avatar for ebobrian

Comments by ebobrian

review comment
4 years ago
avatar for StudlyJohn
new name
I stopped in this club about 10 days ago and can confirm Moochie's is the new name. My experience was very similar. There were a dozen dancer's names on the board and all were AA and most were "plus size". Only a few patrons in the bar. I had one drink and left as all of the mentioned clubs were closed that evening as well.
discussion comment
4 years ago
avatar for gammanu95
Have you ever tried to stick a silver dollar into a stripper's G-string?
OT: Infection v vaccination
I have received both shots (Pfizer). The only side effects were tiredness the evening after each shot along with tenderness at the injection site (and that lasted about 24 hours). No other issues....looking forward to being back!!
review comment
4 years ago
avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb
Follies Day Shift at Vivide.
You have to love a review by Shadowcat! The only review I've ever read that details a square footage comparison! Thanks for the insights.
discussion comment
4 years ago
avatar for Jacob007
Which states strip clubs are open?
Illinois clubs are also closed at this time.
discussion comment
6 years ago
avatar for Smalltowncpl
Paris TN clubs
The state of Tennessee closed them all down a number of years ago.
discussion comment
6 years ago
avatar for goldmongerATL
The Square Above Charlie Weaver
Fuck Rooms
At one club I heard them called "the boom-boom room".
discussion comment
7 years ago
avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb
Washington Park 2AMer.
It's not one the the Washington Park strip clubs......but it is pretty close proximity (1-2 blocks) from Wise Guys, Cheeks, and C-Mowe's. Probably 3/4 of a mile from Dollies and Blondies.
discussion comment
9 years ago
avatar for goldmongerATL
The Square Above Charlie Weaver
Top Ten clubs that are no longer with us.
There were a number of interesting ones on the Illinois side of the river just outside St. Louis: The Red Garter up in Brooklyn, IL......was eventually raided and closed. Also Main Street, Cheeks, and Exposed were all owned by the same guy until the feds got him for money laundering and other crimes. Main Street and Cheeks both have re-open but probably a decade after being shut down (and a different owner).
discussion comment
11 years ago
avatar for steve229
The "Naughty Corner"
Boom-boom room!
discussion comment
11 years ago
avatar for 54kevin
Best opening line from a dancer
Shortly after sitting down at the bar......(gives me the handshake) then adds "has anyone taken care of you yet"?
discussion comment
15 years ago
avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb
Wanna Dance?
Has anybody taken care of you yet?
discussion comment
16 years ago
avatar for deogol
Founder - I like the new look
I would like to see the rating number for the visit also listed on the front page. It helps me decide which reviews I want to look at.
discussion comment
16 years ago
avatar for hoops3332
New Look?
I throw my two cents worth in on the changes. I prefer the old set-up. The review rating was listed and I could decide whether or not I wanted to read the review based upon the number. The review listing was also easier to read in the previous format. While I agree that we are reluctant to accept change, it also is not necessary to change just for the sake of change.
discussion comment
16 years ago
avatar for snowtime
Favorite "closed" club
I have to echo some of Cougars choices....Red Garter in East St. Louis. Only visited once but it was great! He also mentioned the Chameleon which burned down. I would like to add Main Street, Cheeks, and Exposed to his list (all in this area). Same owner (went to jail) but great low cost grind on your lap at the stage clubs. In Chicago, the Picadilly Circus in Lyons. Closed sometime in the 90's. Girls had "dorm rooms" where they would take you for private dances and everything was available.
discussion comment
16 years ago
avatar for giveitayank
your age and number of years "clubbing"
I'm 52 and have been visiting strip clubs for 30 years or so. First visited when I was 16 (combination of looking older than I was and the management didn't care too much). Have a few that I visit regularly plus like to try some others every so often.
review comment
8 years ago
avatar for Juneejee
Hit or Miss
He meant "amateur" night on Monday. ;)
review comment
10 years ago
avatar for Helpmrhappy
Wise Guys has been a really...
sounds like an advertisement instead of a review.