Flight Club
29709 Michigan Ave Inkster, MI 48141

Mimi at flight club

Avatar for EatMyGerbil

Anyone seen mimi up there lately? Tatted head to toe with "vicious" on her neck and "drop dead" under her ass cheeks.


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Avatar for aham5

Recently? She was there in May this spring

Avatar for 3131

Pretty fun girl from what I remember. I don't follow her Instagram, but it seems a good number of the FC girls have at least intermittently relocated to Vegas.

Avatar for dirtyburt

I saw her in August and I haven’t heard that Mimi has left…… Maybe it’s that time of month for her and she is taking some time off.
Stopping in later in the week, so I will see if she is around, and let you know.
DM me if you want me to ask her anything ……..

Avatar for dirtyburt

I sent you all a DM………with the answer.

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