
Comments by casualguy (page 91)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Does tuscl club review page display ok
    I haven't noticed the problem. The map I see fits in the top right corner of my screen and is a square maybe 2 inches by 2 inches or 3 x 3. I see an option to see a bigger map. That one does fill up most of my screen if I click on it. I'm using explorer right now.
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    17 years ago
    Dancer Refuses To Hand Over Phone Number . . .
    Sounds like Walmart customer service. We're happy to have you as a customer. As Arnold said in one movie, got a problem? "Speak to the hand." I seem to worry more about the dancers who may not come back unless I get dances from them. I don't want to be considered as a source of income at least not on a regular basis unless she is giving me some dances I really like.
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    17 years ago
    Platinum Plus Club - Columbia, South Carolina
    I was just thinking (maybe it's the beer I had) I haven't gone out with hardly any dancers from the PP club in Columbia. The only exception being a dancer who already knew me from NC who called me up to tell me she was working there and asked me to visit. She said they had a no tip out night meaning she could keep the tips. Does the club still do this every so often? I was just curious. Seems like that might be a good time to visit. After sitting in a local club waiting for a bikini contest to start, I start thinking about what else I could have done with my time.
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    17 years ago
    Are you smarter than a stripper?
    Now I remember why I haven't been going to local bikini contests. They don't start at the time I was told and I could have spent time at a strip club in either Greenville or Columbia and driven back in the amount of time I spent at the local club. However I'm a bit nervous about driving too much after only sleeping 3 hours a night for 3 nights in a row. One blonde girl in the contest looked familiar but I couldn't remember where I've seen her before. Maybe she was in another bikini contest. It's just hard to remember. She was only 21 but I'm left wondering why she seems so familiar.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    The naked truth about strip clubs $$$!
    Lol, I'm in a dilemma of sorts. Wait to listen on the radio the DJ ask a stripper questions live on the air to see if you are smarter than a stripper or else go to a bikini contest finals tonight about 2 miles down the road. I heard there are 8 girls participating. It's not for 2 hours though. I think I'll wait a few minutes to listen to the stripper on the radio. Ok her name is Amber from the Trophy club and they're going to play a game called "Are you smarter than a stripper?" I hope they play soon.
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    17 years ago
    New welcome page
    I don't think it would be hard but I'm not doing the programming. Just display a link called new comments and have a number beside it indicating how many new comments there are. If it's a big zero, I won't bother clicking on it. Most clubs don't have anything posted in the discussion and I imagine comments might be similiar but maybe slightly more busy if it's easier to notice.
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    17 years ago
    Massages vs Lap Dances
    I've thought about getting a nonsexual massage but the only ones I've had have been in strip clubs a few times when some girl was going around giving them for like 5 bucks. I've been grabbed by Korean girls standing outside of massage parlors but they only wanted to massage one part of me. I remember seeing a very nice looking massage worker or therapist when I went to pick up my mother one day. I found out too late that even though I only saw her for a minute when she walked out with my mother, that she was asking about me saying she was looking for a new boyfriend. If I had known that, I would have gone out of my way to go back there. Oh well. It did make me think getting a massage might be fun or relaxing. It would not replace going to strip clubs since I enjoy watching and interacting with a number of dancers. I suppose if a very pretty massage therapist came home with me she might be able to persuade me for a while at least. I remember one dancer always wanted me to rub her back. A couple of times she even had me go back to the lap dance room with her to massage her back because she wanted to tank off her top. Her bra strap or back was in the way. Apparently she needed massaging a little closer to her breasts too since she had me move my hands closer. The same girl liked to sit on my lap to warm up when she was cold. If every dancer was like her, I wouldn't have hardly any time to get any dances. Having her sit on my lap or in between my legs was kind of enjoyable. I didn't offer to rub her back one time. She kept getting me to just do it. You might think I studied massage therapy as often as I got requested to do it. I remember several years ago, one dancer asked me to massage her feet. I wasn't really into that but she talked me into it. I like getting the massage much better.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    At clubs that are not totally nude, do you get flashed.
    I suddenly had a memory get flashed in my head. I remember a dancer grabbing my hand and putting it right on her pussy. I think she wanted to dance for me. She still had her thong on. It was so long ago I had trouble remembering. Bookguy you're welcome. I always thought a scale of 1 to 10 was pretty easy to define. Of course I'm kidding and I'm not that great at describing things. I guess you could say a pretty pussy resembles a pretty and symmetrical flower. An ugly one is harder to describe. They also seem harder to find since I don't see too many ugly ones.
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    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    If Hillary is elected president...
    Hey, how about Shadowcat for President? He could propose adding the right to a lap dance should be a right for every red blooded male or female. Maybe even propose a bill banning the covering of nipples in any strip club or bikini club across the nation unless the dancer just wants to. Then we could see shadowcat on the evening news flanked by dancers in the White House. Shadowcat, would you call one dancer Monica II? Just kidding. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    The naked truth about strip clubs $$$!
    Kinda off topic but I just found out the other day I'm lucky to be here. I could have been Australian instead of American if my mother had gone along with an idea my father had to move to Australia many years ago. I have no idea what the strip clubs are like down there. I think I'm happier here. It sounds like I would have been stuck in Australia if my mother had agreed to move since they didn't have a lot of money and it would have been a one way trip. He had never been there either.
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    17 years ago
    The naked truth about strip clubs $$$!
    I also know a pilot who works for Delta who lives south of Atlanta the last I heard. I haven't spoken to him in many years so I have no idea if he's sweating it. I remember he got a bit angry many years ago and refused to play any games with me that involved dice. He called me the luckiest he's ever seen at throwing dice. I think he just didn't understand that luck is a big factor in backgammon and other games. He was trying to beat me using something called skill. :) Luck beats skill. He was probably sweating out the situation at Delta.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    The naked truth about strip clubs $$$!
    No offense shadowcat but whoever rated your town doesn't think like me. I've been there and I don't care for every single building hidden behind trees. If you're from out of town, it's hard to find anything. Well I got curious, shadowcat's city was number 8 in 2005 but did not make the top 10 in 2006. Some of my relatives live in the 5th best city for the 2006 survey. They really have it rough though. I mean I think they spent over 30K to 50K to add on to their back porch because I heard the government would have just taken it away in taxes if they didn't spend it. Rough. Those are my relatives whose only money troubles involve finding the best places to invest. Of course you can spend a lot of time comparing investments and doing research. I'm a bit surprised. I remember they used to work at one of the best companies to work for. Now their company is only number 48. I think traffic has been getting worse and worse over the years in the Triangle area in NC since I moved away from there.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    New welcome page
    Maybe if you could read a note about new comments posted if a club is in your hot list that would be nice.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    New welcome page
    I've also wanted to post comments and ended up posting them in the discussion which I somehow doubt that anyone saw since those clubs had no discussion. There are also times when you might just want to post a comment about a club instead of a review. Things like "Syndey Steel appearing this weekend as a feature entertainer or Harley up for auction this Saturday at the club, raffles tickets sold at the club, or Members only birthday celebration at Nepals. etc. I could put that information in the club discussion but I don't usually look at that since there is usually nothing there and I doubt too many others think about it. Just a thought. If nothing else it would be nice to see a note about comments posted when looking at a club. Good idea about adding comments.
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    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    If Hillary is elected president...
    Hopefully the democrats won't screw up the economy if elected. We've had 7 years of economic expansion but I don't think it will last forever. Hey I just thought of a new immigration bill. Let all the new immigrants work and pay taxes but exclude them from collecting or counting any money paid into social security, medicare, etc. for 10 years as their penalty for not legally immigrating. As long as that costs more or they contribute more to the economy than some other plan and it's more expensive than legally immigrating (deterence to being an illegal) or else they serve at least 5 years in the military (automatic if they get killed or seriously injured). I always thought the big problem with the immigration bill was that it seemed like politicians were trying to shove something down our throats without explaining costs and benefits. We are paying taxes and most of us are concerned about our government programs like social security, medicare etc. and the government running out of money to pay for it all. Then we start talking about adding over 10 million people into that program the nation would have to pay out to. That's a serious concern. Our current president certainly didn't explain anything that made sense as far as I recall. Hopefully the next president will be smarter.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    The naked truth about strip clubs $$$!
    My luck with stocks hasn't been that great lately. I hold one stock for over a year with only a tiny little gain and then I decide to sell that stock to move the money into something better. Within a few days afer selling it, the stock skyrockets and kept going up over 30 percent within a few months. I kept thinking the economy was going south but I think I was several months too early.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    The naked truth about strip clubs $$$!
    Has anyone here ever set foot in one of the extremely expensive clubs like the one mentioned to start with? It's way out of my income range to afford or desire to pay. I think I can find pretty girls without the extreme price. As an example I was watching a Hooters swimsuit challenge competition for 2005 tonight (I hadn't seen it before) and noticed the winner was a very pretty and charming girl from a little town within 30 miles of where I used to live at. She worked at a Hooters store that I probably drove past hundreds of times.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    The naked truth about strip clubs $$$!
    $10 a minute for a conversation with a dancer? I sure hope they have warning signs about prices so I never even enter such a club. I've argued with a number of dancers about why I don't want a dance for several minutes. If they wanted to charge me for the time we spent arguing or they spent asking for a dance, I'd be really pissed off. I'd just go to regular bars and forget all about strip clubs. $50,000 a month would probably be enough to make many dancers want to get married where I live at.
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    17 years ago
    your opininions gentlemen please
    Bookguy, I think the norm among the workers at that place I worked at was a bit outside what many consider the norm. I believe the whole county had the highest teenage pregnancy rate in the whole state. I guess there wasn't much to do in that small town. By the way I only told a couple of people at work at that time that I went to any strip club. One guy in particular talked about sexual things and made sexual comments I didn't really care to hear too much about. I tried to shut him up one day by showing him some pics I had with some naked feature dancers sitting on my lap. He did quiet up with the comments he made to me. Apparently he told everyone else some story. Some guys like to talk.
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    17 years ago
    your opininions gentlemen please
    One example of kidding around is a female worker asks you "let me see your hands." You stick out your hand. She smiles and says "you have long fingers." She says to another female coworker "hmmm, long fingers, long feet, I'm getting a picture here." One example of a male asking a female worker something that wasn't acceptable to the female several years ago would be asking her something about her crack. (between her legs). I can't remember what the one guy asked but I heard he got slapped. Nowadays, things like this might be grounds for sexual harassment if one party pressed the issue.
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    17 years ago
    your opininions gentlemen please
    I think the last place I worked at and the small town I lived in had over half the residents thinking about sex a lot of the time there. I had a different girl tell me she wanted to do a one night stand with me. She asked me in front of her coworkers. Talk about being open about everything. Maybe she was a bit more bold because some time earlier she had been a bit sneaky and pinched me on my rear when I wasn't expecting it. I immediately sought to get her back by pinching her back. She ran away too quickly. Then after I forgot about that she asks to do a one night stand. This was several years ago before all that sexual harassment discussions became part of training for employees. I remember when I was a college student working summer jobs I really heard a number of sexual comments. Most of it I considered kidding around as I still do if a female says something like that to me.
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    17 years ago
    your opininions gentlemen please
    On the bright side in some clubs, I don't know of too many professions where you can drink on the job, socialize, and not do too much hard work except for occasionally dancing on the stage or performing lap dances. I heard some guys say all it takes to make a ton of money is a nice pair of tits and ass. I think they were jealous.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    your opininions gentlemen please
    I believe many of the posters here are like regulars in a club. They know the rules and what to expect in a club. The regulars don't usually cause trouble. Many customers in a strip club are not regulars though. Some may not even know the rules and some may be drunk frat boys thinking this is a great chance to party. They may get noisy or obnoxious without even realizing it. Some guys or girls may try to push the boundaries with touching or whatever they can get away with. Then it may be up to the dancer and or club management to deal with the situation if needed. I've been to an air club with some very nice pretty dancers. I enjoyed visiting it on occasion. Some guys will try to tempt the girls to see them later and some may offer money. I think the dancer needs her head on straight or she may eventually agree and then her life will be heading down possibly the wrong path. The other thing to consider is that a few guys don't want to date a stripper or girls who have been one. Maybe it wasn't date but marry. I heard or read this somewhere but I can't remember where now. I think it's possible that a guy wouldn't want a girl who seemed to have a seedy past (not knowing that it wasn't seedy). It's all a matter of opinion. In some clubs I heard other dancers are rude and steal from the other dancers. Of course a new dancer might not know this about a club. I doubt very many male customers would even suspect it. I heard about one club where a pretty dancer made more money than the other dancers and she found her locker stuffed full of fish. I heard about stories where dancers get their stuff stolen all the time. I tend to believe those stories may be true. I've heard more stories but I won't ramble on. I once ran into a girl where I worked at who asked me if I thought she could make it as a stripper. I really didn't know her that well and some of the guys and girls must have talked about me visiting a strip club. I guess they didn't have much to talk about in that small town. I didn't really like being put on the spot but generally I don't recommend something that may end up becoming a moral decision in some people's minds. I still believe at least here in the south that stripping is not the most morally acceptable position. I personally don't see anything wrong with it. However many people do and they don't mind causing trouble on occasion. Some other people are just troublemakers to start with. Dealing with all these people and society in general putting down the stripping profession, I wouldn't recommend it to friends. You also have to put up with the so called analysts who may say almost all strippers suffer from problems like a lack of self esteem or else they say they were abused as a child or something else. I did meet one girl who claimed she had a college degree and was stripping as a moonlighting job to make extra income. She seemed brighter than a normal stripper and I don't recall too many dancers telling me they have a college degree but chose to work that profession instead of their degree. I can't remember which it was now since it was a while ago. I've met hundreds of dancers and I only recall one that told me she had a college degree. Of course I don't usually go to air dance clubs. sorry if I rambled on too long here.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    If Hillary is elected president...
    KFC uses MSG, a toxic poison in their secret recipe. MSG appears to make food taste better but it secretly is hurting us. The last time I ate their food it made me sick. Selling Hillary buckets makes sense to me. Not all people are so easily and immediately affected by MSG. I imagine the election may be the same way. I hope whoever is elected knows how to talk and doesn't believe the government raising taxes is the answer to all our problems. We need less government not more.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancers Insert Finger or Fingers in Her Ass . . .
    Well maybe I should rephrase want I said, if the piercings aren't overdone, I may not be turned off from a dancer just because of her piercings. However there have been a few cases. I think nose piercings look ugly.