
Comments by casualguy (page 35)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Is your city out of gas?
    I've noticed people aren't complaining about the $4 dollar price for the gas anymore. I figure gas prices will drop as soon as the fuel problem goes away. Everyone can stay home and let the economy go down here to join up with the rest of the nation and then we won't be having these fuel problems anymore. I know of one gas station that has all three grades of gasoline. At least there weren't any bags over the pumps there.
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    16 years ago
    Is your city out of gas?
    I've been reading that officials are asking people here not to top off their tanks and not to get gas unless they've used up at least 1/4 of their fuel. I read the gas levels averaged about 50 percent of normal across the state. I believe the Greenville and upstate of South Carolina may have it worse. Someone told me Asheville was out of gas and it I didn't find any at a few Greenville stations either. My small town has some although it's still spotty.
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    16 years ago
    A letter to US senators
    I read today that the international finance system as we know it will be history if the US doesn't pass a bill. Apparently the rumour is that Chinese and others who loan money to the US say our current financial system will be finished if we don't back up Fannie and Freddie. However the guy posting the info stated that the Chinese and other asian countries got our manufacturing jobs in exchange for buying up US treasuries to keep the current cycle going where US consumers keep buying their products. The US is borrowing too much money from overseas. I agree this all started with the Clinton administration forcing Fannie and Freddie to make riskier loans to low income people to increase home ownership. Things were ok as long as the economy and house prices kept going up. However business cycles eventually go back down. You ever get the feeling we're all living on borrowed time with our nation in debt to our eyeballs or worse? It kind of sucks to work your whole life, save and be responsible, then have your government make a whole lot of bad loans to people who can't afford it when times turn worse. Then you either pay for it or risk having all your savings devalued or worse. I think there is a better way than the current bailout plan. I wouldn't be surprised if the Chinese and possibly others threatened to dump all their 1 trillion in US treasuries back at one time if we don't back up Fannie and Freddie and all the bad loans the Chinese and others bought. I finally got an inkling of why many of the rich were buying up physical gold. Our fiat money system will collapse as soon as faith in the system is gone.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Opinions Wanted
    2 years is fine. However if there are no reviews, you might want to keep at least one or two older reviews active if the club is still in business. I would wonder why no one rated it in the last 2 years though.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Is your city out of gas?
    What do you expect? I expect more people to go on the news complaining that FEMA should have known about this and been prepared to take care of us. They had years to prepare for this but look, all the gas stations are out of gas and people are wasting gas driving all over just trying to find it. Well, I might expect this if the situation happened somewhere near New Orleans since that is the complaint I keep hearing on the news whenever something doesn't go right. Instead of blaming the government here, we just complain and put up with it. This is really a situation the individual can't prepare too much for. I didn't go on vacation this week and I'm planning on staying home and not spending any money like I used to do. That's how I plan on coping with the situation.
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    16 years ago
    A letter to US senators
    The thought of US taxpayers being stuck with paying a rich foreign bank or individual overinflated prices for foreclosed homes makes me sick. The economy is getting worse here and we'll all have to pay alot more than most of us can afford at this rate.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    A letter to Dear esteemed Congressmen:
    I say senators should vote NO to bailing out large foreign banks with US taxpayer money. That is like robbing your kid or spouse to give money to a foreigner who made a bad investment in your neigborhood. Then the media spins it out of control saying it's the end of the world if you don't pay up. We've had recessions before. The bill probably will make it worse. Over 200 economists were opposed to it. I feel like there is a global conspiracy among a rich group spread throughout the world to make the US buy up and pay for all the bad investments foreign countries made. They reaped the benefits on their good investments but they want the US taxpayer to pay for their losses. Please tell your senator to vote NO for foreign bank bailouts.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Women club owners
    I've heard of a house mom or something like that but all the managers/owners I've seen have been men.
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    16 years ago
    A letter to Dear esteemed Congressmen:
    Well, based on socionomics, it looks like we will be saying President Obama in November like it or not. I heard Nancy Pelosi supposedly angered some Republicans giving out one of her partisan speeches like she often does. I've listened to her and I didn't know what party she was with, I just thought she was a major inflamation. I guess we do live in a democracy. I thought congress might vote in the bill regardless if a majority of the people were against it. Maybe instead of Bush giving a speech on why to support it, they should have had Obama and McCain giving a speech on why to support it and saying they did if they wanted it to pass.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Is your city out of gas?
    Hopefully, the panic searching and topping off will end by soon here in South Carolina. You do that when you stop at several gas stations and don't find it. I saw a video on weather.com where people follow fuel trucks and camp out in their cars at the gas stations for hours waiting for the station to open with fuel. I didn't wait in any line. A few stations in my small town now have gas with no lines. Getting better. I will wait to go on vacation, not due to gas shortage although that is still a concern. Delaying it because I don't want to be in another bike rally. Apparently it is Harley Davidson rally week at the beach this week.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Strippers do NOT get aroused by fondling their boobs?
    I've squeezed one girls nipples, not that hard, and every time I do that she says that feels good. Many other females don't seem to care one way or the other.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Just Asking
    I remember some strip clubs where I once lived had arcade games. If dancers went up on stage you didn't care about and you were sitting alone, made the time go away rather fast until things got more interesting in the club. That sure beats hoping the song ends fast so someone you're interested in goes up on stage. One club I occasionally visit even has 2 songs with nobody dancing on stage every hour while they do the 2 for one nude lap dance special in the back dance rooms. At least they do have tv's to watch.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    A letter to Dear esteemed Congressmen:
    If you're looking for blame, I think both the democrats and republicans and home owners are to blame. Credit expansions are followed by deflationary periods just like the credit expansion in the 1920's was followed by a deflationary period in the 1930's. This one is even worse though. I did see a funny comic strip. A guy was holding up a sign that said "The End Is Here!" or near or however those signs usually go. Then you see Bernanke and Paulson with dark circles around their eyes looking really scary. The guy with the sign says "Cut it out guys, you're scaring me!"
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Is your city out of gas?
    Good news, at least for me for now. I found some gas. The gas station closest to my house had a tanker at it last night. They opened up the regular unleaded pumps. All pumps were busy even though traffic is pretty light on a Sunday morning. They'll probably be out of gas again come evening. It gets you concerned when you drive over 50 miles and don't find any stations with gasoline for sale and you stop and look at all the stations you drive by. However I may be staying home in the future rather than worry about getting stranded. I hope the situation rapidly improves because I wanted to go on vacation.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Is your city out of gas?
    Last week we were lower than normal. This week we are out of gas. Either gas starts to flow this week to the stations or people run out of gas as soon as their tanks empty. We're all watching the gas line needles on our tanks now. No gas anywhere. I'm going to look again today for gas.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Houston Clubs Converting to Bikini Bars...
    I wonder how big a hit to the Texas economy this will result in? I could easily imagine millions of dollars in tax revenue were generated with all the business and the multiplier effect. The city of Houston won't ever be the same. Some politicians might have to laid off with future budget cuts. Lol, I wish.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    TUSCL convention 2007.
    It's kind of hard to plan any trips when you're wondering if there will even be any gas available anywhere. I looked all over and didn't find any for sale last night. I live in South Carolina.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    TUSCL convention 2007.
    I met a dancer from Atlanta tonight. She looked pretty good. It was almost closing time and she told me she hadn't had a dance and I would be her first. I declined though since I already had a few dances and didn't want to spend any more money. She told me business was really bad in Atlanta. Unfortunately, she probably wasted gas and money making a trip to Greenville, SC unless she found someone else that wanted a dance. I was more worried about the financial crisis last week. Now, I'm worried we won't have any gas here at all. I didn't find any last night at every gas station I stopped at during a 50 mile trip. I heard Asheville, NC was out. Greenville, SC looks to be out. I wouldn't be surprised if Columbia, SC was about out too. Talk about hurting the economy, nobody will even be able to go to work, let alone a strip club if we don't have gas. Traffic was a lot lighter tonight. I didn't realize the last stations were running out of gas.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Hefner Credit Crunch?
    Maybe Hefner just needs to send some playmates over to Warren Buffet to get some credit. Maybe he could talk to some rich oil tycoons or to Donald Trump. I heard Trump supports either Miss Universe or Miss USA. Buffet would probably know how to run the business and make a better profit.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult
    Authorities seek to clean-up bikini coffee stands
    Advertisement: Come to Seattle "Drug deals going down, robbers breaking into homes and cars, people jaywalking across the street, hey it's a free for all, the cops are too busy watching the girls in bikinis." Really though I am glad to see some cities have plenty of money and they can afford to hire police to watch girls in bikinis and even conduct extensive investigations. I'm just glad I'm not paying their taxes to support all of that. It's things like that that remind me of one crazy mayor in a small town not far from me. I saw on the news where she looked crazy in response to a reporter coming to ask her some questions. She made it sound like she was on welfare even though she was the mayor. The reporter came to ask why she didn't allow the cops to chase after robbery suspects. She issued a new policy that police could not chase after criminals. A police officer hurt his foot chasing someone and was collecting workers comp which was driving up costs for the city. Anyway,she dropped that policy recently. But then I read in the paper that she didn't think cops should be chasing after someone for merely having crack cocaine because she didn't think that was a crime. Not a crime? She is crazy. Sometimes I think what is considered criminal activity is only in the eye of the local crazy people. Someone thinks wearing bikinis while serving coffee should be a crime, then they have police conduct investigations. Someone else thinks merely having crack cocaine is not a crime, she orders police not to chase after criminals if they run. By the way, she dropped that policy and said the police could jump, run, jog, whatever they want to do while chasing after criminals now.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    We've been robbed by congress
    I don't know if anyone cares about a solution to this mess but I got emailed a solution. I found a link here. http://www.moneymorning.com/2008/09/25/credit-crisis-5/ It spells out in more detail than I care to study how to fix everything. I think only 1 percent of the population even wants to know all the details. I don't believe congress would be in that 1 percent so that is scary. Of course it wouldn't be the first time congress passes laws that they know nothing about.
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    16 years ago
    A letter to Dear esteemed Congressmen:
    Here's a good commentary on the situation. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MO6P_yjKFR4 In another video the same guy presents solutions. I'm personally starting to wonder what is the possibility of my brokerage account defaulting if banks and insurance companies go down in a large group in the worst financial disaster we've ever seen. I do like to plan for worst case but this worst case looks bad. I'm thinking our government won't be able to stop a business cycle and things will get bad if not sooner than later. Depression 2010 or 2012 here we come. Studying socionomics if that is the correct name, the call to go to war due to a mass pessimistic mood within a couple of years of the bottom of this downturn probably will happen due to the herd mentality. Whoever is president, Obama, McCain, I don't think it will matter. I'd vote no for this bill but offer some kind of carrot to the markets so it doesn't dive for at least a couple of weeks. I'm hoping it doesn't go down that quickly. Oh well, when you get robbed, it's a sickening feeling. It doesn't make me feel that much better to be robbed with everyone else.
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    16 years ago
    A letter to Dear esteemed Congressmen:
    Still no check for 15 million, I'm disappointed. I did hear some talk about limiting executive compensation. However King Paulsen I believe said that might stop his banking buddies from getting the bailouts they may need. Don't worry about the 700 billion number. It will grow into trillions as foreign banks sell back their bad stuff back to us and it gets written off. Then, that amount can be written off or devalued so the 700 billion number limit never becomes a big issue. What I'm more concerned about now is what would really happen if we had a financial meltdown? Would our money be devalued so much it would be almost worthless or not really that bad? Apparently some in congress don't think it would be that bad and don't see as great a need to rush anything. I'm concerned King Paulsen may be creating a bigger problem by creating the authority to immediately devalue all bank stocks if he deems them to be a financial risk. Kind of like saying Ted Kennedy is a terrorist because he was once on the "not allowed to fly list" that was issued by the government. I'm wondering now if all money market funds are locked up for 7 days as well. I heard someone say that but I don't know if it's true. Oh well, I read we were only 500 trades from a meltdown on Thursday or the markets would have been shut down as the markets would have crashed to 8300 on the Dow. I'm not really sure about 8300 but I read that somewhere. It is disgusting that people not involved with the financial mess are going to pay for it but what is the alternative? I originally thought it was great that the banks spread the pain around the world but now it's all coming back here it appears. I guess that one trillion dollars that China holds persuaded someone to honor Freddie and Fannie and now this bailout instead of letting everyone else realize the small disclaimer on investments that sounds like "investing carries a risk".
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Price gouging at the local gas stations
    I feel like I'm getting value out of almost every dollar I spend in a strip club even when I'm tipping a dancer. Not 100 percent of the time but about 97 percent of the time. Spending an extra 20 cents per gallon at the gas station seems to be a total waste. I did such a thing the other day not realizing gas prices dropped at the one station that originally charged more than everyone else. Still I only got 6 gallons of gas after driving back and forth to work all week and a trip back from the strip clubs where I had last fueled up. I only wasted about $1.20. It might seem silly complaining about that but I like to make every dollar count. That could have been 30 seconds to a minute or two of a nice looking pussy in my face instead. :) When you compare it to that, gas prices are outrageous. Maybe the gas stations need to add porn movies or a stripper on a pole dancing while the gas is pumping out to make us feel like we're getting our money's worth.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    A letter to Dear esteemed Congressmen:
    I haven't actually sent the above letter but if any congressmen read this, I could use a 15 million compensation package. Sounds like a plan to me.