find a way before Covid hit. Suffice it to say, the club's attorney earned his fees...I think he represents the large majority of Adult businesses in Atlanta also.
last commentYa didn’t miss much IMO. I was at Follies at least 6 -8 times before it supposedly went to shit and I can say that I “Struck Out Every Time “ that I went there …….. lol
I just couldn’t get a rhythm going in the place. Way too noisy and to me seemed very chaotic. It just never panned out.
Basically after about an hour in the joint, I said “Fuck It"………..I will save my money for the Flight Club..
I guess I never saw anything better than what the Flight Club had to offer, with a lot less chaos.
Later Dirty Burt
+ it was too small for the crowds and # of dancers
+ it was too damn smokey
+ drug selling and consumption in the open (dancers rolling up blunts at your table etc)
+ staff kicking custies out of tables to sell them to other custies (club was too small for that not to mention I assume staff was pocketing all that cash and thus their strong motivation for this practice)
+ it was a midtier-club at best; closer to dive than upscale - thus talent IMO was mostly 6s and 7s (IMO not atypical for heavy-extras dive-ish clubs)
+ parking was problematic - one had to give their keys up to staff since it was the only way cars could be squeezed in
+ not many private rooms for such a heavy-extras club - just 2 individual rooms with a weak-curtain for a door that anyone could open when u were in there and often did - a 3rd "VIP room" was a communal couch-room so one couldn't be shy (although a bit b/f the shutdown the communal VIP room was remodeled into separate individual private rooms which was a good upgrade)
Still hands down the best in US for my mongering filthy little fingers. Yeah fucking at your high top happened often. Blunts rolled next to you. Day shift was epic.
RIP Follies. Most ladies went to vivid but it’s too bright in there to get naughty.
It may not have been perfect but IMO it was one of a kind - not to mention great dancer variety for all tastes in large-part given the high # of dancers (everything from spinners to thicc to natural to enhanced from Latinas to ebonies to (at least early-on) whitegirls) - mileage was guaranteed (exceedingly rare to get an air-dance or low touch dance).
In essence - large # of girls pretty-much 7-days-a-week Monday thru Sunday day ir night (it was a freaking T&A Emporium) - as high a mileage as anywhere - and great if not rock-bottom-prices.
I'd say Follies perhaps was not a good-fit for those who mainly like, and mostly stick to, more-calm upscale clubs.
And with time, one learned to hit the less crazy shifts and still have a good time.
All the bad things that have been reported are true. The 2 old white owners were not aware of a lot of things that went on there. The 2 day shift managers and bouncers ran the club and kept a lot of it from the owners.
I'd say it peaked around 2010. After that the down hill slide resulted from getting too popular. A bad element started to creep in and a lot of better looking dancers didn't like being fingered for $10 and left.
I haven't been to every club in the world but for my money, Follies was the best value that I have found.
Where did the dancers go? Pretty much scattered. I think a lot quit the business and moved on. Only a handful made the move to Vivide.
2 of the Follies managers convinced the owner of Vivide, a black night club, to let them start up "Follies Day Shift" with the permission of the former Follies owners. It is a lot bigger than than the old Follies and the building is in disrepair but things have been picking up and the owner has started to make some physical improvements. Unfortunately the money is still in the night time black nightclub with strippers and the physical layout is not about to change.
It ain't Follies but for my money it is the best in Atlanta for what I like.
I was a little surprised they stayed open after the City they were in incorporated and the club went into City property vs. Dekalb County. Dekalb lost a law suit to the club and settled with a deal that had a sunset date of 2021 or 2022, I believe. The City was determined to shut them down from their first day of incorporation. With all that went on in the club, it was pretty amazing the city couldn't find a way before Covid hit. Suffice it to say, the club's attorney earned his fees...I think he represents the large majority of Adult businesses in Atlanta also.