
Comments by casualguy (page 36)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Google Map Your Clubs . . .
    Are you talking about zooming down to the street level and scrolling around looking at a ground level picture of the building and street? I think only the bigger cities have that available. It's a nice feature though.
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    16 years ago
    Houston update
    Congrats on your power. Glad the storm was only a cat 2 or low 3 and didn't cause a lot more damage. The bad news I heard today is that hundreds of homes in Galveston were wiped out and I heard up to 400 people might have been staying in those homes. Just something I heard, hopefully that is exagerated and they evacuated. However I don't know if the officials will know for some time. 4 weeks to be away from home is a long time when you don't have a plan or expenses for that saved up. Yet in hurricane prone areas along the coast, I believe residents should have an emergency plan instead of relying on the government. As typical, the national news showed a woman complaining that FEMA and our government should be taking care of them and it wasn't even 3 days since the hurricane passed. I once lived 100 miles from the coast and we were told, we were on our own and we believed it and prepared to tough it out. We would have been thankful for any government help. I'm not saying everyone is of the opinion that the government should be taking care of them but it seems the media always seems to find someone like that.
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    16 years ago
    Price gouging at the local gas stations
    I should add, for now cash is king. Having debt will be going out of style. If the stock market keeps going down into November, Obama should win the election, if the stock market goes up, it could be a close race and McCain might win. I'm not thrilled at all about 3 out of 4 candidates running for office are long time politicians who have been part of the problem all these past several years. Here's some interesting tidbits. The stock markets of individual countries are public sentiment indicators. Countries are more likely to go to war when their stock markets are depressed. Not good if the US and Russian markets are both depressed. It takes years for a loose credit situation to develop and years for it to unwind. Until the public in the US gets a decent education in financial economics, we are doomed I believe to keep electing financially stupid incumbent politicians. If you think congress is stupid, then who keeps electing them? Ok, now I'm done ranting.
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    16 years ago
    Price gouging at the local gas stations
    I think this is a topic we like to complain about because it is so noticeable. As far as Speaker Pelosi is concerned she didn't want to hurt her investment in her IPO with Pickins in his wind energy business so she denied any chance for voting on an energy bill. She was set in her ways against any alternative to her own investments. It makes sense. A lot of greedy Americans elected another greedy American to public office out for herself. I believe she was feeling the heat from the public and is willing to have other energy options now. Tonight I heard her trying to blame everything on Bush and the Republicans for the housing mess. hmmm, she and the democrats have controlled congress for the last few years I thought and they enact the laws. The housing mess and loose credit is a problem both democrats and republicans created over several years. The general public doesn't know hardly jack about finances so it shouldn't be a surprise the public keeps re-electing incumbents who do the same things over and over again and we end up with a financial house of cards. The democrats and republicans act like school kids pointing the finger at each other. Ok, enough with my rants for tonight. On the bright side, I do understand probably better than 95 percent of the population what a financial house of cards our elected politicians have created but used that knowledge to have my investments go up 10 percent today. I'm hoping the card house stays mostly erect because almost everyone here in the US will be sunk if our fiat currency becomes worthless. If things get bad, tipping dancers on stage with our current paper money might be like throwing monopoly money at her, she won't care for it. Hopefully either things won't get that bad or I'll be as well positioned as possible. Sorry for the rant.
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    16 years ago
    Price gouging at the local gas stations
    I heard the local gas stations may be doing the price gouging not the major oil companies. The South Carolina gas tax is a lot less than the North Carolina gas tax but yet, prices here are now higher than in NC. I'm seeing prices adjust to even out the price gouging here so people won't complain as much. Instead of 2 or 3 gas stations charging $3.36 a gallon and one charging $3.70 like last Thursday, prices are equalizing around $3.99 to $4.09 a gallon. One station was charging $4.19 the other day and must have had no customers. They actually lowered their price back down to $4.00. One station was selling gas at $4.50 for regular unleaded. I heard gas stations were not supposed to be jacking up their prices a whole lot higher than what they paid for it. I heard the average margin per gallon is only 10 to 15 cents a gallon. I'll say the Citgo station on Thursday made a $2.50 price gouging fee off of me. I was thinking about buying gas and noticed one crowded station selling at $3.36, rather than drive back and wait in line when I only needed a few gallons, I got the $3.70 gas. I was the only one buying gas there that day. I didn't think it was worth the 2 or 3 dollars to drive back and wait in line. One day later, that station seemed to have reasonably prices because everyone else raised theirs up to about $4.00 a gallon. They did too. I have to wonder if everyone rips you off, is it no longer considered price gouging? It's a good thing strip clubs don't sell gas or it would be $15 a gallon. Lap dances not included.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    How far do you travel to visit a fave?
    I sometimes go to the beach which is 4 to 5 hours away and hit up the clubs in the evening. I don't know if that's the same thing though.
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    16 years ago
    How far do you travel to visit a fave?
    I have to travel an hour to get to any strip clubs so I usually hit up a few at a time or at least 2 good ones. One hour seems ok. I have travelled for up to 2 hours but I was going to a dancers house to visit her. She used to live only 1 hour away when I first knew her. I didn't let that 2 hour drive stop me at first but I only did that one or two more times at most. I apparently have an issue with driving 2 hours one way to see someone when I'm not getting that much out of the arrangement. She was pretty and in shape and very nice to me but calling me up on a week night when I typically have to go to work in the morning and asking if I can come by and go to a movie when she lives 2 hours away, I drew a line and said no thanks. 2 hours is too far away unless you're spending the night.
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    16 years ago
    Price gouging at the local gas stations
    Gas at one station went from $3.40 a gallon Thursday at noon to $3.65 by evening, then to $3.99 by Friday at noon. I know someone in Knoxville that said gasoline jumped to $4.89 a gallon overnight.
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    16 years ago
    I asked how often a guy gets off...
    I never have. I believe I tend not to relax very well in a public place where I believe several people or cameras may be watching. If I drink as well, then that just makes me feel a bit numb.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Ever wonder if a dancer just said she lives near you?
    I remember one dancer used to occasionally leave a club with me riding in my car. I didn't even realize several clubs didn't allow that. That wasn't any big deal though because she lived in the same city not too far away. I didn't live there but it seemed like I spent a lot of time there. Another dancer I knew once lived about 10 or so miles away from the club. After a couple of years she moved about an hour away. That sucked because she occasionally wanted me to visit and that was a good 2 hour drive from where I lived. I never knew any dancer who happened to live in the same town as me until recently.
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    16 years ago
    Off topic "beach trips during Hurricane season"
    Interesting, I would have been in the same location as Hanna is going to. Myrtle Beach. Hopefully her boyfriend Ike won't come looking for me since she was going to blow me. Hanna still managed to get me wet. I was walking to my car outside and a shower let loose. After a few minutes Hanna was done and leaving the area already.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Normal to call in and see if a dancer is working?
    I don't remember ever doing this. There have been a couple of times dancers I knew have called me and asked me to come to a club or asked me if I was planning on visiting a club. I have several dancers I like to see in the clubs so I never expect to see them all in one night. Plus if I'm not too busy, new dancers sometimes like to make an impression on me.
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    16 years ago
    Off topic "beach trips during Hurricane season"
    Hopefully the Hurricane bitches will suck on the hot dry air we've had over the upstate of South Carolina almost all year and dry up and go away. However what is the name "Ike" or something looks like a big bowling ball ready to knock something down. I'm thinking I may not go to the beach this year. I guess there is always Indian summer in October if I still feel like making a trip.
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    16 years ago
    Off topic "beach trips during Hurricane season"
    Good news for me, Hurricane Hanna is now projected to travel a bit more to the east. Good luck to the dancers working in Columbia, SC. Maybe it won't be too bad after it gets that far inland. Of course the path is still uncertain.
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    16 years ago
    Off topic "beach trips during Hurricane season"
    As far as Gustav goes, one tornado could have taken out the levee I saw in the news that had water lapping over the top. They got lucky.
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    16 years ago
    Off topic "beach trips during Hurricane season"
    Referring to the above supercell episode, one F5 tornado attacked a steel structure in a tower shape that was stated to be able to withstand 300 mph winds. It twisted it all around and stuck the top in the ground. At some railroad tracks, it picked up some 400 ton box cars and tossed them several feet away. I heard later on someone on board a large commercial airplane saw lightning hit the engines. He was wondering why it wasn't in the news that they plummeted several thousand feet before the pilot restarted the engines. I'm glad I didn't have that adventure.
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    16 years ago
    Off topic "beach trips during Hurricane season"
    You're not the only one. My first trip to the outer banks had a subtropical storm flare up and flood everything. I was traveling with my parents a lot when I was younger and we had a pop up camper. Unfortunately, all the campgrounds were flooded and we had to pay up and stay in a hotel. My father was not happy at all. Meanwhile after we got back home (just 200 miles away or so still in Eastern NC, it hadn't rained a drop.) I once experienced some violent wind shear aboard a large airplane. It felt like a roller coaster for a minute there and you could hear the metal of the airplane wings banging against another air layer after we suddenly dropped. I thought it was fun but my mother was scared we were all going to die. One night without traveling, I experienced the mother of all tornadoes. A supercell parked over my house when I was younger. It apparently spun off several tornadoes. Where I was at, the lightning became blaringly bright and nonstop for at least a few minutes. It was no longer flashing but just staying on. That scared me after I looked outside and realized I was temporarily blind. My vision came back. It's not necessarily bad luck, it's an adventure.
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Don't you hare it when you get an email or PM from a poster that you do not real
    You don't really know who they are either. It could be LE or another dancer trying to catch one of the other dancers to get rid of her. I don't know of any dancer who would like you to give out her real name and phone number to a stranger or to even be sharing that info to start with. I know I wouldn't like it if the dancers started sharing all the information they had on me. Unless of course she is hot and wants to have some fun. :) Now that I think about this, I need to ask one of my favorites what her club name is again. I only remember her real name.
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    16 years ago
    Volume Levels in Clubs
    Depending on what you like "small comfortable relaxing strip club environment" or "super loud, wanna dance hustle, and rock concert rowdy party atmosphere" you can make your selection in Greenville. I like both at different times. If my ears start ringing though, that is annoying. There was one time I visited the Club in Columbia and I swear a jet engine would have been quieter. If the strip club had been a business that OSHA regulated, they would have been required to have signs on the entrance of the building "HEARING PROTECTION REQUIRED" within the whole building.
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    16 years ago
    Volume Levels in Clubs
    It's a private club or hotel room key required but Greenville has a small club with some nice looking dancers without all the loud music problems. The DJ doesn't hardly even talk either except to announce who is on stage. That is Nepals. That may have something to do why some customers like it. You can relax and talk to the dancers without shouting.
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    16 years ago
    Volume Levels in Clubs
    In several locations in the Platinum Plus club in Greenville, you have to shout to be heard. I noticed I tend to not mind the music being loud if I like the songs being played but not being able to talk at all to a dancer without shouting is annoying. However I found a solution. Just don't buy lapdances or not that many. The other solution is to bring some ear plugs. The dancers are used to shouting in many areas and you can hear them shout with the ear plugs in. I thought Heartbreakers was very loud when I visited there as well. However I lucked out when I visited Platinum Plus in Columbia, I didn't think it was as loud as the Greenville club. I thought it was funny but possibly true when one guy said in his review "it's louder than a front seat row at Talladega". I thought the music was slightly down after that but it seems like it goes up and down. For some reason when they play music I like such as AC/DC Back in black, metallica or something, it doesn't seem as loud. Either that or I'm temporarily deaf and numb.
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    16 years ago
    Off topic "beach trips during Hurricane season"
    I decide to stay home due to what may become Hurricane Hanna but now they are projecting the storm to come straight to my house. That sucks. Maybe it will be weak when it gets here. I live pretty far inland. Some of my relatives may come to visit if it doesn't stay weak if they decide to evacuate. hmmm, would I want to go visit strip clubs if a tropical storm is here? I might decide to stay home.
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    16 years ago
    Off topic "beach trips during Hurricane season"
    On the bright side, when I travel somewhere, sometimes it seems more like an adventure rather than an ordinary trip. I've seen Mt. St. Helens erupting, tropical storms form right at my location and even a tornado form while at Cape Kennedy. The record breaking cold I experienced in Hawaii was actually pleasant. 55 degrees in Oahu felt good to me. They didn't even have meteorologists working on the local news. I heard the weather was usually always the same. I heard the local news warn locals not to talk about wind chill factors in Hawaii to the mainlanders who were experiencing temperatures a lot colder. I guess strippers and the weather are similar, you never know for sure what experience you're going to get.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Ever wonder if a dancer just said she lives near you?
    When gas prices were cheap, I remember I had two favorites that lived in different states that I routinely got dances from. One lived in southeastern NC and another lived in Alabama. I guess I shouldn't be surprised if a dancer only lives 50 miles away from a club. I really don't know if the one dancer lives here or not though, she told me she has stayed here before. Another dancer I know will be going back to the beach in a few weeks and stay for a few months. Myrtle Beach is a good 4 to 5.5 hour drive depending upon how fast someone drives. I guess hotel rates are going down again so that makes dancing at the beach more profitable again.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    A girl tells you she's thinking about becoming a dancer. What do you say?
    Now, I might say, "maybe you should stop by my house and show me what dance moves you have. I can critique your lap dances as well. I'd be willing to do this as a favor to you." Of course that all depends on how good she looks. I might have to reword that to be something like "if your boyfriend doesn't mind". Last thing I need is some jealous guy knocking on my door. Nah, I'd forget the boyfriend part, if she wants to come over she can. I can always ask questions later.