
Comments by casualguy (page 95)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Can a woman, with very small tits, nurse a baby?
    I read the silicone did feel more real. I'm still wondering what that does to the human body if or when it ever leaks. I've heard horror stories of what has happened to some girls so I'm wondering if the big companies got the FDA to brush aside concerns just for some more big bucks. Just call this United States of Corporations.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Problem with logging in
    The navigation after I'm in seems ok though at least for now.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Non strip club related
    I did some searching, either that site has some unique paid advertisements, (I don't put that past some people) or there are a large number of females on that site. I searched for comments and info on the site. What I found (don't know if any of this is true). Over 9 million females on the site. One guy posted a blog with pics saying Girls he fucked on that web site. Reminds me of shadowcat talking about the techniques he used. They do offer a one month or 3 month membership so I'm curious yet again. Maybe I should keep it simple and just start with a dancer whom I already have her name and phone number.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Can a woman, with very small tits, nurse a baby?
    I thought I read somewhere the old style silicone filled implants were being allowed back on the market. Maybe I just heard or read that they would be allowed back.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Non strip club related
    I got 2 more emails from that same site again today. Something does smell fishy especially when one girl who had not emailed me before said in her email "what are you waiting for?" Almost all the pics of girls on that site look good. Too good to be true is what it seems to be. I'm not about to give that site my credit card information. I can't understand why a whole lot of great looking females would be trying to contact someone with a basic membership with no description except, age, location, and want to meet fun females. haha, maybe I should create another profile and name and give an awful description and see if that profile gets more email. For a scam they do a lousy job with showing pics of the females, maybe they think if you can just barely make out the pic and the girl seems to look good but its hard to tell, you'll be more likely to sign up using cash or credit.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Bada Bing - No more Sopranos Blah, Blah, Blah
    Just found out a little while ago that the series ended by being cut off all of sudden. Sounds amusing to me. Hundreds of fans wondering if they missed the last 20 seconds I heard on the news. The only time I ever saw the show was when my brother was visiting. I didn't get into it. In another thread we talked about talking about taboo subjects or things dancers don't talk about. I ran into one dancer the other night who said she watches very little television or almost none at all. Talk about trying to kill a discussion even if I was only talking about a funny commercial.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Can a woman, with very small tits, nurse a baby?
    I remember a few months ago, I saw a nice looking dancer on stage. I tipped her and then she went next to a guy sitting nearby. All of a sudden she squeezed her breasts and suddenly breast milk came squirting out on the guys face. He just smiled so he wasn't upset about it. I couldn't even tell that she just had a kid recently. I have always wondered if it's really safe to breast feed for the kid if a girl has breast implants. I guess it would be if nothing has ever leaked but that makes me wonder how often breast implants leak and even if the chance is small what could happen to the kid?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Non strip club related
    I guess if I really wanted to know more I could check to see if the Better Business Bureau knows anything about them. I think I'll just forget about it though. May have to delete my profile if the site will let me. I might believe I had a lot of girls interested in me if I had information and a pic on that site but I don't have jack on there. Seems suspicious. I guess I could always believe there are no single males in my age group in the western carolinas but I somehow have a hard time keeping that illusion alive. I'll go with 90 percent chance of scam. 10 percent chance I stumbled upon a website full of pretty nymphomaniacs. Hey, I've gotten lucky before so I'm generous with my percentages. I don't recall getting that lucky though with total strangers who don't know jack about me.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Non strip club related
    Thanks for the help guys. My scam sense went off a bit too since it seems to good to be true. I had 4 more emails from the site when I checked my email today. 2 more nice looking girls sent me an email but they just wanted to exchange information. No more girls saying they had a bet. I even had one ugly one send me an email which I definitely can believe she would not be too good to be true. I never had this many emails from good looking girls when the only thing I did is put in information such as male, age, location, and looking for fun females. Then I found out after getting the free part that they try to get you for over 30 bucks for one month or 100 bucks for a whole year just to send email and look at bigger pics of the girls. The last 2 emails seemed believable so I still wonder. Maybe more girls did sign up to use that site and the guys smelled scam and didn't pay so there aren't many guys. I somehow doubt that. I still smell something fishy about the whole thing. Considering my reluctance to use a credit card online, I've only done that one time in my whole life, I somehow doubt I'll being doing that anytime soon. However it really makes you wonder.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Reunions...with strippers
    I ran into a couple of old and not so old favorites I hadn't seen in a while. One girl is no longer dancing but I saw her pop up in a club wearing shorts and normal street attire. She went around the club apparently hugging some old friends which included me. She looks good enough that she could easily still be dancing. Another dancer I ran into I hadn't seen for a few months. Apparently she was working an earlier shift at the same club. I'm thinking if anyone watches who I got lapdances from it was a bit of a contrast. One dancer looks older than me and another dancer looks like she just graduated from high school well maybe 20ish something. The young one likes me to slap her ass on occasion. I accidently smacked her harder than normal and she just smiled and said she liked that. Every dancer seems to be different.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    The bad girls. Lindsay, Brittany or Paris. Your choice?
    In the situation I listed above, instead of prison time, Paris might have been sentenced to picking up garbage along the highway with a prison work crew or other community service needs. Putting non violent offenders in a cell seems like a waste when they could be put to work even if they aren't jailed (unless they fail to show up for their work).
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    The bad girls. Lindsay, Brittany or Paris. Your choice?
    I think you guys may have missed something about this whole thing. I heard the sheriff say that typically the average person only serves 10 percent of their time for non violent crimes due to overcrowding in the prison. 10 percent of 23 days would have been about 2 or 3 days. That would be normal in this situation. Paris is getting abnormal treatment due to her celebrity status. A normal person would be out by now. The blame should be on others. Perhaps there aren't enough prisons or perhaps non violent offenders should be sentenced to do community service hours instead of prison time to alleviate prison crowding.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Slow times?
    At one club I go to, you would think it's a boom time with a rip roaring economy. All the new dancers seem to be charging higher prices. I'm considering just telling anyone who's not one of my favorites no thanks and not bothering even asking how much they are charging. I saved some money this past weekend by not buying very many lap dances. I don't think that's why too many guys go to strip clubs though. The lap dance room has been packed as well. I guess I could just date girls instead but then I probably won't have any time left to go to strip clubs anymore. I'm not willing to pay more money for lap dances. Apparently I'm the minority at one of my local clubs. Of course how many dancers do you hear say "I'm not counting this song, I just wanted to start dancing for you." Gas in my immediate area dropped in the last couple of days as well. It's 2.79 at the major stations and a couple of cheaper stations I've seen 2.74. I think my area may have some of the least expensive gas in the country. I've read about a couple of people in the local paper in my area figuring out ways to get over 100 mpg. One guy modified his Honda Civic and averages 100 mpg in the country and 75 in the city. Another guy who has a hybrid said he averages about 63 mpg but he also said he tries to keep his speed under 45 mph and does lots of coasting and slow acceleration.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Reunions...with strippers
    My reaction would probably be trying to remember them if it's been over a year. If they were one of my favorites and it's been less than a year, I'll remember them. Sometimes a dancer will be gone for 3 or 4 months and it will only seem like a little while for me. Every once in a while I'll go tip a dancer on stage and instead of the normal reaction, I'll get surprised. I have forgotten all about a few dancers. I realize if I have forgotten roomates and suitemates in college that I lived with, I likely have forgotten a large number of dancers over the years that I simply met for a few minutes in a club.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Too many club options, I need to narrow it down to 2
    I have a choice of multiple clubs as well. I usually go where I have the most consistent fun time without too much hassle. It's not unusual for me to go club hopping if the clubs are only minutes away from each other. I think I would need a 3 or 4 day weekend with a pay increase to visit different clubs more often.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Theoretical question about strippers
    I think the original idea is possible but not necessarily likely. Perhaps if FONDL was a good customer in the club and the dancer didn't mind a little extra income without doing too much for it. I think I could arrange it for free with some dancers but I believe those girls would want to do more than just eat the food. I currently know of two dancers who expressed an interest in spending time with me away from the clubs. You might call me crazy but as my first encounter with one dancer outside the club, I'm thinking about going to a nearby waterpark with her. I suggested she would already have her flotation devices :) two big ones (0)(0) up top. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Guaranteed Fun?
    I think I'm sleepy. I can't remember if that time was a double dance or if one dancer just wanted me to meet another dancer after she finished dancing for me.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Guaranteed Fun?
    Thinking about 2 dancers at my table made me think about times I have been double teamed with two dancers approaching me to try to dance for me at the same time. I usually try to avoid paying twice the price I would with just one dancer. I remember one time though after the lap dances were over, one dancer suggested doing something and then I may have suggested something and we ended up doing a 3 way triple kiss. Does that make the 2 dancers bi if they were kissing each other but I was part of it? Just imagine 3 tongues all in contact.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Guaranteed Fun?
    I remember I had one dancer upset at me one time as if I was ignoring her. I never met her before. She said something about I had asked to get some lap dances from her and she had been hunting around for me. She calmed down and even said sorry after I told her I never met her before and didn't ask for any dances. Sometimes I might say all bets are off. If a dancer I really like comes over even though I'm expecting another dancer to return later, I will prefer the one I like better. Now if the other dancer was only going to be gone for a minute, I might tell the hotter dancer that but would definitely want her to come back. It might all depend on exactly how hot the dancer was. I might sneak off and deal with the aftermath later. I usually will wait a few minutes for a dancer if she said she was coming right back. One good reason for that is just common courtesy. I've had dancers wait a few minutes on me at my table while I went to the restroom.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Guaranteed Fun?
    I will usually tell a dancer that I'm waiting for another dancer to come back off stage if I'm expecting that. I did ask one dancer to come back later one time. She did but I don't believe she was too happy with me that night. Most of the time it's not a problem especially if you tell a dancer that you're waiting for another dancer to return. However if you're not sure or if you happen to like the dancer that just came over, all bets are off. Might piss off the other dancer but you're there to have fun and not wait around for something that might be.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How do you get a crack whore off of your ass?
    The way I see it, we probably deal with a stripper who is using drugs and we don't even know it. She's probably one of the people you tell no thanks or maybe later to get her to move along. I doubt all strippers in some clubs are drug free. That means we're dealing with crazy people all the time if drug use equals crazy person. I have to deal either with crazy people or very mentally slow people almost every time I drive down the road. I've seen someone stop on a green light, someone else stop for a red light and then turn left on red after traffic went by, I'm thinking wtf?, then you have a number of other crazy drivers, slow drivers. Some things that irritate me is driving super slow in the left hand passing lane and not turning right on red when no traffic is coming and your turn signal is on. Maybe we should use the words mentally challenged instead of crazy which is very possible if someone is on drugs. She would be like a number of drivers on the road. Actually it sounded like she was driving around based on what I read.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How do you get a crack whore off of your ass?
    Actually I wouldn't be surprised if you could use the same techniques you probably already use in a strip club to get rid of dancers. Just imagine her saying "wanna dance?", then tell her maybe later or not right now, or you're almost broke and just visiting a sick friend. Might work if she isn't dancing and doesn't see you walking off to the club. Ask her if she can loan you some money. That might get rid of her for good.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How do you get a crack whore off of your ass?
    If that doesn't work, just give her FONDL's address and say he is waiting right down the road. Just joking. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How do you get a crack whore off of your ass?
    Tell her you had some big bills to pay and can't afford her right now. If she persists you could tell her she could do what she wants if she doesn't mind doing it for free. I bet that will get rid of her. If you're no longer a money source, she'll eventually ignore you, maybe. She can't be the smartest cookie on the block if she's routinely using drugs. Now if she wants to routinely give you a blowjob for free, you have another problem. If you really don't want a free blowjob and it seems like she is going to do it anyway, you could suddenly pretend you have a severe migraine. For some reason, I never thought you would be afraid of free blowjobs.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Theoretical question about strippers
    It really all depends on the dancer. I've met some dancers who asked me out the first night they saw me. I did ask a couple of dancers out as in date when I was a newbie and was wondering if they went out with customers. Someone told me no but I had to learn the hard way. The second dancer I asked said ok. I was ticked off when I found out she wanted money just for her time. In spite of a rocky start I seemed to develop a relationship with her. Just think very pretty golddigger. Kind of like a high maintenance automobile. Always giving problems but she sure did look good. Single, nice tits, around 20 or 21 years old, no kids, no drug problem, very fit with a nice figure. I thought it was hilarious one time when she threatened to call up all my friends and family to tell them I was seeing her as if that was a threat to me. I don't remember what she was pissed off about that particular time.