
Stripper Name Categories

Book Guy
I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
Monday, September 18, 2006 11:33 AM
I have personally met all of these. The point of this list is the interesting categories into which they fall, not so much to create an exhaustive compendium. I might try that some other time ... :) ... 1. Geographical Locations in the North America, primarily the West Cheyenne, Sierra, Montana, Arizona, Laredo, Austin, California, Phoenix, Nevada, Vegas, Winona 2. Geographical Locations in Europe Paris, Moscow, London, Rome, Athens, Kiev, Romania, Austria, Vienna, Madrid, Copenhagen 3. Geographical Locations Elsewhere Samarra, Kenya, Arabia, Bangkok, Sydney, Adelaide, Burma 4. Spicy Foodstuffs Ginger, Cinnamon, Spice, Pepper, Cayenne, Jalapeno, Saffron 5. Sweet Foodstuffs Cake, Candy, Sweets, Honey, Chocolate, Tira Misu, Juicy, Jelly, Gumdrop 6. Bodily Actions Jiggle, Shake, Wiggle, Swerve, Curve, Dancy, Kick, Puncher, Thumper, Jumper, Landing, Backup, Shake, Handy, Stroke, Move, Flex, Cuddle, Snuggles 7. Precious and Semi-Precious Materials Diamond, Jade, Ebony, Sapphire, Emerald, Ruby, Chrome, Copper, Gold, Platinum, Steel, Amethyst, Myrrh, Money, Bucks, Bling 8. Clothing, especially lingerie Lace, Lacey, Teddy, Skirt, Dressy, Mink, Button, Stockings 9. Celebrities Judy Garland, Princess Di, Coco, Jojo, Kiki, Halley, Haley 10. Common Female Names Judy, Annie, Mary, Mary Jane, Leslie, Jennifer, Barbie, Hannah, Fay, Lilla, Laura, Chloe, Regan 11. Typical Male Names in Female Form Billie, Bobbie, Jimmie, Freddie, Joey, Willie, Mikey 12. Classical Goddesses Athena, Virgo, Minerva, Aphrodite, Venus, Juno, Freya, Arcadia, Clio, Thalia 13. Body Parts Legs, Footsie, Hipper, Bellie, Nips, Finger, Eyelash 14. Affections of Approval Hot, Hotsie, Sexy, Coolie, Beauty, Nice-nice, Excellence, Indescribable, Irresistible, Gotta, Wanna, Gimme, Likey-likey, Luvey 15. Automobiles Camaro, Mustang, Edsel, Model T, Speedster, Coupe, Duster 16. Animals Puma, Jaguar, Cheetah, Seagull, Eagle, Puppy, Kitten, Cat, 17. Plants and Flowers Daisy, Flower, Willow, Rose, Rosie, Petunia 18. Combinations of the Above Diamond Annie, Athena Sweets, Montana Spice


  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    Other unstripper names: Hepsebah, Sophronsiba, Euphronia, Augusta, and the nine muses of course (Erato, Euphrosyne, Thalia, Polyhymnia, Calliope, Terpsichore, Melpomene, Clio, Urania -- actually, I've met a Cleo, can imagine a Thalia, and Eroto or Erotico would work fine). Other feminine things that wouldn't work as stripper names: Tampon, PMS, Cramp Cramps Cramper Crampy, Migraine, Douche, Pap Smear, Cellulite, Aspirin, Midol, Flo, Menstrua, Implantica, Transexualia, Transvestitia ...
  • pieman469
    18 years ago
    This is/has been an entertaining discussion. I have at times been amused by various dancers' choice of stagenames. I have encountered many of the names listed here. But what about names that never get used? Here are some female names I've never heard used by strippers: Gertrude, Maude Earl, Hildegarde, Geraldine, Bathsheba, Glenda, Blanche, Edwina anyone care to add to the list?
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    ROFL. "Does he only call me when he wants to fuck me?" ROFL. Ah, and I thought the power dynamics and fantasies of chick-think were difficult for MEN to fathom and live through ... imagine how difficult it must be to have them going on IN YOUR OWN HEAD!
  • DandyDan
    18 years ago
    So what category does Trouble fit into? Is Trouble a category unto herself (itself)?
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    Summer. I think Summer is the most common stripper name. Then Ebony. But there are more Ebony-named girls at dive clubs which most of us don't frequent, so there's probably a disparity in sampling.
    18 years ago
    I wonder what name is most common. Is there a club anywhere in the US that doesn't have a Tiffany? I've also met a lot of Taylors and Kimberlys.
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    I believe I have forgotten 99 percent of all the names I have heard. With that list above, it's no wonder.
  • Mickkeyc
    18 years ago
    Edsel? That is a good one!
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    And yet another category: Celestial and Meteorological Terms Moon, Sunny, Stormy, Rain, Windy, Raine Cloude, Tornado, Galaxy, Star, Chinook, Mistral, Scirocco, (Winter, Summer, Autumn mentioned in seasons)
  • minnow
    18 years ago
    Quite a list there, I'll add: 1) Categories Seasons(Summer, Winter, Autumn) Months ( April, May, June, August). 2) More Names- India, China(Countries) , Peaches (Sweet Foods) Bon Apetit!
  • chitownlawyer
    18 years ago
    Also, for those of us who appreciate irony and sarcasm...where's Chastity?
  • chitownlawyer
    18 years ago
    I certainly commend you industry in gathering all the names, and your ingenuity in arranging the taxonomy thereof. However, I can't believe you missed the most stereotypical dancer name of all...Destiny.
  • jacksheet
    18 years ago
    cars..you forgot the best ones....mercedes, porche, lexus
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    Nutra System
  • AbbieNormal
    18 years ago
    Top 10: Least Popular Stripper Names 10. Jen DerMystique 9. Chesty LaDude 8. S. Phyllis 6. Trailer Park Tammy 5. Crusty Buns 4. Georgina Bush 3. Condi Gone Wild Rice 2. Dick Chain Me 1. Shirley Aman Another, actually from Letterman; 10. Ginger Vitis 9. Stripper Gore 8 Mrs. Charlie Sheen 7. Stanley Cups 6. Lois the Letterman Look-a-like 5. H. Rose Perot 4. Sue Dafed 3. Yogi Bare-Ass 2. Nude Gingrich 1 Tammy Lasorda
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    Nasty and Trouble are not negatives in a strip club. They're what guys are looking for.
    18 years ago
    How about negative names like "Nasty" and "Trouble." I know I've run into some of them. My ATF would have been a good Trouble.
  • DailyGrind
    18 years ago
    LOL, BG. *prefacing each with "And now, welcome to the stage...this is the lovely _____". DG
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    Calico. Where do you put calico? Is that an animal (calico cat) or a clothing (lace, calico, gingham, kakhi, denim ...)? I will certainly get a dance from the first girl I ever meet named Seersucker! :)
    18 years ago
    I'd put Trouble in category 14. I also think we need a category for girls who use their real names. I've known several who did that including my ATF. But you probably see more of that in small-town neighborhood places because the girls are often dancing near where they live and assume that a lot of guys are going to know who they are anyway so what's the point. And yes I have met a lot of strippers named Summer. She and Tiffany are often good friends.
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