
Too many club options, I need to narrow it down to 2

Friday, June 8, 2007 1:21 PM
If you have 4 clubs that you visit off & on it's hard to vist each of them on a regular basis. I usually go to a club at least once a month but a few months back I was hitting them up twice a month. When I was going twice a month it was easy to juggle my rotation of the clubs but now since I am cutting back it's hard to pick one over another. There is one club I haven't visted in about 3months. I would choose this to be my next stripclub visit but I have been having fun at a club that is closer to me. So should I let the club I haven't visted in a while be my next visit or should I go with what I have been having fun at the most lately? The only reason I would want to go back to the club I haven't been to in 3months is to catch up with a Fav who I have missed the past 2 visits. I think she has seriously cut her working hours because the past times I went the dancers said she hadn't been in all that week. She may or my not still work there I don't know, but I would like to find out. So what should I do? Should I just choose 2 out of the 4? and just say I will get to the others some time in the future,but not be in a hurry to make a visit.


  • DandyDan
    17 years ago
    Jpac- I personally can't believe this is a real question. Just go wherever you feel like it. I myself go to 4 different clubs on at least a semi-regular basis, with a few others which are less than semi-regular, and choose the one I go to based on what I feel like doing that day. If that means avoiding a club for weeks or months on end, that is just the way it is.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    I have a choice of multiple clubs as well. I usually go where I have the most consistent fun time without too much hassle. It's not unusual for me to go club hopping if the clubs are only minutes away from each other. I think I would need a 3 or 4 day weekend with a pay increase to visit different clubs more often.
  • minnow
    17 years ago
    JP- Based on above post, I'd sure hate to follow you into a multicrapper restroom. By the time you finished debating the relative merits of each stall, you'd crap in your pants. Just go to a club, bail if it doesn't pan out.
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    Jpac: I always thought the problem in your area was too few options or at least too few good ones. It doesn't sound like any of these clubs are irresistible to you. In that situation, I usually figure the club I've been having fun at lately is due for a rest and give another place a try. However, I wouldn't go solely on the slim chance of catching up with a fave who hasn't been there unless I had a good plan B. It sounds like you're trying to keep up the advantages of being a regular without going often enough to be one. Forget about that. We have enough obligations to keep in our regular lives. Going to a strip club shouldn't be another one.
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