Credit for reviews

avatar for emmett
I don't get to visit SCs as often as I would like. I find TUSCL a useful site and check in daily. So what I tend to do is to save up my reviews, posting one when necessary to gain access to the reviews. Assuming other reviewers do the same thing, the information being posted isn't as timely as it could be.

So here's my question (to the founder): Instead of giving posters one month of access (or whatever it is) after the last posted review, how about giving one month of credit per review, which then accumulates? That would encourage more timely, and therefore more accurate, information. This is especially relevant given the change in the rating system, to value more recent reviews.

(Or does it already work this way and I just don't know it?)


last comment
The more reviews that you post, the longer your "free" membership will last until. Mine, right now, lasts until around September of 2010. You can post reviews for the same club only so often (once per month?) in order to get credit, but they will still likely get published if you post them more frequently for the same club.

So, in short, don't wait to post those away & contribute! :)
avatar for casualguy
16 years ago
Yes, post your review right away. No need to wait. I have enough credit built up I could still have free membership until 2011 without posting another review.
avatar for racejeff
16 years ago
As already said ti works like you want it.

To check your length of credit go to the My Page link at the top of every page.
emmett that is the way it used to work until one member in So. Fla fucked it up. He was submitting 3 reviews a week for 3 clubs in his area. All of His reviews were 10's based upon his perception of what "potential" was. He amased something like 117 reviews in only six months. Yea, You know who you are. This guy shot to the top 40 members with the most reviews. Founder is no dummy. He recognized what this guy was doing and changed the system to what we have now. I agree that the newest info is the best but 4 weeks old is not all that bad and if you think that you have some really hot info to share with the rest of us, you can still submit the review but won't get credit for it until after 4 weeks have passed from the last one on the same club. I currently have 2 reviews to submit but I have to wait 4 more days to get immediate credit. 5 or 6 days old is still good info.
avatar for casualguy
16 years ago
and if you want to, you can submit another review within 4 weeks even though you won't get additional credit for it. You do see a warning message. I've got credit up to the year 2011. If you want to post another review based on some new information, you don't have to wait 4 weeks. However if you only visit strip clubs once or month or less frequently, you might want all the credit you can get.

seems like everyone beat me to the answer, but what they say is true. You can post reviews as often as you like for different clubs. If you post for the same club we ask you to wait 4 weeks. If there is a compelling reason to post 2 reviews for the same club in less than 4 weeks, drop me an email. I can make manual adjustments to VIP time.

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