The "Naughty Corner"

My new fav and I are walking back to the lapdance area and as we pass another dancer she gives us a knowing look and says "On your way to the naughty corner, eh?" lolÂ
So, what other names have you heard for the lap dance/VIP area? Â
last commentI had one favorite that referred to it as "Going on a field trip". :)
@Shadow-I heard that one! These two strippers use to sing "Love Shack" to one another whenever one would go to VIP.
I had one call it Dark Shadows.
@shadow: "Going on a field trip"
Boom-boom room!
Romper room, adult version. Who's old enough to get that reference?
I like it when a dancer says "welcome to my office... now let's get down to business!"
There are only 2 tiny lap dance closets at my club, side by side peices of plywood ... well the one on the left is'nt as private as the one on the right ... so I always try to get the right side or wait for it instead of giving the same high mileage dance for everyone in the club to see ... most of the other dancers perfer the closet on the right too, we know when someone's getting a dance in the right booth thats the "naughty corner"
There are only 2 tiny lap dance closets at my club, side by side peices of plywood ... well the one on the left is'nt as private as the one on the right ... so I always try to get the right side or wait for it instead of giving the same high mileage dance for everyone in the club to see ... most of the other dancers perfer the closet on the right too, we know that when someone's getting a dance in the right booth thats the "naughty corner"
sorry to post twice ... yes i use "the step into my office" often ... i also say "lets go get hot and heavy in the closet" ... leading them to the closet on the right :)
she laughed when i said "let's go just do it."
just going back for bible studies
"Romper room, adult version. Who's old enough to get that reference?"
I had Miss Nancy.
(but some large cities had their own local versions)
Boom Boom room in reference to VIP/CR
Passion Pit has been used.
I usually ask for the most private spot in the club.
the black hole
Unfortunately, I remember Romper Room, and the first version of Captain Kangaroo, Howdy Doody, Bozo the Clown and first run Lone Rangers. Oh, and The Adventures of Robin Hood with Richard Greene.
space mountain
Is she going with you to the naughty corner or is it just for masturbating?
At one of my old favorite clubs, you had to go up the stairs to the lap dance area, so naturally, someone called the steps "Stairway to Heaven", so therefore, the lap dance area was "Heaven".
WE call it the dna receptacle.