A warning to Dougster. hoo...hoo...

avatar for rickthevulture
hoo...hoo.... rickdugan, or rickthehairlessape as I refer to him, has warned me about you. You are currently viewed as an enemy of the council of ricks. The council of ricks comprises the smartest and most badass members of the planet's biota. hoo...hoo...

hoo...hoo... The council of ricks has devised sure ways of paying hookers for sex. They work at least 35% of the time. Why can't you simply take a step back and congratulate us for our accomplishments. hoo...hoo...

hoo...hoo... The ricks are nothing if not magnanimous. If you fall in line behind the ricks all will be forgiven. hoo...hoo...

hoo...hoo... Do any of you know a sexy female hairless ape that likes to like raptor cloaca and let owls deposit their pellets on her? With all of the world events taking up the ricks' time I am pretty tightly wound. Perhaps John Smith could introduce me to his dream stripper. hoo...hoo...


last comment
avatar for crazyjoe
9 years ago
Good work
avatar for crazyjoe
9 years ago
avatar for motorhead
9 years ago

Rick the Woolly Mammoth is closer than you think.

Scientists say they are at least close to cloning a woolly mammoth / Asian elephant hybrid. He will become council president.
avatar for mikeya02
9 years ago
hoo, hoo is the lamest act ever? Zipman, that's hoo hoo
avatar for zipman68
9 years ago
It's cute that Mikey and tittyfag are so obsessed with me. I bet they had no sunshine in their lives when I was gone!

I do like the guy pretending to be an owl posting to a pretend vultures account. HI-lar-EE-ous!!!

It ain't me but I still dig it. Probably the same guy as the lion, assuming he still posts. That is a hoot 'n a holler!
avatar for Hugh_G_Rection
9 years ago
How to handle vultures and owls:

1) Fill Super Super soaker with Habenero juice. Make sure you wear appropriate eye protection

2) Target the Cloaca with stream of Habenero juice.

3) Bird is now helpless on the ground.

Give a Hoot- Don't Pollute our forum!
avatar for zipman68
9 years ago
Tittyfag, thems big woids fer a varmint whut posts on tha interwebs as a straight man pretendin' to be gay.

O' course, it all makes sense when we consider the fact that you actually are gay, albeit closeted. Mikey sent me a long PM confessing that you've shared that love that dare not speak its name wit' him.
avatar for Dougster
9 years ago
???? I don't get it ??????
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