
Comments by casualguy (page 92)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancers Insert Finger or Fingers in Her Ass . . .
    That sounds gross to me. I don't remember seeing it either so I guess I'm lucky. If I saw a dancer do that, I wouldn't want to be around her. I generally do not care for piercings or tattoos either but it won't stop me from approaching an otherwise pretty dancer. I don't really understand too much why someone wants to destroy their looks. I heard they get some type of pleasure from piercings in certain areas but I'm not sure how.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    At clubs that are not totally nude, do you get flashed.
    :) grinning at evilcyn, thinking about a pretty pussy.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    At clubs that are not totally nude, do you get flashed.
    I'll give it a shot. A pretty pussy looks very hot and makes you think "damn, I'd like to play with that." An ugly pussy is um well not that great looking. On a scale of 1 to 10, an ugly pussy is in the bottom of the scale. You might look at it and think "eeww gross, I didn't know that could be repulsive." An adorable pussy is somewhere in between. The word adorable might mean different things to different people.
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    17 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Got hit in the head
    I have heard about a few drivers hitting bumpers to help push a car out of the way. I wouldn't recommend that but I have heard a number of others cheer them on when someone did that to someone driving too slow in the left hand lane. It can be hard to determine what enrages someone. You might have a bumper sticker on your car that says something that ticks somebody off. They could be seeking revenge for something somebody did that was driving a car that looked just like yours.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Got hit in the head
    Some people get enraged simply if you are in front of them on the road and holding them up by not driving fast enough or stopping too fast or a number of other reasons. I know because I get a bit irritated myself at people driving slow in the left hand lane when I consider that to be a passing lane. Some people think it's ok to cruise along in that lane slowly or talk on their cell phone etc ignoring other drivers on the road. I get irritated but I don't get enraged to a point where I start hitting them.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Got hit in the head
    Sometimes it may be hard to tell what pissed somebody else off. I did read about road rage and I read instead of averting your eyes away from the enraged driver, it may be best to recognize them and act like you're sorry via your look or hand gestures. Ignoring them can piss them off even more I read. I usually like such a driver if I ever encounter one to have as much of the road as they like and to drive away. I probably think they are in the wrong but when it comes to violence, it's usually best to avoid it. I remember one time I signaled to get into the left turn lane. There was a car in front of me a moment ago and still in the same lane driving a bit slowly. They did not signal so I thought they were going straight. Without any car ahead of me in the turn lane, I started to speed up slightly since the light was green and no one was ahead of me now. The car beside me or pretty much only a foot or two in front of me in the other lane decided they wanted to turn left suddenly. Suddenly they must have noticed me in the turn lane. They got back in their lane and I must have slightly jerked my steering wheel left to make my car go a couple of feet to the left to avoid them. Suddenly after I turned and lost sight of the car, I noticed someone chasing me down a two lane road I was on. I sped up to get away. They sped up faster. I started thinking oh hell, someone must be suffering road rage thinking they got cut off. Suddenly I saw blue lights flashing and was a bit relieved by that. However, they seem to be enraged for some unknown reason claiming they saw me driving eractic. I thought it might be the cops who didn't signal and almost hit me but I didn't tell them that. I just stated it was another car. They claimed they did not see that. Anyway they weren't too nice and were a bit demanding with about 4 guys in swat gear shining flashlights all around and being demanding. I was only going home. Eventually after a big hassle and apparently saying all the right things, they let me go. At one point there, one cop said "I smell alcohol in your car!" What a jerk, he did not. I know he was lying. I did not know that was their standard procedure but I do now. I have never had alcohol in my car and I hadn't drunk a single drink in over a week at that time. Be careful.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How do you handle email inquires from people that you do not know?
    I typically would not tell others what a dancers real name is. They trusted you enough to tell you and you are betraying that trust if you go around blabbing it to every one you just met. I understand your point of view quite clearly. Even if I was ticked off at a dancer I wouldn't do that. She would have had to do something really bad to get me angry enough to seek revenge like that. Typically if a dancer gets me angry enough, I'll throw away her phone number and forget about her perhaps even avoid her for a while. I remember one dancer got mysteriously ticked off at me (I never even knew why) and she quit working that club for 2 or 3 months. Then she came back. I also don't see the point in knowing a dancers name before you met her. If you don't ask her in person, she'll think you're creepy for already knowing her name and she'll give it to you anyway if you develop a relationship with her first. Some dancers avoid people who seem to know them. I've heard that before while in the clubs.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    "I don't like to be teased therefore I don't get lapdances"
    I remember when someone first dragged me to a strip club I was in my 20's and really did not know what went on there. I was wondering if BJ's were common but didn't ask who I was with for fear of sounding silly. I went with them and was pleasantly surprised. The only sexual thing I saw were some naked tits on stage during a dancers second or third song on stage. The table dances were pretty much air dances but the dancer was only standing a few feet away instead of 10 to 30 feet away as she could be on stage. There wasn't anything to be concerned about. All the stories you may read about on a site like this are the exception for the majority of strip club visits. It really is just a big tease but for a guy who enjoys visual stimulation, it's not so bad a tease.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    I remember one club had strict rules with any dancer going out with a customer. If a guy gave a business card to a dancer, I noticed the cards seemed to somehow end up in the men's urinal later that night.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    The first time I asked a dancer out. Well I was totally new to strip clubs having only had about 3 or 4 visits and had casually asked someone at work or somewhere if dancers ever went out with the guys in the strip clubs. He said no. When I heard no for some reason at that time, it seemed more like something I wanted to do. The second dancer I asked said ok. However I did not realize until I met up with her outside the club that she wanted money and was talking about doing private dances. I wished she had told me that to start with but she was new to dancing as well I believe. She called it a private party but it did not involve any sex. I seemed to develop a bit of a relationship with her anyway after that happened that didn't always involve money. Another dancer invited me out to dinner at a local restaurant after she got off from work. I ended up hanging out with her after work a few different times. I don't remember how long that went on. There may have been another dancer too but I can't remember her very well. I remember another dancer after her asked me out as well. When I met her outside work, she then told me or it boiled down to she only wanted to have sex with me. She said if a guy asked her, she wouldn't go out with them. I've had a few other dancers over the years want to go out with me but they wanted money and I just told them no thanks. It's been years now since I was approached by a dancer I didn't know and instead of asking for a dance, she asked to go out with me. I would see a further impairment to maybe a few dancers to going out with a married man. Every dancer is different in what she thinks is ok or who she wants to bother with. Many dancers do not want to go out with any guy in the strip club.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Call me a cynic but...
    The trolls used to insult other posters constantly. I haven't noticed that from any dancer names.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    At clubs that are not totally nude, do you get flashed.
    Several years ago, I remember on two different occasions, a dancer on stage in a topless bar did more than just flash. While I was sitting at the stage she either pulled or kept pulled her g string or thong showing me for several seconds everything. The crowd could see as well. Both of those times, I saw the dancers in their street clothes unusually early leaving the club early. I think the managers fired them. After that if a dancer ever flashes me in a more private setting, it doesn't seem like any big deal.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    A question for the guys
    One of the worst things to see following you is a vehicle with blue lights flashing.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    A question for the guys
    I understand a bit about worrying about getting stalked. As a guy I tend not to worry too much about that. I did read some tips, if you're driving and worried you may be getting followed, take 4 right turns (a circular path). If the person following you does the same, they are following you. I guess in a few rare cases they may be lost and hoping you know the way. I heard the other suggestion if you think you are being followed is to not go home but to go to a well lit place with a lot of people around. I had at one time thought about the local police department but at night, there may not be anyone around in some places. I've thought about these things because I've had female relatives get followed in the past. I haven't worried about any dancers following me or threatening me in that way that I remember. I did meet one dancer who seemed to be eerily infatuated with me and told me she knew me. It almost seemed like she could be stalking me but I kind of enjoyed it. She knew things about me from several years ago that I didn't even know. One of those was that she remembered the first time she ever saw me and that was 14 years ago at the time. She actually remembered me leaving a strip club and told me she was 16 at the time. I don't remember any dancer remembering details like that about me 14 years later.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    A question for the guys
    Blowing a load from nothing but an air dance and his hands were where they could be seen?, has to be a miracle or a one in a million wet dream the guy had while awake. I could just imagine some other dancers having fun with him by touching him for 5 seconds and then he says "ok, I'm done." I've never blown a load due to a lap dance in a strip club. I may have had precum come out which is a clear fluid that may leak out when a guy is excited but that is not the same thing as blowing a load. It's easy for a guy to know when he blows a load because he feels a big release.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Stripper Shit! Why do we put up with it?
    Customer shit, I wonder if that's what one dancer thought when I told her I wasn't into eating pussy. I just didn't want to with her. Any girl who seems to greet me not with a handshake or hug or kiss but instead with a blowjob almost every time I met her, I had to wonder how many guys she might be sleeping with. I told her I was tired of all the big dick comments as well but I couldn't change her either. I think I even told her she didn't have to start sucking my dick every time she saw me. I just thought she was some kind of nymphomaniac. I did enjoy her smile when she said she had a tight pussy. Talk about a girl who was almost impossible to break up with. She got into trouble with the police with speeding over 90 traveling from another state and stopped coming to visit. I put up with stripper shit as long as I'm still happy with the girl. If not I forget about her or start ignoring her sometimes doing the same thing she was doing by pretending everything is fine and putting her off.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Lap Dances are Protected by Constitution
    Yeah, speed limits when a road is almost empty is just a revenue source for the police. Slowing someone down in that instance serves no purpose except to pocket money for the police. Too bad the US doesn't have Autobahn type roads set up here as there are in Europe. I guess in some respects the US is a backwards nation. Some people act like tits and the human body are something to be ashamed of and not even allowed to be shown at the beach or in private clubs. Maybe if enough people restrict an overbearing government, we won't be so backwards in this country.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Stripper Shit! Why do we put up with it?
    Hi, blaze_n_hot. I don't believe you're the only dancer by far. I can usually recognize it early on but not always. I usually just move on to someone else unless the dancer stops giving me stories and excuses. The last dancer I knew never gave me an excuse. When I ran into her in the club she always wanted the same thing from me. It was not a dance but I got her to do that anyway.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Best Clubs In North Carolina?
    Greenville and Columbia, local clubs for me. Well Columbia takes an extra 20 minutes to get to beyond what Greenville takes. The one or two things that seem to be lacking here is a really good nude club with a lot of good looking girls (Derriere's in Myrtle Beach used to have a lot a few years ago) and a club with a lot of 9's and 10's working there. I imagine things are very busy at the beach right now. I told myself I wasn't ever going to go back again during 4th of July week. Way too crowded everywhere. I think I know someone who just went to the beach. I'll ask.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Best Clubs In North Carolina?
    Some of the dancers in Fayetteville used to be a bit hands on above the waist if the bouncers weren't watching. That was years ago and the dancers knew me. If you just like watching very pretty girls even though the dances are nothing but air, I enjoyed Pure Gold in the Southern Pines area (many years ago). I imagine the sister club has very pretty girls as well. It's been my experience the clubs that are only air dances and have auditions for workers have some very pretty dancers. I believe the club in Southern Pines had only table dances available. I would enjoy sitting in the back and letting all the out of town folks enjoy a closer view while I watched several girls at once. One girl I thought was a perfect 10.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Lap Dances are Protected by Constitution
    I guess the Founding Fathers never foresaw lapdances and the right to observe pretty tits. However they did include the right to pursue happiness or something close. It would be nice if the government didn't bother with what two consenting adults are doing.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Stripper Shit! Why do we put up with it?
    I did just think of one reason to go out with her again that would be more fun. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Stripper Shit! Why do we put up with it?
    stripper shit drives you crazy. Maybe it's just some girls in general but dancers seem to be good at it.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Stripper Shit! Why do we put up with it?
    stripper shit, sometimes a nice pair of tits and a sweet voice will convince you to do things where you might otherwise say forget about it. I think I'm thinking about someplace I want to go and trying to decide who to go with. The dancer I mentioned said she still wants to go with me. Doesn't call me for 2 weeks but sees me in the club instead, then the day we're supposed to go somewhere she calls and apologizes. Frustating. I don't usually put up with it for too long. She did ask if I still had her number. She was right. I was thinking about throwing it away.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Stripper Shit! Why do we put up with it?
    I was tired this morning so I went back to sleep. A phone call woke me up. It was the dancer I talked about calling back again apologizing saying she left her phone at the house. I saw where she had left a message on my machine. She was hoping I wasn't angry at her. Well, it's hard for me to be angry the second I wake up. She's lost a lot of my trust though. I was a bit angry at her but less so now after hearing her apologize. She had me quite a bit confused as well since she didn't give me any indication in the club that she was trying to blow me off, well I mean as a figure of speech on that one. I think I'll call her back and tell her maybe some other time (if I don't find someone else I'd rather go with instead first). I know I'm not planning on asking her out for anything again.