
Off topic "beach trips during Hurricane season"

If you plan on making a beach trip during prime hurricane season, do you make plans long ahead of time and go anyway or wait and see how the 7 day weather forecast is? Every time I even think about making a beach trip, storms seem to pop up like crazy. Not totally bad since we're still in a drought where I live. about 1.5 to 2 weeks ago when I first thought of a beach trip, no storms. A few days later, one major hurricane, one tropical storm that probably will be a hurricane and in the same area I wanted to visit at the same time, plus several more areas looking ready to develop and ready to come right back at me. These storms seem to be popping up like strippers trying to get a dance. I could have sworn the thunderstorms I had over my house last night and today looked more like hurricane Gustav related rain even though I live in South Carolina. The storm today was only over my house and neighborhood, weird.

Reminds me of when my brother-in-law was interviewing for jobs in Florida. Every time he went somewhere, a hurricane hit there within one week that year. He had 4 different interviews. Afterwards they all had to do hurricane cleanup. I remember I once had an interview in Norfolk. The guys from the base were trying to show me the town but what I saw was flooded streets and one intersection had the waves splashing up on peoples front doors from cars driving through flooded roads. Lightning even knocked out the radar at the airport. Storms seem like strippers sometimes. They come around when you don't want them but are nowhere to be seen when you do.


  • Clubber
    16 years ago
    I'll take hurricanes any day over other natural "disasters", and I've been through the worst. And yes, when you want one, they just don't seem to come and do their thing.
  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    On the bright side, when I travel somewhere, sometimes it seems more like an adventure rather than an ordinary trip. I've seen Mt. St. Helens erupting, tropical storms form right at my location and even a tornado form while at Cape Kennedy. The record breaking cold I experienced in Hawaii was actually pleasant. 55 degrees in Oahu felt good to me. They didn't even have meteorologists working on the local news. I heard the weather was usually always the same. I heard the local news warn locals not to talk about wind chill factors in Hawaii to the mainlanders who were experiencing temperatures a lot colder. I guess strippers and the weather are similar, you never know for sure what experience you're going to get.
  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    I decide to stay home due to what may become Hurricane Hanna but now they are projecting the storm to come straight to my house. That sucks. Maybe it will be weak when it gets here. I live pretty far inland. Some of my relatives may come to visit if it doesn't stay weak if they decide to evacuate. hmmm, would I want to go visit strip clubs if a tropical storm is here? I might decide to stay home.
  • Clubber
    16 years ago

    Hanna should be watched closely. Best of luck to you should she visit. And now there is another on her tail, not including "Ike". Of course, living in South Florida, unlike watching strippers, I watch all Storms.
  • Dudester
    16 years ago
    And I thought was the only one-casualguy-you and I have some hard luck trips. I was in L.A. for a 7.1 on the richter scale, lived through more flash floods than I care to remember, been through one tornado, five hurricanes, and had many non nature related bizarre surprises.
  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    You're not the only one. My first trip to the outer banks had a subtropical storm flare up and flood everything. I was traveling with my parents a lot when I was younger and we had a pop up camper. Unfortunately, all the campgrounds were flooded and we had to pay up and stay in a hotel. My father was not happy at all. Meanwhile after we got back home (just 200 miles away or so still in Eastern NC, it hadn't rained a drop.)

    I once experienced some violent wind shear aboard a large airplane. It felt like a roller coaster for a minute there and you could hear the metal of the airplane wings banging against another air layer after we suddenly dropped. I thought it was fun but my mother was scared we were all going to die.

    One night without traveling, I experienced the mother of all tornadoes. A supercell parked over my house when I was younger. It apparently spun off several tornadoes. Where I was at, the lightning became blaringly bright and nonstop for at least a few minutes. It was no longer flashing but just staying on. That scared me after I looked outside and realized I was temporarily blind. My vision came back. It's not necessarily bad luck, it's an adventure.
  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    Referring to the above supercell episode, one F5 tornado attacked a steel structure in a tower shape that was stated to be able to withstand 300 mph winds. It twisted it all around and stuck the top in the ground. At some railroad tracks, it picked up some 400 ton box cars and tossed them several feet away. I heard later on someone on board a large commercial airplane saw lightning hit the engines. He was wondering why it wasn't in the news that they plummeted several thousand feet before the pilot restarted the engines. I'm glad I didn't have that adventure.
  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    As far as Gustav goes, one tornado could have taken out the levee I saw in the news that had water lapping over the top. They got lucky.
  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    Good news for me, Hurricane Hanna is now projected to travel a bit more to the east. Good luck to the dancers working in Columbia, SC. Maybe it won't be too bad after it gets that far inland. Of course the path is still uncertain.
  • Clubber
    16 years ago

    We have a number coming this way, in any case. If I'm going to get a BJ, I'd prefer it in a club rather than from Mother Nature! She can be a bitch!
  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    Hopefully the Hurricane bitches will suck on the hot dry air we've had over the upstate of South Carolina almost all year and dry up and go away. However what is the name "Ike" or something looks like a big bowling ball ready to knock something down. I'm thinking I may not go to the beach this year. I guess there is always Indian summer in October if I still feel like making a trip.
  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    Interesting, I would have been in the same location as Hanna is going to. Myrtle Beach. Hopefully her boyfriend Ike won't come looking for me since she was going to blow me. Hanna still managed to get me wet. I was walking to my car outside and a shower let loose. After a few minutes Hanna was done and leaving the area already.
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