
Comments by The Cat's Meow

  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    What more (or less) do you want from a strip club ?
    I want more show dammit :) better stage dancers, there's a few out there but not enough . I want to not have to worry about getting arrested for watching or performing exotic entertainment. In a perfect world I want more nude air dance showclubs with kickass stage shows that are 100% legal that pay the dancers a flat stage fee and customers pay a flat cover charge + drinks.And since this is my perfect world we're talking about- LOL- you pervy raincoaters can have your brothels totaly separate so both customer and performer can pick and choose their enviroment.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    How would you feel about your SISTER being a STRIPPER?
    opps with the "caps look" in the title , I thought it was RL's topic
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    How would you feel about your SISTER being a STRIPPER?
    I'd tell her not to work in houston so she never has to see your mug
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Staff at clubs,
    I've worked in clubs all over the US. Never have I heard or seen any club staff getting sexual favors instead of tipouts or due to pecking order. I also have never been asked to perform any kind of sexual favor in order to get hired or to keep a job. ITS AM URBAN LEGEND! Anytime I have danced for a staff member they paid just like any other customer and were as good or better behaved. The don't want sex from us , they want MONEY.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Where are the customers who PAY STRIPPERS FOR CONVERSATION
    RL how long are you going to keep this up- its been 5 YEARS at least.... Do you plan to write these exact same messages over and over, EVERYDAY , for the REST of YOUR LIFE or what? WHAT WILL IT TAKE TO MAKE YOU STOP POSTING THIS STUFF?
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Here is a quote apparently written by a stripper
    Ofcourse they want to be paid for doing their jobs, God HOW MANY TIMES DOES THAT HAVE TO BE EXPLAINED!!!!!!!!!!! RL how long are you going to keep this up- its been 5 YEARS at least.... Do you plan to write these exact same messages over and over, EVERYDAY , for the REST of YOUR LIFE or what? WHAT WILL IT TAKE TO MAKE YOU STOP POSTING THIS STUFF?
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Dancers here?
    ShadowCat wrote:To put it in the simplest, raw, no holds barred, down to earth words. "if men didn't like to fuck women, there would be a bounty on them". You do know that sounds like if men didn't want to fuck women they'd be out killing them. That's a pretty fucked up thing to say. Alot of dancers come and go here - myself included. The reason why- comments like what ShadowCat just wrote and specificaly RL, who is maybe the most insane person I've ever seen on a discussion board. Posting here is all too often like subject yourself to verbal abuse and thats why dancer posts here are few in numbers
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    How much is negotiable?
    There are very few things that are more disrespectful than ASKING for discounts from a dancer. If you just can't afford full price dances then I suggest you keep your eyes and ears open for club run specials. Many clubs do specials like 2-4-1's every so often or on particular days in order to serve the low income and cheap customers. However many a dancer just refuses to do them even in those situtations so the dancer quailty may very well be lower in a discount dance. If you ASK for a discount your likely to get labled as a jerk, so it's better to take advantage of discount offers rather than insult the dancer by requesting it.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Largest on stage tip.
    I get 100 bills on stage a few times a month actually. My biggest on stage tip was $1000 in $20 that was "showered" on me by a Dallas Cowboy
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    RomanticLover: Warning to New Posters, Plee to Old Ones & Petition to Founder
    I would like to add my name to the "Ban RL" petition. It's the only real solution. He adds absolutly nothing of value to this website.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Some dancers actually think the customers are stupid
    I agree. It was out of line for that dancer to ask for a drink for her friend. Also guys ASKING a dancer to but YOU a drink is a bad idea if you want to have a good customer-dancer relationship. Would you ASK your waitress at Outback to buy you dinner entree or dessert ? No ? Then don't ask a dancer to buy you things at her workplace either.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    How Long Lap Dance Songs Last!!!!??
    If your timing the songs you probably can't afford to be in the club to begin with
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    What do you get in a VIP room in New Orleans?
    Typicaly VIP dances in the better clubs in New Orleans are light to med. contact - breast fondling is about as heavy as it gets and even that isn't the norm.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    RomanticLover: Warning to New Posters, Plee to Old Ones & Petition to Founder
    LMFAO- funny stuff WiseGuy ! I think maybe all his posts just need to be dumped into one thread. It could be called BullShit Ramblings of a SC Psychopath. The guy is flat out insane. I sure hope that stuff about the police watching him is true
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Any Recommendations for the Orlando, FL area?
    Orlando is a no contact area-however there is a club that has Playboy material dancers- Rachel's. Its an upscale club with full bar and menu. Tampa is the closest place to get a hands on lap dance. Best looking dancers at Thee Dollhouse ( low contact full bar)also about the nicest club left ( awesome club called Scarlett's closed there a few years back unfortunatly) next best looking dancers at Mons Venus but club itself is smal smal and no alchohol but full contact nude dances. Other clubs worth a mention are Deja Vu in Brandon- Big club- hit or miss on dancers. Secrets -new kid on the block lots of potential. Ybor Strip old fav of the local crown location less than great and some rough looking dancers . 2001 - small also hit or miss on dancers but has private areas and very close to Mons. Have a good trip!