Bada Bing - No more Sopranos Blah, Blah, Blah

avatar for dennyspade
I read on the TUSCL Industry News page that the Satin Dolls SC in Lodi, NJ hosted a Soprano/s Finale Party and a grandmother of 73 years of age, had her first Strip Club experience.

First, the Soprano's ending sucked BIG TIME.
Secondly, Have Strip Clubs become more acceptable in various communities?
Lastly, in the Chicago suburban area, we are SEEING less visible Mob presence inside the club, although I still believe they are part of the management teams, private interests, blind trusts, etc. which are keeping these joints open.

Care to offer an opinion ?


2 comments. I tried to watch that program years ago and couldn't get into it. So it won't be missed by me. When "Cheers" ended, a bar in mid town Atlanta had a party. My next door neighbor and best friend went and won the look-a-like contest for "Norm". Bada Blah...
avatar for lopaw
18 years ago
I'm a big Sopranos fan, and like alot of others I was hoping they would end it with a big "bang". Needless to say, many are disappointed. Oh well. It was a good run.
I really enjoyed the PREMISE of the Sopranos (mob leader sees shrink! mafioso goes to high school football practice! made man has cataract surgery! oh, and back at the office, BANG BANG BANG another mob murder!), and I SOMETIMES enjoyed the episodes and sometimes didn't (a few flashback episodes were cruddy, and the ones that centered on Imperioli -- the guy who plays Chrissy, married to the hottie -- were awful because that fuck can't act his way out of a paper bag, although his wife-character is of course smokin'). I always liked the "pastiche" over-the-top acting of Paulie and Silvio. And I delighted that Bruce Springsteen's backup guitarist got to be a mafioso, that was of course fun.

But why did it make such a BIG HIT? I think it was just time-slot. Anything passably good, which was also a serial drama that required a little bit of longer-term attention than watching just one episode, which was also mildly populated with violence and sex, was going to capture an audience. HBO happened to become "big" but still affordable right when Sopranos hit HBO. So, at that moment in the history of television and its offerings to the marketplace, that show happened to fill an otherwise majorly empty niche. But, by simple "critical" criteria, it's not "American Theater Showcase" or even "Twilight Zone" material, IMO. Though I don't think it was as cheap as "Cheers," so somewhere in between.
avatar for casualguy
18 years ago
Just found out a little while ago that the series ended by being cut off all of sudden. Sounds amusing to me. Hundreds of fans wondering if they missed the last 20 seconds I heard on the news. The only time I ever saw the show was when my brother was visiting. I didn't get into it.

In another thread we talked about talking about taboo subjects or things dancers don't talk about. I ran into one dancer the other night who said she watches very little television or almost none at all. Talk about trying to kill a discussion even if I was only talking about a funny commercial.
Casualguy: usually for me, it's a conversation-killer whenever a stranger STARTS talking about television ...
avatar for kcquestor
18 years ago
Dancers who like making money should at least pretend to be interested in whatever you are talking about. Just like any good salesman, a dancer should be able to discuss sports, current events, musicn and literature too.
avatar for FONDL
18 years ago
I've never seen the Sopranos nor do I get HBO if that's where it was. I also don't ever recall a stripper talking about a TV show, but it wouldn't necessarily be a turn-off, I just wouldn't be able to add anything to the conversation because I wouldn't know anything about it. Or about most movies either, unless they was made before 1970 or so. I prefer to read.
FONDL and I are the official old-fogey-grumps here who don't base our lives on popular media. :P
avatar for happylap
18 years ago
I've never watched an entire episode of Sopranos but I did watch part of one where they took some poor sap out on a cabin cruiser to knock him off. They took him below and two or three guys popped him with pistols. Then they dragged his body upstairs and dumped it over the side. How the hell can you shoot a guy below deck in a boat and not have blood and guts or brains to clean up? Just dump the body over the side and go home? I never watched Sopranos again. Now Pulp Fiction, that was some realistic violence.
avatar for happylap
18 years ago
There's lots of curmudgeons on this board. I think that's why I like it. I'm one too.
avatar for FONDL
18 years ago
It all started going downhill when somebody decided to replace the horse with an engine.
Just gotta jump in. I recently got the entie season of "The Black Donnellys" on iTunes. Trust me, if you liked the Soprannos watch this. It was of course canceled, like all good quality shows.
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