Have heard girls talk about double teaming for VIP. Have not thought about it much until recently. At a club I have a few girls who I have VIP'd with and gotten great service. Thinking of asking if two of them want to join up for an hour VIP. Of course, they would both need to be into it, comfortable, and frankly need to seem excited to do it. Otherwise it wouldn't be much fun.
Curious for those who have done this, what was the experience like? Worth it? Was it a one time thing, or something you do regularly?
Last year my regular introduced me to a friend, a beautiful ebony woman. My friend asked if I'd like both of them in the VIP. Hell yes! IT WAS GREAT! I had never been with a black woman, let alone two women. I paid for a 30 min session. and though I've had VIP sessions individually since then, I didn't regret the threesome. Main advice is to pay attention to the details starting out. Also it was beneficial to have the history with the first woman. I've seen horror stories about two dancers getting into who gets paid what. Use your head (small) Good luck! I'd do it again if I had a good vibe with each dancer. Probably not regularly.
Totally worth it. I wouldn’t say I do them regularly, but have probably done a dozen or more over the last several years. Doesn’t necessarily have to be girls who know each other. In fact, more often than not, I have done threesomes with two girls, who really didn’t know each other that well. I’ve learned over the years, though, that most strippers like watching girls as much as we guys do, and most are at least bi-curious, if not outright bi. I might ask the girl who I am sitting with who else she thinks it’s hot, and go from there. It’s fun to watch a couple of girls “get to know each other,” and get involved in the process.
Not really appealing to me. If I like them both, I'd rather get separate dances with each, so I can get my money's worth frankly. I've done it with favs who were turning out a friend as a newb dancer, but only for a few songs.
Just dancing, not worth it. Never tried two or more dancers in an extras club so maybe. I will say in either case, make sure you know at least one of them well enough. Speaking from experience, it's pretty awkward and annoying when they start fighting over dumb things in front of you and/or hate each other. Even more annoying when one of them has your number and proceeds to blow up your phone later that night trying to convince you not to see the other dancer again because of x, y, and z reason.
Everybody should do it at least once to get if off the bucket list. I did it on my 70th birthday at Follies. It was set up a month in advance. The 2 girls were best friends ITC and OTC. The price of $100 each was settled on in advance and the club comped the VIP room charge that would have bee $50 for 30 minutes. I had a great 30 minute experience.
I think the most important thing is that the 2 girls must be compatible and be focused on me rather than each other. That was 11 years ago and I haven't really made any effort to make it happen again. I'm getting too old for that shit. :)
I did it for the first time a couple weeks ago at Club Oasis in Philly. I was talking to Michelle and she introduced her friend Carla both Dominican. Michelle is a pretty tall light skinned with bolt ons, pretty enough. Carla is short and pretty curvy and honestly not that attractive. Michelle can be pretty pushy but I had been in VIP with her and knew what she offered. She was pushing a double and I said OK, to the $20 area. Lots of DFK with both and Michelle pulled junior out and began stroking with spit. Got the job done in 1 LD. So $20 for each for the LD and a $20 tip for each. It's probably not something I'm going to do again as it's really not worth it in my book.
Let me reiterate and clarify: I know both girls, have done VIP with both, and they know each other. I'm not talking about doing a favor for a newbie dancer or putting two girls together who don't vibe.
Also let me clarify, I've had VIPs with a single dancer that cost more than this would cost. I'm looking for a deal always but that's not the most important thing here.
For most guy's budgets in most clubs it isn't worth it and you will end up wishing you had done two separate VIPs.
If you can swing it I do recommend doing double... Single dances. So basically if it's $20 a dance you do 1-2 dances with two girls then head to VIP for your favorite to finish the job. This works best if it's slow, the girls get along well and girl #2 views it as "free money" rather than feeling shortchanged.
The problem with doing a dance with two dancers, is they control the situation. I would much rather do a one on one, where I control the situation. I had to scold my ATF a few weeks back, because lately WHEN we meet ITC, she’s always insisting on bringing a second dancer to try to help them out financially. Plus, the second dancer is usually no way near as hot as my ATF. Personally, it just doesn’t cut it for me, and I always walk out, just shaking my head.
In the past when this question has been asked; a typical TUSCLer response has been “hey I only have one dick”.
Having said this; I’ve only tried double-dances and it wasn’t worth it – kinda hard/awkward to be able to equally enjoy both dancers simultaneously – what I *have* done several-times in the past is get back-to-back dances where I’ll get a dance w/ a dancer while the other sits next to us, then as soon as the song ends the girls switch; depending on the song-price and dance-quality I’ve done a set of 4 to 6 dances in a row (2 or 3 with each), on rare-occasion more songs – I once did this round-robin-method in a black-club w/ a set or 4 different ebonies.
That I can recall I’ve never done double-VIP – for one I’m not a big-extras-guy although I did extras from time-to-time when I was SCing – but what has probably been the biggest reason is probably the much-higher expense/investment – I’m also not that big on the ”girl on girl thing”; it’s not a turn-off but not something I necessarily crave. It's also often the case, though not always, that one of the dancers is not at the same-level of performance/expertise as the other one.
As others have said; if it's something that intrigues a PL, then experience it and see if it's-for-you/worth-it or not.
last commentIf it’s just dances I agree. I’m not talking about just dances.
I think the most important thing is that the 2 girls must be compatible and be focused on me rather than each other. That was 11 years ago and I haven't really made any effort to make it happen again. I'm getting too old for that shit. :)
Let me reiterate and clarify: I know both girls, have done VIP with both, and they know each other. I'm not talking about doing a favor for a newbie dancer or putting two girls together who don't vibe.
The guy who wrote this paid $80 total for two dancer action and a bbhj. If he'd lasted more than a song it would've cost him $120. Tough crowd lol.
If you can swing it I do recommend doing double... Single dances. So basically if it's $20 a dance you do 1-2 dances with two girls then head to VIP for your favorite to finish the job. This works best if it's slow, the girls get along well and girl #2 views it as "free money" rather than feeling shortchanged.
I had to scold my ATF a few weeks back, because lately WHEN we meet ITC, she’s always insisting on bringing a second dancer to try to help them out financially. Plus, the second dancer is usually no way near as hot as my ATF.
Personally, it just doesn’t cut it for me, and I always walk out, just shaking my head.
Having said this; I’ve only tried double-dances and it wasn’t worth it – kinda hard/awkward to be able to equally enjoy both dancers simultaneously – what I *have* done several-times in the past is get back-to-back dances where I’ll get a dance w/ a dancer while the other sits next to us, then as soon as the song ends the girls switch; depending on the song-price and dance-quality I’ve done a set of 4 to 6 dances in a row (2 or 3 with each), on rare-occasion more songs – I once did this round-robin-method in a black-club w/ a set or 4 different ebonies.
That I can recall I’ve never done double-VIP – for one I’m not a big-extras-guy although I did extras from time-to-time when I was SCing – but what has probably been the biggest reason is probably the much-higher expense/investment – I’m also not that big on the ”girl on girl thing”; it’s not a turn-off but not something I necessarily crave. It's also often the case, though not always, that one of the dancers is not at the same-level of performance/expertise as the other one.
As others have said; if it's something that intrigues a PL, then experience it and see if it's-for-you/worth-it or not.
A threesome somewhere private? With the right two participants, absolutely yes.
some times you lose... sometimes you win.
better usually with girls that know each other.