someone has threatened to Out me for not sharing info

avatar for K
New Jersey

Someone has threatened to out me for not sharing details on who does what at a particular club because I don't know him, and his account was opened only a few months ago. He thinks on his say so, no one will share any information with me going forward.

First: I will not share information about extras or any potentially illegal activities with anyone I do not know. I expect the same treatment from others.

Second: Am I wrong, should i share such information with people i don't know with only a few months of history on the site? Do you think he is throwing a hissy fit because he can't work up the balls to ask a dancer what's on her menu?

I was going to post our conversation but that is in private messaging so I will respect the private in private messaging for now.


last comment
avatar for twentyfive
2 yrs ago

Fuck whoever that is

avatar for rickdugan
2 yrs ago

By "out you" you mean that he'll just tell others not to share intel with you? WTF is this, elementary school? Tell him to fuck off.

avatar for TheeOSU
2 yrs ago

yeah I agree, fuck him. I wouldn't share info with a nobody either. As for the PMs, his unsolicited and threatening behavior makes him fair game for outing.

avatar for whodey
2 yrs ago

Never share any info on potentially illegal activities with anyone you don't know.

That guy is just a fucking asshole for getting upset over you not giving him info. Chances are he is just an sjg level creep that can't talk to women in person to ask them what's available and probably doesn't have the funds to pay them if he does grow the balls to ask.

avatar for Huntsman
2 yrs ago

I’m not sure how he would be threatening to “out” you here but I assume it would be a matter of posting a thread “don’t share info with K”? I wouldn’t imagine you’ve given him any info where he knows your actual identity and means to actually out you somehow IRL.

At any rate, I’d ignore him and certainly wouldn’t share info. If you don’t know the guy and he’s got no history here as being credible, he’s showing his character and it’s not looking good. You wouldn’t be doing dancers, customers or anyone else any good by knuckling under to the person.

I had something sort of like this happen once. When I refused to give the answers someone with no history was seeking, he replied with mocking and added a racist screed. Fuck that. The ignore feature is very useful in that case.

avatar for K
2 yrs ago

I'm not worried he will post my personal info. I wanted to beat him to posting, to annoy him and to make sure my side was out there before whatever he cooked up.

I was also curious about the current opinion on sharing such info. It is safe to say that the veterans of this site still think we should not share such info.

avatar for twentyfive
2 yrs ago

I only share info with fellow TUSCLers I know personally, and not all the information I might have, it very much depends on the question asked, I never give any personal information about any of the girls either here or in the club.

avatar for shadowcat
2 yrs ago

I've met over 60 TUSCL members and keep in contact with about a dozen of them. I do share sensitive info with them. I also get a lot of messages requesting recommendations on clubs and occasionally specific dancer's mileage. I tell them that I don't give out that kind of information to people that I don't know. It protects me and the dancers. Most accept my policy. If they don't, I just ignore them.

avatar for shailynn
2 yrs ago

Over the years I have struck up personal conversations with members here (that had made several raviews themself on aged accounts) talking about certain dancers and certain clubs. Some provided intel that would be vague, I personally never pressed a guy to give “details” if he wasn’t willing to do so on his own accord.

A lot of times I think guys are embarrassed to say “I spent $500 and jerked myself off,” as that happens a lot more to even experienced PLs on here than most realize. Others have an ATF at a specific club and they don’t want to share her and we all can certainly understand that as well.

To threaten another member on here for lack of details is childish, not sure how this member is going to “out” you if you’re not concerned with personal info being leaked…

avatar for bluejacketsguy
2 yrs ago

I'm as confused as others on what you mean by out you. What you choose to share is your business.

avatar for K
2 yrs ago

"I'm as confused as others on what you mean by out you. What you choose to share is your business."

In our PM's he frequently misrepresents what i posted to him.

He said he would tell others I refused to share info about who gives HJs or more and I'd be blackballed. I'm paraphrasing a bit.

My OP was partially to annoy him. Childish of me but he started it. Partially it was to get out ahead of him misrepresenting my comments either in a public post or PM to others.

I also wanted to get I feel for the consensus on sharing such info. So far, either in public posts or PM, not one person disagrees with me that such info should only be shared with those we know or have sufficient reason to believe they are safe. Even then, what I share is up to me

avatar for rickdugan
2 yrs ago

I don't share anything with anyone about what I do with a specific dancer. Ever. I've had guys approach me over the years, both on here and ITC, some even offering to swap in return. To me that's just weird creepy shit.

When a stripper agrees to OTC or does something extraordinary ITC, it immediately triggers in me an obligation to keep her confidence. YMMV can have real meaning with some girls, especially in a moderately conservative clubbing area like this. But even with girls who are widely known to do xyz, I still wouldn't run my mouth, though tbh I do try to avoid these girls to begin with.

IMO and IME this approach has paid big dividends over the years. It's not only guys who have asked me for information - plenty of dancers have too. One even tried to coax intel out of me about another dancer while she was sucking my dick - I shit you not. Ultimately dancers come to understand who will keep their mouths shut and who has diarrhea of the tongue, especially in smaller club venues with the same guys visiting over and over. I'm utterly convinced that having a rep as a rock has resulted in some OTC adventures with girls who would otherwise never have agreed to meet up outside.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 yrs ago

TL;DR... Fuck that guy.

I'm also not sure what "out you" means in this context. Is he threatening to publicly share your name and identity, or is he threatening to tell other TUSCL users that you won't share the exact details regarding dancers and extras?

To be honest, in either case I'd screen capture those messages and send them to founder. No dancer or customer should be subjected to any sort of extortion on this site.

I've had numerous people ask me for specifics regarding dancers by name. With the exception of two, maybe three, users who have a long history here, I never share that information. Sometimes I politely reply to PMs saying that, or I just don't reply.

For what it's worth, I deal with fewer tantrums by just not replying.

avatar for PinkSugarDoll
2 yrs ago

What honestly would be the consequence of this, I don’t think anyone here cares.

Stop talking to that person?? This is silly.

avatar for shailynn
2 yrs ago

“fewer tantrums by just not replying”

You talking ‘bout Icey again?!?!

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 yrs ago

I wasn't, but the assumption you made is perfectly logical.

avatar for bluejacketsguy
2 yrs ago

Like rick said ymmv. The longer you know a girl or a girl knows of you by association can make a difference on what is available to you. I mean I could tell you girl A does X and then she says no I don't do that when you ask her about it. So even if I were inclined to tell you about my experiences they may not hold true.

avatar for K
2 yrs ago

"or is he threatening to tell other TUSCL users that you won't share the exact details regarding dancers and extras?" This. if he tells others I would not share details of who does what, no one would share any info about clubs with me.

He is on ignore now. His tantrums have ceased to be amusing.

avatar for TheeOSU
2 yrs ago

"in either case I'd screen capture those messages and send them to founder"

I'd bet founder has the ability to access any part of his site which means all K would have to do is just tell him to have a look at the PMs involved.

avatar for gammanu95
2 yrs ago

Seriously, it's turned into a fucking Kindergarten playground on here.

Who fucking cares what some anonymous handle on a strip club website says? Half of the fucking posters on here lie through their teeth, and half don't do anything but lie about other posters. Unless he can actually doxx you, what do you care what he threatens on this site? If it is true, tell us who it is. We'll fucking razz and heckle him and move on.

Man the fuck up.

avatar for Cashman1234
2 yrs ago

After posting a review of an NJ club, I got a message from a guy with one review and no comments - and it was odd - as it basically just said - VIP details?

I replied with a similar length message with details.

I didn’t want to post a snarky reply to him, and get into a feud, so I exerted as much effort as he did to write his message.

avatar for Cashman1234
2 yrs ago

Since K is a well known poster here, I don’t see how an unknown dude flaming him would hurt his reputation.

avatar for rickdugan
2 yrs ago

===> "He said he would tell others I refused to share info about who gives HJs or more and I'd be blackballed. I'm paraphrasing a bit."

"Blackball" you how? Try to discourage other guys from sharing local club intel? Maybe trash you with a few of the dancers working in your favorite clubs?

Good luck with that. But even if he could manage to get some traction, how much do rely upon other guys for intel in your go-to clubs anyway? I don't know about you but I'm long past needing other locals to clue me in on how to have fun in my go-to clubs.

I also don't care if a subset of dancers doesn't like me. There are always more than enough good ones eager to take my money and I have no doubt that the same would apply to you.

Shit in one club recently a handful of girls were in the DR speculating about who I was taking OTC and generally warning others that landing this was my primary goal. How did I even know? Because that little bitch fest actually encouraged a girl who had I had seen ITC several times but never spoken with before to come over and start chatting. And yes, two days later she was with me in a notel room. There is no Ya Ya Sisterhood when a girl has to pay the bills. 😉

So that was a very longwinded way of saying: Fuck him and let him take his best shot, lol.

If you admit to paying hoes in reviews or discussions you're not keeping it private.

If you're procuring prostitution by telling other guys who is or isn't a hoe in a club. Doesn't matter who you send her way as a customer.

What can he call you out on? Telling hoes you're talking about them on tuscl? Post in discussions that you're not procuring a hoe for him?

Ignore him....

If you are trying to procure tricks for hoes on here. Or you're talking about hoes and don't want them to find out. You shouldn't be doing it in the first place. If you did something they won't like and are afraid of them knowing take it as a lesson to not do it again

avatar for twentyfive
2 yrs ago

^ More word salad from the world renowned saladeer You really should shut the fuck up you are such an obvious moron and a troll

20alcoholicfag had his morning whiskey

Pathetic old drink gets drunk and trolls

Trick not drink lulz

avatar for K
2 yrs ago

"Pathetic old trick gets drunk and trolls"

I may be a drunk pathetic old trick, but I am no troll. I do admit to looking like one.

That was for 25

avatar for Iknowbetter
2 yrs ago

… and now I feel stupider having read through this entire thread. Perhaps we are all taking ourselves and this hobby of ours a little too seriously.

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
2 yrs ago

Echoing the general consensus above, you don’t owe him anything. Unless he knows who you are in real life ‘outing’ you as a non-sharer will elicit crickets. It’s a non-threat that can be ignored.

avatar for twentyfive
2 yrs ago

It's funny Iceefags tells are all out there, What a loser, have you smacked your bitch today .

avatar for K
2 yrs ago

"That was for 25" I know. It was a failed attempt at humor

avatar for bluejacketsguy
2 yrs ago

I guess I’ll just keep replying to this thread that I’m not really sure needs anymore discussion. Unless the guy in question has any real life dirt on you why does it matter as far as this site goes? I’m assuming based on your not wanting to share he doesn’t know you irl, so screw him.

avatar for K
2 yrs ago

Founder... if you are paying attention... new feature request... The OP should be able to close a thread

avatar for Muddy
2 yrs ago

K is legit, long time member damn near 20 years. Even longer monger, knows how shit. I say let the dude take his best shot, it’s all good.

avatar for Cashman1234
2 yrs ago

I agree with Muddy.

K has been a long time member, and a long time monger. I doubt the dude giving him shit has been around here as long.

New Jersey mongers are a special breed of filth! Lol!

avatar for gammanu95
2 yrs ago

We'll be able to close threads two updates after the edit button goes live.

avatar for rickmacrodong
2 yrs ago


Good post. I have had one dancer who seemed odd, behaving differently from All the other dancers. In the first dance, asking me things like if i love her, pulling my hair crazily. When i asked her about otc, she didnt give a yes or no, her answer was literally asking me if ive done that with anyone else from the club and more nosy questions like if it was my house. I asked her why and her answer was shes just making conversation. This dancer acted crazy in the dances, but didnt want to break the rules or do extras other than grabbing the dick through the pants. She seemed very jealous, always asking about my favorites. It sent chills down my spine, and any boner i had vanished into a turtle. I wonder what she would have done with the info had I given her names of any dancers into OTC or who had done extras or broken rules.

avatar for rickmacrodong
2 yrs ago

Shailynn “ A lot of times I think guys are embarrassed to say “I spent $500 and jerked myself off,” as that happens a lot more to even experienced PLs on here than most realize. Others have an ATF at a specific club and they don’t want to share her and we all can certainly understand that as well. ”

So guys literally jerked themselves after spending $500? How/why? They dont want to share the ATF...? That seems nonsensical... the ATF is already getting dances from many other men.

“ One even tried to coax intel out of me about another dancer while she was sucking my dick - I shit you not. Ultimately dancers come to understand who will keep their mouths shut and who has diarrhea of the tongue, ”

Rick, are you into fecal play...?

avatar for NJBalla
2 yrs ago

K, unfortunately this hobby includes a bit of wierdos who lack the capacity to communicate with women let alone others. You are right not to give in to his demands. Maybe I have too much time on my hands, but if I was in your position I would lead this character down a wild goose chase. Tell him so and so dancer provides a full menu, but she's only in town for 2 weeks. If the club opens at 3 pm tell him he should play hookie and see her at 2 pm next Tuesday and that the club hours on thier website were wrong. Then we asks why the door was closed say you are sorry the manager had a death in the family and he should try again at the same time on Thursday. Then when he wonders why the club was closed say you got in just fine and ask him to try going around an hidden entrance. Extra credit if you park your car near the club to see this lunatic in action on your bad intel.

avatar for NJBalla
2 yrs ago

Or even a simpler lie, tell him the girl who doesnt provide extras does but you need to go VIP with her. When he wonders why he didnt get far tell him she might have been on her period and try the next week.

If I were in ops position I'd just ignore him. If he tries to talk about you in the club it'll get back to you and if your reputation is good will just make him look bad. If he says shit on tuscl who cares

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